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Wayne Liberty Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Pursuont to public notice, the annual Uonvention of the Liberty party of Wayne county, for the nominalion of candidates to be sup ported at the ensuing election, was held at Perin'a Mills, on Tliursday the 25th uit. The ConveMton was organized by calling to the chair, the Rer. Marcus Swift of Nankin, and appointin? T. T. Lyon of Plymouth, secretary. The following committees were then announced by the chair, viz: a nominating comrnittee coniposed of the rollowing persona: P. B. Riplcy ond Samuel Zug of Detroit, Horace Brndley ot Plmouth, Alanson Aldricb and ilarvey Durfee of Livonia, and George W. Swift of Nankin: aml also Messrs. Holmes and Warner of Detroit, and Lyon of Plymouth, as a commktee on resolutions.- The committee on nominationa reporïed as follow8, viz:For Representaties, Josbpii D. Baidwin, of Delroit, Benjamín F. Stevens, of Livonia, Glode D. Chubb, of Detroit, William S. Gkbgory of Plymouth, Wbllu Hartsouuh, of Rcdford, Gbohge W. Swrr, of Nankin. For Coroner. CuitKN Brown, of Deiroit. For Auditor. Theodatus T. Lro.v, of Plymoutb. And for delegatee to the öenatojial ConveD tior, IHarvey S. Bradley, Hnrvey Durfee, Alanson Aldrich, T.C.Richard, Rufus Thayer Jr., Samuel ZuL, Charles Howard, Horace Hallock, W. W. Mead, Cyrus Fullcr. Which report was accepted by the Cou vention. The report was then taken up in parts, and unanimously adopted. The commitlee on resolutions ihen reporled the followingr, which were accepted, laken up severolly, and after some 6pirited discussion, adopted in the following order: Resolved, That we cordially npprove thft numination of J. G. Birnry, and N. M. Thomas at the State Convention in July last, and will yield them our undivided support at the coming e'ection. Resolved, That we consider the righl ot Suffrage as one of the pillara of our liberties, and that that right which we hold rienr and socred to onrselves, oughl, in our opinión, to be extended to a class of native bom cilizens wko have heretofore been excluded therefrom, vir: rhe colored population of this State, wetherefore advocate the amendment of our State Constitulion, so tbat tliere shall be no restriction of this right on account of color. Resolved, That we hail the proposed moet iugat Jackson for the piirpose of organizing a Young Men'a Saté ï,iferty Association, as an omen for good; and would urge the young men of this county to turn out, and by their presence id in perfecting an organización which must give an untold Ímpetus lo tbe cause of Human Rights. Resolved, That the recent outrage cominitted on the rights and property of Cassius M. Clay by a lawless mob, . ds6erves ilic severest censure; and we cordinlly tender to hiro I our warmest sympathie and prayers; and, while we disapprove of eome of hia positions, we would urge him tu falter nol in the work he has commenced, until he haa aeeomplisbed the object of hia labore - the abolilion of slavery in Kentuclry.The followingr persons wcrc then appointed ib our Coanty Executive Committee for the ensning year, viz: Hrace Hallock. Ö. M. Holmes, J.D. Baldwin, H. S. Bradley, ond George VV. Swift. It was determined that I the next a nnual business convention for this County, be held at Perin's Mills. The utmost unarimity of feeling pervaded tliedeliberationa of the Convenlion. Adjourned, eine die.


Signal of Liberty
Old News