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Be Not Deceived!

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Notwithstandingttiat the Whigs hnve no possible chance of carrying this State at the next election, they may attempt to deceive Abolitionists by holding out inducements for believing that thore is a very great prospect of success. Such has been the policy of their papers for several years, and as it will doubtless now be tried ngain, we deem it our duty to wam our friends against the deception. - We will give two orthree instances from the history of last yenr. The Slate Journal of Oct. 23d snid that the Whig Mass Meeting at Ann Arbor, fiad "given an impulse to our patriotic cnuse that will sweep hke a tchirlwind, the blightivg curse of Locojocoism from ovr borders on thefourth and üfth days of November next." The Jackson Gazette of Uctober 21st. sa ld: 11 We have as good 300 Whig majority in this Lounly as the Locofocos have in any county in Neto Hampshire, and toe will on the fifth of next month prove il. Polk and Texps are sure "gone Martins" in Jackson County this fall." The result wos thnt the Democratie ticket generally was elected. Polk's majority in the County was 87. The same paper, July 5, said: tlIngham Coanty is good for 250 majoriLy for Cïay." The result was that Polk's ma. jority was 9, and all the Democratie County ticket was elected except two officers. The Detroit Advertiser of Sept. 30, after showing how greatly their prospects were brightening, said: "We have no motive to deceive ourselves or others. nor are we usually over sanguine in such matters. We speak certainly our own convictions, and we do not think we can be mistaken in our calculations. At any rate we are willing to put them on record. We shall carry, then, a mojorüy of the Congressmen, a majority of the House of Rcpresenlatives, and in joint ballot of the hegislature a majorily of the County tickets, and as we believe the Presidential elector s." Now mark the result: the Demoerats elected all the Congressmen, all the Senators, all the Representatives but seven, carried more than three fourlhs of the county tickets, obtained a majority on joint ballot of 57, and gave a majority for Polk of 3,406. Now f these representations were made in erood faith, and really expressed thebelief of the writers, the result shows thnt their judgment cannot be at al; depended on: iftheymade these statements wlien they did not believe them, it demonstrates thnt they were wil ful liars and deceivers, and are therefore unworthy of credit. - We pass no judgment upon them. We only say thnt whether they be honest in such representations or not, no rebanee can be placed upon them. The truth is that the "Whigs are in a confirmed and hopeless minority. Any Abolitionist who is persuaded to vote the Whig ticket because he hopesit will succeed, will throw away his vote, and accomplish- not hing. Ifa man is truly a Whig, and is determined to adhere to the party at all events, and vote for all the Slaveholders they may nomínate, he can consistently support that party: hut no Ab olilionisL should be fooled into its support by the protence that it is "the more favorable party," and that it will succeed al the present election. This State never has given a Whig mnjority for Governor but once sirice its organization, and the mnjority then was but 1,800, while the Democratie mnjorities for Governor in 1841 and 1843 have been five or six thousand. We know of no reason for any essential change in the relative strenlh of those two parties. No intelligent Whig in our acquaintance pretenda that the party expect lo succeed in electing their candidate for Governor; and any representations of that kind will be made only tor effect. - We again say to you, Bc not dececved!


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