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Wilt bopublislied every Monday niorning, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BEOKLEY, FOSTER, & Co. For the Michigan State Anti-Slavery SoCIKTT. TERMS. One Dot.lar a year, in advance: if not paid, inadvancc, Two Dollars will be ihvaiuably required. O Oíd subscribers can have thcir paper? nt One Dollar a year, by forwarding that amount, and paying arrearages. All subscribers will be expected to pay within the year. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. For each line of brevier, (the smnllest type,) the first insertion, 3 cenia. Forcach subsequent insertion, leent. For three montha, 7 cents. For six month8, 10 cents. For one year, lóceni. Orders by mail will be prompily attended to. Legal Advertising by the folio. U Manufacturers, Booksellers, Machinists, Whjle8ale Mcrchants, and all others doing an cztcnsiee business, who wi&h to advertise. will fiad the Signal the best pousiblo medium of comniunication in the State. (D All Remittiince8 and Communications should be addressed, Post paid, CStQSALOF Libkrty: Ann Arbor, Mich.rj


Signal of Liberty
Old News