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War With Mexico!

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The last íidvices froin Mexico seem to render n war whh ihat country very probable, ït will be perceivcd by the following Mexican doeuments, that the Exccutivc of Mexico had fully delenr.ined on war. and had nssembled Congress for ihe purpose of obtuining iheir consent and cO'operntion. The minister García Conde, says the Mexican government "will to-morrow, (July 17th) communicate to Congress a declaration of war" - uthat the supreme government has resolved upon a declaration of wnr." OFFICE OF WAR AND MARINE. SECTIONS OP OPERATIONS. Circular. - The United States have consummateó the perfidy ogainst Mexico, by sanctioningthe decree which declares the annexation of the department or Texas lo thftt Republic. The injustice of thnt Usurpa tion is apparent, and Mexico cannot tolérate such a grave injury without making an eflbrt to prove to the United States the possibility of herability to cause her rightsto be respected. With this object the Supreme Government has resolved upon a declaration of war agninst that power, seeing that our forbearance, instead of being received as proof ofour friendly dísposilion, has been interpreted info nn acknowledged mpossibility on our part to carry on a successful war. Such an error on the part of the" United States will be ndvnntngeous to Mexico: suddenly abandoning its pacific attitude, it will to-morrow communicate to Congress the declaration of war, and excite the patriotísm of ts citizens to sustain the dignity of the nation and the integrity of its territory, now treaclierously attacked, in utter disregard of all guaranlies recognized in this enlightened age. You will readily appreciate the importnnee of this subject, and the necessitiy of preparing the troops under your cornmand to march toward nny place which may rerjuire proteclion against these most uhjüst aggressions.I am direcled by tho provincial President to enjoin upon general-inchief of your división, and ns cilizen of tbis republic, to hold yourself in readiness to repel thoses whoseek the ruin of Mexico. The governmont is oceupied. in covering the points on the frontiers, and in collerting tíie necessary ineans so that nothng mny be wanting to thoss whose glory it will be to defend the sacred riglits of their country. I have the honor to communícate to your inlelligence, and to direct yourconduct. God and Liberly. - Mexico, July 16, 1845. GARCÍA CONDE. The following circular is addressed for the subordínate officers of the War Department. "Most Excellent Skkior. - It being necessary that the froops of the line should cover the frontiers of the Republic, and march towarcls Texas to oonquer that department now usurped by the U. S. his excellency the President ndSnterim, bas commanded me to transmit you this note to excite the zeal and patriotism of the Gevernors, that they place under arms in their respective dist ricts all the force which can be collected in defence of the laws, to be ready to serve as a safe-guard of their respective departments, according to the decree of the 4th of June of this year, and the regulation of the 7th inst. Your Excellency will communicate to to the Governors this supreme rosolution, and will inform thein of the obligations under which the citizens are to contribtite to the defence of their country, and to sustain rights, vïolated by a nat on which refuses to acknowledge them and obliges Mexico to maintain them by force, which most undoubtodly will or fall in the struggle. Slie will not consent to give up oneluilf of her terrilory frorn the base fear of losing the other. Hoping that your Excellency will furnish me with information as to the number of men which can be devoted to this important object, your Excellency will please accept my most high consideration. God and Liberty! Mexico, July 10, 1845." GARCÍA CONDE. ftj Tbo Sipiml c.f' Liberty, lust weck, tbriugbi Tliprlow WppJ aboluionist. 'l'liis wpcktlic editor tiiink.s lip ? their opper. - Is iliis the "ober, eecond ihouyiil?' - Detroit Express. We neversBid or thouglu that Thurlo v Werd wns nn "Aboliiionist,'" in the proper sense of thal word. We consider hin to be u Whig who is iiniircctly fishing ior Liberty votes, to be given lieren ftcr lo SewanJ. Hmny, perliaps, make some nnti-slavery proiession for this purpose; but this we esteem to be the hend and fron of li's Abolitionism. - A portion of the Northorn Whigs ore secretiy nt work to reorganice theirparty into a soit of Northern-Rights-Anti-SIavcry Whig party. Weed is one of the most prominent of ihe clase. Tlie grent Kustern Liberty Convention is to )eltl at Boston nbout the first of October. - All necmints indicaie tliat it will be a large .'athering. Cannot sorne of our Michigon nerchant8 who are Liberty men make it con vcnieijt to atlend?


Signal of Liberty
Old News