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The fullowing is un oxirnct from a Mtor from C.'inton, düed Dcc. 2, 1344, publilieü in a Pnris paper. "Exrcpt New China f-lreet, which resemble exnc ly two of our handonmast smeris in Pnrif., Cantón is made tip entirely of little nnrrow, lung streels in the broadest of whicli three men nbreast couUl w'nli difficulty pnss, so that thefH is nol n carriage, liót h lioise. iiot the mallest Wheel-barrow anywhere; but a ciowd of people prnssinof, pnsliing, crowd:iT c;irl) othT conl imiaily in llirse nnrrow ítreols. vvthjch are alwoys filled up with por ter?, wliii6f btndens, stitpenc!(?d ot the twoexfremilies of a stic, rst on ilicir shonlifrs. oftcn oxtfeQ'dihs1 (juire acrc&s thesfreèt. For tunatelv, tne magíizinesñtid shops are' si wáyá nppn on eaCn side of tho strret, (-o tliat any inoinent ono onn tlirnw Fílnieeíf mm tliTn to prevent beinj knorkiïd over. Evpry body poi;:rr nn] cniintT in lilis wny, has exnctly tl.p fffot of an anl heap. Winen are never 6een i;i the streets;Ttif Cluncse wnmn, rxccpt (Iiofp of tho lrnvesl ciass, ore alwnvs confinad to their Imus j pp. As to Fiiiroppnn womrn, if one of ihcm should npnear in public, she would immediale ly bo torn to pieoes. Enrope.-m riirtü are now nnd tlion insolted, the Chinese rr.ake a pnm thal they will out offyour hond, but thpy tako rond care not to do it. Tliey retemblé thnt race ofdogs who bark nmch but nei'er bite, milpss lliey ore attackod, nnd frcl tlicmselvps jrrentlv snpprior iri foree. Whnt is most cn rjons in Clinton, s the river on whïcli live nbout si.xty thousand inhnb'ttnnts. There arp hout distnets, boal streets. In oach of thps=e hoats one or more fnmiliee live. There is díe rommprclalcity vthere every boat is a ehop, there i the city of the people: these are poor misprnble bunts, nml finally ihore is tlie city of pleasnrp. This is compoppd of immonso boííts paintpd in hnUinnt colors ornimented with pciilpturp nnd gilding, whf-re are to he found magnificent soloons, voluptnous divnns. Dnrinfr the night, these bonts shino wifh a thousnnd ights. No'liing is heard in them but (lancinir, songs and uiusic. Sumptimns Peusts are served there, ovpr which women crowned with flowers.and in their most splendid attire presido. Woe to the slrnngpr who seduced by the voices and the chnrms of tliese vren, ehould t=et fuot in these brilliant palnces of riot and debnuchory - dnatl) wovilci be the poimliy pf bis impmlence. The Chinese uilh difiinuhy nrc persiiM;li;d to nilow oihers to pijngJe in their business, but they iipver Eofgixe aoy one who comes lo interfore with tiioir p'oosnrps. The sinots of t!it: iqtiaiic city nre as nnimntëd as theso of the city on laffd'. Thoy hnve iitth; cov(red boais called Timkht which prrform tlie snmo ofllce on 'he river ol Cantón as that of ihe goiululas at Wnice, or carriagea in our lnrge stroei.s in Frnnce. Each of thp?eboats is furnished witli a w.) man, vvh stancjs aft with a godiHa, nud by a nnn who stnnd? nft ivitli an oar. Bet ween tho two is a linie si!oon wnih hlinds nnd t-urtuins, wbere four or íive jer?o'is pit qnte a tiieir ense. We hired one pftbem dtiring onr s'av a' Ciinlon ns we hire a harknoy concli at Paris. It. wnsour greatist pleasurë iñ the pvening to canse onrpelves to bp conducrcd abont the flower bc.nts, (tbis is the nnmp giwn1 to the pleasure boats,) wliere from the depth of our ealoon we observcd those curi-.ons ma miers, wesuw tiie dances, we lieard Ihe 8óng, ve examined the cosluino of the woincn, wiihodl our beiug perccived by any onc."


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