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Cause Of The Whig Defeat

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Tliere has been much tprctilation ns to the cause of Mr. Clay's defeat last year; and the N. Y. Tribune and other pnpers have laid the whole blume npon the couree of Mr. Birney, and the obstmacy of the Abolitionists. Buv the Albany Evening Journal has another vereion of the effair, and laya it to the right sourcc - to Mr. Clay's Glad-to see-tt letter. - Our readers will remember that C. M. Clay nou' utiribiiies hiB defent to the same Eource. Bul aft er that letter had reached Ann Arbor lnst fall, and Cassius was about to speak hcre. he was remmded of Henry Clay's declaration that Slavery ought to make no difference in annrxing Texas, and was asked f hc 8till persisted in advjsinjr Aboliuonists to vote for him? Upon which he assured the assembied multitude in the most eolemn manner, Ihat ho knew the scntirnents of Ilenry Clay, and knew that he was at heart a aincerc emanciputionist ! But to return. The Evening Journal says: "The loss of this State to Mr. Clay is attributable to 'wo distincf and independent causes, one of which is ckargeabte to kis friends in the City of JYew York, and thb OTHKR TOBIMSELF." "Thr patriotic, independent letter of Mr. Cloy, from Rnleigh, N. C.j against the admission of Texas into the Union, made a perfect ly safe htue for us in N. York. The Abolitiun newspapers, and the Libeity Part; tenders, cnd-avored to n;itate up, bot the great body of ihe Aboliiionists wiih a clenr er nnd better view oftheirdu'y, were goiii? wilh the whipa 8(rnin8t Texas nnd Slavery.- (n en evil hour, Mr. Cloy wrote a letipr toAlubnma, snymg ihat SInvery hnd nothing to do wilh the Texns question, nd tbal peonnnlly he had no objoc'ion to its An nexatinn. That fatal letter itnled kis fute, nnd depnved the country of a Whig Pret-iHent." The Journal must acknowledge that Mr. H. Clny renlly aliered liie mind in the intervnl bptween his Raleigh nnd lus Qlad-to pee-it letter; or that he was a most consummoie hypocrite nnd liar, attempting by his letterp to deceive the wholc ccuntry in reference to the opinión h held.


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