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Shiawassee And Clinton Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty

Shiawassee And Clinton Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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Ata meeting uf the friends of tv from tiieconnties of Clinton nnd Shiawnssoe, held at II e houe of Peier Laing, the meetini ua orpamzed by en Hing Hrnry Post to the cbair, and apfiointing CIms. P. Parkil!, Secretary On motion df Dr. Barnes, a Comtnit lee oflhreeA'as appointelto drafl resolutions exprefsive of thp f=pnse if the mceiing. J. B. Barnes, Martin Post, and II. G. Elis ton, were appxin ed said committee. The Com'ention then proceeJed to nomínate a can (lidate for l f ie office of ReprrsentatiVf, from the above named cnuntip6, vvlu-n Hon. Elias Comstock rpceived the unnanimoiis vote at the fust bailuting. ' he Cnimnittee t lien pre pended the followinp resolutioup, which were read and adopied, viz: Resohid, Thaf, ns the principies of tlir Lijprty party are none olher than the principlps f 8evénly-Six - tóe true dfmoerntic princlpIeB- prinfiples eFtabüs-hrd bv the greti Author of nur boinw, nnd harmonizino1 with the principies of Itia own governtnenf, we can but ff el confidpnt of their success and prevalence over all opposilion.Resolved, That it is with gratilm'e lo lïim who has piven a6?urance of the ultímale as cendency of Trnth and Justice over all E ror and Upprefsinn. lhat we view the stearfy nd vanee of thoae htvüowed principies - the reeuli of whiihwill be, io put im'o the hnnda of ry man, whatever inay be his complexión, that wh:rh is his binh right. Retolvtd, Thai Slavery, as prccticed ir. thcee Uni'.ed Siates, witlj hl] :8 abevtors, oud promoteiv - re'igiomly nnd politicaily, receives and 'eervee oiir unq al-Gcd hatrcd - and a Bucfi wp will ce-i6e to have anv feilowctiij witi them w'iatever, either in Church or Ötatr. llrsu'vrd, Tl)tit we hcartilv concnr in tin Dom nation of Jáxzs G, Boost, m edate tbr i lie office of Governor of this Sime: Thot weconsidcr him woll quahfied in allropcctsfor tliot ofllctí: Thar v are liippy in havingf nn tpp'Tii ni; y r-f pijrm'fying tu riini by ;mr ftiflrngrs, tlial iniwiilislnntiii)g llio lasc cnluiuiiip' nnil Mxo. CiilHicntions ol tlie lonilers nf tiie Whij }mr:y. we s:ilt rnlcrtain en unhpfitating confi luice in him, na a mnn - as nn urden', siicrifisiry r.rd peevonnj frind ot hinnin riphli, - aiid.n judctiail fuud to tho g real denwcra tic pr i ciple, "iba, all oien 'iré creatfd Equal." Af'er lis'enií'f to acdrt'ppp, fnn fevernl eemlrmen, tho rmcing Hjourrifil, ih Ute fnll (leuinninniion iif carr iiijy ou Uere;iititive Oislricl nt the Eloctjon.


Signal of Liberty
Old News