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A factfor the million. - Every man in difficulty, poverty ordespondency, should think, when at the verge of ulter despair that there others in ihe world, worse off than hitnself, whoare happy and contented. A striking illustration of this fact occurred for the edification of a poor friend of oursa month since. "1 was," said he, "out of business, entirely. I had e.xhausted all methods the exercise of which was likely to procure employment. I was walking down Broadway with a solilary sixpence in my pocket, and hunger knawing my vitals in ihat desperate mood which may be properly termed partial insanity, and in he fullness af my woe was absolute! y conteniplating suicide, when a collection of people, gathered about the door of a irincely mansion, diverted my attention. [ beheld a decrepid oíd man, bent doirble with age, and so feeble that two burly domestics were with their united strengt h aiding his trembling and Dncertain steps.[Ie wasnearly blind, quite deaf, and 1 was told possessed to a limited exleht only the faculties of taste and smell. He was taking his customary morning walk - from the door of his dwelling to the nenrest corner." Tho man alluded to is the famous millionaire (Astor) about wiiom books have been written, and newspapér paregraphs innumerable concocted. UI thought," said our friend, "ihnt I, with my single 6xpence, was in a glorious siuiation compared with that of the individual before me, and I wentmy way with a beaming countenance and a lightened heart.thanking-heaven forthe health and strenglh I then enjoyed, bul haddespised. I have never despaired since." - Noahfs Messcnger. A Scotchman in New ÍTampshire beingsick, was called upon by a' clergyman, who conversed wilh him upon Wis religibus concerns: Said the minister, "Do you recent of all your simt Do yoü répent of AdamV first sin?" "Adam! Adam!" said the sick "f never knew the man" "Every column of a neWsjlapér contains from ten to twenty thousand distinct pieces of metaï, fhö misplacing1 of any one of which would óause a blunder or typographical Orror. With this cürious fact before the reader, he must wonder at the general1 accu racy of rtewspapers, and be more disposed to excuse than magnify errors of the press." Sï. Lotiis. - The St. Louis papers state that property vanishes there lik" e dew before the suri: No less than 22 slaves have sloped from that vicinity, within two weeks. What will thö patriarchs do? - Not only riches take wings, but sottio kinds of property takes to itself legs and flies beyond the magie line. Sir Richard Phillips stafes that' 2000 per cent. per annum, profit, was cleared by Engïmid cotton spinners, for a certain periodj after the improveihents in macliinj ery by Arkwright. Competition speédily arose and a gradual reduction ei.sued until profils came toabout 10 per cent., which has of late years been the average rate. The Monroe, Georgia, Railroad, which is nn unfinished state though 92,000,000 bas been expended on it; has" just been sold to a company of New Yorkcapitnlsts, for Sl'55,000, subject to very slight, if any incumbrances. Almost the entire traclcis gruded, and the superstructura either laid or ready on the ground to be put do'n."Noah's Mbssbnobr" gives the following 9tat9tic6, whicb show the various censusee laken during the last 144 yeare, in New York ciiy. 1696 is ihedatR of the first census: - Years. Pupulation. Increa6e. 1896, 4,302 1731, 8,622 4,S20 1756, 10,381 1,759 1773, 21,876 11,495 1786, 23,614 1.7S3 1790, 3S.IS1 9,517 1800, 60,469 27,353 1810, 96,87 35,884 1820, 123,706 27,353 1825, 166,086 42,380 1ÖS0, 202,589 36,503 1840, 313,790 111,201 The growih of the city is indeed amazing. HONOR AMONG THIKVE8. Munurl. - What did you sieal my dog Teke Tor, Sam? I can't spare him: he'd a yreat comfort to me in my present infirmities. Sam. - I didn'c slealyour dog, Man. Ile's aiine:I annexed hiin. JVan.- "Anneed him?M Wliat do yon mean by ihai? I botiglit him, and have had him a long time, and never gave him lo any body. VVhai right have yo to himi Sam. - Teke gave him a right himsclf. - He bnrkcd out liis independence, ond f]loved nhout: and eo I put him with my other dogs. -You' re a vile thief, Snm! and if you don't givfi mo batii my dog, I'll break every bone in voor skin. Sam. - You look üke a bonebreaker, you pnor pny, eailow little Spaniarn! How you'd look fighling a large, powerful man üke me! You'U never get Teke aguin tliat way. Jtfiun.- Well, if I con't get Teke agnin, I can give you a good sl.p in yonr ugly face, and that will save my honor. Bi?sideB, I can easily steal the timhers and pars you put i the waer to eoak; and that will be fair capture. Sam. - Yon slap me in the face and steal my timberf Then I shall have some honor to tnke enre of. I shall rfojj yon within on inch of your life, and carry off your other dop Cally. Both dops wlll then be mine by right of wnr; and our honor will be all safe. - Burritt's Citizen. If the "respetable" people of Kentucky may rise and Inwfully put down an nbnoxious prrss, what have they to sny against the blncks nsing, and lawfully puitingr down 06noxiuvs opprrssion? We ask for informalion. - Spring-Jifld Gnzette. A Mr. Legrand Smith, of Albsrty, has in vented a eumtner bat,wth a vrnlilating croirn. On I he top i.s an op?n-work circle, with an inflatinj dnmpcr, opening and cloying1 so as to command a draft, mtich in the &bÍ0O of n stove. We shnuld th'mk it a cnpital nrticle for overheated itnaginations, or hot-lieads generally. Floggintr. - The United Statca Journal rejoices lo know that the present active head of :he Navy Department lias determined to discoumcnnnce, os far as he can wndersting Iaw8, tnè tnnictidh of coporeal piiuïshment for petty nfftencee in the Navy. He lias come to the determinmion to forbid the infliction of corporeal punishment at our navol stations, and to prevent jt on t-hip boHrd, une&$ directeri by the written order of the commanding officer. Fjeclment of Fret Yegroes. - The people of Fayette dounty Kentucky, hnve held o meeting1 and decided that all froe negroes mu9i lenve the connty, (fivmgf to til] who wish to go to Liberia a free passage and provisions for the voy age. AU the Decency. - The tffigy of e man was reccntly found suspended from a Whig liberty pole, inBucksport, Me. dressed for the chain pang, and labelled 'Jatnes G. Birney's doom." Progrcss in India. - Bifhop Wilson of Cal entta, thmks a Ciisis is approoching in India. Eilncation lias been going'on for fifly years; ihe Hindoos are bocoming more and more clevated, and all offices, up to a cerlnin class are now thrown open to them. Rail road,and stecm ore perlbrming wonders omong them. XVhat Good are AoUlionists Doing?-A correspondent of the Emnncipator, writing from Ky., Bays, "Lapt spring, Jtulge - = , in one of the southern counticá of th is State, havirig read the Cincinnati Herald, on excel lent abolition paper, Iiberated all his slaves." By the bye, talking of potatoes, see what Bryantj in one of his European letters says about theii). Listen: - "You mav smile at the idea, but I afíirrn thnt a potatoe field in Great Britain, at this seasoh, ís á préttler sight than a vineyard in Italy. In this climate, the plant tWöws out an abundance of blosáoms, pink and white, and just now the potatoe fields are as fine as so inany flower gardens." Bishop S'oulè, of the Methodisl Episcopal Church, says therc hos been a decreaso ol 45,435 membere in the norlhrrn section of the I chutch the past year, and on increase of 9,703 I irf the soMHern sectirtn, while the total in - crease for the preceding"yor was 155 000. - He ascribes il to the contentions that have ngitated the church.lam takinsr down the census of a drnsdy populated neighborhood," os the fellow Boid when he swallowedthepkipper cheese. Söme wicked old bachelor has said, tint !et lis niarry who vm will, we sfierwards find that we liave not wedded otir inlendtd. Mr. Whitney, the rnnn who is obout to make a railröad ft Oregotf, hss returned with his company of geven men, in good health to St'. Éouls. ífie Gtofgia Énilroad ha been cbmple'ed to Atlanta, arid ia 172 miles in length. It is said tó be a'welí constnicted road, and will be coniintied lo the Oóstenacula river, eigbty milee ferthér.


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