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Senatorial Convention

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A Libertv Convention Tor the Fifih Senalona! District, cnmprisiiur the Coiintifv of St' loseph, Capp, Berripn, Vnn Bnrrn, Kalamaioo, Birry, Alloman, Ottawa, KenN nnd'Oroïnn. wilt op hoWi nt Schnolcnfr. on Thursday, 2th dny of Septornlwr, commoncinj at O j'clock, A. M. and continoing throuph the jay nnd evcninrr, to nominnte o cnndidate fot he office of Senator, to bn supported at the jnsuinjr election. A fn!l dolciruiion from all :he Conntifs in the District is policilpd, os bnsiness of mich importnnre to the advnnce- ment of the ennse is expecied to come beforo th? Convpiitinn. ft will be important that the differmt connties in the District hold counfy meetinrs for the nppointment of Dplrpatrs nnd mnking Cotinty nomination, previons to the Senatoria] Conveni'mn. For the purpose of a thorough oreanizntion, lol the Connly Conimitte8 orotheT Liberty fr?id--. as far as prncticablp, appoint meetings and procure Liberty neskersto nódress Ihe oeonl of the variouatowns in the respective Cnnntie? composingf the Sennfnrinl District. We wnula ur?e "pon the Liberty friends the mportnn-e of nttendingr to the nbnve RUjrpeptions without delay, so that we nwy hnve as comülotenn organizntion of rhe whole Senatorial District previons lo the Convmtinn as the preseitt staar of oor enterprise will Dfrmit. Tlie delpgrntes to the Convention are requested, wbcn they nrrive at Schoolcnfi, to en]] on Dr. S. L. Babbtt, who will direct ! hom tti n?nrpj nf ontprtninmpnt.


Signal of Liberty
Old News