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Foreign News: India

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A great project is on loot in EngJnnd - the consirnction of a railwny in India, to connect the interior of the Península with Bombay in one direction, and with the best port on the eas:ern co;ist on the other. It ia to be caüed the Greai Iridian Peninsular Railway, and a capital of 30,000,000 dollars U proposed. It is designed to lny the foundation for a connection between the threcseats of Brkish Government in India, h wiil traverse ric'i and fertile districts, nnd will accommodate many large townp, such as Hoonah, Abmcduugger, Nngpoor, Hydcrpad, &c-, and oflbrd fncilitiesfor the exportation of cotton, siignr, ilk, dyewoods. 6jifccs, &c,, nndofcourse for the importatior oj manufactured goode. salt. &c. The proposed ultímate length 9 1300 miles. The plan was laid in India, whcre the mportancc of ithas been recognized by the local Ejovernments, nnd fhe greatest interest manifest ed in it by the nativ'e merchants and othere; and nriiish skill and capital are now sought to carry it out. FRANGE.Tho Eu'opcan times of July i!, hasthe followiag pnragrnph: - "The grent topic of general interest diiring ihe laat fortnight hns been the question rel:itive to the Je8uite. After the famous nppenl of Theirs to the government to put tljp laws in force against ihe followers oí Loyola. M. Rossal was sent to Rome with the mission of pcrsuading the Pope to recall ihe Jesuiis from Franco, nnd thercby snve the government the pain nnd ncandal of beïn compelled to e.xpol them by the strong hand. In this miseion M. Rossal hna completely succeeded - the religious cornmunilies of the Jesuits bcing ordercd to be broken up, the greatej part of iheir body to quit the kingdom, their noviciates to be sold, ond theit housea and prrperty (they nro very rich) to be dieposed of. This is considered a riumph over the reüeious party. The leligious newspapers coneole themselves by awreriing that t was not the Pope who consented that the . suite should be sent out of Fraucc, but the General of the Jesuits himself. OREGON. 1 he following leder from P. H. Burnctt, Kaq. appeais in the Platte Argus of Aug. 2, 1845. Falatikr, Oregon, Nov. 4. 1844. The emigrants are now arriving, and will all be liere in n tcw weeks at the (arthest, and I cxpect to receive ovher letters and papers xvhich 1 mn nformed aro on the way. I liavo now time to write you a hasty letter, as one of the H. B. co's ehips. the Cohnnbia, leaves Vancouver in afew weeks, for tFie Sandwich IsUfldV. i Our country is most beautiful, lertilc, and well a watered. whh the most equable and pleasint mate. Our population is ranidly incre3sing, and the country is making great progresa in wcnlth and refinement. f have never yet seen a population so inclusti ons. sober and honcst aa this is. I know many, very many young men, who were , the veriest vagabomls in the States, who are ht-re , rfspectable, and doing rema'k-ably well. Our crop8 líie past year, (184-1) have been most tiful, and we hare not only wheat enough for our own consnmptiorr, buta large qaantity for tation. Large numuera of cattleare raised here, wliich are never fcd or shchered. Mnny men have from hre to fourhundred liead of catlle. - Sheep can be had here in any nnmber, the H. B Company have a large flock, and many private individuals have them. Ere this reaches you, you will perhnps have learned that we have a regular government in successful operation in Oregon. When I first reached this región, about a year ago, I thought any atiempt at organi?,aiion iright be premature. I hnd not howerer, been here long, before I was coijvinced that a governme of some kind was inevitable. It grew out of invincible necessity. Oar commercial and business transactions were considerable. Diíntulties were dailyotcuring beiween individúala, n reference to t their 'claims;' the estaiea of deceased persons ( wcre daily dcvoured, and helpl'essorphans plundered; crimes were committed, and the base and unprincipled, the reckles and turbulent, were hourly trampling on the righisof ttie honest and nnd peaceable. A popirlation as numcrous ns ours could nolexjst without a government. - Tho thing was jmposaibk. We therefore organized a government of out on. We had no money, no mearre I was a member of the Legislature. t had mosf of the busi neto do. We passed fax bil, appointedan assessor, and permitted every man' not to pay n tax.if he chose so ta do: bat if he did not pay,beingable, we óbarred him the privilege of suing in the courle, as plaintfflT At ihe same time we passed acts to protect all bona fide setllers in their claims to the amount of 640 aerca, The tax bilí operated like a charm. Nearly all rlie population paid without hesitation. We selected a Cali Êant Tennesseean, Josepli L. Mt-ek, for our Sheriff. He had been in the 1 mountains with Wm. Sublette, for eight or ten years, í good nntured, popular, and as brave as Juhus Ccesar. The very firm warrant he luid delivered to h4m waa iseucd for spprehension o( a very ttrrbulentapdqanrrelaoTne marr, who resisted Medí with a broad oxe, but Meek presented a cocked pisto!, and took the fellow, nolens tolens. The next, nnd only case of serious resistance to our laws, was on the part of J. Turnham. of Mo. He had aá3aulted an individual, and warrant had been issued by o justiceofthe peace. Turnham was himself a constable, and John Edmonds was deputised to arrest him. Tornham resisted with a large butcher's knife; but Ed monds had a piatol vxiih six barrefe, wcll char ged. He shot Turnham ïoiyt times, the last bnll euterirrgncar the lemple, when he rmmediately expired, Tueee are all the obstructionir to the administration ofjustice, we have had, antlin Edmond's cose, he.t'ns períeciíy justifoble in kill ing Turnham, even if he had no warrant, na T. assauliod him firat, and pursued him wiA great violence to the last.We have now five contrties and two terms 01 the cirsmt eourt in ach co.r efleh yea. We h;ive but one judgc, wbo discharge ihe dtrtiesof probatojudge. chnnecllor and what not; in fact, w have os yct, only circuit courts and jasticps öl the peace. Our gwernmew was ouly intended as a provisional one, until some regular povern ment could be cstablished. We adopfed the statute laws of Iowa vrherc oppüfable ta oor condiiion, and noi modified by our Legieluiure. We are now waiting most pntiemly for the rcsult of Phcftcnhnm't mission, and if the two governraems Imve not ■ettled the qiieation between thcni, the moment tfeot fact is known there will be one universal movemeHt made; A regular convention m be held, atria comnilution adopted (rtpubliwn, no doubt) andan independent governraent1 pul in at once. Necessity compel uj to the step. The population of this-country are no doubt desirous to lm under the' gövc.nment of the United Siate, bui .ifshewill'notdoany fr ui re must and iWilJda something for ouel-v Tho peoplc jhore are worn out by delay, and flieif condition becomes evcry dny moro intolerable. , 1 apeak to you with great candour, for you know me, and I know that I wiihfiold noiLing. and duguiso nuthing. We are wo1l sa'isñed lliat the U. S. Government as wcjl os Great Britnin enuld not olijcct, and would not olye i' weform ;n independent goe.-nment furouraclves. Trca e must be mnde wiih the Indians, nnd many otlier ilungs of iinporiancc rnust oí neces sity be dur.e. Our pou!ntii"n aboti: iloubles cvcry ynnr, an3 our bubiness-ti cbïce. Wo wil! s-iun h.ive n printing press, and a paper of our own. Wc can i hen pul)lis!i our lar. The prnctice of law lias rommenccd, and I have sevcriil iinpo-innt snhs-on hand. I have a fine 4iclnim,'' perhapsamong the best in Oregon, situated in the cprrueoi one of those most delightful prairies cilled Mie Faleniinc Plains. I am in excellent baallfi, contented and happy. Mrs. B.'.s healih has and my childien are fat and fine. Yours, &èM PKTER II. BURNE1T. CALIFORNIA.We a day or two since noticed a letter n :he Providence Journol, descriptiveof California. The wrtter admita that many of hc accounO inr mrpass the reality, and yet he says ihat the cliTiate ie ir frmh del ghtful, more genial and vouptuous than that of Naples, and the lands ol ihe valleys luxuriantly iertile - but there is no rain between the months of March & November, ind whenevtT the quanttty which ftills during the rainy season is not abundant, the cosmry suffere eevcrely from droughis, nnd these are eo frequent tbüt it is nat often they have three produc:ive years in succession - crops are no wherecer:ain, exccpl wlien aidet! by irrig.uion - wlicre his courae of culiuro is pursued, for which there ïre in many regon3 great natural ndvantares. :he cropa are astonishingly luxuriant and prulific The most common mode of transportation to :nnrket, with the Mcxicnns in California, is to 3ecure whatcver the farmer for sale on to a dry Büüock's hide.-to which he attachesone end of the rope, and fastening the oihcr to tile puinmei of the saddle, the cavalier mounta. and putting 8purs to hie horse, drags the burdon lumberngly along on ihe ground after him. The economy andingenuity of the contri vanees are a cause of astonishment to a Yankee emigrant. - He sa8 that in 1843, the whole Mexican population of the Province was-estimatedat one thcu sand only, the foreigners being" principal iv emigrante frotn the United States, were about equal in number. TLcrestoftkc popolation is?osed of the naiive Indians, who are the slaves anrt lnborers of the country. The toreign poputation since 1843 must have increased rapidly. and by the accessions it will receive this year, will probably qnadruple ibe numbcr of Mexican inhabiiants. SPAÍN. The Review for Jnne, 1845, says of this country, "She bas been pretty well spoiled of all esrthly wealtb, and left as poor and indigent as the most fervent admirer of apostólica! poverty could desire toseeher. All the church Inncfs have been seized to the State, all tithes have been abolished. every imaginable sourec of income turned away, and a substituto! for all - and most scrupulously never paid!" - Whitever could be done to render the ceremonial and liturgy of the Chatolic church as meagre andas mean as possibis, been thus most eedulously accomplished." The alliance between church and State has been not only openly bui ostentatiously broken by the banishment of Bish op, dignitnries, and parish Priests, from their dioceees or country, and by measures coolly calculated to bring the ecclesiastical order into contempt. Every religious body has been dissolved, the monks driven into the streets, and1 all their corporate influencedestroyed. Where there may have been ten fairFy provrded rule or bias. thcre is hartlly One pauper curate left." 'At the beginning of lasi year, oí the sixty-two Bishops wlio-' form the Hlerarchj of Spain, only twelve were left lu their iees!"


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