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$1O BEWARDÜ STOLEN (rom tlie subscriben, on the 6th of Septe.ntHr. rnst.. n hU,ck, even wood, aght kevedffute. The first joint was a drawjoim umi .„ed-the keys were-eilver, iwo nlver bnnds aruund enen joint, nnd one at eneh end, with a stom of silver at the hend. Some ndlitional marks recollccted nnd can be gtven if necossary. Tho nbove rewnrd will bo given to ony persoa wlio will eive information 80 that ihe instrinnent ■nd the thiet' can bc ob'nined. It it is foun.i without the thiet". n sntisiactory and liberal winpon will be given. r p0WELL. Ann Arhor, Sept. 2. 140. 'SO-tf Flax Seed rpiIF. Suhscribtrs wnñt to buy n qunntiy ff 1 Flax Sced. lor which ihoy will p:iy the highest inrket price in Goom ok Cash. delivered at iheir Mili, at Mount Plcnsnnt. Genesseo Co Micbieah; ' miles nonh of Fentniiville. BOO11I & LA TÜLRF.TTK. Seft. 1815. 2:iO.6in Oeese Featlier. npdE Subscrihor has Iways on hnnd n i good JL bupplv ol GerSo Feathers which he will f 11 in quanmieö lo suit purchafem and nt t!ie luwcst markeiu.e. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 23, I84& 2136a.


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