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Extent Of Texas

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F rom a document of the Tcxnn Lnnd ■' )ffice, andsubmitted to the Convention " appears, that accordíng to a statuteof '- ie first Texan Congress, the superficial xient of thnt country in round nmnbers ÍT ! 397,000 square miles, 254,284,166 JJ eres, of which 181,991,403 acres hnve , ot been surveyedor located. The whole S f Texas, according to this calculation, w ould make 52 states as large as Massan huselts, and support a population of for" Y millions, without being any more densel' f populated than that State now is. p u05a The Vhig& are down npon Felch and " reenly for their foimer connection rith thp ll üdcat Bank6, while they are now the candiïtes of nn anti-bank party. The Whige ake out the case pretly successfully. The ly way for Felch and Greenly will be to b ,vn up, and 6ny that times hnve changed, id lhe are changcd with them." l' ■ - - n Q0 The Mie!) igun Argus, in common o th almosl every paper of thnt party, öliho' B illing itsolf Democratie, npologises tbr the b exington mob, on account of Clay's "hot id hnsty temper," his prepnrations fur resistV ice, kc. The Argus referring to the mob, ti ye: "His own neighbors, boybood schoolmates id relafives, have sat in conncil on h' con ni iet and condemned him and wc are not disei ted toquar-rel with their verdict." IJow plainly such a courpe shows the nflln 'n eeand Irue character of the leaders of thal „J ny! w01?" We mentioned Isel week that a wri'Ie r in the Detroit Advertiser was showing how p" e Whigs in 1840 reduced the coste of litition some CO per cent. The Monroe Advo,ia te eaye that the former net was not repealeX( , ond Judge Morell and of her Circuit Judges & cided that Wie act was cumulative, and real8u added eo much more to the araount of cost6 ev eed: that this was the construction put upthe act practically in taxing coste by the I nrts, and any one can satisfy himseïf by liv iing the Clerka of the nevero] Circuit rnc urle throughout the State by whom the 603 ts were taxed under the act: and (hat the drn was drafted by a Whig lawyer, who was of ong the first to claim the benefit of the cei ao cumulative, or inercasing fees eo much its ond the amount prerioiiBly ollowed. Are be se thingn eo? Is this o specimen of Whig req ■rm? How does the Whig press aniwor gn it? Pic


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