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We have as yct no bill of partirulars of thft election thöt wil I interest our readers. There ig no election of GoVernor by the people; luit ns the Legislnture ii Whig, Mr. Slado will bo electo rl Go'er or bf the embitrs.{L7 The ehnrge (or tíarrying a barrel of flour from Marshall to Dotroit, a diV tance of 112 miles, is 65 cents. On the Southern Road, Trom fïillsdale to Monroè, á distance of 68 miles, 43 cents is exacted. ïf our informatie-h be correct, otfr Railröads cöst nbcrfit one fhird hsi thnn the Albany and Boston linilroari, nnd charge three or four times as much tot carrying abarre! of' F'lotíí'. ïïow is this? Are ihe charges high becatíse the roaá is btiiíí chéap? 05= 'fhe indiana Vreeman trittWotin & slnvecnsè at Lawrenccberp, which èxditéd considerable iflíereft. 'f'fiè pcfttoh cínined ran awny from Louip;aña nbonf sèvcn ycnrtf npo. Tle synipft'fiiPö of the people werft grently in fnvor of this prisoher. The coiirt licid thnt the piepiimption wns in favor of1 frevtfofn. nd the clnifnnnt ñiuft fnnke out thö wlinle Cape. It wns not ènooph to prove that fheman hnd been oWatia slnve in íouipinniví for he m'tght hae been ítidnapped, or ha mipht have pnjsed info a free Stote with hia mnsters Consent : but the clainant must show tfiat the person clnimprl was nclimlly Üöfcit A slavr. For want of tbis proof, tiic prisoncr was (liscliarperf.07 SoTie or the Vhip papers are silty fnonh to try i(S niako it appenr tdat C. AÍ. Cíay's prcís svns mobbed by the 'Loco?' only. The fncts are 'Iiat it wos done n a whi'er state. fn n tv !L city, Si by n comfnilfrr44 out of 60 oí whom. nccordin? to the Washington Union were VViiigrs. The President of the meetings wis a tVhL: the S'ecrMory was a Whier, n son and Inw pattnèf of Henry Cíay, and lives n the enme house with him. Gov. Metcalfe nnn of ihe orators, was n jWrent Waig: T. F. MarshaM was form?rly n Whigf. 05 A writer in the BattleCreek CiN ixen esiirnates the tax misad upon thnt fillnge by the visit of the Circus at 4OOJ ónrl as cme of the sovereign people, h calis on the Board wha licensed the exhi- hiton to itifonn the citizens what benefit has resulted from the performances o( (he companv. The quesf ion might be op proprintely asked in every viílage ana city in the State, whence these trnfel- líng vagranfs derive the means of sub' sisience. dCf" The Oberlin College appenfs ia be in a tfourishingcondition. There are 15 Professofs and Teachers. The average number of students fof ihe íast fue years have been 528, of tthich 160 were girls. The prepafatory school of tht ín stittition was commenced in 1835. Thrcfe ycars before, the present site of Oberlin which bas now 2,000 ifihabïlants, was a dense and unbroken forest. fïo ordent spirits have ever been sold in the towñ, The heafhen classic, Yf e believe are nol üsed in this ínstítütíotK05a" Por readers will recollect the cose of John Tuckcr, a free negro of peaceable chnr acter, who was pounded to tlcatli by sntne of (he inh.'i l)i t finís of Inriianopolis, on the Fuurth f July, as h sori of Ifidependence recreatioft hMiniiiui L)nva ñas nrrested Cor this ofFeíícc, nnd indicled for fnurder in the second degreoj bnt was acquiiled! So much for human jos tice, ttrbich not only udmita of the perpetrntion nf the most atrociotis crimes, but after laying" hands on tbe offendei oflen Íets hitn go unre- buked. (U= We are glad to see the close and red 6crutiny made by soitthern slareholdera of olí northern men, because It shows that tho lime of the great issue between Freedom and Slavery is rnpidly Imslening on. This Ecruiiny ia as rigid in the Church as in the State. A northern man must now bate vouchers for Jiis charncicr, that he is real doughface, without nny mistake, or he will will be cxcluded from the confídence of the South. T"ho latest instanco wehaveseen of tbi is in refereuce toRev. W. H. ftTGtlflyi of Cinoinnnti, who had been appointed to a profesíortihip in the University of Virginia.- The Richtnond Enquirer snys of him,- "He is m the prime of life and free from al', tiniture of fanatici sm on the subject of the domeetic institutions of the South. Coming as be doe from Ohio, we have feit it proper to Blate that Mr. M'Guffy IS TRUE TO THE SOUTH, in order to remove all cavil and objection vvhich might be imagined on thalucore.''(t8 Our Ypsilantti neighbors are wide awake about making slack water navigation cf nol less' than Tour (eet deep, frorrï the villngc to Flat Rock, a distance of 88 miles. Il is proposed to be done by constructing dams and locks. The esti mnted cost is $49,000 ÏÏTMt. Spooner'8 'Unconstitutionality of Slnvery" is highly conimended by the anii-slaVery press. Gerrit Smitti haa noticcd it rery favora?ly. The Boston Alias epeaks well ofit. (t?" The Louisville Journal deniesthat C. M. Clay ever pledged himself to discontinue his paper. (tT The notice of the Liberty meeting at Grand Blanc was received too late tot publicatioi}'


Signal of Liberty
Old News