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Hear The Southern Whigs

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The Charleston Courier, the organ o Whiggeryin South Carolina, said las year: "In times of high party excitement, nnri pspecially inseclions where the gre:itpolitica I paríies whioh divide the people of the Union are nenrly at nn equipoise, both par lies tcill play and do tl a y for the A bolt f ion vote AS"A MERE MAKI5W E I G H T 1 N T H E G A M E. Thcy use the AboliUonisls FOR PARTY PURPOSES, that's all, and accordingly we Hnd tliat thereare Abulitionists and reviling enemies of Southern Slavery in both porties." This revelation from the Southern Whigs of the policy f their norihern brethren should not be disregarded. - VVill the friends of Liberty suffer the Whigs of Michigan to use them as ;'a mere make-weight" to defeat the Democrats? The Detroit Advertiser asks us to "help the Wiugs to defeat the i'ro-slaveuy Locofocos." That tells ihe wliole story in a single sentence. - They care nothing about the Liberty principies, but they want Liberty votes to help "defeat the Locofocos!" Shall we suffer ourselves to be made into mere cat's-paws, vhen lhose who wish to use us as such, have been foolish enough to nnnouncc in advance their real object?Q51 Gov. Hammond, of South Curolinn niks very valnntly for the Slaveholder.s. li nis letter to Clarkson he says: "The South s tinder no sucii delusion o to believe that it desiresany peculiar protec Mon fronilhe Umo.n. On tho cniurary it i well known that we incur peculiar danger ant that we bear far more than our proponion o the burdeiis. The apprehensfoii is also fas fnding nway thni ony oí" liin dreadful conse qnences commoulv predicted wil! necessarih result from a separatinn of the states. Ar COMK WHAT MAT, WK ARK FIR1WLY RBSOLVRD THAT OUR SVSTKM OF POMKSTIC 6LAVERY silAl.I. STAND." "The American Slaveholders, coIlertiveU nr individually, ask no favors of ony man o rare who iread ilieearth. In none of the at iribues of man. mental or jhypici!, do thev rlinnwlcdpe r fear superiority elsewhere. - They star.d ín the brondest light of the knnwledgre. civilizntion nnd improvenwnt of tht ne, as mnch fnvored of [leaven as any of the íons of Adain.'? CCf ütir readers wilj remember that our paper s desipnedfor all classes in the commu nity, nnd mnsl, therefore, contnin matiers which will in'erest all. Were thev a-1 educa!ed al enligo, or were they nll day lahoreri.-, with only ednration enotii;h to undersinnd Uif phiinest narrativo, we mijrlit moke eelectioniaccordinjly. So if they were nll men, or nl! women, or all chiltlrcn, w.6 inight adapt our selves to the peculiar circuniftance6 of eilher cIhfs. But now we sre to pleaae and benefn ii 11 ihese classes at once. Henee ench reader fhould benr in mind that nn nrticle wiihont interest to him, mny be hiphly profitahle tri ntbörs. In üke mnnner we must let allsorts óf minds wrile, if we would reach all sorts of readers. Or3 Bliick-í'one, in his Coinmentarie on the laws of England, enys that nmongthe variety of actions men we'e daily hable to commit, no bss than one hundred and sixty hao jeen declared by Parliarntrnt to be cap'ual fel onies, or worthy of instant denth. Amonp hese capital crimes, he mentions Uie bronkinjr lown the mound of a ii.-h pond, so that any ish can escape, and the cuttingdowo of a cherry tree in nn orchard. But accordine to latemente of the Enjjlish Prison Discipline Soeietiee. rteath, thongh nominnlly awaroed, i how actuiilly inflicted for no crime excepl murder.


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