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ARLAND & LEFEVRE, are now receñiré ot No. 1, Hawkins' Blorh, a ■ general aMortment of Fnll and Winter ids, 10 whicb lliey invito thenttcntion ofpnrter?, atsunng ilieiTi thtit they will find eooils. nt prires thnt rnnnot Inil to prove sntisfiielory. S íir stock C011KÍ8I8 in pnrt of thc lollowing: á 1)RY GOODS. reci road-clotbs, C.issimere., Sntinetts. Sheep's ■V8. VealiiiRS. Alapacns. Calicóes. Gmuhnme. .hiñeres. Monas Do Lnines. Alpmc Plmds. anti iwls. Crnvnts. Salina. Velvets. Silks. Luces. íow ibons. Shtíe.tinga, Shirtinirs, Cámbrica. Book i ,x Mine, Bishop Lawns. Snspenders. Glovea. '011 sin,? Tuscan and Strnw Bonnets, Buttons Wi I Ttirhmiiip; fnll kla 5" GROCËRIES. l )ld nnd Yonn Hysn, lnipnrial, Gnnpowder V(; I Poucl.oníiTenP. Sucnia, Cofïïe.Spx.. M"Rr íes. Rice, Fish. Cnmllos. Sonp, Fnll an I inF Oií, &c. &c, Sal Soda, a very largo a?sort "itOCKKRY A??ü G! ASS WAREr Tea J I Oinimr Seits to ma'ch. CUl HARDWARE.- .A xcs.. Coopera Tools. Shell al mds. Nnils. .Ve. WinHow Snsh. Pnils nnd 'Ty ibs. Cordagt', S:c, rnd nll anieles in ihat line. -) BOOTS AND SHOKS. Ni Ladies Gi.iiers. Slips. Wnllwnc Shocs, Genr's Ki per Cnlf Boots. Mens nnd Royscoarse do. tt, ])yr Siufls of pvci.y deerription. & C'.êh pnid í'nrGmss S-ed, Whiie Bonn?. Be?s ix. Poi nnd Penr! Ashes. most kinds br Propn ce taken in pivment fr Gof's Also - fel, CASH PAID FOR WHEAT. GARI AND &LEKF.VRE. . Ann Arbor, Scpt. 145. 22i) if. ""RIPFIN'S 7 NATIONAL TEiMPERANCE HOTEL, Ulica, J'tiv York. 1!IRI.ES N. GRíFFIN. Prcpr.ttn-. wonld J J respectfully inform bis fiiends. nnd ihe pnb ■ fioiifi-! lly. thííi be b;is tnl;en ihe ahuvc Ho n, , Ioeatc(lntr27. Ceuse.e ?rí. nenr the Ca J, il. whéré be ís nosv prepircd to accr'modnte j e public nt all limos, in t be best possible mnti:r. nnd un rensonable terms. y Slnges lenve nnd nrrive nt this House daily, to ( id from nllpartscf tbo Country. a( GOOD STAHLING ATTACÍTKD. Tlic propriemr flntirrs bimse.lf froni ihfi expeg) encobe hns bad in kcepinca Public Iloufe. nnd [( ie exertion he iniends to pn' (brih. that ho will j 9 .ible tu piense all who may favor him wiib leir patronage. , Tlica. Mny 1. 1815. L23 6m 1 In Chancry--1 Circuit. Mailiew N. Tilloison, Coniplainoni, Frederick P. Towneend. Defendnnt. ' [N pursnance of a decretal der of ibe Conrt of Chancery, made in the above cai:se, wtll j'd under the direction of ibe subciiber. oí uhlic anction nt the Iront door of the Cotiri iouse. m ihe villagc of Ann Arbor, in the ■ y of Wasbtencw, on Snturday thc íird day of Auaust next nt onc o'clotk in ibe _ ftt-rnonp. of snid dny. ;íall that cerinin trnct or nrcí-l of land sitúate in lbo town oí Superior, in icconnty of Wnsbicr.nwnnd ihe Siate of Mic'ii an. viz: the wi-st bnll of iho iurth wcst quart r fsection ninein lown tyvo souih in rniiüe n ' nft in 'be Disinct ol Idri'J oilcrcd for sale at D' - roit. Michiga.1." JOHN N. GOTT,'er m Chnncery. t James E. Plntt. Solici&yr for Coniphiinnnt. i Ann Arbor. June '30. 1H.J5. 2lfi- 1 The above sale is postpone! nntil September - ?th, 1845, at the snme lvur nnd place. , JOIJN N GOTT. Mniter in Aug. 23. 1845. Chnm-ery Ihe above. tvrntioned pnle is postponid uniil ( he twrn'ie:b day of September, at the sanie iour and nhufe. JOHN N. GOTT, Mnstcr in Chnncery. Srpt. ÍS. 185.CLOTH! CLOTH!! THE subscribers will coniinue to munuiao ture Ful led. Clotla, ar 37J ets. per yard, and white flnnnel fnr 2 ;enip (er yard; or they will jnnnufnctnre tin ivoi.l lor halt the cloth it jvill mnket Their Fnc :ory is 2 miles West of Aun Arfior, on the I uro'ii ftïver. VVbol willalso !é roeeivd at Sci VVhen sent hv R:iilro;id it wi!I qltended to illic same rriPiih'ér'áí) lí me owners wore to conn with it. Wonl wül bö mnnufnemred in turn of t comes in ns nenily ns it enn be clone with veler Jnce rn ihe Hifferpnt qnaiuips of won). WOOL CA1W1NG, huI bedonent Scio. by Thomas MnsKins. S. W. FOSTEH&CO. Scio.Mav 1, Sir. 10 DELAVAN HOUÖE. ALBANY. NEW YOUK. BY ÑATÍIANIEL ROGER8. rrillS celebraied house is now open lor the re coption of irivnlere; Jt ïstbe himest dimen sions, and is en'ircly ncw ui all its parts. li i? strictly a Ttvpruncc Ilo'ise.. nnd while ni ■-.niiis will bcspnri.l to mnko. it nll thnt the truvèlinir public enn asK, it is expecied in returr thüt it wj Ij reQRÏve the pairohnge ol jII thefriendf of Tc-mperance who niay have occasion to sv Albony. n „ n W 19. 1J45. 215-611 JE R OME M."TRËA D W E L L, ATTORNBY AND COUN8ELLOK AT LAW, And General Land Agent, Wll.L uttciid tu ihe snlc iad txchange o Lands, p.iyment of Taxi, and ledetuption of Lands sold for Taxes in JncUson and tiQ joining countie8. exnmination of Titlrs, Convcy nncing and all Jjusinesspcrtaining to Real Estáte, uffice in the Court House. Jackaofi. Michieani 17-if ResTdy IWade Olothing. AT REDUCEÜ PR1CES. TUK largest aml best nssortmcni of rendy niado clothing ever beton; oflered in thih ötaie, now on hnnd nnd lor süö, Wholesile oi Rctaii, at the Clothing Einpóriúni of tlie Sub acribers. consisting in part of Fine broodcloth Frock aud Dress Coat?. Tweed and union cassiniere, satinetand jean Frock and Business Coats. Slimmer Coats in great variety and very cheop. Cas8Ímprc, cloth, tweed and slimmer Punts o! all Htyles nnd pricos. Satin, vclvet, Bilk, valencia, caehmrre nnd Marseillcs Vests - a large stock ofricli and fosh ionable stylt-s. Also, an extensive assortment of Hosiery. Stocka. Srarfs, Unndkerchiefs. Collars, ShlitF. Gloves. Cravats. Suspender. &c. &c, all of which will he sold low for.ctvhThey would repectfully invite all, in want of rendy nindo arments. to cali and examine thcir stock hefore ptirchasing eltwhere. asit has been selected witli tíare in the Knstern mnrket and maniifacii red ia the latcst styles and most durable nianner. HALLOCK A RAYMOND. Corner of Jefferson & Woodward avenues. Detroit, ApriJ 4, 1845. 21S-r Paper Hangiii, BORDKRING, VVmdow lJapur.). Fire Bnnrd Pauers, &c. will be sold at very low prices by W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 10, 1P49. 2i:Mmo itOBERT W7 WARÍVEK7 Carpenter and Joiner, COn.MR OF CROOAN AND BKUSil STREKTS, OÏI'O3ITE THE MC.IK.AN GARDEN, DETROIT. Sept. 1, 1P45. 2IR.6-n Blank Deed s and WL or I ga ge s XTTHOLESALE AND RETA IL, forealeby VV BECKLEY, FOSTER & Co. March 20, 1845.gfj rpHE Subscriber has re ijr5P X moved hits shop to Main. J?tÊiL direct oppositc H. Ufcknfoï. fir er'8 ri(k Storc' where hö vV 1 MlSH u?on "ll tiat niay K've liim AflhSJ a coll. j]B2stië&B&ss Hnving jnst recèivad djirom New York nn elegant stock of JBWÍIRY, ! Fancy Articlci, whlch he intends to nc) ■er ihnn lias over been Eold west ofBuffnlf Readij Pa y Only. Among wliich nmy be nd a cod nssoriment of Gold oud Common nch Ívey8. Gold Firger Rtnps and Pcsorti is. Gunrd Chnine, öitver Ten nnd Tr.blc nuns, Siipnr Tongs. Bmtcr Knives. jSilvrr ncil cns"8. Silvrr and Con mon Thin 1I8. SilSpectnclcs. Gcrnion. do.. Steel, do., Hnif nshes. Cloilus do.. Tooih do., Lntler do.( ie Rn2or8 nnd Pocket Knivt, Fine Shenia i Scissors, Lathor box f. Rnzor Sirope. W]. t3. Pursrs. Violins )iid Bowe. Flutes. Viólin j Bnss Violin Sirini's. CInrioret Rcrdp, Petaron Cnps, Po. ket Pisiols. Rritinnin CmhIIocks, Wmches. Leiier Stnnips, Sienl Pcnp nnd' veczars. SnulTnnd Tobncco I oxes. Fine combp essin? do.. Sido do . Bnck (?o.. Sliell do., edirsoñd Cn?r5. V;iier Pnims, Tov Wíntlirp. d Dollw, n prent vnrimy ol Tojs too nuneroua meniion, Jfieads, Nctklaces, Fnncy Boxcs, b. Ac. Ci.rcss nnd WATttfs ofevery dercription re ired mul warranud, also, Jewtlry repanedon on noticc CAÍ.VIN BI.ISS. N. R. Ca:U riv éor OLD GOLD AiD LVER. C. B. Aun Albor. Oct. 24, lP-14. 23-if. LLEBASIíS"MTDmÑ Ê ï. TIIEISE MEDICINES k RK cfTcctiiig such nstonisl ing cures in mul- 3L tiiudes ol oíd enees long sime nbnndoned by ïysicinns nnd Snrgcons as utterly hopeless, (bftt ) medicines, vvliere these aro known, stand so ïservedly high. Tliey consist of HE BLACK, OR ALLEÉASl'S SALtÉ, Price 25 Cents, k'hich cures nln:ist univereally. Vevcr Sores, ot ie most mnlignnnt kind, Ft-Ioiis, Ul.cers, Ab esse?. Tumors, Frnctures, Cius, Pnnciüics, lirhs, Scftlds, Sore Thront. Chilblnins. Quiny. Drop y. Inflaniotory Rlx (iinatistn, IiifJuniintiutis nnd 8vcUnLecfevery dcscrijition. Scald [end, Ag'ie in ilie f"ncc, Nervoiis Tooth Ache, gue in the Brenst, Broken Brenst, Ac. Ac. .LLEBASrS HEALTH J ll.LS, 2f Cents. These Pilla liave ncquned n popularitv frithin ie Inst yonr o: uvo, which no oilier PiHs posíes. The re.iPDiis are obvi'.us to nll vlio tise ïeni. Tliey cure nll Kitiolió; Pcnrici nnd oth r Kevers, Fever n.'id Ague. Dyppfptin. Dropy, icid Stdtn;ich, Disorden d Bowels. or Sioni!.ch, iimriire, Flend Ache. Dtoinesii ih the ÍJcnd, Vorms. Livr Complainl. Ileart Btirtis. f'lmlic, iowrl coinpl.-iiiit. Gencfal Debility, Cosiivt if t', ie. &c. Theirjuirify ihe f-ntire syVtem, li;ivc ie bowels in a viorous and henlthy comliiiuu, c. Seepnmphlct. ALLECASl'S tOOTÍÍ ACHE DROPS. Piirc 25 tV?s. Vill enm an ordiuniy cas-e ol' Tooth Adíe, irl rum ibree to ten miiililts. For JVervous and tier kinds of Toolh Adhe. fte Pamplilei. ALLEBASI'S PÖOTl MAN'S PLASTEIl, Price. 35 C V;,.--; Vie warra'Rlfd to be superior to nny otlier Pfn."erfi in 'Auft or nnv oihei coü.ntiy. for pain T venkncsB in the Back, Siie. C'liett, ovvcIf, lins. Mnscli'S. nnd for Rlu'uiiintistn, Lutig nd Liver Con pl.iints, Coughs, Colde, Asthnin, fcc. Sce pntnp!lcti N. B.- Picase to ask tlife nfietil for apatuplilet vhich gives nll tlic inforrnntioli hecefsnry rrsïeciinc the usts of the Meditincs. the virtiies bey pof8rs8, etc. Piense to uliuw diréclio'ns iti he uso of medici nt s, ahd yob mny rely üpn nll thnt is prottiised. A libern1 discotiht hinde to merchantsand oth !rs, wbo bui' toscll npiiin. LVÁ1AN W. Gil BERT. Proprictor. Wholeshle Drnggiti. '214. Fult.m si. N. Y. (CrFor snlb by the t-ubscriber who bns been ippnimcd general neent lor the Citv of Detroit n.:l itfl vicinity. Country dcnleis supplied on ilcrtil teinis, C. MORSE, Miclncnn Bo k Store. The nbovö nipdicince are for sa'fc at 'bc Rook ?toreol UM. R. PF.RRY, Tn Ann Arborj Lover Villuge Drcember 9. 1.S44. 34 ly IVilüntr V. rhlr-iiilinr 1IN ATTACHMENT. .'nrres Gont. DCFpUE Wm. H. Ferry, Justicö of tho O IVnc. iN'niice is hen-by civon thnt n urit of nttach nent wna ir? iifil in iha nbove cniitlcd cnnso, reurnnhlc on the '6ih day of August. 18-45, nnd lic sail dfferninnt rixl not nppe:ir ht the return l snid wrii. Therefore s;;id cause sí.inds ndouruccl fur nial until tiio 2('ih dny o(" November n'xi. nt I o'cl'ick. P M.. at the office ofaaid lusiice of ilie Peacc WM È. PULCIPllER. Dited, at Ann Arbor, 2GtIi August. A. IX 1845. 27-ñw "SÏVE COSTÍ 4 LL persons iidelned 10 ili? subscribers. ei, . itier by note or book account, nrc requestd tocall nnd seitlo ihc snmo !ie(orc tire !5tli diy f September next, ns h!1 debts unsettlnd R( ihnt ime vi!l be Icft in tbc himda of Win. II. Perry Rsq. lor collcction. R. Ut 3. Ij. DAVIDSON. Ann Arbor, Aot. II. 1845. W5-4W ÏÖA.R3LBÖRÖ HÖTKlT" TLMeiiA;NC; MjOUSB, NATH ANIEL ROGF.RS. No. 2-29. Wfolïiêgion Slrcet, Boston. 'PHIS hotiec hns'undei-gone a thurougli repair nnd it is intrndcd thnt no rum house shall be superior to it. it will he undcr the inirnedinto charge of Rrown Colbtirn, a Mr. Hogers kerps tlie Dflevmi House in Albany. May 1, 1845. 2:06:0 50,000 Pound WOOL WAHTED. TUK tubicnbers will pay Cnsh or Wool, nl their Store, No. Ilö Jeflcreon Avenue.- Gri'nt cnre shoiiid bb taken by Wool-Growc.i in cleaneing their Woo!, ond piitting it up fwr innrUet. Many Farmers me in the hubit o' di ping their Wool wiihotit wr.shing, hich rendc-rs it unmercljnntüble. Let it be well waEl.pá, iind rollcd ns light ns posiible, inside oUt, and fnstencd with n strong cord. Thosc Iiaving Wool to sell will coriBült their interest by calling on us before selling. WEW OODS; WC nre now receiving our Spring stock f4 Goods. wliich we ofler for Cnsh or Produce, at the very loweet mnrket price?, SMITH. GLOVER & DW1GHT. Detroit, May, ttí45. 213-tf IVEW ARtt ANLEiUEHiTsI REMOVAL. THE Bubscribor lias removed his s'ock of BOOKS to Smrn No. 2. Exthnnge Block, fidjoining Lunds fe M'Coliums btore,where he io ready lofuinith cnsh custoiners with a new nd well gelected issortmerit of Miscelhtneovs, Ileligiovs, Historica!, Bh' graphical and School Books together with he beet ossoriment of Paper, Quillp, Ink'j Wafers, Toy Books nnd Stattonery general Iv which hos ever beeh oflered west ot Detroit, nnd will be gold at ho Detroit Cnsh prices. He hns nddcd to hie former businesa a well telected O8sortment of Family Groceries, which he will exchange for Cash or most kinds 0 produce. Wanied - Eggs, Bee6wnx and Tallow. Remnmber the store, two doors from the Flouring Mili. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Lowcr Villnge, June 6, 1845. 7t Occse Feathers. TflE Subscnber hns always on hand a good bupply of Geesc Feathers which he will Bell in quantitie lo euit purchaters and at the lowtrt marketreto. ...r W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 23, 1846. 216m


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