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Cincinnati Correspondence

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ClNCINNATI, Avg. 22, 1845. Mkssrs. Editors: The ncwtt has jiist reached us thatC. M. Clay's press hae been taken to piecer packed up, and q-iietly shipped o thie place and his lite ia despnred of- givcn up by thö physician- -but liie siokness lias so affected hun, that he hns yielded: gave up his keyp uflercd o pledge himself to discontinue his pal per, if they wonld spare his property, but it waa loo late. We expect it bere every day. It shows na plamly that a christian is only irulj bravo, and iliat courage consists not in bragariocias' and threats, but in a firm renonce in God, ond a knowledge that you are rijjht. When James G. Bimey, our worthy can'lidnfe ibr ihe Presidency, (God preserve him) tnrted ihé Philanihropist in our city, and whon the fnmous Mnrket House Commitlee, ronsw'ing of Gentlemen of the higheet respecliibUilyy clergymen among the number, dminded him to stop UU paper, his ansvver wns mild, hut immownblp, argumentative. not donn.iciniory. And he fin.MÜy conquered, thoi.irli nof „n:, ie n(j saerjfic.d gomc $5)000 f his privnto property m dffendinir the Treel.-ni of the pres-. Aml this is the man the Adven er is tryinp to lestroy-to binst his ffpiitariiiri, branding him ns a merecnory! T'hmius p. JI ji hn II wns ihe prime mov"rinihis mb. The "imffing"' wan comftp$á cq-ia'ly of Wlnffs and D'Mnocrats-and Lötiivillc Journni, ihe leading.Whig pa[if-r iisFerts "thnt thp Whijrs and Democrat oan sh.'ire the hn.r eqnnlly.'; Thi -.vcitemeut in Kn'uieky is intense.- Vhai will be the cpnsoQuencea we cannot iningfidp. It will try ihe strenglh and failh nt'iiiir uhoüion friends, who are Kt-ntuckiane. May thpy uur swerve an inch, or yield a hair, but like our worthy leoder, t-how tbempelves he true owners of that "clnvalry" which they claim se prculmr to thetr "sunny dinu-s" Thp great ('onvpntion of Jost June, has vvMHiirht n grpat influence over public Bentitrent. It showed coiiclnpively ihat we were in dnd earnest. that even the contempt (?) of lie Tribune, and tlie bluckijiinriJism of the AdvértWr, stronirtlipn und ttntte instead of ilividinir us. They mighl as well attempt to lenirov the affect ion of the son for .is father,who hiis worked, and saciificed every thing denr to Imn. for the sorTs sake- as weaken ours for Jamos G. Birnny, - who has brouyht himsflf to liis presi-nt retired üfe in the wild, nnd gnom., nnd mclancholy shados' of Sagidhw, out of devotion to the Liberty cntise.- I hope the Woolvprines will show their wis'lom by droppinor thoir o!d party hncke, and iry for oncean honest ninn, - it would be a novel altntnp!, an innovation, bilt t isthe njre of experiment - and a chris'ian sciiolar nnd a stntesmnn, all found in nn honest man, would fi!l the Giibernatorial chnir of Michigan, wUh honor, w. en ca led, Cincinnatus likc, From the Ploiigli. The Parkersburg afliiir scarcely crentes anv freling nmong the people. A fevr fnna'ics rsve, abont state riphts, freedom, constitnliobil privileges, thrtse old and exploded theorio-. Bot it poes no further. The Hernld has come nut n orlic!(8 thrillinp and tirnng pnough to heat the clulled blood of 02e.- Bt in vain. Our Gnvernor is waiting for authentic inormadon.' !


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