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The State Bank Of Ohio

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Ten Branches are now n operation, two in Cincinnati,two in Columbus, and one in Cleveland, Chillicothe, Xenia, Doyton, Delaware, and Steubenville. The Cincinna'á Gazelte states tlie mode of security thus: ♦1. Each Branch depositea 10 per cent, of ts eirculalion with ihe Board of Control, as a safety fund for the redemption of the notes of ny failing Branch. a. Tn case of the failore of any B-anch, hefore the safety fund ehall become ovailable,the solverrt Branche? are Hable, and the Board of Control calis on them íbr a sum 6tifficient to redeem hs n 'tes. This contiitunion to be repaid, after the shfety ftiml shnll be sufficient. Thns secormg the bill-holder, even bevond delay.'rQ55 The Albany Evening Journnl tnkes great credit to Gov. Seward for hiseñbrts lo win the Liberty men lo the support of the great slaveholding Compromiser. Itsaye: "But for the eoitrse of Gov. SewarJ and his friendo (manifesting, os that couree has, a wiser and iruer devotion to the caiit-e or Emancipation thatr the "Liberty party" display?,) the abolition vote last fall, instead of beinp 15,000 would have been t least 30,000."The Cortland American remarles upon tbis: Shonld not the Liberty party love Gov. Sewurd? He is so near to them? Yes indeed. He stands just wliere he can Btab tliem under thefit'ih rib ; o ml he did btab as hard as he could, and now they brag about it. Of all ol her men he is the most dancerons to that party. The N. Y. Express, Utica VVhig, and oiher w!ng prints, who are out for slnveholders, ore not so inuch to be dreuded by L.berty, aa Sewnrd. BcUer tfiat lie be openly wilh ihe enemv, than thai he hsns he is."Q5 The last Marslia! Exponnder ] ites fo tho Signnl mr articlc evidently taken i rom the Pontiac .Wksoninrr, in thich we are nade to say tliot the Garlund forgery" wns I puMished at the GizeUe office in Pootiac, by Mr. Thoinpjon, Edhor of thnt paper, and tliai 1 we "cnn prove every inch of the transaction" -and thal we "intend to charge it upon him until he owns up," &c We have made no 1 such cljarpes in onr pnpor, es we know nothing of the fncta. Will the Expounder corroct I the error? The sume paper makes ns to sav that tlie Whií8 "incrensed the State toxes over 5ü per cent," and that fthey wneted One Hundred Thodsand Dollars in extravagant appropriatior.s for party purposes." ít may be all true for anght we know, but we never pubhsh cd any such th'mp. We mean to innkenol statements böt sucbna we can substanliate by i reasorrable evidente. (TJ5 Frnnklin Snwyor, formorly Sviporinlendant of Public InstructioD, nnd a resident of this viiïage, has become principal editor of the New Orleatis Tropic, a Whijr pnper. - Wís ntislavery principies, it sepms, are no har to the confidenee of the most rafeid fifaveholáer.(jy A proposition has appeared in the 1 Washington Union for repeafing the clause requiriar Posttnnsters to advertise the list of I letters 'm the paper having the largest circnlation, because it is so yeneralFy disregarded, ond miüht set a baJ exainplc of violating the Post office Inws beforc the ptop)e. IT The Oaklüiid G.izeiió ''most cordiiUytn dona" the nniíslavcry resul luion pass?d by tlie Whig Coaventioji ofJackson Coun:j'ra indica, ting llie i4right spirit." Tlie Gnzette addsr "Weliaileuch ;i iold and ijnéqüWócál i tion of eentimcnt as rhe hnrbrnger of bener days o this republie. V e 20 aj for repeuh'ng ttíat njtist law, whicb woild e.vdtfdc rhjii frbtn vong on nceonnt of color, cspecinlly, !ince tliey are nairve9 and understnnd our insütutions bcttcr than tlioueands, who are foTeignero, andwho voie bciore they have boen hcre two years.' ttThe Whigsarc quoting the Legislative Joarnals to show that on every occasion when the salaries of officers have come before that body, JudgeFelch, when a momber, voted for high salaries. It ís a bad sign agninst him.fc? The railroad frorn Dexter to Detroit seems to be very fast hastening to decay, although expensive repairs are constantly making. It is also becoming dangerous. In sight afone village, the cars run ofT the track four times in eight days. O The Kalamazoo G:r.eite publishos Senator Allen's Judicinry Bill. The same paper has the proceedings of n meeting, called irresnectivo of party, to agree upon a plan of retorm of abuses. Sonic of thcir resolutions are ulira-radical, if we niay make ose of the words. One of them advoentes the aboliiion of all laws for the cüUcction of debt8, Howcver, we are glad to seo men every where waking tip, and earneutly seeking for what is Just and Rfgbt. (L= Miss Abby Kelly hud the misfortune to be drag{ed out of the Quaker meetinghouse in Mount Pleaennt, Ohio, for the ciime of addressing the membere on shvery when they were assembled for religious worship.- They considered her discourse a disturbance ot their meeting. (ET The Detroit Frce Fress has a nw Editor- Mr. C, B. Flood, of übio.


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