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Foreign News: Mexico

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The following important letter is from the N. O. Republicanj Vera Cruz, July 3, 1845. Dear Rir - An extra session of the Mexican Conyress has been callod by the Presi (leut, totnkeinto consideration the alTairs of Texns and the United States. The resul, of this will be, beyond any manner of doubt, a declaration of war. The day fixed for the meeting of the Congress was the lst July, consequently by the next mail from Mexico, we shall receive the news of its instaflation. Nothing will be done in the woy of a declaration of wár uíjtil the official news of thn action of 4th of July Conventiori is rec'eived. whitfh news will be brooght immediately by the British frigate Eurydice, t is nupposed. Government makes no great bluster aboul war, but at the same" time is making active preparaüons secretly, of a most errergetic nature, as I nm a&sured by t!iose who know is going on. The intention is to send thrty Ihovsand men to Texns, and with this object orders hífce been givcn Gen. Paredes, Commander-irt chief of the cantoon, stationed at Lñgos, to fhnrch with all his troops to San Louis Potosí. The number of these troops iö said by some to be 5,000 men, and by some 7,000- cannot say certa inly. The greatest actrvrty is employed in the furtification of Vera Cruz, and the Castleof San Juan de Üloa. The fleet left this place on the ISth uit., destiny unfcnown, &. hos not yet made its appearance, much to the onnoyance of American citizens, who feel qu-te uneasy at the entire absence of all succor at a time tfhen they are sure 10 need it.Gen. Almonle has be6W veiy warlike sinc his return, and preaches up "war to the ícnifp and Yankee annihilation." Ti appears tha he recommends very strongfy the issoe of let Iers oj marque and has brrnighf, it is 6a'u fronn the United Stutes, a copy of the doei ments which were gfanted ío prirateers by ou government during the war. You may rest assured of one thing, that i the Annexation is consummated on the 4th o July, that war wil] be tbc resul t of it, and tha mmedialely. Some few eliouts of Federation by th troops, but merely insignificant. The peopl nre universally n favor of Federaliím, bu they do not want it to come m a revolutiona ry form. Youra truly", C. M. GERMANY. R.ONGK AND THK CaTHOLIC CllÜRCH. - Th progrss of this great reformer is etill oí ward, in Germany. The first Councjl of h; or the Germán Catholte Church, as it is cali ed, in oppoj-ition o the Church of ílome, wa recenl'y heldat Leipzig. We tianslate, fron the de Lyon, the remarks of tha sheet. In giving these proceedings publicitv it says of ihem: "We pnblish, today, the proceedings o the Councií of Leipzig, the first of the Ger man Cathoüc Church; and we do so becaus it appears to us useftil t o present for examina tion these first decisions of a new church, da ly excending, which may give iis name to a epoch, and in all cases must exercisf an in fluence over those mind& preoecupied witli re ligious affairs. The following subjeets wer before the Council: lst, The revisión o worship; 2d, Th nmeliontron of education 3d,The abolition of celibacy. Id Míe discussio which aróse npon the last article, the cumit Haïin, tho vvas seventy s'x years oíd, said 'I shall not be necusd of a design to rnarrj but my long experience detíírmined me to vot for thtrabohtion of Celibacy." "All this movrnient in Germany," says th Gazcttedc Frunce, "is n imitati n of wha fhe abbe Chate wished to accomplifil i Francc' The editor of the Cengeur de Lyon, speak ing of llie Rouge movemeiri, adde: VVe said, in one of our former articles thal f tliis reform reached Francey t would ente '.hroiígh the Rhenisl Provinccs. TUat prophecy has now becorne historyj for thr oitizens of Saargucmines have organiznd a C'ttkolic Christittn Charch, separate from Rome. This news Ims produced much sensa t jou at Metz; and thfc reform sccnïs vse extensión to Lorraine Inferieure, where esuiusm is now strongly organized."- Pilot. CHINA. The following ex'iract from a priVuté letter 'rom Hong-Kong, o' March 6, 1840, has beeu ublislied in I he Üiiion: - "You wil) be plensed to hsnr that opiata enn o loriger rtvolve uain China, ft is openly dmlttéd at port, nad' iètried dliöut the treets. fu favl it ís Ipgalized to all' int nis nd1 porposes, tíüt they ore ashanned to pnblisli . 1he trode of Gaiitort1 fop the losi year xceeded al) prévious expériertce, notvithInnding the otlier four poits, and tho Ecn eror ,'ained a revenue of 2,500,000 dollars om ihnt port alone. A't Shnnghoi, 33 6hip? re recorded dn 184-5. The impetüft givn to our cotton roanufnctiires is very great, nd the demiind yet unsupplied.''


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