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The Freemnn estimates the Liberty vote at )out a thousand, notwit'istandingf the geneal npatliy thal prevailed with all partios. - vsi year it did not exceed five or six hunred. Returns ore in from a few place?. In nlem, the Lib. vote was 35, VVhig 19, Dem. 5. ín Lisbon, Whip 7, Dem. 82, Lib. 23. n Prair.eville, Lib. 67, Dem . 65, Whig 58. - n PewaHkie, Lib. 04, Dein. 26, Whig 43.(L A inember of the Society of Friends i Norlh Carolina writes to the Philanthroist : 'One word as to the present state of feeling n thisKcciion,nn the subject ofslnvery. Withi the last twelve tnoiuhs tliere has been a irreal increase of nnti-slavery sentiment in this ection of country. The time lias been, and ïot many yenrd pist, when the narne of abo itiomst was tlie most odionsnpithet that coiild )e applied to a persor., but ihis clond of prcjudice is nnw becomin dispelled, and ppoole converse frrely on the subject. Poliliail akolil'on is a lever thal has rxerted'a more lowfrful injluenceon ike Itad'tng men of the Snittk, t'n arovsing the in toa lespecffulriofice of nlmJiiinn principies, than any oihcr mean hut could have bre.n itdopled. The anilheinas nnd npponls noriinst slaVery fall unfelt. Rut acqüire (lift Kilnnce of politicnl power andrenk old party line", and thereis irrlmediately in inqiirv auakened in the two old pirties, ns to the rtiPnris of s uccess by iridneing the third ?arty t j"in thpnv; nucí before they cnn hope o 8ceed in ihis.they will hnve to conform beir policy lo thnt of the third partv. And iy thrse inquiries, prpjudiced hto Jispelled, and and' an onbiassed examinalion of tl.cir principies in the conse]Uence." Tliüsj v.Hether we look to the North or the South we find that t is the VOTES of Abolitionists whicli is arousing the whole country . Reader!' Wherever yoii' ré6Íde, ádd your vote to the ruimber of those consecrated to Liberty.


Signal of Liberty
Old News