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The Soldiery Of A Christian Nation

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fwo Blood Flounds at S51 each, 8102 00 fwo Blood Houndsat 102 each, '204 00 )ne Blood Hound at 51 00 )ne Blood Hound at 61 00 $408 00 If ihe annexation of Texas should ocasión a war with the Camanches, this ühristian governtnent may be cxpected to idd a ship-load of tigers anti Iryonas to heir present beaoticar nllies, and when hey are set apart froiïi a common to a acred use by the Chaplnin, nppeal to the 5od of battles! - Chrislian Cit. The Time f o ?ZiA.- "Blush notncw," aid a distinguished Italian to his young elative, whom he met issuing frotn a launt of vice, "you should have blushed vhen you went n." The heart alone s afe which shrinks from theslightest conact or conception of eVil, and waits not o inquire, what will the world say? Female Energy. - Mrs. Wilson pasrsed hrough this place this morning to visit ïer brother-in-laVj at Akron, having reurned fronri Inda,wheresheand her husjuand have spent many years as missioniries. She has five children with her, il] bofn in India, whom she has brought o this country to be educatcd. She arived in New York in a merchant vessel, ind was the only lady on board, and reuma to her husband this fall, to resume fier' pious labors. What cannot a woman 5ol--Cleveland Plain Dealer.L Corporation Capital. - The capital I sd by corporations, in the State of 1 nchusetts alone, is very nearly as follows: 830,000,000 in Banks. 40,000,000 in Manufacturing pañíes. 30.000,000 in Railroads. 10,000,000 in other corporations not enumerated. 110,000,000 in all. And this does not include the Life insurance Cornpanies, and many other's; so that it would besafe to say,thai the amount of corporate property in this State, npproaches nearly to one hundred and fifty I millions of dollars. - Boston Mail.Nctospapers. - Newspapers and peridicals increase rapidly in this country. Ve have a newspaper to every 40,000 L nhabitantár. In other countries il is ' erent. In África, there is but one paper ■ o every 5,000,000 - in Eurcpe one to 100,000 - and in Asia but one to ■ J00. Verily, Americans are a readíng people. It would be better, if our journals were cohducted with more care, so lliat tlie great mass of papers weekly issued from the press,' should exert a salutary influence. There is altogether too much party fee] ing teeming from our political papers to do good. A reform is needed in this respect. - Ex. paper. Experiment in Grafiing.- The chesnut has been s'jccessfully grafted on the oak, at tlie Department óf Correze, and produced excellent chesnuts. The tree was grafted about eight years ago, and the complete success of the experiment is deemed very important, as in many districts where the oak flourishes abundantly, the chesnut is not found, and the fruit is very much desired as an article of food. In London the people pay a'penny for being lloved, and a sizoence fr a newfipaper; but in tls country t her pay a eixpence for being shaved.and o penny Tor tlie beet newspaper. The printers are on the wrong end of the stick.Tlint Whig beauty, Milton Brown, of Tennessee, nuthor of the joint resolutions adopted by CongresS for the Annexation of Texas hns been re-elected to the House of Representan ves - as proof we Euppose, that the Whig party is oppoEed to Annexation. - Herkimer Frceman. Regulaling Exchanges.-llow aro they? How liave they been for months? Let the Whigs answer. VVc find the following summingup in a Whig journal,Niles's National Register: "Exchanges, hoth foreign and domestic, never have been for a longer pcriod quict and sleady. No changes to nolice. This is one ofche most unerring evidenecs of a healtliy condition of trade. Let WELL ENOUGH ALONE." Modern Chrislianity.- WhereverChristians go. they whiten the soil with human bones, and l will not have Cliristianity in my empirs. - Emperor of China. Cars on the rnilroads in Englnnd, travel at the rale of n mile a minute; This almost equals the flight of time. Mistakes will happen.- "Col VV. isa fine looking man, nin't he?" said a friend of onrs the otlier day. "Yes," replied anoihef, "1 was taken for himonce." ♦You! vhy you are as ugly as sin!" I don't care for thafj I was taken for him- I endorsed his note and was taken forhimby the Sheriff!" Biifaio.-By the new census, the populalion of BufTalo is found (o be 58,306. In 184tf,it was Ï8"239-gain in fitè ycars 10,097.


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