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Livingston Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty

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At a Convention of the Liberty Party of Livingston c nnty. held at HowpII, Sept. S. f'or the purpose of nomin-itir.g two Representativos to tho State Lepislature, Isaac Smiih of Grren Oak, was called to Ihe Chair, and WiHiam Huntington of HowelJ was appointed Serretary.The cali for the Convention hnvin been read by the Secretary. and after informal balloting, it was resolved unanimously, tbat Lsonard Noble of Pu: nam, nnd Í6aac SjitTH, of Green Oak, be our candidates for Representatives of said county. Several Resolulion were pasaed, and spirited rrnvrks were made by a niimbcr of the ifiend., evinring a determination to atand by our principies, pspecinlly Bt the Ballot Box. Amonfr tiie Resulutions was nne recommending the orpaj.i&ition of a Young Mtn' A. S. Aísnciatinn, of Mich-gan. Sevcral voung gentlenirn gave rolunlary pledges f nttendance ata Conventiun for ihat purpose.ISAAC SMITH, Ch'n. WlLLIAM HüNGINGTON, Scc'y. Howell, Sept. 3, 1845. The Big Iron Steamer arrived at New York on Sunday last. The great city was moved nt its coming, and sallied forth to get a ghmpse of her, as if it had been a work of necessity or mercg. They couldn't wait till Monday. Her total lenghl is 322ft - benm 51 feet - depth 32 1-2 fet - feet of water when loaded, 16 - tonnnge, by oíd mensurement, 3443 tons. She has 26 state rooms with one bed ench and 113 with two. The dining room is 98 feet 6 inches long, by 30 wide, cnpable of dining 360 persons at one time. She may be seen for 25 cents, nnd a shilling extra for asightof herengine room. The Tribune says "she behaved most admirably" on her passage, encountenng head winds for fourteen days without losing her temper, or making a wry face. She must be a notable ladytobeara fourteen days' oppositionwith so good q grrice. Tlie Merrimnc Compnriy nt Lo wel!, whose dividmds are so oftcn quoted, employs 1,250 women, whnse average earnings conaiderablj exceed etxch jmr iveek above the co6t f their board. The laborinj men average 85 cents per dny above their board; fifty eix overseers reoeivo $2 eacli day, with occnsionn! ttrrmiums. The averacre woiking1 time af ench hond is buf ten honra and a half. In f Jif Dooi milis a cartfuí account of workinp timf? has been kept, and u nppears that J06 girls avernppd 297 days each in a year, nnd ten hntirs eíffbt minutes per day ench, beinp pnid occordin to her work, and al! pnid in cash every month, not one fartlnnp ín atore orders or barlr of nny kind. The averape eaniinpg of rhe women in all the mnmifactories, inc'mlintr novices, is 81,93 per week, bt sides their bi-ard. Veler W. Parkc and Joseph Carter, Jr., were execulcd in Belvedere, N. J. last Frid-iy in the presence of ten thnui-and men, nomen sn.l children. Though the law in Npw Jersey is tint pxectitions shnl) be private, yrt it was evnded by raising tip the gallows above the wnl's of the priaon yard ao that fpectaton withont could witnost tbp exectrion.


Signal of Liberty
Old News