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We hnve no full returns of the Libprly vnfR. Marión Coiintv gave 57; last fall.25. Wnyne Lnve 403. Tippccnnoe g-ave 75; last fnll, 37. Elkhorn grave SI; last fnll, 1 - Rondnlph, 171, 35 loss tlinn last year. Juhnson, 33; lnt fnll, 15. (t5 The Sfa'e Jmirnnl snvs thatOhio is a Wbie State, and Wiw bankt." The Ohio Statesmsn hna n list of Forty Seven Banks in that State that have cxpludod, to the reat loss of tho people.OC?" The Detroit Free Press enys that it nins widi certain other papers in this S'a'e n the watchword - ilAway tciih all Banks." This declnration evincea more cournge and ndependence than ny otber thinjr we ever snw in that poper: Tor Ihe State paper s decidedlj the most bashful and timid ab jut tak int: new pnsi:ion? of nnv in the State. ÜLf" Much excitement prevailed at Washington in consequence of the murder of Wm. Kendail, by W. R. Elliott. Joseph R. Bailey had his arm badly shattered by a ball from Elliott's pistol. It was a street fight, and originated in some jesting conversation. The young men were all intímate with each other. The person killed was a son of Amos Kendall. Elliott was committed to prison, the mogistrates reiising all bail for him.(t The Detroit papers say that the Daily News, a neutral paper of that city, has been suspended for want of support. There are three dailies left - the Advertiser and Express, Whig, and Free Press, Democratie- one more, we suspect than can get a permanent living. it0" The Spint of Liberty mentions the marriage of S. S. Foster, anthor of "the Brolhcrhood of Thieves," and Abby Kelly, the celebrated lecturer on Abohtion.ftjr Mr. Swartz's Lectures on Palesine were well worth nttending. The views of the cities, locnlities and buildings :f Judea are calculated to facilítate the study of sacred history, and make distinct and vivid impressions on the miñU. Q The Democratie Convent ions of Wnyne ond Macomb Counlies passed resolutions in favor of selling the Public Works. 05a Mr. Ladd, the proprietorof the State Journal', has sold out to George Corseliiis and S. B. McCrocken, by whom the paper will be hereafter conihjcied.(E? Tho Whig State Convention of Mniiie pnssed a re.oltition declnrmg their enire confidence in Henrt CíaT, and nttribuing Ws defeat to the frauds of political oppolentp, and uthe mistaken or perverse policy sf the friends of freedom." The Whigs nominated a Mr. Morse, of Bath, for Governor, ffsr is said to be a very clever youngr man, but enn by no possibüü}' bp elected. Mnine lias a Democratie inojority of some 10,000.


Signal of Liberty
Old News