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TWO trËCTURES DÈSCÏIÏPTIVE .r Jkrcsalkm and Paleie. Uu!m(èd bv 40 leaotitnllv iliminnieii Diaurams on Glabs, will be delivn-d by D. VV. :wartz. A. M. in-hf Prrsytf.rmi Chl'Rch. oi Turnia; mul IVednauy Kveiiiritrs, ilie 21 and 3.1 ni.t. Thee Lectora! Jiavp ddijrhied crowh, in Moheces nml Univergil jes oi bmh Prote.iiant8 nd Catholics. nd in rhurrliPii of half n dozn öf tlia pridfipal Pniiesinnt d n niinntions. they asáis' i lio iruth n each, nd hnve boen mrtiCufarly commended by Jeadiny cJergympn' n II. See wiis. TEMPERANCE HOUSE, (DiircUy opjKttVe thr Cntaruct Huid.) BY CÏFXSF. SïtSITH,na:;m:a fallí, y y. OuT'CIlAItGES MODEKATK ;L$ THIs Hotel ís nijiniet) íñ ihe pleaMinttrT of ihe villnjp: on M.'iin streei. nnd btii a few niinntrs walk rtóm ihe Caiamct, Gimi Islnr.d. or' lie Ferry. Thé loen t on is mío of ihc plensmttst m ihe íillace The Houae i noi oi the lnriiest clnVs, bm hnsheen thoroíúihly rtpiircH. and' inxv]y furnijliei) eince last sensun. nnd the própríeuir piedles liimacll' ib tlie )ulli. ihót no IJnuse s!in!l be tx-ttiT kejit, or greaicr nitcniion' paid to tliecornfoi t ofgut'á.'s iluin ai tlis ExClinn'ae H,..,-. This I íotel a Kepjt upon strict Tcmpfirnnci principies, whiith will ensure ilip iirñngét n qfiei" Iií;m#. during his Mijourn at tln K.i',. Everv' 'ncility in iho power of ihe proprieior. will bo ndered. lo mnke ihe visit ot luí patrons ngrce !ili nn-l inieresiini. NmgBrii Fnllí. Hjr. 2?7-6mTakczi iep ALAK.GE Brindle r Liydt Bmwn Stag,with n innll wbi'e spot on the top of I113 -'1 uldcrs, nccd from seven to ten yenrs, wtis'ta'ii i!) .in the lölh of Aiiaiict. nnd impou'nded n 'he Town.hiL Pound il lYebatér. Pounty of Wnthti n:iw. ïqt brmiking inrö flie enrlosure of 'ohn Willinms. Xiie nwner ip lequesierf to pay charges and take pruper?. JOHN UILLIAMS. August f 5 l?jr. ?2I-3"V Williain E. Falcipher. ) vs. IN ATTACÍ1.MENT. Jnmé Giint. ) BF.FORE Wm. R. Perry, Justicé of the Ptnce. Notice is herfby elven thrtt n v.rit if nttnehment ns Üued in the ní)ive ctuiiled cause, re'turnnble on rhe VCth rhy oT August. 184"). mid he sniil (tefemlnnt did n"t njr i -ir nt ihe returrt l siiid writ. Tlifrfiire cénSé ttaifda ndjourucl fur trinl titiiü ifie 26lfi dfij Xovember next. at I i"c!ick. P M., at the ollice ofid Jusiice of the Peaco. WM F.. PÜLCÍPHKR.. Dited, at Ann Arbor. 26'tli August. L: Ú. S4.p. 227-5'w VUIage Troperly for Snfe TlE Su')ícnb(-r otitis fur snle liis proprrly in the V'illnge 01 Scfo'. Sttnnted on the Huron riTer, iwo un!e9 below Dexier Viliagc, cor sisting of A Store and Dwn.i.i.vo Horsr.. in one büild1 io?, f:i fee' in length by 19 feet wide; Etoht V1L1.AGK Lots. beinï oneentirc Block, Nine Acres of improved Lasö, adjoini'igthe ivcsi side ol ilic Villn;e. The property will eold together, or séparateiy o suif ptirchasers. TilFODORF. FOSTFR. .io T . O I-M" a i_fHARTFORD Firc IiiMirancf i ompany I.NCRPnnATKI IN lol" - CHARTKR P,l? TV A L - I CAPITAL SiÓO.rOO, WITH POW'KR 1O fSCRESK ir 10 $250.000. rpuilS we!! known ind long estniifished InstiJL muur. v.iih amble cnsh capita!, have esabI .-lied -ui Axeney i:i Ann Arbor. nnd offer 10 in- Dffeli'.'.iL'?. Fiuniture, inores. Merchnndize, Mills, W'heai. Flnr. &c. on very favottiblfl arma The high chnrncter of tliis omipany wcU hnown. arT I iis bn?inps3 is cjnhieied on flie in'St jnsiatn! liofioralile principies. Ownera .!' prnperljr in Ann Arbor nnd vicinity h u'sli ti in--iirc il ignii.ei loss nnil damnge by ire. nvited to cnil Hirecily on ilie subscriber. it Sïore in A 'n Ai hor. wlio is autliorized Uf ïsuo policios wiihoni drhiv. P. J H CRANE. Axrent. Ann Arhor. Jnn. 1. ! 9-t'rn. WRIGHT'S 1NTI IXFL.LVATO'.Y ND UÍIEUMATic pLaster. A N BÍHcicnf remedy for Illiriininuám, Fever jl"X Soiev, White SweNinps. Ft -ns. Paiii or veaknM n JJnk. BraVQ-i Side ojr Linib. Rtirns. lin.i-r-. Ci rtdp, rhüWnhis, Livei nnd Lung ffecttoftsi Ind. !cni Tumor?. Spinal nfTecliañSiJnft imed r'y'-s. c. &c. ft ia iinurpneeed n nll Ir; ■liniiiifirury diexéea. eidu-r Chronic or cu e. ts ii iipi-rrirts hy Dunierncrno' nnd redu■mi; InfiiinnnriiiM. nM viiif; Pnin. Swonnnp tho :lsne.Id. rtftñ ly is sucnjErilienin? and Ano(vne propertirti C'viLr speêdy rc-licf. Alsoin. .i'ii ?; :ui nnii-infTDi'in! ptnéiei1. Pricc '2'y cénit per Box. For fúriher pprticucirculntinx P i n ph I ? t' Fors.l' :it BJowW'j RooUeiore, Ann Ar"r. :inrl J. T. Siock irii;. iniveh'ing agent for Mi'himn. 10-]yWÖOL! WOOL! tJJJJ H.bprnbórs Ibrwliioh IliPy uil üiy ihe higfft58t inr' in Cnnh nr ds. LÜM) & M COI .LU M. Am Arbor. May 1 -f. 1845. 2-4w tVIkeat Wañitcd ! J ANY quniiiujr of WUKAl' - .iircd by rhtf Siil-cr:í.í ip. ffir . .- 1 1 1 ( ! t ('isli. priocls, nolf J,ad boik ucfurnp. il! ;" l'I i.üv pxi-lrinoei'. 1.1VI) McCOILÖM. Ann Arbor. Aug. Í0. IÖ4.". 2o-4w Quit Cl.iim Decds JUST huiiitti uuti toroale i uut oliice


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