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sYhJS&TSSISTG KSW. _wW (SCO 'A' T UU PIL l& POR THE CRHTAKI AM) PKRMANRNT CURK OF FEVER AND AGUE. rïr-lKSI. pilirMrepn-p.Mei by distiuijuisheil F. KLINCx, M 1). ..fJacUson Mich. I' ali f tbe ninny cuses in which ihey toive bfj' tised. iluy bavf given ilic mvst entire nnd verlt jiis ac ion. The propüetor lii'zarda noihinj! i' snytug, iRat thèy nre "the vcry bfesfniedirine u ihe worIJ for he cure of the alwve n ciiik.iih. disenso. Any qii.iuinyofrcc.iiiimcu.l.iMoJisniigii. bc bublíslíéd-as is iíie custom wirh n,:.nv-l.i thir is ensidcred imnceBsnry One rrio w.l. aabsfy the ihost ïnerwjutourtf itóf ere '. v ' The iiiiij.riiy öf Medicihe ftow ha nt ..rd lui a rnrreiief, nibrei, bMkins nn.l check naute diabase lornshori limo nd prejfeoíiní ,rSy in.fxwrn! sppenfiince, wh5U mw.i.. .y .. 1 IsiiiürwBnK, ihus:eng mmiy oihor inolody.?n" e.mse.,,Vmlv uvinic l-ghly injurióu., tö " prewtii 10 he publico MflHipiuniirdy d ffjren J from thai hereioforo ufferëi: nm onë Ühal wij) n,t ;? mcre'viHKrKTiiKnni..,. butfhaí wi!lndtéM thé rlisèiJseeiuirelv from the system. fc ir- to e(fn n wficl -'■ " llu' airociions ar. ■triutlv foHowrt. Diree.ionë Sccónípsfty everj b ix nn! DO Moscovetua Pille re genmne wiili .ut the wriit-n s:u".iure '" 'h iv.ener -F Kün' " Kach b x cuaioin IUD pilU:md twelye powikrs pnce .sl.OO For sV.i! by Miyniras nn;i Ltirüi r. Mc Collu.D.Aiin ArlMr: E Sampson nn.l .,rris& Felcli. Ypsilaini; Cnwius Swift Dexter; ho, S '-nli fe Dii.ihi.n. Gnés Lake: Sraith & Tyr-'l, Clin t.n: D K. LTñ'!erwood, Adrián. ThomnsP. Nvty. Plv'nonh; Peser Vnn Every. S. R Sañrord. (irtnl Rnpids: F G irdixy. J.-nrsv l!o Saffnrd Hof.Uins. Hillsfinlé: Brlcher ErneW A Ton-.i'.o. .! M :C i.nnell & Jackson, uu! ihrrtin'hout the Sintc. P. S. All tli'sn !io are afilíete! wiin n cljron ie DisflTC wiijioui regird t namo nm! nnture. fv„„ ifp-,.n vnn: -1 in unible ly others nr rfspectfnlly nvo TO cill n n.c nt mv residnce i ii Jncksn, nnl Í vviil eiwlrnv,.r t. rpstore (hem to oeHVct heil'h. '" nat nlreadj beyond thepow erofnllearthlynil R KMNGi M. D. JncVon. V. I8ÍH. "'"-19 2n Chañccry Ist Circuii. QjMigp F. i'.Mi.T. Rd.,.iuiHin.Mr ..! OI.V.T Kaije, ,30(1, co'i.pliimnt. rs Lo en MilisrElijnh W M '.'in ;inl Willi.m S. W.iyonrd, defeinjauw. BY virti'e Ol" a dec et. il ir.lrr iNiied "U' i1 i!m ciurt of cliancery of tlie S'atc if .Mieliii,'arí. Isli:i! exposé to stle to the hLihi5i bidder, nt the Cnni fl.Mtse in ihe Villnee of Ann Atbór Waahtehnw cou-ny, on the -?::d d-iy of Sep le.nher r.e.vt. n I o'dpck. 1' M: i ht doy: Mie folfowing described pre'misea sitúate, to wit: -siiuite, lrng 'hkI béiríá inihëwWnof Am. Aih ir. in ih" countv of Valienaw n.l Swite of Michismn: Be.niiin2 at the centre of Whuef Roiil so cillei). on ihe west line ot section 'JD. n town iwo iiit'h of rantje eix ens: them -i lotith on t,e Hup otihe iil MCiion nffd on ih line ofsfcih.n ililriy wo. ftiriy rodfl s.mth o :h pouth west corner ot the sni.l eeciion lo n stnke thence eist itt rih nnglea wih snifl swi-.n luie thiriyr..i: thenc-R norih nd pnrnlle! Mih .nni saetion line lo t e centre ofaaid Whitrs' rond - Thencofouilis'-vcnty dia'ces w-si in the centre .f l plil1 r:i(i l0 llie Plric'' ' he?i""m-co'itiinf.i" t!iir;y-thrrc nerts and sixty-live hundred.Ls acre o. 'F TFÍ. Master in Chancery. Jor & PonrER. Sol's. Dated. August 1 1 (1. 1845. 2V4TO THE VICTORS BELOiNG THE SPOILS. A 1rHOlKiil m.iny piepira'ions n ihe furm J. ..! -'POprLAR Mt.DICINl.S" h'ivebeen betore the public claiming lo give reut f. nnd even cure the most invetérate dieenses. yei rune have so well answeied the purpose ns Dr. Slitrman's Medie ited Lozenues They nre ngreeabte To the i;iste. e:isilv iidministered. nni Irom the iinprecedeiitedsm-oess wlm-h i!iey linve niet vrith, nnd the remnrkph'le cuics whicli théybave performcd, may jusily 1 y claim :o ihetiile qf.Cönquernr over ihe diseasi-s for whicii tliey have been recuinmended. Dr. Phe man'ü f'COÜGH LOZF.NGF.S" Cure the mr6t obstinate cnes of Cough in a feu hours. They Imve cured a Inrge numher of persons who have been given np by héir pbjsïcians ond friends. nnl mnny wnb have li'éen reducen to the verse of the grave ly spittin hlóod, Con ■ttinpiipn nnd Hectic Fever. bv their use h:t had ihe rose of reafored rhe Imin nn! cheek and now live 'o ppenk funh tlie praiseso' bis iuvaluali'.e medicine Dr. Sherrilan's "WORM LOZKNGKS" Have Heen pr; ved in more tlnn 4('.03rt casct to be ínfallihle. in fhet ili-1 niy crrüiin VVdrn ÖWrijying Meiicine ever disevcred. Chililrei. will ent tiicin whfii ilu-v cinnot be (orced fü !.k any oilier medicine, nnd ihe hpiitiii derivcl fron the adminis'.rntmn of medicine to them in thif forni is Krent beynd eonc-ep'iin. When tlit breaih of tlie cliild hecnics ofieiisive. am! then is pickinii of the nosc. gtmiïingroi ihe teorh i!:i riiiíí alpep. pnlenesa nb.nt ilie lips wiih Üushed cheiks. liendiCiie. dr W3inrs.. stárfing duriiu lêep, iÏ8"itirbeH drennr. a'wflfctns "'ith frisrhr am1 Bcrdiming. trouble?0!Hcotigh.feverihness,hír8i. vomci"us npneiite. sicknesa nt the stómnch urn blonted sto:nnch - iht-se nro aindns ihe mnm promiiiem symptoiv.s of worms. nnd can be re lieved hy tli't! incb'riiparnble Lf'Zriffe9. Tlu have never n knn to fnil. Dr. Shermnn''C MPHOa LÜZENG.K3" Relieve Heid.ichc, Nervous Sick Meidnche. Pal pitntion )! the hca:i. m t Sickne-sin a wry fe nimutes. Thèy cure Lriwièas .óf Spirits, D'S pj'doncy. FiiintnesS; C'olie, Spnsms. Cr.imns i tlie StomacH. Slimmer r Bowel Complnints thcy keep up ihe spirits, disjic! ill liie lüsirr-.-vii syinptonisol a nigbtof dissipaiion, anti enoble persoo to unt'i:rgo üjreat 'neiital or bodiiy toil.- Dr. 5?herni m'a l'OOR MA'S PLASTRR Is acknnviedrd by nll who hnve ever us d it t bo the bi!tsirenihenmii I'l.isier in the worll. and a sovereign remeily lor pnin nnd weaknen in tlic back, loins. áide. brfas, nerk. Ij robe joims. riieuni.iiitüii, lurnbogn. &c One millio' . a yenr will not $upply ihe demand. Cmuion inecesaar . n3 ihere are m.'iny iinprincipled per una who wènld (orce n epurioo? nriicl! upun ih c ünuutiMy. Be careiul t- gei Slierrnan's Po M m'b l'l liter, vi h n fue siitrilc'' ofbií wril ten name on the back - ■iiu.otliersare genuinc. and will ln more hun ih'aó 'od. Whr-n siicli rn.eiina ihe Kev. Dnríns Anihny of the Oncida Confarence Rev. Sebastian Sueei pr. of H'istun. Rev. Mr Dunbnr, .Mr. HnncocK. Jv,ev Mr. De Foreei. n Anron Clark. J. IJoxie. Eaq. Un B. B. Benrdslev. Daniel Fnn elinw. Esq. and a host of namea of the lik-e reputa'ion cm be brousiii'l lirwrd t provR ifiü cliicaevoiDr. Slururm's pranoniiioni - whcu ihcj' in wanuy recoimneniiod by ihe medical pío fes-aion. dticl prescrilind in the prncticé", on' when such universal apprrtbation follows Iheir U8" RtQijnfril clas'-s. we iririy nisily siy thnt ih. Dr. n ii"t - 1 1 1 y eti'iil.-d u the appell-Ti-m o KV IC Í' '' ' 'in can tni' ly lay clniin lo the pi! n.nne uf ilie puljüc. nnd will rtccive it. Asenfa Ann Arbor. H. iM. Thompson A Co ."W. S. & J. VV Mnvnnrd; E. Sanipwh. Ypattanii; 1) C. Whftwood. D.-.xtcr: Pickfor-1 ■ S, 'miir. Suline; Siniih Sl Tynil. ('linron. II Bóer, Mnnchestfr: P. Failiek & Co.. Plyinouth: D. Gregury and A. Grant, Nonhville. '218 (5m T'IF. Annunl Meciinsr of ihe Bonrd ofSuDCr visors óf this county wiü Hr held at ihi Conit Moutte in Ann Aibor, on Monday ihe 1 3i i duy of Ociolx-r next. And tlie Superintendant of ilie wil! mee' at the County House on M miay. lbo 29ih da_ ol September ris;, tü uudit Dcuoiints. B. KING, Clerk. Sept. 8, 1845. 22r WANTED.- 20 tbs. Red Onon Seeds. 50 Ihe. Whiie d; do 2" lhü Ycllow du do 1(K) Iba Miisk-jr.eJpri do 5 ' ISs Wiircr tnclon d 5 ll. ScarJei Rdih do 5 "' Rne do 'e ■■■ r Gr ss. dn ■ i - .■. i ■ 5 ' öujir Co. n S. B. NOBLE. Ann Arbor, Stpt. 9. 1S45.2S& i The WoiidcrÍHl Miccess W rlCH Dr. KoL'eis' Ol.-suotimii. .-r -i} ' üeaiing BnlêHni bu iei wiih rtot only iji lítenle, Biú alb-o in ifie cïirWWhieh i hï H ted. in whn e ia P hOP y, ion. hns convinced tl.c iuobi krptn.-al .i ,. irabr.]inary cursivo prop"" ?Si?Sf ctnin 10 ihe name ol .he J 1Y 01 Thé q.iestion is no lonjrer nsKenV'CV íjrffcn" ,.„ curatr' bJÍMrbeep üiVncionly -seuled wi the hst two monihs rU F.ger"Olo89oi.ínn co lli;r.HluceacMlre.1Hc!u.r.lrm;n,y..H.r .o.r.v in 'he worl.l. r.nd irferenew cn bo gijen 'persona in a-ul H.í ofiTiti píiy whj W inoci ÍVS wonderlul yi&ei. .wfyi bd inol lo. -rs .'I etliers remedies i ojn. Mr WlLSON.-ií'ii.k ry'er. rÍBi.linpni Tlobo ,n.N J . Karl nie.l ovury ceoily wh-ch he c u -i r.r'of fur ihlirCoJ "IinMi, nd hwlwon „e ihhli oí e',) HbllitM "i cnruvwonnu i. ocure help. hn. in He ■"inm.e.i "f,r ,,o OJkíwj.'Hirtñ. Jnñunry 2f. hro _, hetook gñc I..-, rrfii f. nA two doya ni-er ,; ird h'8 wife pnllcd fn v ilmi hff som j .' .il ihÍB romecly wti. h he hnd tak.-n Kd n m joo.lih.Tn nny in.l ;.l! ihe medicines he ,1 tver uertj iq bjs l. b Mrs. Bell, rhe fritó ..fR-hert P. Peil. of Moritown. N .' wlvo w;ie svereiv nflicted with rhmn'. waseiven up ' her phvs c.ns. Sh,s rcnuvei i ilu' eénbWd in ilie h"pe ol pal tina her disirwMJng wmpioma but w.ith ■ , nsfii One bottte f'fihe ()l,.snt,rn èo fnr re ,, veil 'ur-tlnt s-he wna Ie ro g I u: fnim her ,, 1 an.i dr.-íS hpis.'lr. r, tjiine sha hn-l no .lone S{ (ore in nionh. Snil -he hns now rprirr.o.i to ü resi ',nc,. m M'rrisMwn. N. .T.. urhevery t ospeci o" behig .'('Cr'!'' rrsr.rrl. INCfPÍEN'í CüNSUMPTION ldsto its cíT.c's. It sooihes ihelronlilesoiMo - ntííh nníl givos rcíreshin! tjlunibeis lo the iary; t alinda itc pnin in the airte nnd -■ pain the cher, nnd emh'cs the perpon to J ctornte easily, whjle it pmiiely resioros the pp r{ Mitins of the systein and expcdiies rciurnin u alib. o JAMES B. DF.VOE. 101 Rende streef, lnu r ia been com'lnin:gofa eoreheas in the chest. rompanii) wfth :i BÜirt hackjna couh: he sed mntierfrerly. liad losi liis nppctite nnd fel) unied nt hi smmuon. !Ie hnd 'yntd vanóti medies without ntiv bénefidal eiTect. His onnees ofb.e.tili ond pnin in ihe sidecontinued icrense. He ueedone botileof the Olusiom . hnd is resored to henlth. Grorgxs VV. Burnett. ofNowark, N. J . Gfin. " Hnys. of Nrw York: Dtvir Hpndersori, 6Í1 úahttis MrsMcOünn. 20 Wdker st: F. L;in' 52 Pike s1.. Mis. ArcliibnM. :5 Wnlker st. ith MUNDRFn? OF NAMT.S ifpeina r? ünff in New York. cbuM be given. "lio nrc nily to hoar tesíimony jo tlie pnprriority f (he uisinninn over evfry other rencdy known for c nre ofeoneh?. coMs. nsthmn. consumpiion. littinp of hlood. Hvflpensi.8, onsurnrrtíón, bron litis, difficulty nfbffcnthftisr: tfofotiñesa, infln.zn, pajna in ihfbiens; and sjde. nnd ihe vari i? nlfecfion' of smnvch B"nrl liver. For ? ilent 10G Ntssou n. one dor nhave Ann, id nt Mrs Hnys. 130 Ful'on st., Urooklyn. Auent for Ánn A.bor. V. P. % 3. W. Mnynrd: E Pnnf.son. Ypsi'nnti: D. C Whmvnod (exier; rickford it Cmirr. Saline: Smiih & Ty,. Clinton: H. Bnwer. M.inehfVer) P. FnrHck ; Co.. Plyniouth; D. Gregory and A. Gtr.n . rorihviUe. 218-6mo CO ríoiSRers, MlanulííCturers and Morcliants. rllí'. s'jbsctilcr is in w 'i-ceiviny at hisstorep. 1-8. :ind 1 90 .leírerson Aven'1, Deiroit e lolloumíi. catefully nnrl well eelected fiock if Dy" VVoora IHk Stui fs & Voollen Man ;FC-lrkr's MvcmsrRY. 15 'ons FusiiC. Cuba, Tobasco, Tampic and GnflKs'gériír, 10 tons Loiiwní-d. Cnmpeach, St. Domin co nnd I lorulurnp. 6 íons Nicaragua. Bt)nai-.Caro, Hache and Liqv, . 3 toiis C'niTiwo.'d. very choice. Í8Ó bara-Is Lngwood, cut and ground. 130 ' Fusiic " ' 10 Red Woods, rt " IW " Cíintu-nod, " " JO " Quereeiiron Bark, 5 Aüum, 42 " Copperr.?, 3) il Bl'itt Vitriol, 8 " Mandor. On-bro nnd Dutch Crop 3 C'reom Tartar, 2 " Ningíills, 2 casrs Indigo. Bengal, Masilla and Guatimaln. S oases Lnc-Dyp. 2J ■ e.xt Liigwood, 2 Gra n Tin, 300 ponnd.-i Ver.lien 15 Cnrtwys Oil of Viiriol, Spirits Sea-Salf and Nitric Acid. A-tSO, opper Knnlrs nnn Cio-hfis' Screw?. TentP' Hoiik . J.-icUe ;nd Bmshis. 'it-'s I':i.et8. (-ai: "lemers. W'cavcr'f 'i5. Nippérsand Bütlin{ In.n DrirñH 1'! wr-, Pi.k-:s and RWbbrfitf W,..X.,,., InndCotLín lUans. icH and Can. Iteeds. Croad P..wor, Flan-l Lbrtm and I' ly Shm e-s. St.-el nnd C'pper Míl9 Kncrv. A'C Tn-un's ghi (iritíg Machines. 4.0. and 9 Alle'n's Áantíe ñiA éjpgle Cardfng aftéhMeá Machine C.-uds. Leic. ser. I al'ove been rc-ently pur'riM.i. ditectly trom the init oricis nnd manu Piure'ra, EXCi.u.-ivii.v FOK rsn. and will ! ....,] ;,t ihe N'w Yo.k Jí.SiVers' prires. aiMinj ransponaii.m .n!y: and in c.insrc,unre ol .h. l..c,ini: b luanvof tlie Arneiicm nr.nui:i'"j'e irliclep, will in inar.v cusfs. le snld ai fijini. t,cr rti t fas thnn frm(r prirts. Ti;c i■T8 ix, - in th Dye VVtjrid irado ennbv lim to é:iy to hi." cns'o-i.f-rs ihat he is prepnr-! it n!l times to h'ahra,t his goods of superioi 1UUl"yTHEO. FT F.ATON, Dye Wood nnd Dvn Stuff Warchouse. 'lSHnud lOJeiTerson Avenue Dfnií. Au" . lUS 2 r'-4mEXCISitM+VGSl HOTEL,. TEMPERANCE HOUSE, (Dirrclli ojipnsite thf Cntumct Hotel.) B Y CV RVS F. SMITH, MAG All A N Y. OCIIAKGES MODERATE ft TIMS Hotel is sit uniei! in the uleaniiMesrpér ól the villaje, on M;im-:reet. and buï ;i few iimnii's walk trom the Caiar.ict. Gom !-: ind. 01 ihe Ferry. The loention is ohe "f iIk; pleüsmt ihi in ihe villaga The House is not ól ihe larirest cliiVs, bui hns htëri ihoroiilily rrpñíred. nm! 1:1 wly furnisliei! since last sansón. Blttl the pro.ricinr pleitea liinnell to tlic pul'üc, f lint ilii [{ouse êhall be bpitér kepr or 2rcn:cr nitention pnid ui the comfpl l of gueat ihnn at the Ek'clïongt' II...,!. Tliis Híítél is kepl upon .trict Teinperancprincipies, wim-h wiil fiimne ihe iringer o qs'tt; liumfi, during liis oJQurn ;ti the F;ills. Every tiicility in the power ot' i lic proprieror. will hc 'c.ndired. io pitlkei the visit ui hi3 pa:rjns .igreeblt; mil inierostint'. Nmgiira gaU, H45, 2.'7-Gm Ta 8& c ii up LARGK Bnn.lle r Light Biown Bmei xJL witli n Rrnnll white ppot on the top of hic -ii ulij , ■ ! from sevei) to ten yenrs. was tn I i l!ii I5ih öT Aup'uJM. r'ti'l irnpöuiiclcd n h" p 1':.iiik1 r Wchsier. Óou.rttj 6 -'■"' n ■ king mto tl.i' í-iK'hísure " '' ' -■ Ti p wnor p rcqufft'.ed t py chorge and iake property. JOHN WtLLIAM& Aagmil 15. Ii5!". 22l-::,vPcoplc iïom the Country TlSI'l'Mí Detröir, or ílie pun-lmso f DfJ K Gouda, P '■' Ilanyinys. or Featliers, . _ lïiljB gjipg ihu io ascerinin tlie vanou:' ylcs or iites ui' Gouds in the ciiy, are re' ' icstcd tu coll ni W. A. Raymond's Store, rb ii. l -f-:. Jjelibreon rcvèiiue, bfirtg out: t.uor anuve fui in 8 i?(. and riext door tö t'ie "Manhat'an j„ ore." Tlie uiiders-gneil has taken n grem (1. ■al of pnins in sclornni; liis i.'"O(ls tu cot ie nulile siylos mili de -inilile qmlilies snd he ií gt ntiilcni Ukh liis ussorinii'iit :u ncalorly of snel as ns are d.esirahle ir the country irade, i3,ae h implète as any i" !bê city. T JIc has on hand e Gin2ham8, lJmz-iunes. '' I,:nvn. Miislmdü Laines, Calicóes of cveiy Mulls. Lnres. [s'ylc; Eilgins. ? Hil)l)i)ns, Pnia-'K-. Shawls. l)u;99 IJnndkerchiefs C':..v;hs. Scirfs. 'eilfe, Gl.vfs. ilo?iety. Alnpaos. Brown Lin113. le-iclud Lüi'-iif. 'l'al.lo rovers. Tve!in. nihlritra, S1?ceiíri8. Cfiififírí'é'. MuYh"fiB, t.lark. !up liiack nd fnnry dnss Silks, Uonnet Silks, ,men Cainbric [andkercliiffp. ALSO, ROAD CLOTUS, CASSIiilÊK'ÈS, SATI.VETTS, VESTTNOS, Fl'LL CLOTIIS, MOLESKINS, DRIIX1NGS, BLACK AND KANCY CRAVATS, Lnd indeed, almosi every amele belongjngto íe Dl y (Joods Imsinps?. All cf'wKicih wiiibe lid ni the rc-v lucct mies. fm Cash. Cali and 96 (or yoursefves - nono are expceied to buy il W do nol find prict-s full as low. if nol a liltlr neer ihan elsewhere. W. A. RAYMOVD. Detroit, Síny 2,145. 21-6rno luBportant lo Farmers. ("r'iNAPP & H.WJLAiND, wöüld respeotMJ 15k. n!orm ilie firme-8 of Wnshtenaw ond ihe ui ioundinr ('iuuifs tliat ihcy onntinne to mnnl'ücuirc ;ii ihfir shop ncar the river bridge. Lowr T'iwn. Ann rlor, riireshing: i'acMnes f diileicnt kinds cóhipriaihg the Kurr.dl. Cndiz, n-l Kiistnini's I'lanetary I'ower, nd Machines I ffciem from any madi; in ihis Conn-ry and ■ referred to any otlier. which they intend to seil t such pnces and on racb termsas cannut fail to rive sati8!action. They are detennined not to e outdone by any establishment, eitht-r in price r qn;ility of woik. Hüviiiü hef n for mnny yenrs rngncreil in the (iisinéfis tliey think tlmy can whh cuifidence ree unmrnd their work. and furmers and otlierp vishing to huy will dj wcll to cali and examine heir work prcviotis to purchosingr elsewhere. - Fhey are prepared to do all kinds of threshing nnchine repairs, on theshortrst notice and more easonnlilo rernis than eny similar es'ablishmeni n the Connirv. Also. Biirrdrs eclebrnted CLOVER ?IACHirVE'S, vluch s-eianiie h chfff IVom the seed at a siigle prrniion ond are uní veranil y approved of anl ised whciever introdueed and warranted to hresh clenn and not break the seed. For re'ericeapply to Rohert or John McCormick of Sa lem Wathtenaw Co., who have used one the past season . W. W. KNAPP. T A. HAVILAND. Ann Arhor, May Ist, 1845. 6m2HAKT1WK1 JFire Sumir anee Ctmtpany. TTli K Subscritor, nyciu for the llurtfotd tire Jnsuravee C'tnwnnj. tnkes pleasure in Inyngbefore die public :he following circular: IIahtioi d Fint Insuhanck ükkice, - . uly 22d 1845. S The recent rfisastrous firc in New York wil! .1 cmirsc excite goliciuide in regard to us effret in the slvencv ol Insurance Compnnics in ih.T c:iv, lind the neighbonnE places. The Directors tt the Hnrtford Fire Ir.siirance Conipany art Ijnppy o assure ilicir customers ntid the public, ihntilipyare prcpi'ed to ndjusf and pay otma'nritv. all losses sustaired ly their office, surplus md current reccipts, without de!ay. and withbir wuhdinwing thfcir permanent invrstments. Their [■njiiia! remains ampie for the security of all wlm indure wftK rhrêni; and ifiej invite owner6 of de simbie propeity to olx.iin Policics "n fi.vjrablc iel mjj, bgrti al ihe Hum.c Oflloe and at iheir :í'nri( s. Their mode of nos-s. wiiifli for 35 yrars past h; 8 secured the public conil'encc. will romnjn un'hinged. Dy order of the R"; rd of Diipctors, JAMES O. BOLLES, Sec'y. F. J. B Cn vne. Ann Arbor. By ihis it will he peen. that the Companv pay ■h.-ii losjes, during tlie last eix niontlia of fires. OUT OF T'UIU SURPLUS FVIVDS. Since ilic p:i inent il onc iljuiiï.'itid dollars. tR. D. Pmvets. f ftriehion. lor he lófea sústain ■ } hy hini, ilie f'.Mi'pnnv h.ive p.TÏd ihe suhscriboi notlier :hous;mil, lor Flour Barrels, hnin! si ho rrcent firf in ihie villace For ihislnst thou ind ihe ubserther ptid the Companv Cour doinr8- a "Oiid investment na lie thmks. dtirinc hete hard lime All vlm are not insnred are nvitcii to cali on him. andhe will is.sue Policio wiihoni dclay. F. J. B. CRANE. A cent. Ann Arbor, Jnly 20, 1SJ5. ] 2Mif INTER EST1NG TO WOOL GEOWERS. i'ili, bulisci ib;Jd wuird rfbpt-ctiully onnounce to the Wool Growers of Ann Ar , ïoi iind iie viciniiy, ihnt they continue the buoik-fsmI" Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing it the old stand f J. lieckley & Co., wlien hej? nrny be lound at all sciisonable houre t aait u)iin those who niay favor theni witl theii pntronagé. They guarantce that iheir work will be done with nfcofness nncl despaich. To their old friendsnnd asmany new cuatomrs nsieel diaposed to give them n trial, they would say.noine on wi'h yonr Wooi, and Cloth md wo will do you ampie justice in ihe execution ofyourwork - the price and terms ol pnyTwcnty lowsaiid potinds i vv mu wiintud in exchoDga tor Kuil Cloth. Flannol. &c. N. B. - Give us n cnll before pnrehasing elsewhcro. SUMNRR. HICKS &. CO. Ann Arbor LowerTown.Mar. 26.1."i-ir.26-Gm Aac your Barns Iiisurcd? TIIKSubscnber, Apent for the 'Pkotkction I.-.SURANC-: Companv." continuoa to inknsks on Uousks. Stokks. Mühchandisk, FACTOKiEsand Bíh.ns. Stocks, &c., at as low rateaos ony other ood Company in the Unitel States. Aeseverol Barns with their contente have .i -i n 'li -stroyed in ibis County the pat ycar by LiüKTNiao, lbo Fainers of Washienaw have n.iw an opportunity for a smnll siim, of savinji iliemeelvca from loases, to which they are every ijay exposed, bv th:3 element. M. HOWAUD, Affcnt. Ann Arbor. July 3l?i. IH15. 224t ülËri tFistry. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, HAS removed h is office to Crane & Jewctt's Block, ilrs: roorn on tho Second Floor, syhere I.niii2 well prrpared to ottend to cvrry branch of his profewion. would respectfully say ii rII who httW not had those necessary orans, T'fK TËÏTHi próperlv áttended to, deliy no 'nnaer. lut chII upn him and e.xperience the o i.e and durability of his perationa. Tkk.m.s accommodating and charges inno case unren3onublo. Ann Aibor, Mareh 6, 1813A7-C. BRINCKEUHOFF'S . remarUabío anti singular attcstntion hns y" t bron imule by nn eminent niembcr of the we ■ iiCiil iMuuliy. as to the curalive power of C. W( , nckenoifs lloülih Iieaiorative 11 cases of nsumption, chromc Cougho nnd Colds, nni w ins in ihe Suloand Chcsi. Thia gcnik-man neheo bis p:iti.nia wilh the Kcstorative. and t!s t absolutely neeessiry, as he never hnd nny ;scripiion to produce tbc nstonisbing resulis 1I17 d by tho usc of tliv Kusturniivo Tliis f ntlerrinn stands mong his medical brethren are ono ol the most (lislinguished ol their number, q j name is left with tlio prepritor lor reference. V', ;iere is no rioubt bui ihnt in n few ymrja the . -■ uhng physíci'áris will proscribo ibis rernedy. d th'it ntilii-leii :ition$ will uso it :ind Mess ihe ))lf ur thai it w;ia mmlt; Unown 10 tliein in. ](i g a iruly fine bcibal medicine it is consequent , ' ot more impoi tnnce. as eVery one feels STÍety j liile using it. & no tenfco of dnnger ns it he wen; L in iliileierions minerals. Mr. Uilkes n 'w ectei! mercliant in New York. used tho ■mtiveand vvns cured whollv from n danrefous Hgh and expuciorntion. The Edilor ol the Z, jmirerciiil .Advortier with nn e:irnest appenl nimends it to thé eöhfiden'ce l the sick, and ; iectinüly calis on tborn uil 10 give it n fair trial ' fore relmquisbtng everv lnPe The lollowint! . rtilicatu isfroni ür. Chüton, the well known ew York ch'emisf. xr "I h-ivc ainilvzcd a bottle of medicino cllcd ;. BrinkcrholV's Menlili ltestorative,' and find at it does nt contain Mercuiy. or any o'her etallic prepnr.nion; nor opium in ony of its ali rms. It is compcsí'd oí vejetablc matter w rely " J iVks Fl. Cihi.ton. M. D. C. BIllNCKFJlHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y - HoncE General Agent. 1 Principal OllicePG Iludson sticet, N. Y. For sa'c by W. S. fc W. Maynard. Asmts, nn Arbor. ,W_CA NT BK KAT ! rHE subsctibers would infiTin ihc Public thnt p tliey continue to supply ilie State ol Michian wiih l L, B. WALKER'S PATENT , SJflUT flJlCMlAWES e large nunibers ot these Machines that linve een soM, nnd ihe stendily increoshig demand foi ïem. is ihe best evidence of iheir real value. nd of their estimation with those who have L ome (aniilirr with their nictiis. IValksr's Snuit Machine is superior to others f i the following pnrticulars: t 1. Ah it combines the Beating. Scouting, nnd Honing Principies, it elenns "the smutitest # ( rain in tlie best mannVr, ret;iining all the fric on ol the wheat, nnd dischargmg the snuit und c ust 8 fnsi as sepnrated from the wheai. 2. It is si vi pi c in construclion, and is , re Ic6s Hable to hecome deranged, and costs lese jr repairs. c 3. it runs ve;y ligkt, and ia perfectly secure om fire. . 4. It isas durable as any othcr Machine in se. 5. It costs considerably í.ess tlnn o'her kinde. Tliese imooitant points o'differrnce Invo giv f n this Machine the pruference with thoee who ave fairly tned it. Among. n large number ol Jentlemeu in the Milling Busineps who migHÍ e named, the following have used the Machines, , nd cenified to their excelieney and superiority: , H. N. Howaui). Pontiac, Mich. , E. F. Cook. Rochcster, do E. lí. Oanj okt. Masón, do i M. F. Frink, Branch. do H. H. Comstock. Cometock, di) Referentes may also be had to jTtfaif Bacon, Aubiirn, Mich. W. Ryon. do do I). C Vrelami, Rock, do Johs Phifs, Monroe, do H. Dou-;man, do do A. Bkach. Watcrloo, do Geo. Kbtchum, Marshall, do N. Hjkmknway, Oakland, do All orders for Machines wili be promptly atended to. Address E. O. & A. CRITTENTON, Ann Arbor. (I.ower Town) Wnh Co. Mich. Au?. 24r Í845í-ly KE.I& ! REdtMt: 5LGOOD NEWS AND GLAD TIDINCS-eQ IFKEL mysL'lf niulcr the most l.isting o!)lcition ti Ur. F. Kling, of Jnckoon, who has ately advertised his mvalunble ''Muscuvetuf ;jls," intended cxpressly for Fever and Aljiié Por a long period my taniily huve nnfortunate y been attlicted witli Fever and Aeup and hnre :ried every "Patent Meidicine" which I couU! ind, even ihe most p pnlar of the latest as well is the oldesi rcmcihj and after pending ovui 15 I Heapáired of ever being relieved. bui liearing of l)r. Kline's Ifluscovetiís Filis, ind thcgreat elíect thev produced upon ihe Apui - as a and almos Iiopeles6 resn, 1 imnicli itely proenred n box of them, took ihein necord ins; lo directions, and they gave me instant relici. indi Inve béenree frojn that terrible diíease. wiiile wiih othor rñeilfcVnes 1 rcceivé'd b-it rnementary ns-iKtfince and relief. The Pilis I h'iv recommended Inving prodiiced so snlutarv ni ffTect upon me anl my íamily, i ennuot reíraii. from acquainiing the publico! thRÍrgreai wonh SAMUF.L UPDIKE. THF.ODORE UPDIKK. Wuness. Grass fikr. July IJ, 1845 22l-3m pollard"" TSIVEPSnANCC HOUSS, 1V L. D. vSí O. WEYBURN. Nrnrthe SUamlbutand Pochet l.unilivg,B ffd 'T'HIS estiiblishmnin has du ing thfi pst winter, been cor.sicíerubly tnlarged, and improv ed with ncw furniliire, etc., and is now rcady lo mike the Travel Itr at home, nt tlie nioderati charges of L5 cents per ineal, and b7 Cents peí Day. Passcnsers and Baggage conveyed to und fron ihe House frec of charge. N. B. Passengers fiom the East will fir.d : Sign lor the house, in the Depoi. under which to place thcir Baggage. In connrnion wiih ihft House therei an EATING ESTABLISHMENT, on the European plan. We, the subscribore. take plensure in recom menning ihe above House to the l'riends of tht cause, as being wonhy of' their patronage. C. W. ÍIARVEY. Prfs't Eric Co. Temp. S. S. N. CALENDAR, Scc'y do H. MIIXERD. Pres't Pollard Tem. Society. H.G. WHITE. Sec'y do E. I). ROHISON. Pre'tY. M. Temp. S. W. B. FOB ES, Secrrtary do Bufitili, Februnry, 1845. 6mo- "212 NEW ENGLANDIiOUSE. No. Hl BROAPWAY, NEW YORK. (Brtwetn the City Hotel and Trinity Church.) THE Proprietor, graieful lor the patronage already hestowed upon him by the public generaliy. would give notice ihat his house is now in complete order for the reception of Ladies and Gentlemen who may wnnt permanent board or tranfient accomniodations. The New England House hi-ing stricily a temperancc ho'ise. and pleasantly locaicd in the immediatc viciuily of businesf, tnr.kes it very desirable for men ofbusincsa, as well as all oihers who line quiet nccomniodationa and agreesble compa ny. P. WIGÍI l May 1, Í34S. 6m212 OTICË ' j ALL persons irtdebted to J, H. Lund are very repectlul]v requested to pay ihe ime by the 15(h ol October next. J. LUND. Ann Arbor, Aug V 13-15. 3C0-8w1845. J HOLMES & CO., - IÖLESALE ANI RETA 1J, DEALERS IN chf) STAPLK AND FAXY DRY GOODS, T ry Groceries, Carpcting, ] intl pnper IlangitigSi Tn Ü3 Woodtoard Avenue, Larned's Sh Ziocr, Detroit. Ril j h n.MKs. New York. ) Mi s m holmes. Detroit. $ H' ITF. i.'ike ibis niethod of inlorming our friemU " V nmi cusioiuera ihrojigliont the Suite, tlur ntc siill jiúrirtíírtg ilie even tei.or of Hol ys, endenvorin 10 do uu: btitiuess upon l.i an I huiiornblë pnncipjes. We would :iIho ten)fts nur acknowledirnicnts for the p,itron:_M' ex Ip't ideil to us ly our custoniers, nnd wonld bt-p m( ve lo cali the mtention of the public i n vpi y II íe!ectefl nsftonmeni of Ptasonnblc Gomia. nn nch ore oflercd at wholcsnlc or nittiil at vcr v 'prjees, Our fnciÜnVs tor piTclintfina pri i unsurpnsíed by nny concern in ihc Stnte - y{ ie ol" the (irm. Mr. J. Hulmes icsides in the y of New Yirl(. nnd fróm hH Jong experienctthe Jiibbins trndo in thnt ci'y. nnd íroni h ronsii knowW.dge fif tin; niniket. he is enn d i nvnil himself f llie nticiïo'na nn.l nny cline in prires. Wc fils purchfise from tin iporters. Mnnufnciurer's Auiii'g. nnd ftoni the v ciions, by ilio pnknae. the sarre ns N. Y. l hhers purchnsf. ihus pnvincr 'heir profitp. - 'iih these fnciliiirs we cwi aaltlv sny thnt our noda are soid ciikap for ihe evidenee of wliich s inv;te the attent on of the public to om litocK 'e iv M to the s'ent en-ilinn! principie ol -'the ■■, ts! -rnml to ifie uhcL' ninnbcr." so if yon tntrtn bS Goods ehvrfx, snel lny a larst qtwn7 or .i V'l'f. monaj give ns a trial. Our sfuck .is ex'etisivc ns nnv in the ci'y, nnd we 'm g mstnntly recciving new and freeh Gooda from ew York. j .10,000 Ibs. Wool, Wnnifd. ilicaliove onantity oí nod tnTchnntn lfi Wool for which the highest mnrket pricr :1 ill be paid. P J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit. 1?4'. 214-tf ANN ARBOK, MICHIGAN. [j bi MARYIÍ. CLARK, Principal. ti CflLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. RHOHY K. CLAlíK, A.-sociute Teacher. 1. L. W ALTER, Teacher ol" Music on the Pinno. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematica and Vocal Music. -, i F. SIIOFF, Teacher of French, Germán and he Classics. gi . V THIS ïnstitution hos been in operation since [ November 18. lt9. The scholnsiic yeai ,, unbrncing forty-eigtil weeks, two lerips, .j irising two quarfers cach - twelve weeks in o( „ lunrter - a general exaiiunation nt the cloee ui „ ach term - In Fetftuary and August. .1 'rlie last quarter ut tho presen! iern „ :es Muy 19. 0 TitRMSor Tuition. - For thc Enslish p B,$2.5Q-ro:$&per cpiottér. fío reductiommodi , or absence, except ín case o( eickness. and no n;pil tnkcn fot less iban a quarier. F-Xtra ehar:e9 are made for rnusicoa tho l'iano. with the iim if rhe instrument, $S.Ü( French, 3.00 Latín, 3.ÍHI Drawingand Painting, L,0(i Pnncy Wok, 3.00 Uoard. incliniintí washins, IíkIus. S:c. , $1.75 icr week f paid in advance. or $2.00 uer wtek , f paid nt the close of the quatier. Parcntsand jjunidinns are inviicd to visit thr ichnol every Friday. when the studies f the ,veek are reviewed- als scmimnnthly on Wed íesday afternoon, at readingof the wcekly . ïomtionB, Y011115 ladies des:rons of entering the scVool md pursuirtgthe remilnr course of siudy. wonld Jo well to comtnence at the bezinning of the , lerm. or as soon after as practicable. { Belonging to the school ne h Library tween five and six hnndred volumes, and Philoeophical ApparatiiSjElectrical Machine, Globes. ' &c. . The Misses Clark will endeavnr. not only to promotc the intellectual culture of their pnpils hut will attend striclly to their moral deportment. With no sectanan feeling. but wiih a dcepbonse of religious reeponsibility. they would f ive snch a tone to character. aB pliall render 1 1 uractically fiued for every station - yielding to ' duty but lirm to principia Amone the hoeks used in the sr-hool are. Ah 1 errroiniiie oti the IntHlectual anl Moral Powcrf Kune's Elemi-ms ol Oiticism - Wayland's t Moral Srience - Vewnum's Rhetóríc - üedge's ) yOffc - Pnlcy's NnturnlTlieolnoy and Kvïdtnce ' )f riirietinnil' - G-ey's Cheniisiry- Parker'b Vaturnl Ccmbe's Physiologv - Mis. Lincoln's Boiany - Eaion's and WriL'ht's Man ■ïnl of Botany - Burritt's Geography of thf , Hcavens - First. Second and Tbird Hooke 01 History - Mrs. Williard's Republic of America - Phelps' Leííal Classirs - Playfair's Euclid, and Day's Algebra and Dnvios' ArithniPtic. Inquirv with -esard to the school can be mndr of the Principáis or any of tho following pentle nien to wliom rrferenre is made hv perniispii'n and who have at dÜTt-rcnt periids had pither dancbrers or ward under our care. Rfv. isoc 3'j Ketcham. Ocntreville: Geo Ketchn'ii. Mnr 1 hnli; Mtvn Wm. R. Delnml, Jnckson: Paul B. Rins. Mirhiian '"'entre: F II Wimns. Adrián 1 Dnniel lli.vs-n. Clinton; Gnrdnêr VvKeelcr. M 1 D.. HowpII: Rpv. F. H. Ciiming. Grand 1 id; Jereniah Clark. Clnikson; Gen. C . C 1 Hnscall. James IJirdn'l and Rev. J. Bench Plint: P. II. Row)'id.Northvlle: AmrsMüd: f'lymouth: Hnn. F.lias Conipioc, Owngso; P. Hrilmn. M. D.. Hon. Wm, R. Thompson. E. Mundy. Esq . Jolijt Allen. F.pq.. Geo. W. JewRit. Esq.. Tho's M Ladd. Professor Williams, fthe University, ond Rev. H. Colclazer, Ann Albor. The followine trntlcmen. Rev. H. Colclazer. Rev. Wm. S Curtis. Rev. Charles C Tuvl r. Professors Wliitina and Willhms of the ■ ver8ity of Michicnn. have ennsented to act as a Mpitiiiï .'ommittec of ihc School, to be present ■hen the weekly ptiidi1? are reviewcd: hut especially to attend during the scmi-monthly exannnations. April, 1845. 213


Signal of Liberty
Old News