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The Man And The Brute

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The New Orleans Daily TropicoHh'è 9th of August, publishes by authoftty two city ordinances or by-laWs in' rêlation to "slaves" and "useful ahïrnafs!" The first enacts that any slaVe uftless blind or infirm, found walking with a Stick or cane in any part of the cify, "Shall be carried to the pólice jail tohere he shalt réteime ttcenty-Jivc Iashcs, and shall forfeit said stick, club or canej to any freë person seizing it." So much íbr the Human: nOw for the brute. The second oftlinance is as fol lows: "Resolved thát fróm ahd aAer the passage of this Ordinance, all persons who ahall treat cruelly and witliout necessity, any useful oninhnl, shnll be fined fifty dollars; onë half fot the benefit of the informer, ünd (he ofheV half (of the benefit of the City."- Essex transcript.(L Sometime since, Mr. Dean, n Teitipcranco lecturer fromr the Easf, cotnnienced a eystcrn of Jectunng ïn thêstreeta of Detroit, and excited tery general interest. He and Mr. McDowêlIj the editor of the "Vineyard," bnve incé adjoumed to Cleveland, and produced a great së'nsalioh there am-ng the Rumites. The Árflefican sáys that come 500 have signed the pledg, very few of wliom ever eigned it before. r. Dean has been pelted, assatilted, bis coat torn off, and hi arm broken; bul finds mnny friendo tofurnish new coais, proeecute the rioters, oud defönd his rights. Quite a nunber of groggeries have given uptheir detestable bnsinpss. Bvery body hos M?en some of Peter Parley's works. Rev. J. Pierpoint, Ín a lecture IfiÜuca ssid that "it occurred to this fine old geiitlemart, lint art office in the Custom Ilouee ai Doston would be quite comíbrtable. He went on lo Washington to solicit it. He wn apsnred thot thcre would be no trouble a bout ify nfid he returned hinie. He shortly after, however, received a letter stating tiiai the Adminisirntion had fo-ind dn ünlislavery ifiitaice inone of kis little hooki, and it was all öp' witli him."{LJ A special Comntf.UeB of the 'í'exas Convention have reported that the nmount óf the expenses of ïfto State G-vernnient will be O44,500- the Guvernor to reCeive .f2,000 yeor, and the Legislatura $3,00 a day. Th expense of the Ex-cutivc department is' put ut ÖjOCrOf the JudViary at $Ï7,000 and the Legislativo at $20,000. ÖQF i. Al. Sliively linu returned froi Oogon by ifand. He saed April Í9, and met on his way Si3?5 sotlk, 'argfe ail(J ntollj rniigrritii1! to this land of promi6e. He conflrrrw the previoua statements respreting ilie good.:ess of the crops, nnd thfc difficültieb vviüi tbc Walliiwall i fndians. (ïy' 3. G. Harri.?, Esq , formerhy t-dítor of the Naflhville Union, wa been oppointed a Piírtr in the NuVy. Th'ts was a lurky move. VVho would bcan erthor, and sperttJ hft dayt; in unrcquitid tori. when he cotild have a daily falary of eight or ten dollars, all in shiners froni the U. S. Mint, besides "fixings1 and bc idlchnif the time at thatt


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