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"Gallant Florida."

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"Mnkernom fbr gallnnt Floridaf' exclíitmp? :he Y.Trihnrïe a few da e pince, joyfully unticipaiin? the trinmph of the whips at tiro late elpction, witb Cali, the man who tent lo Cilhdfor the blond hounds, as tlieir candidnte far governor Bnt 'gallant Florida' co"ncloded there was more 'rocrm' Teios way--so ehe wheeled into the flemocrnfic (?)fo!d. - But the 'jialluntry,' of FJorida - here jt is, in i wo resolutions just passed hy her legislnfivp comm:ltee. ase ting the right which the con - gre?s of the United States gave them at ils hssion, to make slaves of such nortliern free colored persons as mny visit hei ports! Resolved, That in the municipal and pólice laws of Sn:h Carolina, ve are aware of no pnactment which goes beyond this ohject: (self pretervation) we believe that 8ich laws vvpie called for by necepsity; ihat those Viws ue not ogorressions udcd the right of Mnssachuseits, or those of any otiier Sate, hut pureïy a dcfence of the righ'e of Soutb CarollMR.Resolved. Tbnt. the committee dcrm tliis a fuvorabte opporiunity to recorflinend similar pólice ]r7s to ilioso of Soulli Carnünn, for odoptiofr hy the Genersí Asecuibly of the Smte of Florida. Which :s tbo most dcspicable - tlie


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