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A Hint. - The following pieceof wagjery appeared in a down east paper, and we copy it for the benefit of those living mpertinences who follow the practicein Lhis city.- Buff. Pilot. Wanted. - One hundred and seventyfive young men of all shapes and sizes, from the tall, graceful dandy, with hair enough on his upper works to stuff a barbar's cush ion, down to the little humpbacked, freckled face, bow-legged, carrotheaded upstart. The object is to form a gaping corps, to be in aüendance at the church door, nn each Sabbath before the commencement of divine service, to staret the Témales as they enter, and make ielicnte and gentlemanly remarks on heir person and drcss. All who wish to inliat in the above corps, will please ippear at the various church doors next Sabbath morning, where thcy will be 3uly inspected, and their ñames, personal nppearance, and quality of Irains registered in a book kept for that purpose, anc published in the newspapers. To prevent a general rush, it will be well to state that none will be enlisted who possess in tellcctual capncities above that of an or dinary well bred donkey.Jïdvice lo Young Ladia. - Young woman [ need not teil you to look out for a husband, or Iknow that you are fixing contrivances to [o catch one, nnd are as nal'irally on the watch is a cat is for a mouse. But one word in your ear if you picase. Don't bait yoi:r hook with nn artificial fly of beauty, if you do, the chnnces are ten to one that you will catch a gudgeon - some silly fooi of a fíáb that isrt worth his weight in saw-du9t. Array the inner lady wilh the beantiful garmentsof virlue, modestj', troth, morality and unsophisticated love; aod ya will dispose of yourself quicker, and lo much better advantage, than yoa woald if you displaycd all the gewgaw?, flippejigp, fol-de-rols, and fiddle-de -cees intiie universe. Remember that ït is an awful thing to live and die, a self-nianufactured old maid. - Dotv ijkWirt Fcnccs. - Tn Scotland, wire fences ire now made and highly approved. Five vires ate used, with oak posts, costing only ibout 12 L cents per yard. The topwire is No. 8, and the others No. 5. Thia fence s 3aid to beclieaper than one of boards, or of posts and rails. As irumvire is bccoming chenp and alnindant in this country, we have no doubt it will be used oxtensively in this. way in our Allantic citiesand States. Punishncnt of Dnelling in Oregon.-From the diary of a gentlemen now redding Vn Oregon, wemake the following extract, whic hows how the code of honor is there dis countennnced: Co0rts or Law, Nov. 2.- Attended Cou this day as spectator. Doctor Babcock's the presiding Judge. indeed k looked like a land of Inw and order. One criminal was fined 500 for aending a challenge, was rendered ineligible to any office of trust or profit, and was deprived of the privilege of' voting at anyelection. He was drawn as a juror before the prand jury broug-ht in a bül againet him, and by order of the Court his name was erosed from the list. 1 may heresay that Dr. Babcock has sustnined a very respectable posifmn in the comtnuniiy in all respecte, and now exercises the functions of judge of probate and circuit courts. Times Gone By.-We find the following advertisement in the Albany Gnzelle, of 1800. IIow Btranely would such announecments now readü "For sale. A healthy, strong kkgro boy, Uyears old, well calculated for a farmer, or attending ín a famüy." To be sold. A negro bot, for the term of 14 yeors, at wliich pèrwd he is to (jo free.-He is ten yenrs oW, very active, lively, and honeat. His mnster is (breed to dispose of him only because the lin!e fellow cannoi please every pereon iu tbe house! i'ricc, 60 nounde .'"Tobesoid. A likely nkgró man. obout twenty-two years oíd; a stou', active íellow, and undersiands all kinds of farining: wiJl be t-old on reaonable terms.1' For salo. A mwro WOMAK, I wenly eiffhl ycars oíd, wilh two female children, tbe one fouryears oíd, the oiher onc. %bé under - atanils all kinds of house work. A pair of good horses tvill be taken toward paynerJ, i f applied for aoonJ" Will not the next tïïty ycars witness a groit a chnnge in the moral senument on the subject of Slnvery in tlic existing slave States, a8 the last fifty has i tliLs State?- Mh Evt. Journal. 055" Large beds of chalk have been fouiid'iu Northwestern Arkansas, the firs and onlydiscovery in the U. S.Good thingsout of place. - A correspondent of tlie New York Observer, in Jescantingupon the irreorenco ofchurch :hoir3, says thnt there are some pretty fjoings on sornetimes, where llie choirs are surrounded with good ihick curtains nnd the choristers are concealed from the congregación. Some read, some tleep nnd others converse, doubtless most lovngly on loveable pubjects and are kindly afl'ectionafe one towards another. But e meniions a particular case as coming under his own observation, which is altogether too refreshing a story'not to be cir culafed in this hot season. The singers, in warm weather, took care to be provided with refreshments, and thu tliey replenished their outer man while the con- gregarios fed the inner man on less substantial food. One very warm afternoon the singers had watcr-melons and lemonade wherewith to console ihemselves, andt happenred tfrat one of the gentlemen, in doing the agreeable to his lady vis a vis, upset the ïemonade jug. The ífoor of the singing loít not being quite water tight, the Ïemonade trickled through and the congregation sat under the 'droppings of the sancluary,' more literally than they expected or even desired.


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