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- We are informcd, snv8 (hecon Mes.-rnjrer, Umt n netfro wimnn wns mnrd?red by theoversecr riï Col. I!. G. Liimr, nt his plnntntion in tlus county. on Mondnv evfinina1, 4h inít. Frorn sil thnt we cun le.irn of iho circiiiiir-tances, the net was eommitted frr very slurht cniíse. The womnn was 8t -bbrd sevoroly witli a knife in lh lert brpast,nn1 hcr skull IractureH by n blow with a ro k, of which ehe dier! iinniedmtely. The ñamo of the ove'seftr is Thomas Freeniíin, who ho bepn arrestcd ond is nnw in joil in ihis city, fnlly committod for nrirder. - Should the case prove as it has leen represente'], the severel ponalty of the law -lioiiid be enforcod. - Ckatatahooche (Lagrangc, Ga.) Gazelte. No doubt the penalty of the law ovght to beenforced: bul wliere can an instnnce be found in the Unitrd State, during the last 200 years, in which a white mnn has been executed for ihe murder of a flave?&ƒ A writer in the New York Heraid says that the three greal cities of the Empire State will be New York, Syracuse, and BuiFalo. Of the latier piare he eays: ''The tremcndons water power of the mighty Niogara is destined one day to be tribtitary to the city of Buflalo. For a dis- tnnoe of nearly one luindred miles, ftom Lewistnn to the Genesse Fall eastward. at the base of a mountain riilpc which runsa'ong in that direction, are sites for manufactring establishmcnts equal to the whole of the present power of Englond. And this vnst wa Ier power will not always be unemployed.- Lnnr f-ince it hna attracted the nttention of intelligent of intelligent capitalista. The company who establishment the faetones at Lowell hnd at first fixed on this very región in the neijjhborhood of Niágara as the scène of their pnterprise. It was only the refiisal of the Portcr family, hó own the lnnds, to meel th tims of the company that prevented the establishment of the Lowell milis there." (C Uriali Wood, avoting Birney abolitionist, has been nppointed Postmaster in New Scotland N. Y. in place of Mr. Rnynsford, adevoted VVhig, who has held the office 20 yeurs. There can be no doubt of this, as it appears in the Nalional Intell geneer; and that paper declares it to be "an important part of the history of the times"! ]t appears frotn the Cleveland papers ths the Small Pox is prevalent in Ihat city. 30 or 40 cases and several deaths re reportcd.


Signal of Liberty
Old News