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Hice Cr.intnt. - This usoful and elegant cetncnt, which is benutifully white, nnd dries olnost tranápn:ent. is mado by mixing rice wiih Kold water, nfid ihcn gontly boiling it. Pápele jaste J logeiher with tliie cement ;i!l 60oner sep irale n thcir own substance thnr at the jnining. [t s, therefore, an excellent cement in the prejia, ■ntion of curious paper artilles, as tea-trays, In( lies' dressing and woik boxes, and other anieles . ■vliich require layers of paper to be cernented toeiher. In every respect, it is pre'erablc to rom; non paste made witb whfiat flour. It answers ' vel! for pnsting inlo books the copies of writing ' aken off by copying machines, on unsized silver ( aper. Wiih this coinpotition, rnndc with a ' imall quanti'y of water, that il mny have o coni listencc similar to plastic clny, modele, biists. irntueg, basso-relitos, nnd the like mny be iorm :d. VN hen dry, the anieles made of it nre sus :eptib'e of a high polish; they are very durable , The 'Tr: PoirUs rfvring the Fin -On Thursry niiht ihc public luid on opportunity of going u'liiiid the scènes in this great theatre of pov:ny. wretchednefs end crinie. The fire between Muliierry nnd Ornnge streeis brought thousand nto n part of ihc city thoy ncver vmi'ed before. Some of the scènes were rcally :ndesciibable. ind if faithfnl descriptions could bo given of them. ihcy would not be beheved Every body in New Yo.k has henrd ol the Five Poinis; but few have iny idea ot the occurrences w'iich nre constnmly mking )lace there. Will it bc credited that on ihe occasion referred to, within fifiy yards of the Hamcs. a crowd of men and women, nln-ost in n state of nudity. andone negro girl actually without a rag to cover her were seen dimcing in a cellar to the ninsic of a drurken fiddler, all of them being more or less intoxicatcd? This was witnes8ed by hundreds of spectnlors. In ihc oack gronnd were not less than a dozen children tüking their fust lessonsin this school of iniquity. They seemed to be familinr with the orgies, and were even in auirie cases anxious'.o take part in them, altliough they were invariably threatenetl by tlipir paren's. whën ihey lelt their seatB. An old womin, horrible to relate, 6upplied them from time to time wilh liquor, and some of the poor wretche3 nppenred to be almost insnne, from iheir lr(qicni putntons. A more sickening. iieiirt rending sight ennnot be masincd. Bedlam never contained mnniacs who raved more blasphemously thon these drunken debaocheeB. But no vivid iilen can be given in words of wliat nctually took place Henven have mercy upon sncli ns have no merey upon 'heinselveei. - Nc.u York Lv.n.Daniel Crimmins, the man ed Mr. McDowell, the editor of the , yard, while preaching in thestreets, was i after his arrest brought before Justice 1 Harris, who required him to give bonds in the sum of $'200 for his appearance at Court. In this he failed. He plead guiltv to the charge, wheroupon Mr. ( Dowell forgave him upon his paying the costs, and promising to join the Irish Catholic Temperance Society. - Detroit Herald. "Garden of Eden." - Texas lands were selling at New York, on the 15lh inst., at one and a half cents per acre, and dear at that, our Democrat neighbor suggests. The public lands are reserved to pay the 20 millionsof debt! Change of JYame. - Near Detroit is a love ly isknd, qui'e a place of fushionable resort, heretofore known by the ungeuteel cognomen of "Hop island." On ti e 4lli of Julv a party visitad tho lslnnd.and in ïne form rechristrned il with the more euphoiiious name of "Belle Isíand." Diplomatic Duties.-Mr. Livingston, who is atlached to the American embassy in Madrid, won universal distinction at a buil fight there on tho lOtli of June, entering the ring on horsebuck and kllhng a buil. The N. Y. Tribune says tint a single gen t!eman in New York sold lat year one - thousand dollars worlh óf gmpes from his grounds. Ovrlnres to the General Assembly. - A joint corumitlee of the Synods of indiana 8nd i Cincinnati have drawn Up a memorial to tbeir General As6etnbly, which is lo meet in Plul adelpbia in May next. praying tbat ihey wilt send down the following question as an overture to the Pre.'byteries nnder their care - viz:"Shal! the word "slaveholding" be ineert;d after "manstealing," in the answer to th I42nd question h the Lnrger Catechisin, ns ine of the sins fcrbitlden by the 8th comjiandmenl?" More "Bone and Stneic."-A gentlemnn fmin Texas, now in Europe, vvritesthnt h col iny of 15,000 Swiss re preparing to leave their country and Bettle in Texas this fall. Our onterprising frieiuls al Ornnge Mil!s are mnnnfbcturmnr Iron of a superior quahty from the ore. Our Blnckfmiihs have ironed onp n„CTory thronorhout wilh iron from that forge. Right. - Coldicttter iSenlinel. In Mnssnchnsetts, there nre now no more licenses grnnied in the Siate, than tliere was formerly in a single county. Go il tcrth a Rush.- Mnj. Chnmplin, Oi Sionington, Conn., run a mile in 4 m. Ifl s. This is the fastest human locomotion on tecord. He now proposes to run u mile ngain&t the world, lor #1000. What a capital subtreasurer theMnjor would mnke! But where could he run to' Tfxns, alns! is no longer n "city of refuge.'' - Roch. Dtm.What is an Jlbolittonist?- The Rev. Dr. Winnus, in tiie Methodist Slnveholder's Convention, gave n definition which will etnnd: "He is one who acts on the principies of Molition.1' No other Abolitionist is good forony thing. Soine people cali those Clirislians who fty they helieve in the Chrittian relijiion. Bn' J' Bi:a Chnst says he will Bcknowlcdpe only thosp us his Tollowera "who do the will of my henvenly Fnther. Abolitionisis nre tliose who wül aboüsh - no! those who will not act fifi ihcir professio'ie. - Emancipntor.


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