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soMETmsro new. MUSCO) ir'US PILLS 10R THK CKHT.U.N AMl 1 ;:,;MA.VKT CUlE OF FEVEK AND AGUH. T.iESK i'illí? nre prrpareii by ifa dtintthd F. KJLING, JVÍ. ü. uf Jacksou Mich 1" all of ilie many cases n which they li '.■ sed. they have giren iho most ennw and peí lí s.iiisíación. The prop-ietor hasards n'"Jn.tí jn BOyíog, ihnt they are tlie very lust medicine ín ihe. World fot the care ol" ilie above ri'i-KtMineil diséásei Any qunntity of recommeñdarions migb bepublished-asisihe cus'om wirh mi.nv- !ut ihai is considerad unrjereaspry Vne nial wili naiisíy the mos! incrüduloiisof ihch grti'.uiue Ttie iinJMriiy otMedwirrt ñtiw ln tíi mord Mi n tempornry reüef. niercly hronlwnií and eheiii-r the disease fora ehort time ond prcvi::i!ií: only iw extcninl appéorfewe. vvhilo itnvnrdly H ia aiiU.ragmg, thu causrng mur.y oAar iqajadys and conscqucmly jiroving highly iiiju.rious, lo n.tureheahh. Iv is thts bjóat in this instnnéfe, tu present 10 ihc public n Medjcineniirely d H" ■ ni frorn tliat héréfóforé oflered. and ohe (bal wjll not nicre'y chkckthk Cttfl i.s. butlint will eradtaf( tlie discnse entiicly from ihe systcin. Wnrrantcdto tfftet a paf cí cure if the direcüons are trictlv' followed. tíire'triooa acetímpany eveiy box nrvl no Musovctus Pillb are pii'u.e svilh out the writicn slghaliira óf the invemur "F Kling." Each bos amtaitü lüü pillsand twdve powders pricc 81.00. For sai; by Mnvnwds and Lund te Me Col]mn. Aun Arbor;-E Sampson and ..irrte& Fclch. Ypsiiami; Cassius Svvift I)i-.tor; ll.ilc. STiuh & Dnnliinn. Cínsí Lskbi Si.iuh & Tyr!. Tlm ion; D. K. Urulerwoud. Adrián. Thomas P. Mnv. Plymou'b; Peer Van Kvery, R. R. Sahford, Grand Rapids: F GanJñeV, .I.nrsville: Salior.l Hopkins. Hiüsáale; &■ Evnest. A. Temple, .' McOonnell & Co., Jackson. ond tbroDühQUl the Siate. P. S. All those who are níTlictod with a cliron ic Disease wiihoul reiiaid m name and nature, even ifpíunounced incurable by others are respectfully invitcl to cali on me at my rèèulence in Jnokson, and i will endeovoT to restore tliem to perfect ht'alth. if not already beyond ihe pov er of all carthly aid. F. KFJiNG. M. D. JackFon, July 'st. 1F4". 3m'19In Chíuicery - Ist Circ uit. George F. I'uricr, adniinistramr of Olivar Kano, ilcceuscd, compUinrmt. rs. Loren Mills. Klijnh W; Morcan anJ Wülinm S. Maynwd; defiéndanla. BY viuue of n decet:il order issued out of tbe court of chancery of the S'otc oí Michigan, Isholl expose to sale lo the highest bidder, t tiie Court House in ;he ViHiiL'e of Ann Aibor, Washienuw coumy, on the 23d d.iy of September next, at 1 o'ciock. P M..o! that d;iy. the following deseribed premisas sitúate, to wit: "sitúate, lvin? and beinji in the town of Ann Arbor, in the couniy of Wnshteuaw nd Stnte o Michigan: Uesrinnins at iba centre of White Rond, so cnlled. on the west line of section 29. in town twu söuth of range six enst; tlicnce south on the line of the said eection and on ih line of section iliirtytwo. forty rods S"Uth of tinsouth west corner of the smd srciion to a stoke: tlienee east nt nht angles wilb said sectionhne tiiirty ruds: thence nórth and parallel i(h said yection line to t!ie centre of said Whitos' rond. - Thence south seventy degt ees west in the centre óf the said rond to the place of beRÍiining, cotUaintjig thirty-three aerea nnd sixiy-five bundrcdtlis of an ccre of Innd more or !ess. GEO. DANFORTIT, Alasler in Chaucery. Jot & Pokter. Snl's Üated, August 1 1 ih. 1 B45; 224 "TO THE VICTORS BELONG THE SPOILS."77 ALTfJOlGIl many praparaiiopa in the form . ol 'POPÜLAB MEUICINKS" haveheen liefore the public, c!:iiming to give reüef, and even cure the mast invetérate diceases, yet none have so wel! answeied the purpose as Dr. Sherman's Medicated Lozonges They are agrecablc to the tnste, easilv adniinistered. nnd Irom thf unprecedentedsuccess 'whieh they mei with. and the rcmarkable cures whicli they have pcrformed, iriay jnsil Iiy claim to the tule of Conquerir over the diseases for which they liav been recommended. 'Dr. She nmn's "COÜGÍ1 LOZK.XGKS"Cure the most obstinóte cases oí Oough in a few hotirs. They have cu red a !are DUinber oí j eons who have leen gives p hy ;hcir pTiysicrane and friends. and many who have la-en icduccd , ihe verge of the grave by spitiitig blond, Con fumption and Hectic Fever, by iheir ue hnvhad the rose of heaith restored to ihe !i:iri.-arc] ebeek and now live to ppeak forih the praisesol his invalunhie medicine. Dr. Sherinan's -WORM LOZENGES" Htive been pnved n more than -M'.ODO asesto be nfallible. n fnet ili oniy certain VVorn Destroying Medicine ever discovered. Children willeat tiicm when íhev cnnnot be íorced to tak jiny oiher medicine, and the beiiflit derived from the administrador) of metüclne to them in thu iorui is great beynd concepii'in. Wjhn the breath o! the child becomes oflensive, nnd iherc is picking of the nose. grinding oí tne tecth du ring sleep, paleness a!out ihe lips witli ílushed cheiks, headicho. drowöinr'. stHrtin? durim sleep, disiurbed d reame, awgkÍDg with frLghi bji ' scrcaming. tronblcsome cougli.feverishiieíií.ilurt-t. voracious npuetite, sicknesd nt the Êtómncli and bloatd stoüuich - thesc are amo'ng tbe main prominent symptoms of worms. nnd can be re lieved by thcec incdrópárabltí Lózéngés. 'Vr have never bern known to fnil. Dr. Siic-rrnan':'CAMPMOR UJZENGE3" llclieve Ileadache, Ncrvoiis Sick Headnclic, Pal litation )f ihe heart. and Sickne.-s in a viry tev ififnütfes; They cure Lowress of Spirits, Dtspondeney, Faiomess, Cplic, Spnpms. Cramps o( ihe Stomach. Summcr or Iíowcl Complaints they keep up the spirits, dispel all ihe distressini: symptoms of a nicht of dissipation. ana enable ; person to undergo great 'uenial or bodiiy toil. - Dr.'s 4'OOR MAN'S FLÁSTER ís acknowledíred by nll who hüve ever us d it i' be the best filfflngthening Piaster in the world. nnd a sovereign reinedy lor pnins and Weakne in the back, loine, aide, bTcast. neck. limba joints, rheumattsm, lumbago', &?. One milliiS a year wdl not supply the dem.nid. Cnuiion i necessan . as there are many UnpiinPipled persons who would torce a spurione articl': up-m ilx commiinitr. Be caredd to get Slusrmari-'a lJo" Man'8 Piaster, wiih o ifac shnic" ot his wril ten name on the back - none othert are genuine. and will do more hun than good.Whcn sucli men as the Rev. Darïns Antlmny. of the Oneiiln Conference. Rev. Sebastian Stteet er, of Boston. Rev. Mr. Dunbar. Mr. Hancock, Rev. Mr. De Forest. Flnn. Aaron Clark. J. Hoxie, Esq. Han B. 13. Heirdsley. Daniel Parí sbnw, Esq. and a host of names of tlie üke teplitatíon can be brouht fbrward t prove ilic efficacy of Dr. Llitrman's preparationa - whèn iliêj are so wanuly recommcndi-d by the medical pío fession, and presoribed in the proctjee, an' when such universal approbatjon ínllows líioir o nmoiiíí all classes, we may jusily eny ihnt tli Dr. is not nly eniitled to the appellation o 'VÍCTOR." but can fíiirly lay cltt'im to the pat ronage of the pul)lic. and will rrceive it. Aenis for Ann Arbor. H. M. Thompson S Co.. V. S. & J. W. M.iynard; E. SartijWn. Vpsilanti; D. C. Whiiw.)od. Dexter: Pièkfoiti t S.iiinc; Sniiih & Tyrol. Clinton, II Bower. Mancbeeier: P. Fmiick &Co.. Plymouth: D. Gregory and A. Grant, Nonliville. 2l8-6m In EhanccrySd Circuit. Matlicw N. Tillouohi Complaraatlt, vs Frederick P. Townsend. Defi.-ndnnt. IN puraunnce of o decretal o der of the Conrt of Chincery, ninde in thu kbove cause, will bfBo'd under the direction ol the etibscriber. ai public auction at the ttont door of the Coun Ilonee. in the villugeof Ann Arbor, in the connty of Washtenf.w, on Siiurd.iv the twcniythird day of Aiijiist next at one o'clirk in ihe aftcrnooD. of í:i'J i iv. all that certnin trncJ "r parcel of and sitúale in tha towti oí Superior, in theoounty of Washtenawnnd the State pí Michigan, viz: the west hall of the north west quárter orseciion ninein town iwo south in range scven eaet in the District of land ofiernd for s;ile at Detroit, Michigan." JOHN N. GOTT, M'ia'er in Chnnccry. Jame E. Platt. Soücitor fr Coipplainant. Ann Athor, June 30, IS I'S. 2iR_?u The above snlf is poprponeJ nntil Septembe 3l h. 1S15. at the pirnc Tt'il t!nce. 1 JOHN i. GOTT, M.ismr in Aug 3. 1=10. Clnnccry.The Woiiílcrful Succes WIIK'II Di. Folgcrs' ülisioiiin. or Aüllenün" Bnisnhi li;)s met with "t oiily „ ,!i!o.' laiTr,!,.. in Ihe éuriwwhiefi M Ins el fértil, in person vfHat V$ '!1 a ,!'0;'e ''f crn' diiionhu convinced ihe most akepticn ... n,x,r;,orclinary cüfalivé prdpèi " nnd tab IWWl Is ol.ums io ihe name ui ihs GLAl Kl.-1'"'i-nr quvMioii [ no ló'ñfeef nsked;i!CV m '.. ,v , ■ II inslTetisüiis-nciorsiysetilod wuhin the lasi two „on.hs Kolder s O osaun.Bn vv.II produce t cure quicker llru, ai ol hor ren iedv in iüe worl'd'. and refcrences c-n be gtvn ,(M)ers,n, in ,d out ofthe cü ho Jive mmj ruM.c-ci iis womlertu! v.nue.s. who had tned lui ,11 oihcrs renicfiics ui vam. M. WILSOX.n 1-ti.k layer, rc?iJinf;nt Hoho i eri N T tíad tHéd cvery romedy which he couM iK.,r'ot fur tho relief ol athmu, and had spen' inore th.-.n onfl hundred dollars n endeavonng to procure help. bui in vain. JIc commeneed ubin" the, .I.mnry 21L The hrs. dose he took gave hi. relief, ond two d.iys afterward h wir9 Qoijed io snv that tho wnnll qunfc liiyol thia römcaj win.!, hfi ha-1 taken had done ,im more i?ool Hian nny ond al! ihe medicines he hiid-evat ns-d in his hle. Mra Belli he wif, ofRobcrt P. Bell. oj Morrfetówn N J.. wlm w:is sffvnrcly afliicted wiMi ,,hrBn. MígUéii hpj bf bhymetans. Bhe tona removed 10 tbe he .board in the hope of pal Kktina her (hsnes?nir symptoms. but wiih no l.enefii One boMle of the Olosantnn sn fur re licved her ihat shc was nblc to gel np from her bed nnH dress hcraelf. 5 ihing shc had nol lont hfeforein mon'hs. ond she has now returned to , reaidefKë n Mwrtorawn: N. J., wi'h every piosptci of bettig speed ly resiored. INCIPIENI CONSUMPTION vieldsto itseflVc.s. It soothes the troublcsonio Coógfi and gives refroshing shm.beis to the wieary; it alloys the (min in 'he sille aiul S"M' nbaJn the phqst, Mjid enaWes the persan W exncctoraie èn'süy, whüe it fehiirety restores the fo rctions of the system and expedues returnmiheahh.JMES B. DEVOE. 101 Reade street, lian , Ion" buen coni.leiniggof a sorcness in the clieat. wompnnied with :. short liackmi.' he , rniscd maner frecly. hnd lost lus appctito ml fels afarmed at hi situadon. He hnd med vangu; , remedies without any beneficia! etiect. Hií f shormess of b:eth nnd pain in tho side conti nued . to i icre.ise. He used one bottle of the Olusaoni , .in. and is restored 10 hcalth. ,,...;.. _c,v, '[ Genrco W. Hurnett. of Newnrk, N. .J-. Uw , U" Ilavs. ofNew York: DnvM Henderson. 60 La'irhií: Mrs McGann, 20 Walker et: F. t Han?52 PiVe et.. Mrs. Arcfiibi.11, 35 Walker si. , with HF.VnREDS OF NAM ES of persons r? , in New York. could be given. Vfhp , rcady io bear leaUmpny t tle superiorny f Mie ' OiösJion'ian over cvery oiher remcdy known for , ilio cure of conghs. colds. nsthmn. consunipnon, r pitiing of r.lood, dyspepsm, consumption. cliitis. difiiculty ofbreaihing. boarscniPS. inHuenzn,' pains in the brenat nnd eide. nml iho van óus of the stonvich anH liver. For salent 106 N8Sob st. one dor Ann, and at Mrs Hays. I?9 Fulion st., frtöKlyif. Asenta for Ann Aíbor. W. S. i J. W. Mnynard: E Sf.n.pson. Ypsüanii: D. C Wh.twoori, Öexter; Tiokford & Craiff. Snline: Siniih&Tyrol. Chnt.-n; H. Bower. Mi.nchoster; P. FVirhck i t Co Plvmouih: D. Gregory and A. Grrm'. Xor.hvillc.' ___6'L TÖ Clötliiers, rUr.mifacturers and Mercliants. TH F. iuliscul-er is ïi-.w iL-ceiviiig ti liissiores. 1-8 and IDIJ Jetlerson Avenue, Detroit ,. foUow-.n-. carcfully nnH %vell selected stock j ..ncrURKll's MaCHIWERY. " 15 tons Fu-Hic. Cuba. Tobasco, Tampico and CartliHgenn. JO tons Logwood. Campeach, St. Dominco and Uondurns. 6 Tons Nicaragua. I3onair,Caio, Hache and Limn, . 3 [„na Tnmwood. very choice. 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 130 '; Fustic. . 10 " Red Woods, 120 '; Camwood. ]0 " Quereciiron Bark, 5 ; Alluri), 42 M Copperns, 3) " Blue Yitriol. 28 " Madder. Ombro and Dutch Crop. "3 ' Cream Tartar, 2 ' Nutgalls, ■2 cases lnd.go. Bengal, Monilh and Guatmíala. 2 caaes Lnc-Dyn, 20 ;i ext Lonwood, 2 Gra;nTin, 300 pounds Verdigris. ., . 15 Corboys Oil of Vitriol, Sp.ntsSea-Sah, and Nitric Acid.ALSO, Copper Kfitiles ano Clo-hers' Screws, Ten ter Hooke. Jacks and Bruehes. PrtW Papers. Grtd ('leners, Weaver's Slieers, Nipwaamj BWf In.ns. Conib, Pickeia and Rob , wis ue Wor.tcd nnd Cott-.n Harneas, Stoel and C !a e Reeds. Broad Power, Hand Loom and FlyShuf rers. Steel nnd Copper Mnils hmcry. &L P.-.rson's Shcaring Machines. 4,ü.and 9 bind. s Allen's doublé apd single Carding Machines. Machine Cards; Leiccster TKè aliove good? h:ive been rcccntly purchflMÜj dircctly from-lhe impor.ers and tHcturers. xcwsively fok cash. and wiU b „,d at the Nw York Jobbera pnces, ádrfirtg "ran3póVlbti9n -nly: nnd in conscqucncc o -h, !,c,ñe on mnnv of ihc Amcr.cnn manu ariu.p i .rticlee. will in .r.any cuses, be 6old al ƒƒ per ccr.t les tlmn farmer &kV' 'ie B" hts exi.L-.ienc. in the Dyü Wood trade,iin io say to his customers that he urepèrèd a all times to warbakt his goode of suponoi qUidUy' THEO. B EATON, Dye Wood and Dyc Stuff Warehoiiee,_ !85 nud Ü0 Jefferson Avenue Djirmi. b, 14. ; g-'o-tm FEVER AND AGÜE, EFFECTÜALLY ÜSLD ÜP. Dit. BANNiSl ERS Cl D V-H VKIt AND AGÜE P1LLS are a sale, jpeedy andsura cure for Fcver and Aue. Dumb Ague, Chili Fever, Periodical Utadache, apd the Bilious Disèa'sèa peculiar to new countnes. These Pilis are designcd for the BffèqiionB ui ihe'LWer indothennu;rnal orenns: and the uu pnralfllé,d snecess that lm nii-mlcil their use, m ■ luces the proprietor to beííeve ihet thcy aro euppiior to nny remedy ever ofleied W the public lor the aborc diseases. They are purely Vegotnble, and are pcrfectlv haritilees and may' be taken by any person, n;ul( ir femalc, wiih perfect sa'eiy. Ccriiriciiies to any nuniber and extent tcstily ing ti the exiraordinary power of this medi cine might bc inserted, but it is deenied .Mitiitly n necfssary, as it has been used fr Beverol yenrs by }ireat' nuinbers of persons, of all conditions. mdwbore they have been taken in accordunct with the directions. they werettj" Never hnown to fail. j The nlovc Filis are kept confn.-inily tor MÍei wbolemlc and retail, by ChnrUs ifirks, 'elatcr; Daniel Tuitlc. Flymoutlt; and ot tlic store nf BF.CKLEY. FOSTER & CO. Ann Arbor. Lower Town. July I. 18-J3. 2(9 IÍ0BFRT W. WARiVGR, Carpenter and Joiner, [..IR.VAHUSIKKf.T. BV.rWF.VN BATKSAM) KAMIUI.I'H STKKKTS, DKTRAIT. Shop. on the Alley in rear of he Franklin Col? Waicr Uouse. May 20, 1845. 2ir..fn(BE Feople from tlie Country VISl TNG üetroii. or thé purchase of Dry Gooi, Paper Hangings, r Feathers, -iilc going ihc round tú ascenain ihc va.ious tyles or pnces f Goods in. the ciiy, are re[ue'sttd to c.ill at W. A. Eaymond's Store, Vo. 143. Jutibrsuii Avenue, benig me door iibove Uaii-8 St and uext door to he "Mantiai'nn Jiore," The undersigned lias taken a grcai leal of paiii9 m selectmg his goods to get lash onnhle eiyles and do.-irallc qualities and he i? onl:.lL-iit ihiii liis nssorunent panicalarly of sweh .'dudt! :is are ilesirahle for the cuuntry trade, bjhs :ompleic as any in '.he city. He kas on hand Ginghams, Bulznrines. Lowns, Muslin de Laines, Ca]icocs pi evcry Mulls. tabea. Lfcl'le Edgings, Uibhnns, Parasols, Shiist Is, Drcss Handkerchiefs Cravais, Scnrfs, Veils. Glov1?. H'isiery. Alnpncas, Brown Linens. leached Linens. f il'le covers, Towelinc Siurtinys, Sheet inL8. Canibrics. Musline, black, blue black ond íri'ncy (fresa SilUs. Bonnet Silks. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. ALSO, IiROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, SATINETT8, VESTINGS, FULL CLOTHS, MOLESKJNS, DKILLINGS, BLACK AND FAXCY CRAVATB, And indeed, alniust every articlc belonging to the Dry Goode bu8Ínes All -:f Vhtch wiil bc surkl at the rcry lotfcst for Cash. Cali and sen for yourselvee - none are expecied to buy it thpy do aai find prices full as luw, if not a little loxccr than elscwliere. VV. A. RAYMOVD. Detroit, May 23, 145. 2l3-6moImportant to Farmers r7-.'.vi'l' & 11 .iVJLAND, wouldrespectfully t_ inrbrm the fiirrnera of Wnghtenaw nnd the ' u iiMiiiilinif Countifs that they continue to manilaeture ai their shop near the fiver bridge. i r Tnwn. Arm rlior, riireshing: achines t litk-ieiit Uinds cosnpriding the Burrall, Cüd-z, mJ Bu8inwn! Plnnetnry Power, and Machines Iffj.eni from nny mndc in this Connrry flnq veferred to nny oilier, which they intend to se!l u snch (trices nnd on uch ternis os cannut fail to jive saiisf'action. They are deterinined not "to e outdone by nny establishment, either in price r quality of work. Mnvint.' leen for many years engnged in the ■siness tliey think ihcy cnn wilh confidence rcc .mniciid iheir work. nnd fnrniera and other? ivisliing to Imy will d i wel! to c.ill and examine heir work prcvious to pnrchnsinc elsewhere. - They are prepared 10 ! all kinds of threshing n.Tchine rtjinirs. on theshoriest noticc and more easonalile lernia than i;ny similar es'ablishment n tlie Country. Also. Bnrrill's celebrmed CLOVÉR iTIACHIWE'S, vliich ?eiarnie ilie clnfl (rom ihe seed at a ei ïglf iperation and are universally npproved of anri ised whetever introduced ond warranted to hresh clennand not brenk the seed. For rc'cr;i!C? ipply to Rohert or John McCormick of Su leli V::t.htenav C-., who have used one the pnst 5ea30"W. W. KNAPP, T. A. HAV1LAND. Ann Ardor, May Ist, 1845. 6m2 " HARTFORD Tire litsurance Company. rïnlJ Su')scnier. agent for the Hui tj ui d tire J_ Insininirc f'm;utvij. takes plea6iire in lay mg before the pubiic :he following circular: Hartfoi: Fire Lnsürasce Office, .uly 22(i 1Ö45. $ The recent disnstrou6 nre in New York will bf conrsc excite olicitude in regard to lts erTeci on the eolvency ol Insurance Companies .n iba: citv, nnd tiie ueiühl-ori nu places. The Director6 o! the H:irtfurdFire Insurance Company are happy to aseure their customers and the public. thnt ihpy are prepared lo adjust and pay at maUirity. all losses sustained by their office, surplus md currem receipts. without delay, and wiihou1 withdrowing their permanent investments. Their capital remanís ampie for the security of all who insure whh them; n::rt 'h(y invite owners of de snnble property to obtain Po!!cie8 on favorable terms. both ai the Home Office and at their seyeral Agencies. Their mode of tmnsaciing businese. which for 35 yeare past hun securcd tho public confiilence, will remain nnchinged. By order of the Bo;.rd of Directora, JAMES G. BOLLES, Sec'y. F. J. B. Crank, Ann Arbor. By this u will beseen, that the Company pny iheii losnes. during the last aix monihs of fires. OUT OF Til Rl II SURPLUS FUWDS.Since xi mem ot one ihousond dollars, to [t. D. Powers. of Brighion, lor the loes sust.iin d b hiin, tlie Compnny ha'e paid thesubscriber moiiier :ho rul, lor Flour Barrels, butnt ai he recent fire ín iliis villnge For thislost thou ,ind ile 9Ü!-fnber p&id the Compnny four dolars - a yon', investment as he thinks, during iïie hnnl tunes. All wlio nre not insured ore SBöed to cnll on him. andhe will issue Policics fc?iWu dclny. F. J. B. CRANE, Agent. Ann Arbor, July 20, 185. 2?4tf ""iNTERESTING TO WOOL 6ROWEKS. rjMlf. Öuljscnbt.TH wouid re&pecilully anJ. nounce to the Wool Growers of Ann Ar jornnd iis viciniiy, ihat they continue the business of Wool Carding and Cïolh Dressing il die old stand ui J. Beckley & Co., where ihey riiay le lound at all ecasonable hours lo wait upun those who rnay favor them wiih their pairon;igc. They guarantee that iheir work will be done with neainess nnd desputch. To thcir old Iriendsand aa many new customlts as leel dií)osed to give them a trial, they would soy, come on wi'h your Woor. and Clotii nfid we will do you ampie justice ín the execu linn ofyonrwork - tl.e price and terrris ot pnyTwciity Ihousand pounds ui wunied in exchange lor Kuil (Jluth. Piannel, &c. N. H. -Give us n cnll before purchaeing else tvhere. SUMNKR HICKS & CO Ann Arbor Lower Tovvn.Mnr 26. 845. 20 m Are your Barns Insured? TIIKS;ibs(.Til)cr. Ajieni lor the PROTKcri..N IhsORaKcü Comimny."' continúes to tnlurisks on Housks. Siohkj. MkrcHAWDÖK, Mili.s. Factoiuks and Bmins. Stocks, &c., at os lov raiea8 any oiher ijood C'onipnny in the UniteH stans. A8ieveral Bnrns with their contemshavc leen lestroyed in this County the past yenr b Lu.ursiNG, the Fiinners of Washtcnaw hive huw an opportunity for a email sirm, ofwviHg liiemselves from losses, to which they are every duy cxpüsed, bv this element. M. MOWARD, Agent. Ann Arbor. July 3let; 1845. 224tlDElVi'ISTRY. E. G. BURGER, Denttsl, HAS removed his office to Crone &, Jewctt'e Rlotk, lirst room on the St-cond Floor. where bein wcll prepared to altend 10 ev(.-ry brnnch of his profewion. would reepeclfully sny to all who have not had those necessnry oreans. THE TEF.TH. jtropeilv attonded to, delay n, lóngér, but cnll upon liim and experience the ease nnd flunibiüty of his opcrationa. Terms nccominoduting and charges inno cas unreasonable. Aun Arbor, Mírch 6, 1845. 47-tfC. MUNCKERHOFF'S A remerkable umi ingtfifc uttestation hos tist been made by un eminent menibcr oí the Vk-diciil Fuciiliy. as to the curative power of C. Uiincken ofi's Heahh Restorative in Cuses ut ontuimption, enrome Coughs and Colds, nnd Pains in the Sitie and Chcst. This eml-nian 'urn í hes his pniients wilh the Reetorative, and tinds ii absófdtely necessiry. as lic nevèr had nrn preecription to produce the astotushing results realiz d by the use of ihc Rettoraiive This gentleman st:md6 among his medical breihren as one of ihe most distinguished ol their nuinber, his name w lelt wilh the pu-priior for reierence. There is no doubt hut tiiat in a lew yenrs the leading physicians will prescribe tilia remedy, and thm alHicled putients will use it and Mess thé huur thnt it made krföwri to them in. Bemgn iruly fine herbal medicino it is consequent ly ol more importancc. as every one Teels safety while uingit, & no sense of dnnger ns if he wee using dèlerenoué mineruls. Mr. Wilfcès a re spected merchant in New York. used the Reatorativoand was curt'd wholly from a dangerous cbugh and expectorntion The F.ditor ot the Commercial Adveitiser with an earnèst appeal conimends it to tho eonfidencc of the eick. and nire.-nn.ily c.ills on thoni all to give it a fair trial befóte relinqiiishintr everv hope. The lollowinc cortificato ia from Dr. Chilton, the well hnown New York chemist. 'M hnve annlyzed a bottlc of medicine cMled C. BiinkcrhofT's Healih Restorative.' and find that n does not contain Mercury. or any o'her metallic prepar.ition: nor opium in nny of its forms. It is compoged of vecetable matter entirely." J MM Chh.ton. M. D. C. BRIííCKKRHOFF, Proprietor. N. Y. Horack Everett, Genernl Agent. Principal Olficc90 Hudson stieet, N. Y. For sa'eby W. & J. VV. Maynard. Acents. Ann Arbor. J'lCAN 'T BE BEAT ! THE subsci ibera w.mld innrm ttfe l'ublic ihnt they continue to supply the Siate ol Michi;an vviih L, B. WALKER'S PATENT StfIVT 9MJICHMJVJES. The large nmnners oi these Machines ihnl have een sol.i. nnd the steadily increising demnnd for iheni. is ihe best ividenee ol tbeir renl vilue nnd ói tlit-it 's:iiintion wiú those who have be ome iaimh-r with ihfeif merits. Walkxh'3 Snmi Mnchine ie superior lo othcrs n the lullowme p.-irticulars: 1. A t combines the Bvufing. Sturing, mul Ulouiirg Principie, it clenns the sninitiest riiin ín the best mnnner. retjining all the fricion ol ihc wheat. oud disohrirying the smut and iust as fasi ü8 scpnrnied fioni the wheiu. 2. It is simple iñ constrvr.tion. and is t!iere"ore Iess lfnble to bicorne derangt d. and coeus less or ifii.iirs. 3. ít runa ve y Ught, and is perrectly secure 'rom fire. '■-„ 4. h U as durable as any other Machine in 5 It costs considerably thm other kinds These imuoitatn points o' Ür8èrncë htvc giv jn this Machine the prulerence with those fcvho lave luiiiy tnud it. Among a lurije nutnber of Gentlemen in the Milling Busine&s who might je named, the follüWtnj have used ihe Muchiiieí, jtid certjfied to thtir excellency and supenority: H. N. Hoaaru. I'ontiac. Mich. E. F. Cook. Roehesier, do E. B. Dasfokth. iMason. do M. F. Fkink, Branch. do H. 11. Comstock. Comstock; dir Reterence inay l&o be luid to John Bacon, Auburn, Mich. VV. RyoN. do do D. C Vbelam. Rock, do John Phu's. Monioc, do H. Douman, Ho da A. Bkacu. Waterloo, do Geo. Ketchom, Mnrshall, do N. ÏJkmksway, Oakland, do All orders lor Machines will be promptly atlendedl-EAdClA. CR1TTF.NTON, Ann Atbor. (Uwer Town) WaSh: Co. Mich Au;:. 24, 1845226-1 y(JGOOD NEWS AND ÍJLAD TIDINCS.,-Q f FKKL myself under ihe most lasting obüg;.i tion lo Dr. F. Kling, of Jackuon. who h'ns lalély advertised his invaluable '"Muscoveuis Pilis." iutended oxpressly for Kever nnd A ut: For a long periocl my larnily have unfortunatcly been afflicted witU Fever and Ague and hnve tried erery '"Patent Meidicine" wbich I could lind, even the most pipular ofihc laies! as wcll na ihe oldest remedí and after spending over .■J15 I despaireil of" ever bc ing relieved, bui hearing of Dr. Kling's Muscovetiis Pilis, and the great ellect they produced upon the Aguo - as a lust and almos hopelcss resort, I immedi ately pmcured a boJE o!' ihem, look thein nccord ne todirections, and they gave me instant reliel. aifd I have been free Trom that terrible disease. whtle wiih other medicines 1 receivcd b'jt momentary assistance and relief. The Pille I have recominended hayicg produced so silutary au cfiect upon me and my family, Í canriot refrain from acquainting the publico! iheirereat worih. SAMUEL ÜPDIKE. THEOÜORE UPDIKH. Witness. Graes Lake, July 14, 1845 221-3mPOLLARD i TEÏVSPEKABrCE HOUSE, ] BY L. D. & O. WEYMJRN. ATear the Steamboat and Pocket Landing, liiffdn yHIS est.iblishmein has du ing ihe pnst ( ter, heen oonsi(Ier;ibly enlarged. and improv ' rrl with new furniiure, etc , and íb now rendy lp mikc the Trnveller nt home. at the modcinn charuee of L5 ceñís per nieal, and &7 Cents peí Day. Pn8scncers and Bagenge conveyed to and fron the House free of chartre. N. B. Pnssenceis forti the Ea6t will find i Sign lor thf liouse. in the Depot, under whtcl 10 place iheir paggnge.. ín cennretion M'ith thft nbnve House thftre nn EATING ESTABLISHMENT, on the Eu ropean plan. Wc. tlin (nibxcriberp, take plpnsure in recom menning tlie above House to the friends of tb cnuse. ns betnp wortliy of' their patronage. C. W HARVEY. Pres't Erie Co. Temp. S. í?. N. CALENDAR, fiec'y do H MfLLERD. Pree'i Pollord Tem. Society H. G. WHITE. Rec'y do E. D ROIJISON. Pre't Y. M. Temp. S. W. B. FOBES. Secretary do Bnff.Io. Febnmrv. I8-15. 6mo- 512NEW ENGLANO HOUSE. No. 111 BROAPWAY, NEW YORK. (Btltceen the City Hotel and Trinity Church.) TH È Pioprietor, gratefu! lor ifi pnironnge :ilrendy bestowed upon himby the public genernlly, would give noiice ïhnt bis house is now in compleie order for the reception of Ladies and Gentlemen who niny wnnt pcrmoneni board or tranfienl acconimodütions. The New Ertgland House beinc stricily a icmperancebo se. nnd plcnsnntly loented in tbc inmedinte vicinity ofbusinesp, mnkes it very desir nble (or men oibupincos. as wcll ns nll oibers who liKe nuict accommodntions and jprccnble coii'pa ny. P. VV1GH P. Mny I, 13-lií. 6mf2 wötIcé; AIL persons indebt:l to J, H. Lund aro very reppectlulU' requestcd to pay the snmc by t;ie 15ih ol October next. J. H. LUND. Ann Arbor, Aug. 20, 1815. 22G-8wÍ845. J. HOLMES & CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLK AND FANCT DRY GOODS, Ury GroccrUs, Cnrpethtg, una paper WMaugitÈgs, Vb. 63 Woodward Avenue, Lurned's Jiiocc, Detroit. j HOLMXfe New York. ? s hoi.mks. Detroit. ' WE tnkc ihis methofl of iniorming our friends and cusiomers throughout the Stnle, iho' ,ve are siill pursuing tlie even tenor of out ,vt.ys. endenvoring 10 do öur butincss upon Icir incl honorable principies. We woulil alko tenIer oilr öcknowledgment8 for the jiainmope ex ended to us by our cusiomers, and would bep leave to cal! the nttention of the publicrto h veiy wcll felected assortnicnt of stasuTinble Goods. which ure offered ni wholesalc or retail nt ven lofv prices. Öur Inciiities lor purchnsinu Goods are unsurpassed by nny concern in ili Smte - One oftheíirm. Mr. J. Holmes residtts in the city of New York, nnd from his long experience in the jobhing trade in tint ciiy. nnd from bis fhoroügh knowledfie of tfie mai kvt. he is ennbied to nvail himeelf of the auctiorta anJ any decline in prices. We nlso purchnse fro:n the luiporters. Mnnufacturer'6 Ageins, and ftom the auctions. by the pn:kng( the samt ns N. Y. Jobbers 'purchnse. ihus saving Ihcir profits. - With thesfi fn,cilitiesV?e can salely feny that our Goods are eoid beap for ihe evidence of which wc invite the nttention of the public to our stock. We hold to the srent cnrdïnal principie, ol -'t'ie STTCutr-st good to the irfulc nnmhcr." so if you wantto buv Goods chrnp, nnd huy a large qnnnttf for a Vil' e maná} give us a trial. Our stock isas extensive as nny n the city, and we are constnntly recciving new and fresh Goods from New York. 50,000 lbs. Wool. Wanied. ilie ubove quantity oí good marchantaje Wool for which the highest niarket price will bo paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, 1S4.'. 214-tfThe XWisses Clark's School, i ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. , MARYH. CLARK, Principal. CÏ1LOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. KHUÜV E. CLAKK, Asaociaie Teacner. M. L. WALTER, Teacher of Music on the Piano. F. iMARSH. Teacher of Mathemnticsand Vocal Miieic H F. Sil OFF, Teacher of French. Germán and the Classics. rpiMIS Instimtion lias heen in operaiion sinc J November 18. ! 8H9. The schuinst ie yeai embrncine fony -eipht we-ks, two lerms. cnmlirising Hvo qnnrters ench - iwelve weeks in ol qunreer- a genernl xaminntion at the close ii each term - in F:bruiry nnd August. "he last quarter oí the present term coninience8 May 19 Tkkms of TuiTroS.'-For the Rnglieh branch t-s. '2.riO io 5 per quaner. Ni redm-tion randa (or nbsence, excep' in c'use oí sickness. nnd n pupil tnken for lesR ihnn a quaner. Extra charütta are made lor inusieon the Piano, with ihf hm of ihe instrument, 8.0) French, 3- Lntin. íQ3 Drawingnnd Paintihg, n,0d Pancy Wo k. ÖJÖH Bhïird. inclmlins: washinc, liirluft. A'i., $1.75 per week if paid in advunce. or $2,00 [er ittek if paid at the close of the quarter Parontsanrt irunrdians aréinvited 10 Visit the school every Friday. when the stndiefl ol the week are reviewed- oïso saipt-inonihly on Wednesilay afternoon. at readingof the weekly conipositions. Young ladies ties:rous of entering the ecVonl nnd pursitina the rcjiular conrse of study. would do well to commence at the bezinning of the term. or ns soou aftef as practicable1. Beloneing to the school a 'e a Library of between fhe and six hundred rolunics. and PI11losophical ApparatuSjElectrical Mnchine. Globes. &c.The Misses Clnrk wül endeavor, not only to l proniote the ntellectunl citlmrc of iheir pnpili')Ut wil! atlend striclly to their inornl 3eportment. With no sectanan leeling. luit with a .leepbense of religious responeibiliiy. ilify wmilfl Tve siich a tone to chnmeter. ns sh;ill rentier ii practicilly fiued lor evcry station- ylelding to duty bui firtn to principie Ámong the hoeks uscd in the school nre. AbercromMe on the Intellectunl nnd Moral Power - Knme's Elemcnts ot Criticism - Wnylnnd's Moral Sdencc- Newmnn's Rhetoric- Hcdge's lOgjc_P„lcy's NoturnlThoologyand Evidencea óf Chrisiinnif- ''s Chetnistry- Piirkcr'e N'nturn! Combe's Pl-ysiolopv- Mrs. Lincoln's Boinny- Eoton'a and Wrislit's Mnn „al of Botany- Burriit's Gcogrnphy of the Heavens- First, Second and Tliird Boaks oi History - Mrs. VViliiard'8 Repuhlic of America - Phelps' Legal Classics- Playfair's Euclid, anr) Day's Algebra and Davice' Arichmetic. Inquirv wiih regard to the school can be made of the Principale ir any of the foltowing gentío men to whom reference is tnade by permission and who have at different periods had either daughters or wards under our care. Rev. isaac S. Üetcham. Centreville: Geo Ketcham. Marshall; Hon. Wm. R. Deland. Jnckson: Paul B. Ittnn, Michican Centre; H. Winans. Adrián; Daniel Hixson. Clinton; Gardner tVherler. M. D.. Howell: Rev. F. H. Cuming. Grand RapidR: Jercminh Clark, Clarkson; Gen. - . C. riaflcall. James Birdsall and Rev. J. Beach, Flint: D. H. R"Wl;ind.Nortlivlle: AmoíMc-ni; Plymouth; Hon. Elias Comstock, Ownsso; P. BrTgharhi M. D.. Hon. Wm. R. Thompson, E. Muiidy. Esq.. John Allen. Esq., Geo. VV. Jowntt, Esq.. Tho's iM lndd, Professor Williams, ofthe University, and Rev. H. Colclazer, Ann Arbor. The following gentlemen, Rev. TI. Colclazer. Rev. Wm. S. Curtía. Rev. Charles C! Tnvl r. Professors Whitina and Wilü.-ims of the University of Michigan, have consented to act as a visitiiiK ommittee of the School, to bn present when the weekly studies are reviewed: hut especially to altend during the seini-monthly exaniinations. April, 1845. 213WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. M' F 'ABREN, BOOKSELLERAKDS ATIQm SMART'S BLOCK, IS7 JRFFRRSOi A VB NU E, DHTROIT. KEKPS constantly (bréale a complete nssoriiniMit of Miscellaneuus, Schooi timi ClassimI r(iul..s. Letter and Cnp l'npcr, plnin and rul jd, Qtiills, luk. Scaüng Wax, Cutlcry. Wrnp)ini l'npcr, Printiug Pnpcr. of nll; nrul look, Nowsnnd Cunnistcr Ink. ofvnrions kinds BLANK BOOKS, full nnd hall bound, of ev 3ry vnriety ot' Hulinir. Memonimliim liooke. &c To Merchanie, Tenchers, and utlieis, buyui in ('inntitics. a !ai;e discount iinidc. Sabbath School ond Bible Society Dopnsitor ri-tf otice to ftlerchaitts. THE Sub8Cribers encournged by the patronage they have liitherto received in t e whnlesale depurtmen! oftheir business, will the fir8t day ol May next. open the store now picd by Geo. Grenville, frontingot Haron streel, nnd connecting with their present store in the roar, exclusively for a WHOLE SALES ROOM, where they will keep at all times a full aasortuiem ui DKV GOODS, ÜOOTS & SIIOES CARrKNTINC, 11ATS, CAPS, PAPER HANGINGS, B0NNET6, CROCKERY BY THE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GROCEKIES, &C. &C. &C. all of which will be sold on as good terms as at any point this side of New York City. G. D. UILL, & CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, 18 11. 48-tfVOICE OF THE PEOPLE Thoge ulio uin. ,.„„. ,,au ons (crupiés, vill jlease read the foliovinfr-nevfr brfore ■ publish'J FuCla rrguidivg the svgjui-cojitbd imphoved [ndian Vcgeiab le Filis, POR CONSUMFTJONS, C0LÖ6, RHKUMAT1SM, DYSPEPSIA AND FEVEWS. HAVINÜ been éitatked soine itionths since wiih n bad Cough. wcakness in my dicst, ruid loss o. appeiite. 1 uscd Wrighi's Jnd.nn Vcgeiable Pilis, but gr,w vorsa. wiih cold nwents (tl niulu; conld nol sleep, and belicved 1 was ín a cmsninpiion. 1 prucured a ïiox of Dr. Smith's .Susar Conted. Improved Intiian V'egetabln Pilis, wlucli rcetyred my liculih within m diys, and 1 believe tliem to be the bcpi remedy I over used. Gko. W. Gi.aÍger. Cambridge, Oct 19, 1841. Extract from A. G. Pages's letter, datcd- Bath. Jan. 31. 145. The SugnrCoated Indian Vegetable Pilis, yon sent me. eell wèll and give good sniisfaction. - They sell beller than any 1 have had. Extract fiom Levi Burrett's letter, tlnted - CanaaN, C-MejFeb. :?. 1845. The Pilíe. wliich 1 received of you have given snch universal BMisfnction where they have tcen purchned, and tho enle has been 80 uniform ihat 1 thought best " request you to send me on Some more immedinirly. &c. Extract from VVm. N. Pnckard's letter dated: Monson. (Mnss.) Jan. 2Í, 1845. Sif- Enclosed is tlie pnyinent for the last Pilis. Ton wilf please send me by express an other lot, say 6 ir 8 doz. Thy givc goed safisfaction. 1 lave not un hand more than 6 boxes, and do not wish to be rut of ihetn orie dny. Extract fram Daniel Tift &. Son's letler dated: Taftsvillf.. (Vt.) Feb. (. 184;". Yoiir Pilis wore received a few sincc. and 1inve som somt of thöni, ntiU ulso usoü some mrselves, and tliink vcry favoiably of (hem. and hey aro liked by those who hnvc üsed thetn. Mr. J. P. Sniiih. of Gloucestcr. elotes thni lic s ins acid all. and wishes ÍS dos. boxes more '' nrdiaiely; and ihey give universal satisrnciion, , hni he hos determined to scll no othcr kind of ' filis. Mr. A. Allen, of Palmer Depot, ètatne thrti ie was very cltnnAil lie was appointed .Ag;ni.;i ; lis wile has bten an inva'id lor some linie, mul s i box of these pills immediatelv - wns neent lor i jther Pilis, bu t should only recommend '.hese. t Extract irom J. B. Dariferijb letter, dated- Baunaud. (Vi.) Jnn. 11, 115. _ J Please send me imniediately 6 doz. Stniih's 1 Sugar Ciated Indian Vegetable filis. Tlinsi ! vu sent a short time since. are nearly al! sold ! inil give uuiversal satis'action. The above are only a few of the numeroup i Ictters wlnch are dail'y received of the great pp ulariiy and uocess of thf tnily escollen Pilis. They are the bet medicino lor the ïhove i alnipifl (lint nre sld. and in evorv cc. that ( leen ined havo given nnivciPül sniisOiciion. pnd ( sliou d be kipt mp:i mifiily medicine by every ne Wc onlv nek a r i r. I (ff thftn to convince tluinopt ekeptical o! tmtli oi thrpi; apscrtions TIn dircct.ons and trtatnieni of the djsénet j accompany every rix. PKICK 25 CENTS VKn BOX. No ';SUGAR CO TED PILL." canbe een uine withnm t lio sijrtiaigr.e i(" the solé iiivíntur G. BENJAMIN SMITÍ!. ft'. D.. President of the N. Y Colletie of I -lial{li." upnn every ho Offices devott-d exclusively to the salu of tliis.medicine. 179 Grp.enw)ch Stteet. Néw York. N. . Water Street. Boston. For sale in all tht: viiluge :mt) towns in tin New Englond States. N. B.- Pío travelling pedlürs are aÜowed to sell these Pilis Fxamine thp Si.'nntliro. fTTFoi se ly W. S. and J. W, Maynard. Lund & McColliim. F. J. B. Craiíc. Ann Árbor. Perrin &. FJall, Northville; Thumus P. May, Jr Plytnouth: Í). C. Whitwood, Dext'jr; G. & J. G.' Hill, Detroit. Also at ret:ii! in every town throughont the United Stntes a' 25 cents per Box. 213WOOXi" CLOTH! CLOTH!! npll E subscriben will coniinue to munufao 'UrFulleA CSotli, lor 37 ets. per yurd, nnd white tlannel for 2' cents per yard; or they will manufacture the wool lor hall die clotli il will rnnke. Their Fnc tory is 2 milce Wesl of Ann Arbor, on the ! uron River. Wool vilialdo te receiverl nt Sein Vhen sent bv Ilniltoad it will he nttentk'd to in the sume menner as il tnc owners wtre to coniewith it Wool Will he mnnulhcturecl In turn ae it comes in as nearly n9 it cnfl he done with reterence to the difiereni qmtliiiesof wool. WOOL CARD1NG, wi'l be done at Scioj by Thomas Hnskins. S. W. l-'ÜSTER&CO. Scio, Mav 1, 184ó. 210DELAVÜ.W HOUSE. ALIïANY, NEW YORK. BY NATHANIEL ROGERS. THUIS celebrated house is now open for the re ccpdon of trnvolera. It is the Inrcest dimcnsions. and is en'ircly new in all its paris. Ii is strictly a Tcvp.runcc Ilousc. and while no pnins will bespaied to mnke it all tlmt the trnveline public can aak, it is expectcd in return that ft will receive the pa-.ronage ol jII thefriends of Temperance who niay have occasion to visii Alhnny. May 19, 1845. 212-Gr.. 7Ë RO MËM. TREADWELL, ATTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL altend to the sale aad exchffñgru o( -Lands, payment of Taxes. and leclempion of Lands sold for Taxes in Jackson and adjoiriing counties. cxaminaiion of Titlrs, Convcy incina nnd nll tinsinesspertaining to lleal Kstate. Kjfítco in the Court House. .lücksnii. MicliiL'nn. 17-tf Ready Made Clothing. AT REDÜUED PR1CES. lurgesi and best assornneni of remly JL tnade clnthing ever belore oiFeied in t h i Sime, now on hand and lor s;ie, Wholes.iie 01 Retail, at the Cloihing Einporiuni ol' the Sub sciiin'fs. consisting in part ol Fine broadcloih Frock aud Dress CoaiP. Tweed and union cassiinere. satinetand jcaii Frock and Business Coate. Summer Coais in great varicty and very c'ieav.Cassimere, cloth. tweed and summer Pants oi .ill styles and prices. Satín, vrlvet. silk. valencia, wshnwc mui Vlnr8cilles Vests - a large stock ot ricli and Cusli lonnble aty'cs. Als'), bd extensive assorrment of Hosiery Stocks. Scarls. Handkeichiefs. Cullars, Shirts, Glovea. Cravni8. Suspetideru. S:c. Ac, all "f wliicli will be sold low or ca h 'i'hey wmjld rcspectl'ully invite all, in want of reidy made garments. to cali and examine thcir stock beforc purchnsing clssvliere. as il lias been elecied with care in the Easicrn niarket nd iianufactüred in the latest stylca and most durable marnier. HALLOCK A RAYMOND. Corner of Jeflereon & Woodward avenues. Detroit, Apri' 4, 1845. ij:-r Geese Fcathcrs. T'IK Snbscrilicr Ims Iways on hind a good bupply olGecse Fciiihers wliicli he will sell in (juantities lo snit purcharers und at the lowcei market rato. W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 23, 1845. 213-Gin.ALWAYS Ol% HAND. TiT" fTHHE Subscriber hn ref'? JL moved hiuehop 10 Mnin i "V-C" Mreot oppoejie JJ. Ltckififi NKSttï' ers Blltk Slürc' wll'iche il'L is Hfe "iny lc found rt'(1y 'o uiih _Av 1 wiEf-í u?on n" ''ial niDy gi%e l'ln Pii -tKitw Hnvingjust receivsd dï-. eet irom Nèwi York :m elefinni siock of md Fancy Anieles, wlilch he inicnds to scll ower ihiii) ever been sold west of Buffalo ',r Reudy Ptnj Only. Arnong which moy bo ound o jood ossorinient of Gold nnd Comtnon IVaich Kcys. Gold Finger Rings nnd Bosom Pins. Gunrd Clinihs, Silvcr Tea and Toblo rípoons. Sugnr Tongs. Butter Knives. Silvcr Pcncil enss. Silver and Comnion Tlnmblcs. Sil. k'ur Spcclnclce. Germnn. do.. Steel, do., Ueir Rruslies. Clolhes do.. Topih do.. Lniher do., Fmc Rftiörs nnd Pockel Knivtp. Fine Shenrs' iuid Sciesors, Lnthcr boxos. Rnzor Strope. WdU letts. Puisrg. Violins nnd Bows. Flutes. Violin aud Bnss Violin Siringo. Clorionei Reedf. Pcrcns8ion Cnps. Porket Pistola. Britmnin CwidleBticks. WatchCT. ï.oiier Sinmpp. Steal Pens nnd Twerzers. Snuffnhd Yobncco boxee. Fine combp, Dro?s,ng do.. Side do.. Uock do.. Shell do., Neodlcs nnd Cnses. Wntei Pninis, Toy Watchce, Kid Dolly, n grent vnrieiy of Toys foo numerous to nieniion, Beads, Necklnces, Fancy Boxes, &c. S.'C. Ci.oótcs nnd Watchks of every descripfion repnircd and warrnntod, also, Jewelry repaired on thort notice. CAÍ.VIN ULISS. N B. CaíH paiu ion OLD GOLD AND SILVER. C. R. Ann Arbor. Oét. 24, 18-M. 28-tf. ALLEBASrS MEDICINES. THESE MEDICINES ARE cfFccting such astonishing onresin mul tiiudes of old cases long since ubandoned by Phytsicians nnd Surgcons as u:terly hopeless. that no mediciiKiS, whero these are known, stand s deservedly high. Tlïey consist of THE BLACK. OR" ALLEBASI'S SALVJÍ,Frice Z5 Ceñir,. tVhicIi curre nlmost universnlly. Fever Sores, ot lie most maiignólit kind, Felons, Ulcers, Abicesses, Tumors, Frnetures, Cuts, Punciurcs [3urn Scnlds. Sore Throat. Cliilblains. Quin ey. l)rop y. Inflnmntory Rhi-binniism, InflumnatioiiG and Swellitiirs rf cvery descripiion. Scnld Flend Ague n ilio Faco, Nervmis Tooth Ache, ue n the Breasi, Brokon Btcnst, de. &.c. xLLEISASt'S HEALTH 1 ILLS, 25 Cttniüv These Pilis hnve acquired a populnriiv witliin he lasl yenr o tVvo, which no oiher Pilis poeící8. The rosolis are onvious to all wno use jiérri. They cure uil Ifilions. Scarlci nnd othir Kevers. Fever nnd Aue. Dyppepsio. Dropsy, Acid Stornnch. Disorder d BoWcIb. or 5tÓmoth, fiiiinuire, [{end Ache. Dizzincss h ilie liend, Worms. Liver Complnint. flenri liurns, rholic, l?.wtl cömplsirit', Geiiernl Debility. CosíiveneíB, &c. &c. Their purify the entire system. liave ihe bowcls in n viijorous and hcalthy cotidition, &c. Peepamphlet. ALLEBASl'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Prirc 25 Cents. Wil! cure an ordiunry c:isí of Toolh Achr, in O-oni ilirce lo ten minutes. For iVervous and Other kinds of Tooth Ache. see Painphlct. ALLEBASJ'S POOR .MAiN'S PLASTER, Trice. 23 Cevts. Are warrantrd to be eupe'nOf to nny other Plns ters in hJA-Oi nnv mlicr country, for pain ir weokhess in t Ii Bnck. SmIc. C'lieft, Bowels, Loine, Muselee. nnd for Jihcnniniism, Ltitig nd Liver Conp!;iints, Coughs, Colds, Asilimn, &c. See pornphlut. N. B. - Pirase to ns! ilie ngent for n pntnphlet which givea all the informntion necoegnry respecting the uses of the medicines, ilie viriurs iliey pogsese. etc. Piense to (ollow direciiona inthe iiKi; of the inediciiips. mi you niay rely upnn :ill thnt is prntnised. A liltern discount nuidc to merchnnts and oth erg. who buy tosrll nynin. LYfilAN W. CJIBFRT. Proprir-ior. Whulesa!.; I)rncist. 2J4. Fulion si. N. Y. (OFor sale hy ibe cubscribcr, who hns been nppóintè'd general tiponi for the C'u of Détrojt nu] iiH viciniiy. Country dealere supplied on liberal tenns, C. MORSE, Michigan Bot k Store. The ab'ove medicines are for sale at ilie Book Store of VVM. R. RY, Tn Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December 9, 4J. 34 yKEMOVAL. TUK subscribeis hnve removed iheir estabhphrtïent to tlie store rocint]y occupled by Geo. (ircnville. No. 2. Hnvvkins' ilock, lid have re ceivgil direel dom ïSVw York, a choico lol of Family Groccries, Fruits, Nuis, &c. to wiueh ilioy would invite the nttention nl the ciiiznn?. They nlso continue the BAKING bil' sines nt thejr old stand nenr the Depot, ind krop nonstahïly on hand at both pluces eveiy nriicle in 'hal line. F. B. HALL, & CO. Aun Albor, June4. I8''57 saV1b"cost!A LL persons uid'.'lnod 10 di Kiibscribers. ei, . lier ly note or liook nqcóunt, nre request ed to cali and settle the sanie liefóre tlic l-'xl dny f September next, ns II debta unsutiled ni that time will be lofl in the hands of VVm. R. Porry Ksq. for collcciinn. R. & 3. L. DAVIDSON. Ann Albor, Aun. 1 1. 1845. yi25-4v "mARLBORÖ HOTEL. TEMPERANCIA MOUyK, ATHAiNlEL RÜGFRS. No. 2-29. Washington Street, Boston. THIS house Ims undergone a thorough repair and it is intended that no rum hou9e shnll be superior to t. It will be under the immedíat charge of Brown & Colluirn. ns Mr. Rogsn keeps ihe Dclevnii House in Albany. May 19. 1845. 2:2-6tn lllsiii Sí Dccds mul Mortgragrcs WHULlOSALh: AND HK'l'AlL, lor sale by BKCKLF.Y, FOSTER & Co. Marcli 20. 1845.O,ÖOO Ponnds WOOL WAWTED TUR Subscribers will ny Cnsli lor VVool, al iheir Slore, Na. llö Jeflerson Avenue.- Grt'ni cnre should be luken by Wool-Growe.s n eleunsing their "Wool, and putting it up fur market. Mnny Farmers are in the habit o clip-ping their Wool wilhout washing, which ren-; ders it unmerchnntable. Let it be well wasi-Wt nnd rolled its tight ns pos5ble inside out, and fnstened witli n Mrong cord. Toóse hnving Wool to sell will consult their interest by callipg on ts belbre selling. NEW CÍOOD3. WF. nre imw receivin our Kpringr etock o. Gooda. wbich we ofler for Cueh or Pro duce, at the vory Inwcst i. nrke pricrs. SM1TH, GLOVER & DWIGHT. Deiroit. Mny. 1845. g!3-tf NEW ARRAlTOEIflE]TS REMOVAL. TUK Siitairriher hes removed hrs e'ock oí BOOKS (o Slot No. 2. Exchnnge Block, nlijoining Luiids fe M'Collums btore,wherche is icixly 10 furniéh ciish cusiomcrs with a new and wcll clpcied nss'irimcnt of Miscellnnrovs, Religinus, Historícal, Diogi aphical and School liooks, logethcr wiih he Wei nssoi ;nu'Hi 1 Puper. Quillfy Inlï, Wnlers. Toy Boüks and Stationöry generallv yhich hos ever been oflered west of Detróifi iind will be eold nt 'he Deirpit Cueh prices. Hé hns added to bis former business á well selected nssortment of Fnmily Grocorics, wliicb he will exchnnge for Cnsh or moet kinds of produce. Wimled- Egge. Beoswax nnd Tallow. Rmember the store, two from he Floiiriní Mili. VM R. PEUHY. Ann Arbor. Lowcr Villnpe. June 6, 1845:' 7e .' Paper llanin, BORDEHING, Window Papers, Fire Bwrtf Papers, &c. will be sold at vcry low priceí by W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 19, 184Ü. i13-6nio


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