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SOMETHINCJ NEWM USCO VE T US PILL S, IOR THE CBRTAin AND rERMA.NKNT CURE OF FEVER AND AGÜE. finHESíi pillsnreprrpured by d.siinuished X F. KLLNG, M. l). of Jnekson Mich. Ii all of he inniiy cases in which tliey h.ive brei used. tlicy have given ihe most entice m d ,'eifcc iwtisfaction. The prop'ieior hazards nothing j saying, fhat they are ihe very best medicine in ihe world for the cure of the above mentioncd disease. Any quaniity of recommenilations migh: bo published- as is the custom wirh many - bui that is considerod unnecess.iry One trial wili satisfy the most incredulousof thcir gra: vi. lue. The maj riiy of Medicine now iu uso aflord bui n temporary relief, merely brenking and check - ing the diseajo for a short time nnd preventing oniy ite esternal appearance. while invvardly u ís still roging, thus causing many oiher maladys and coneeqnetitly proving highly injurious, to future health. It is the ubject in thisinstancr, to pTeeent lo the public a Medicina entirely different from that hcretofore offcred. and one thnt will nol mcre'y chkck the chills, but that will erndicate the disease entirely from the aystem. Warranttd to effect a perfect citre if the directions are Btrictly followed. Direciions accompany every box and no Muscovetus Pilis are genuine wiihout the writtcn signalurc of the Dvenier 4tF. Kling." Each box cuntains 100 pills and twelve powder8 price$I,00. For stIc by Maynard and Lvmd &. Mc Collum. Ann Arbor; E Samp9on and Norris & Felch, Ypsilanti; Cnssius Swift, Dexter; Hnlc. Smiih Si Dunham. Grass Lake; Smitb &Tyrol. Clin ion; D. K. ÏJnderwood, Adrián, Thomas P. May, Plymouth; Peter Van Every, S. R. Sinford. Grand Rapids; F Gardner, Jonesville; SaiFord Hopkins. Hillstiale; Belcher& Ernest, Temple, J. MoConnell & Co., Jackson, and throuehout the State. P. S. All those who are affficted with a chronie üisense wilhout regard to name and nature, even ifpronounccd incurable by otherB are respeetfully invited to cali on me at my residence in Jackson, and I wil? endeavor ro restore them to perfect henlih. ifnot already bneyond the power of all carthly aid. F. KLING, M. D. Jnck?on. Ju!y 'st. 184r. 3in219_In Chanccry- - Ist Circuit. George F. Porter, administrator of Oliver Knnc, deciased, complninant, vs. Loren Mills, Elijah W. M rgan nnd William S. Maynard, defendants. BY virtue of a dec.etal order issued out of the court of chancery of the State of Michigan, I sh.ill exposo to sale to the lughest bidder, nt the Court House in the Village of Ann Aibor, Washtenaw county, on the 23d day of Septembor next, nt 1 o'clock, P. M., ol that day, the folfowing described premisos sitúate, to wit: "sitúate, lving and being in the town of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw nnd Stnte of Michigan: Beginning at the centre of Whiies Rond. 80 cnlled, on the west line of section 29. in town two south of range six east; tlicnce south on the line of the saici scciion and on the line of section thirty-two, forty rods south of the souih west corner of the snid section to a stake; thencc east nt right angles wiih soid eectionline thirty rode: therrce north and parallel witjisaic] iection line to the centro of said Whites' gjfS. - Thence south aeventy five degrees wcÚjP cen' tre of the said road to the place ofKffiíning. containtng thirty-tbree ocres and sixly-five hundredtb of an ocre of land more or less. GEO. DANFORTH, Master in Chancery. JoT & POKTER, Sol's. Dated, August 11 th, 1815. 224 The obove salo is pos'poned uniil the 20th day of October A. D. 1845 a' the same hour and place. GEO. DANFORTH. Masier in Chancery. Dated, Sept. 23d, 1845. "TO THE VICTORS BELONQ THE SPOILS," A LTHOUGH many preparations in the fonn jt. ol ' 'POPULAR MEDICINES" have been before the public, claiming to give relief, and even cure the most invetérate dioeases, yet none have so well answered the purpose as Dr. Sherman's Medicited Lozenges. They are agreeable to the tnste, easilv administered. and irom the nnprecedentedsucctss which they have met with, and the remarkable cures which they have perfurmed, may justly Iiy claim to the tule of Conquero r over the diseases for which they have een recommerrded. Dr. Sherman's "COUGH LOZENGES" Cure the most obstinate cases of Cough in n few hours. They have cured a large number of perpons %vho have been given trp by their physicians and friendi, and ninny who have been reduced to the verge of the grave by epitting blood, Conffumption and Heciic Fever, by their use have had the rose of health restored to the haggard cheefc and now live to speak forlh the praisesof his invaluable medicine. Dr. Sherman's "WORM LOZENGES" Have been prived in more than 40,030 cases to be infatfible, irr fact the only certain Worm Destroyrng Medicine ever discovered. Children will eat thcni when ihey cannot be iorced to take any other medicine, and the benefit derived from the adminis'.ration of medicine to them in this form is great beyond conception. When the breath of the child becomes offensive, and there is picking of the nose, grinding of the tecth during sleep, poleness about ihe tipa with flushed cheek8. headiche, drowsiness, starting during sleep, disturbed dreams, awaking with fright and ecreaming, troublesome cough.feverishness(thirst. voracinus appefite, svekness at the stomach and bloated stomach - these are among the many prominent symptoms of worms, and can be re lieved by these incomparable Lnzcngea. They have never bern known to fail. Dr. Sherman'e "CAMPHOR LOZENGES" Relieve Headaehe, Nervous Sick Fleadacbe, Palpitation of ihe heart, and Sickness in a very few minutes. They cure Lowresa of Spirits, Despoodency, Faintness, Coüc, &pasms, Cramps ol the Stomach, Summcr or Bower Complaints; they keep up the spirits, dispel all the distressinj! symptoms oí a night of dissipation, and cnablc a person to undergo great mental or bodiiy toil. - Dr. Sherman's "POOR MAN'S PL ASTER Is ocknowledged by all who have ever usd it to he the best strengthenins Piaster in the world, and a sovereign remcdy for pains and weaknest in the back, loins, side, breast, neck, limbs. joints, rheumatism, lumbago, &c. One million a year will not supply the demand. Caution is necessan , as there are many unprincipled per-, sons who would torce a spurious article upon the community. Be carcful to get Sherman's Poor Man'i Plnstcr. wiih a "fac simile" of his written narne on the back - none others are genuine. and will do more hurt than good. sucb men as the Jlev. Darius Anthony, of tbe Oneida Conference. Rev. Sebastian Stteet er, of Boston, Rev. Mr. Dunbar, Mr. Hancock. Rev. Mr. De Forest, Iron. Aaror Clark, J. Hoxie, Esq. líon. B. B. Beardsley, Daniel Fanbaw, Esq. and' a host of names of the like reputQtion can be brought forward to prove the efficacy of Dr. Sherman's preparations - when they are so warmly recommended by the medical profeseion, and prescribed in the practice, and when such universal approbation follows their use nmong all classes, we rnay justly say that the Dr. i not only entitlcd to the appellation o! "VÍCTOR," but can fairly lay claim to the patronage of the public, and will receive it. Agents for Ann Arbor. H. M. Thompson & Co.. W. S. & J. W. xMnynard; E. Sampson, Ypsünnti; D. C. Whitwood. Dexter: Pickford t Craig, Saline; Smith fe Tyrol. Clinton, H. Bower, Manchester: P. Farlick &, Co., Plymouth: D. Gregory and A. Grant, Northvillc. 218-fun ROBERT W WARNER, Carpenter and Joincr, CORKKK OF CROOAN AND BKUsII STHKKTS, OP?OSITZ THE M'CilIGAN GARDEN, DKTROIT. Sept. 1, 1845. 215-6 n DELAVAN HOUSE. ALBANY. NKV YORK. BY NATIIANIEL ROGERS. 'T'ilIS eclebrated house is novv open for t!:c re ceptinn of frnvoiors. Itisthe lrgejBl dimort-4 sions. and 3 ■ p.-irt:. 1: I . . I _ that il will recive the pa ronog; oi jII thefnendtof Temperance who may have occasion to visi; Albtr.y. Way 19, 1S45. 2J2-GmThe Wondcrllil Success WIIICH ür. Fulgcrs' Olsaonian. or AilHcnling Balsnm haa níet with not onh m it8Sale, but aiso in the cures wliidi il lias el fected. in persons who vc c in a hope'ws con Jition, lias convinced the niost krpticI ol iie extraordinnry curativo proporties, and esfablished is claims to the name of ihe GREAT REMEDY. The question is no longer nkid.;'Ctw Aitltjna be curedf" lt hasl'cen ealisfnciarily seyled within the last two months tfiai Folger's Owftiónian will produce a cure quickor iliun any otlier remcdy in ifte world. nnd re'ferencea cn be given to persons in and out of ihe city wlio Cave pe riencea its wonderful vinues. who liad tried fui yeara all others remedies in vain. Mr. WlLSON.a brick layer, residingat Hobo ken,N. J.. Rnd tried I every remedy which he could hear oí for the relief of nsthma, and had spent more than one hundred dollars in endeavoring to procure help, but in vnin. Ue r.ommonced osing the Olosaonian, Janunry 2lst. The first dose he took gave him reliof. nnd two days alierward h:s wife called to en y that the small qunntiiy ol this remedy which he had taken hnd done him more good than nny and al! the medicines he had ever used in his life. Mrs. Bell, the wife of Robert P. Bell, of Morristown. Ñ. J.. who was severely afilicted with nsthma, was given up by her physicians. She was removed to the soaboard in the hopo of pal liating her distressing symptoms. but with no benefit. One bottle of the Olosanian so far relieved her that she was able to get up from her bed and dress herself, a tbing she had not done before in months. and she has now rcturned to her reeidence in Morristown, N. J., wiih every prospect of boing spcedly restored. INCIPIEN'I CONSUMPTION yield8 to its efTecis. It eoothea the troublesomo Cough and gives refreshing alumbers to the weary; it allays the pain in the side and sorencss in the chest, and ennbles the pereon to expectórate ensily, while it eniircly restores the secretions of the system and expediics returning lieahh. JAMES B. DEVOE. 101 Readc street, hnd long been complainiggof a soreness in the chest. acrompanied with a short hacking cough; he raised matterfreely. had lost his appetite ind feit alarmed at hio situation. He had tricd various remedies without any beneflcial effect. His shortness of breatli and pain in the sidecontinued to increase. He uscd onc bottle of the Olosaonian, nnd is restored to heahh. George W. Burnett. of Newark, N. J., Geo. W. Hay, óf New York; David Henderson, 60 Laightst; Mrs McGann. 20 Walker st; F. Laban, 52 Pike st.. Mrs. Archibald. 35 Walker st, with HUNDREDS OF NAMES of persons residirrg in New York, could be given. who are ready f o bear testimony to the superiority of the Olosnonian over evcry other remedy known for the cnre of eoughs. colds. asthma. consumpiion, 8pittingr of blood, dyspepsia, consumption. bronciiiiis, dirTJculty of breathing. hoarseness, influenza, pnins in the breast and side. and the various afiection of fhe stomnch and liver. For snle at J 06 Nassiiu st, one door above Ann, and at Mrs Hays, 139 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Agents for Ann Arbor. V. S. & J. W. Maynard; Rampson, Ypsilanti; D. C. Whitwood. Dexter; Pickford & Crai?. Saline; Smith & Tyrol, Clinton; H. Bower, Manchester; P. Farlick &Co., Plymouth; D. Gregory and A. Grant, Vorthville. . 218-6mo To Clothiers, üiannfacturers and IMiercliants. THE subscribcr is nuwreceiving ai hisstores. l-8, and 190 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, ihc foilowing, carefully and well selected stock of Dyf. Wools Dye Stuffs, & VVoollen Man ür,CTORER'sMACHlKERY. 15 tons. Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico and Carihagena, 10 Log wood, Campeach, St. Domingo ond Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Caro, Hache and Lima, 3 tons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 130 " Fustic, " " jr.o " Red Wooda, " " 120 " Camwood, " " 10 " Querecitron Bark, 45 'e AlluiH, 42 Copperas, 33 " Blue Vitriol, '8 " Madder, Ombro and Dulch Crop, 3 " Cream Tartar, 2 " Nutgalls, 2 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Guatiniala, 2 cases Lac-Dye, 2 " ext. Logwood, 2 u GrainTin, 300 pounds Verdigris, 15 Carboys Oil of Vitriol, Spirits Sea-Sahs and Nitric Acid, ALSO, Cogiier Kettles and Clothers' Screws, Tenter Hooka, Jacks and Bruehes, Press Papers. Card Clenners Weaver's Sheers, Nipperaand Burlinp Irons, Comb-Platesf Pickers and Robbins, Wire. Worstcd and Cotton Harness, Steel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Loom and Fly Shutters, Steel and Copper Mails Emery. &c. Parson's Shearing Machines, 4. 6, and Í) bladrs Allcn's doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Ciirds. Lcicester. The above goods have been recently purchascd, directly from the importers and manufacturera, EXCLüsivEi.ï fok cash, and will be sold at the New York Jobbers' priecs. adding transportation only; ond in consequence of ihe decline on many of the American manofectured anieles, will in' mony cuaes. bc sold at fiftetn per cent ltss than farmer prices. The subsenbers experience in the Dye Wood trade ennblee hiin to say to his customers that he is prepared at all times to warrant his goods of superior qUaIlty' THEO. H. EATON, Dye Wood nnd Dye Stuff Warehouse, 188 aud 190 JerTerson Avenue Detroit. Aujt. b, 185. 225-4m SEEDS. WANTED.- 20Tlbs. Red Onion Seeds. 50 lbs. White do do 25 lbs. Yellow do do 1 fiO Ibs Musk-ir.elon do 5") lbs Water melon du 5) Hu. Scarlet Radish do 5 lbs. Sage do 10 tbs. Pepper Grass. do Krbusrr Early Marro w Peas ]0 " Cluster " 5 " Suernr CornS. B. NOBLE. Ann Arbor, Sept. 9. 1845. 229-3w Paper Hangmgr, BORDERING, Window Papers, Fire Board Papers, &c. will be sold at verv .w prices W. A. RAYMOND. "Detroit, May 10, 184!). yiX-GinStrayed. ON the 12thinst., a smal!, dirk re.l. ilirrr year8 old, milch cow. Any infjirmfyipn reepccti'ng her. will be gratefully received and. iberally rewarded. M. H. CÖWLES. Ann Arhor, (Lover Town.) 26. ï45 Ansí Arlior Uil lflitl. TH E wniild uwe no'ice ihat !;r con;ini;e3 the Manufacture oí Linskvii Ou. ?'ï)t'!y paintea nrirl (iihe-f1 .s can piircÜBsed n w ! I ! ■ oxcli ingcd :or Fliix öecd lor wluch ilic highcsi diari.ei price will be paid. '.. B. KJLCJPUEIi. Ann Arbor, Lowerüu. 10. lfi;'Pcoplc fs'om the Country TTliSITiVG Deiroit, Tor ihe purchase of Dry V GooHs, Pa;cr Hiingings, or Feathers, vs li Ie going the roniuls to ascertain tlio various -tylus or priccs of Goods in the city, are re'niiestcd to cali ai W. A. Raymond's Store, No. 118. Jcllbrsim Avenue. Ueing une door bovo Bntrs St. nnd next door to the "Manhat'nn Store." The undersigned has inleen a greni deal of pain? iii selccting his goods to get lasliiniiihle 8!yles and desirable qualities nnd lie is confident thal his nssortment panioalarly of such üoods as are desirable for (lic country trade, isas complete as any in thé city. He has on hand Ginghams, Bafzdrin'és, Lnwns. Muslin de Laines, Calicóes of every JVIulls, Laces, [style, Edgings, Kibbons, Parasols, Shawls, Üress Handkerchiefs Cravafs, Scnrfs, Veils, Glove8. Hosiery, Alapacas, Brown Linen8. LIeached Linens. Tablc covers, Towehng, Shirtings, Sheetings. Cambrics. Muslins, black, blue black and fancy dress Silks, Bonnet Silks, Linen Canibric Ilandkerchiefs. ALSO, BROAD CLOTHS, CAS8IMERES, SATINETTS, VEST1NGS, FULL CLOTHS, MOLESKINS, DRILLINGS, BLACK AND FANCY CRAVATS, And indeed, nlmost cvery article belonging to the Dry Goods business. All cf which nill be sold at the ven loiccst ratcs, for Cash. Cali and see for yourseïves - none are expected to buy if they do not find prices full as low, if not a littlc loiccr than elscwhere. W. A. RAYMOVD. Detroit, May 23, 1845. 213-Gmo Important to Farmers. KNAPP & HAVILAND, would respectfully info cm the farmers of Wcshtenaw and the surrounding Counties that they continue to manuloeture at their shop near the river bridge. LowerTown, Ann Arbor, ThresMiig Machines of different kinds coniprising theBurrall, Cadiz. and Eastman's Planelary Power, and Machines difforent from any made in this Conn:ry and preferred to any other, which they intend to sell at such prices and on ,uch terms as cannot fail to give satisfaction. They are determined not to be outdone by any establishment, either in price or quality of work. Having been for many years engnged in the business they think they can with confidence recommrnd thcir work, and farmers and others wishing to buy will dj well to cali and examine their work previous to purchasing elsewhore. - They are preparcd to do all kinds of threshing machine repairs, on theshortest notice and more reasonablo terms than uny similar es'ablishment in the Country. Also. Burrnll's celebrated CliOVEJR iflACKINE'S, which separate the chafF from the seed at a siiigle operation nnd are universnlly approved of and used wherever introduced and warranted to thresh clean and not break the seed. For rererence apply to Robert or John McCormick of Sa lem Washtenaw Co., who have used one the past season . W. W. KNAPP. T. A. HAVILAND. Ann Arl.or, May Isf, 1845. 6m2 IIARTFOR Tire Insurance Company. THE Subscriber. agent for the Hartford b'ire Insurance Comjmny, takes pleasure in laying before the public the following circular: Habtfobi Firk Insurance Office, ? July 22d 1845. f The recent disastrous fire in New York will of course excite soliciuide in regard to its effect on the solvency of Insurance Compnnies in that citv, and the neighborin places. The Directore of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company are happy 'o assure their customers and the public, that they are prepared to adjQst and pay at maturity, all losses sustained by their office, surplus and current receipts, without delay, and wiihom withdrawing their permanent investments. Their capital remains ampie for the security of all who insure with them; and they invite owners of desirable property to obtain Policics on favorable terms, both at the Home Office and at their severa! Agencies. Their mode of trunsacting business, which for 35 ycars past has secured the public conlidence. will remain unchinged. By order of the BonrJ of Directora, JAMES G. BOLLES, Sec'y. F. J. B. Crank, Ann Arbor. By this it will beseen, that the Company pay thcir losjes, during the last six months oí firee. OUT OF THEIR SURPLUS FUNDS. Since the pamentof one thousand dollars, to R. D. Power8. of Brighton, lor the loes sustained by hini, the Company have paid the subscriber anothor shousand, for Flour Barrels, burnt ot the recent fire in this village. For this last thou sand the subscriber paid the Company four dollars- a g9od investment as he thinks, during these hard time6. All who are not insured are invitedto cali on him, andhe will issue Policies withont delay. F. J. B. CRANE, Agent. Ann Arbor, July 20, 1845. 2?4tf ÍNTEREST1NG TO WOOL GAOWSRS. ''IÍIE öubscribers would rebpectiully unX nounce to the Wool Growers of Ann Arborand is vicinity, that they continue the business of Wool Carding and Cïoth Dressing at the old 6tand of J. Beckley & Co., wherc they may be found at all scasonable hours to svatt upon those who may favor them with their patronage. They guarantee that their work will be done with ncatness nnd despatch. To thcir old friendsand as many new customers as feel disposed to give them a trial, they would 6ny,come on wih your Wool and Cloth ind we will do you ampie justice in the execution ofyonrwork - the price and terma ofpaynent. Twenly tlnousand younrïs of Wool wantod in exchange for Full Cloth, Flanrjel, &c. N. U. - Give us n cali before pnrehasing elsesvhere. SUMNER HICKS & CO. Ann Arbor LowerTown,Mnr. 2G,1845.26-6m Are your Barns Insured? THE Subscriber. Agent (or the ''PuorhCTioInsüranck Comtasy." continuos 'to take nsks on Housks. Storks. MEncitANUisF.. Mills, Factori;s and Barns. Stocks, &c., at as Iow ratee as any other good Crfmpany in the United .Siaies. Asseveraf Bnrn8 willi their contentshnve et.n destroyed in this Cotinty the pust year by LUGHWUiG, the Farmers of Waslitcnow have uiw an opportunity for a emnll siim, of saving liemselveF from Inssrs, to which they are every luy exposed, by this element. M, HOWARD, Agent. Snn Art)or, July 31st, 1845. 224ü E, G. BURGER, Denlist, HAS removed hra office to Crane &Jewett's Hlock. first room on the Second Floor, w!it:re b!ii;r well prepared to altend (o every brnncli of ii8 profession, would respectfully say to all who have not hatF those necessary orgntiH. il!:: TEETH, properly attended to. delay nó longer, lut c;ill upon hiui and experience the cifcaiid dñrábility of his nperaiicns. Tkhhs accommódating and charges inno case unreason■ ,1,1e. Ann Afbor, March fl, 1845. 47-tfiVIortgagc Sale. DEFAUl.T having been made in the paynient of a certain sum of money securcd to be pnid by a certain indcniure of mortgage bcaring !ate the thineenth day of June, A. D. one iliüttsjind eight hundred nnd thirty-seven, execntcd by Christopher Muilen and Thomas Muilen of ihe town of Norihfield. in the couniy of Washtenaw and Stale of Michigan, to Thomas Gilluly ol Süid tow-, county. and Siate, which mortgagn was duly recorded in ihe Resrisier'e i ffice of the county of Wnshienaw, aforesaid, on ■he thirteenth dny of June, in the year of our Lordeighieen hundred and thiny seven, at 4 o'clock in the aftcrnoonol said day. in Liher number five ol morttrnges at page onc hundred and seypoty eiglu which mortgage has been duly ossigned to one John Riley of the city, couuty and State of New York. And dufnult having also been made in the cmditions of s.iid mortgngc, no siit or procecding .it law having been insti'uied to recover the whole or any part of the money nowdue or claimed to be due oo the mortgage, and by virtue of the severnl defnulis. there is now claimed to be due on s-iid mortgnire, the sum of two hundred and seventyfour dil!arsand seventy-nine cents: Notice is therefore hereby given, tliat in pursuance ufa power of sale in said mortgagc contained, will be pold at the outer door of the Court House, in the viliago of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw aforcenid, a: public auction on the seeond day of Jnnuary néxifA. D. 184G)at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said dny, in pnrsuance of said power of snle all and singular the prrtnigesdescribed i.i saiJ mortgage as follows: "Beincall thnt certain trnct of lnnd situaied in the town of Northfield in the Couniy and State aforesaid hcing the north enst qunr er of the south wcs fractionnl quarter of section numbered thirly onc in township ntimbered one south of range six cast. containing fi!"iy-one acres of land be the same more or less." or po mnch thercof as shall be necessary to patisfy the omount actually due on said mortgage togethcr with costs of sale. JOHN RILEY. ossisnee of mortgage. By Hawkin's &Platt. his attornies. Ann Arbor. Sept. 26, 145. 231 CAN 'T BE BEAT ! THE subscriben would inform the Public, that they continue to supply the State of Michigan wiili L. B. WALKER'S PATENT SJflUT ?1ÊCH1JES. Tr-o large numbers of these Machines thnt have been sold, and the steadily incroasing demand for them. is the best evidence of their real valué, and of their estimntion with those who have become familinr with their merits. Walker's Smut Machine is superior to others in the following particulnrs: 1. As it combines the Bealing, Sr.ouring, anc Blowing Principies, it clcans the smuttiest ii grain in the best manner, retaining all the fric tion of the wheat, and discharging the smut and dust as fast as teparaied froin the wheat. 2. It is simple in construction, and is therefore less Hable to btcome deranged, and costa less for repairs. 3. ít runs ve:y ligU, and is pcrfectly secure from fire. 4. It is as durable, aa any other Machine in use. 5. It costs considerably lkss than other kinds. These important points of diff'erence have given ibis Machine the preference with those who have fairly tned it. Amone a large number of Gentlemen in the Milling Business who might be nnmed, the following have used ihe Machines, and certjfied to tlmir excellency and superiority: H. N. Hovvard, Pontiac, Mich. E. F. Cook. Rochester, do E. B. Danforth, Mason, do M. F. Fiu.nk, Branch, do H. H. CoiMstock. Cometock, do References may also be lud to Joh.v Bacon, Auburn, Mich. V. Ryon, do do l). C. Vkkland. Rock, do John Phu's, Monroe, do H. Dousman, do do A. Bkach. Waterloo, do Geo. Ketchüm, Marshall, do N. Hemehway, Oakland, do All orders for Machines will be promptly attended to. Address E. O. & A. CR1TTENT0N. Ann Arbor, (Lowcr Town) VVash. Co. Mich. Aue. 24, 184522G-Iy ftjr"Goor news and glad tidixgs.J ÍFEEL myself under the most lasttng obligation to Dr. F. Kling, of Jackson. who has lately advertised his invaluable "Muscovetus Pilis," intended expressly for Fever and Aguo. For a long period my family have unfortunately been afflicted witli Fever and Ague and hnve tricd every "Patent Meidicino" which I coult rind, even the most pjpular of the latest as wel as the oldest remedij and after spending over $15 I despaircd of ever being relieved, but hearing of Dr. Kling's Uluscovetus Pilis, and the great effect they produced upon the Aguc - as a last and almos hopeless resort, 1 immediately proenred a box of them, took ihem according todirections, and they gave me instant reliel, and I have been fret froin that terrible disease, while with other medicines I received but momentary assistance and relief. The Pilis I have recommended havir.g produced so salutary an effect upon me and my family, I cannot refrain from acquainting the public of thcirsrent worih. SAMUEL ÜPD1KE. THEODORE UPDIKE, Wune3s. Grass Lake, July 14, 1845. 221-3m Pc til ion ibr DiYorcc STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, of the June Term of enid Court, A. D. 1845. In thematier of the petitior of Alvira Ayers, for a Divorce from her husband, David H. Ayers. On rcading and filing the petulon in this cause, which among other thingsset8 forth that ihe petitionor does noi know the respóndeme place of residence, that she was married to respondent on tht;9th day of November, A. D. 1642. and was induced to niarrj him by the fraud and false pretences practicec upon and made to her by respondent. That since said marriage, ihough of suffleient ability so to do, the respondent hns cntirely, grossly, and cruelly refused and neglectcd to provideany suitable maintenance for petitioner; that since saic marriage the respondent has trented petitioner with extreme cruelty, and haa been guilty oi coinmitting the crime of adultery; that petitioner had by her said husband one ehild, a boy, namcd James Franklin. which was bom on the 2d day July, A. D., 1844, for the support of which, the respor.cent has utterly refnsed to makc any provisión; it is further statcd in shid petition, tb al the last time petitioner saw respondent he threatcned that he would, ai boiiic future time. take saidchild from retitioner, and represent that his habita disqualify him tor having the custody oi said child, and prays that he may be restrainet: therefrom, and that by the judgement of saic Cotirt the care, custody and exclusive control ol said child may be deeroed to peiitioner or some other snitablc person, or to some other person anc petitioner. and that if, on inquiry the facts set forth in said petition are found true. a divorco may be decreed; it is ordered on motion of N. R. Ramsdell, attorney for the petioner, that no tice of the pending of said petition be given to the respondent by the publication of a copy of this order in a newspapcr published in Ann Arbor, Washtennw County and State of Michigan, called the "Signal of Liberty." four sucecssive weeks, the last publication to be twenty days before the first day of the next term of this court, to be holden on the fïrt Tuceday of December next; and that the respondent appear, on or be fore the first day of the next torm of said Court. nnd bIiow cause, if arry he han, why the prayer ol said petiton ehould not be grnntecT, orr that said petition be taken as confesscd. A true copy. B. KING, Clerk. Ann ArboF, Oct. 2df 1845. 4w232 MARLBORO HOTEL. TEMPERANCE HOUSE, NATHAN1EL R.QGERS. Ao. 229, Washington Street, Bostón. fPHIS house has undergonc a thorough repair, and it is intfnded that no rum house shall be superior to it. Itwillbe under the immediate charge of Brown &, Colburn, as Mr. Rogcrs krep8 the Delevan House in Albany. May 10, 1845, 2:2-6.n1845. J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Dry Grocerics, Carpeting, 'and pnper SZanghigs No. 03 Woodícard Avenue, Lamed' s Block, Detroit. j hoi.mks, Nio York. ) s hoi.mks. Detroit. $ WE tnke th9 method of nforniing our Iriends and :u8tomers throughout the State, thm wc are still pursuing the even tenor of our wuys, endenvoring to do our business upon kir and honorable principies. We would Riso tender our acknowledgnients for the pntronnge ex tended to us by our customers, and would heg leave to cali the nttention of the public to a very well selécled apsortment of Ft.asonable Goods. which are ofTered at wholesale or retail at very Iov prices. Our (acilitics for purchasing Goods are unsurpassed by any concern in the State - One of the íirm, Mr. J. Holmes resides in the city of New York, and froni his long experience in the Jobbing trarle in almt city. and rom his thorotigh knowlcdge of the market. he is enabled to avail himeelf of the nuctiona onJ any decline in prices. We also purchase from the Importers, Manufacturcr's Asienta, and ftoni the auotioti9, by the paokage, the sime as N. Y. .lobbert purchase. thus saving their profits. - With these facilities we enn saiely say.that our Goods are soid che ai for the evidencc of which we invite the attention of the public to our stock. We hold to the grent cardinn! principie of "i'e greatest pond to the ichni: mnnber," eo if you wantto buv Goods cheap. and buy a lorge qitant'itij Tor a Vtt'r, moncy givo us a triol. Our 6tock isas extensive as any in the city, and we are constnntly recciving new nnd fresh Goods from New York. 50,000 lbs. Wool. Wanted, theabove quantify olgood msrehantoble Wool for which the highest market price will bo paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit. 1845. 214-tf The IVIisses Clark's School. ANN ARB0R, MICHIGAN. MARYH. CLARK, Principal. CIILOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. RHOBY E. CLARK, Associate Teacher. M. L. WALTER, Teacher of Music on the Piano. F. MARSH. Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal Music. H. F. SHOFF, Teacher of French, Germán and the Classics. npHIS Institution has been in operation since J November 18, 1839. The scholastic ycar embracing forty-eight weeks, two terms, comprising two quarters cach - twclve weeks in of quarter - a general examination at the close ut each term - in February and August. The ltist quarter of the present term commences May 19. Terms of Tumor?. - For the English branches, $2.50 to $5 per quarter. No reduction made for absence, except in caso of sickness, and no pupil taken for less than a quarter. Extra charges are made for musicon the Piano, with the use of the instrument, $8,00 French, 3,00 Latin. 3,00 Drawingand Painting, 5,00 J'ancy Work, 3,01 Board, including washing, liglits. &c, $T,7ï per week if paid in advancc, or $2,00 per week if paid at the close of the quarter. Parentsand guardians are invited to visit the school every Friday, wïïêri the studies of the week are revicwed - also semi-monthly on Wednesday afternoon, at readingof the weckly compositions. Young ladies des:rous of entering the schoo and pursuing the regular course of study. woulc do well to commence at the begin ning of the term. or as soon after as practicable. Bolonging to the school are a Library ofbetween five and six hundred volumes, and Philosophical ApparatuSjElectrical Machine, GJobes. &c. The Misses Clark will endeavor, not only to promotc the intellectual culturo of their pnpilsbut will atlend etriclly to their moral deportment. With no sectanan feeling, but with a deepüense of religious responfiibility, they woul give such a tone to cbaracter. as símil render i practically fmed for every station - yielding to duty but firm to principie. Ámong the bocka used in the school are, Ab èrcroinbie on the Intellectual and Moral Powere Kame's Elemente of Critici'sm - Wayland'j Moral Science - Newmnn's Rhetoric - Hedge's Logic - Pnlcy's Natural Theology nnd Evidrncee of Christianitv - Grey's Chemistry- Parker'b Natural Philosophy- Combo's Physiology - Mrs Lincoln's Botany - Eaton's and Wright's Man ual of Botany - Burritt's Geogmphy of thp fleaven8 - First, Second nnd Third Rooks o History - Mrs. Williard's Rèp"tiblic of Amerien - Phelps' Legal Classics - Playfair's Euclid, anc Day's Algebra and Davies' Arithmetic. Inquirv with regard to the school can be made of the Principáis or any of the following gentle men to whom reference is made by permission and who have at different periods had either dauahters or ward u'nder our care. Rev. Isaac S. Ketcham. Centreville: Geo Ketchum, Marshall; Ilon. Wm. R, üelnnd. Jackson; Paul B Ring, Michigan Centre; F. II. Winans, Adrián Daniel IJixsön, Cunten; Gardncr Wherler. M D., Ilowell; Rev. F. H. Cuming. Grand Rapids; Jeremiah Clark, Clarksion; Gen. C. C. Flascall. James Birdsall and Rev. J. Bench. Flint; D. M. Rowlnnd.Northv'Ue: AmcsMend; Plymouth; Hon. Elias Coni6tock, Owasso; P. Brigham, M. D., Hon. Wm. R. Thompson, E. Mundy, Esq.. John Allen. Esq., Geo. W. Jewett, Esq.. Tho'e M Lndd, Professor Williams, of the Univer6ity, and Rev. H. Colclazer, Ann Arbor. Tbc following gentlemen, Rev. H. Colctnzer, Rev. Wm. S. Curtis, Rev.' Charles C Tayl r, Professors Whiting and Williams of the University of Michigan, have consented to act asa visiting comvnince of the Schooi, to bn present when the weekly studies are reviewed: but especinlly to altend during the semi-monthly examtnation8. April, 1845. 213 1845. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. AP F 'ARREN, BOOKSELLER AND STATiOHER. SMART'S BLÜCK, 137 JEÍfRRSON AVENUE, DETROIT. KEEPS constantly for salea complete assortment of Miscellnneous, Schooi and Classical Books, Letter and Cap Paper, plain and rul ed, Quills, Ink. Sealing Wax, Cutlery, Wrapping Paper, Priming Paper, of all sizes; anc Book, News and Cannistcr Ink, ofvarions kinds. BLANK BOOKS, full and hnlf bound, of every vuricty of Ruling, Memorandum Books, &c. To Merchants, Teachers, and others. buying in quantitics, a large discount made. Sabbath School and Bible Society Depositor. . Gl-tf ft o tice to Nlerchants. THE Subscribers encouraged by the patronage they have hitherto received in the wholesale depnrtment of their business, will the first day of May next, open the otorc now occupied by Geo. GrenvUle, froatjngon iluron street, and cönnecting with their present store in the rear, exclusively for a VVHOLE SALES ROOxM, where they will keep at all timos a full assortment of DRY GCTODS, BOOTS & SHOES CARPENTING, IIAT8, CAPS, TAPER HANGINGS, B0NNET8, CROCKERY BY THE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GROCERIES, &C. &C. 6lC. all of which will be sold on as good terms as at any point thieside of New York City. G. D. HILL, & CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, 18J4. 4á-ifC. BRIHCKISKHOFFS TIÍIS medicine, whcn firet introduccd, some years since, níet with opposition and deadly aimed hostlltl) ftotu ígnorant and vapid decliiiniere. who threw their darts cl' venoin at it, clnssiitg it among the no&trums of the ?.ge. - Those fruitlessattempts to injure tliis grent medicine huvo now in a great nieasure pnssed away; (he base irdmdunls who foatered them have shruuk awáy conscious of their mistaken zoal. and left the resiorative to pioudly rank itself as ilie lirst and greatest medicine of the age. Conumpiion, that terrific destróyer of the bcautifu! and lovelyofour kind, Liver Complaints Coughs and CoMs. Pnins in tlio Breast Side. and their concomimnt evils are rendered harmlefs. whcn metby a prompt and efficiënt uso of the Resioralive. Most opportunély. the efíbrts of the Proprietor to place liis invaluable compound belore the public are now in the way of being crowned with pucccss; and in every place whórc the an jyel oí destruction, under the cloak of disease, can befound, t'.ic Health Res'orativc thall drive him afar, and mise ap thesufiering mortals. and open to them th'i joya of a state of renewed healtli :md enérgica. What a blcssing to the nearly bereaved rclativee, to witness the opportune aid instilling ncw life into the almosi docoased cndeared one? Herd the voico of carnest and brotherly expostulatmn and emreaty, and resort at once while thero is vet time. to that best of all earth's treasures to tl.e olinost hopeless sick one, ílcalth Restontvic. The following certifícate is from Dr. Chilton, the well known New York chemist. "] have nnalyzcd a bottle of medicine cMled 'C. Brinkcrhort'e Health Restorntive,' nnd find thal it does not contain Mercury, or any o'her metallic preparation; nor opium in any of i is form8. It is composed of vegetable mnttcr cntirely." James R. Ohh.ton. M. D. C. BRlNCKERHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. Horack Everktt, General Agent. Principal Office 96 Hudson stieet,N. Y. For saleby VV. S. & J. W. Maynard. Agents, Ann Arbor. 2:U-4w NEW GOODSÜ GARLAND & LEFEVRE, are now rcceivir.g at No. 1, Hawhins' Blorh, a very general assortment of Fall and Winter Gooda, to which tliny invite the attention of purchasen, atsuring thcin ihat they will find goods. and at prices thai cannot fitil to provo sntifactory. Their stock consiste in part of ihe lollowing: DRY GOODS. Broad-clotbs, Cassimeres, Satinctts. Shepp's Grevs, Vestings. Alnpucn?. Calicóes. Gmih:im6. Cashmeres. Mohb-í Du Laines. Alpine Plaids. Shawls, Cravais. Satinp, Vclveia. Silks, I-.ncci?. Ribbons. Sheetings. ShiriingP, Cam!)rics. Book Muslins, Bishop Lawns. Suspenders. Glove?. Hosing Tuscnn and Straw Bounets, Buttuns and Trimminge, of all kinds. GROCERIES. Old nnd Yountr Uyifih. Imporinl. Gunpowdei and PoMchonír Teas. Sugars, CofRe.S iers. Mlasses. Rice, Fish. Cnndles. So.-ip, Faliand Win ter Oil, &c. &c, Sal Soda, a very l&rge aesort ment. CROCKERY AND GI.ASS WARE, Ten and Dinner Setts to match. HARDWARE.- .Axi-e, Coopers Tools. Shelf Goods. Nails, Aic, Winduw Sash. Paus un Tubs, Cordage, &c., f.nd all nrticlcs ín ihat line. boots and priors. Ladina Gniiers. Slips, Walliing Shnns, Gen'.'s Super Calf Boots, Mens and Moyscoa'rsc do. Dye Stuflsol' cvery description. Cash pnid forGr.iss Sed, White Bcane. Beps wax, Pot and Pearl Ashes. most kinds of Produce taken in payment for Gnods Also - CASH PAID FOR WHEAT, GARI.AND &LEFi;VRE. Ann Arbor, Sept. 1.-45. '225) t f. WOOÏ.' WOOZ.Ü CLOTH! CLÖTHÜ THE 8ubscribers will continue to manufacture FiiIIed Clotli9 for 37J cis. per yard. and white flannel for 2 cents per yard; or they will manufacture the wool lor hall the cloth il -.vill makc. Their Fac tory is 2J mih's AVest of Ann Arbor, on the 1 uron River. Wool willalso bc received at Scio 'Vhen sent bv Railroad it will be attended to ir the snme msnner as n tne oVners v?ore to come with Wool will be manufaciured in turn as it comes in as nearly as it can be done with rcícr ence to the different qualiticeof wool. WOOL CAR DING, wiil bedone at Scio, by Thomas Hoskins. . W. FOSTER &CO. Scio, May 1, 1815. 210 JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL attend to the sale aad exchange o Lands, payment of Taxes, and redemp'jon of Lands sold for Taxcs in Jackson üild ad joining counttes. examination of Titles, Convcy ancing and all business pertaining to Real Eetate Uffice in the Court House. Jackson, Michigan. 17-tf. Ready Made Clothing AT REDUCED PRICES. THE largest and best assortmenl of ready made clothing ever bufbre oilered in thi Staie, now on hnnd and for 8a), Wholesile o Rctail, at the Clothing Emporium of the Sub scribers, consisting in part of Fine broadcloth Frock aud Dress Coat?. Tweed and union caesimere, satmetand jean Frock and Business Coats. Summer Coats in great variety and very chcap. Cassimere, cloth, tweed and summer Pants o all styles and prices. Satin, vclvet, silk, valencia, caehmflre anc Marseilles Vesis - a large stock ofrich and fu6h ionable styles. Also, an extensive ossortment of Hosiery, Stocks, ScarÍ8, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts, Glovee. Cravats, Suspenders, Src. &.C., all o: which will be sold low for cashThey would respectfully invite all, in want o ready made garments, to cali and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. asit has beer selcctcd with care in the Eastern morket am manufactured in the latest efyles and most durable manner. HALLOCK A RAYMOND. Corner of Jeffêrson & Woodward avenues Detroit, April 4. 1845. 21 3-t ORIFFIWS' NATIONAL TEMPERANCE HOTEL, Utica, JVeto York. CHARLES N. GR1FFIN, Proprietir, would Vy respectliilly infurm 1Ü8 friénds, and the public gencrally, that he has taken the nbove Ho tel, locatedat 127, Genesee Street, ríear the Canal, where he is now prepared to nccommodate the public at all times, in tho best possible manncr, and on reasonable terms. Stages leave nnd arrive at this House datly, lo nnd from all parts ef ihe Country. GOOD STABLING ATTACHED. The proprietor flattors him'solf from the experiencehe bas had in kcepinga Public House, ant the cxeriion hc intends to pui forih. that he wil be able to picase all who may favor him witl their patronage. Utica, May 1, 1345. 223-6mAIRWAYS ON ÜANdT G2 rTlHE Suhscriher hos reS jC -- moved his shop to Main yrrvLN Street oppoeitc H. BeckAv "SlCi crs Brick Storc' whero he vlr t "Hbfe IIiny lic found rat!y t0 Wnt (fejS TcnÜ 11 that mny 8ÍVe hÍm WkylSS Hoving just reccive di eet from New York nn elegant stock of JEWELRY, ind Fancy Anieles, whlch he intends to sell otocr than hns ever been sold west ofBuffalo or licady Pay Only. Among which mny Le ound a good nssortment of Gold and Common iVotch Keys. Gold Fingcr Rings ond Bosom 5ins, Guard Chains, tjilver Ten nnd Table Spoons, Sugnr Tongs. Butter Knives. Silver Pcncil cases. Silver and Common Thimbles, Sil. ver Spectnclcs, Germán, do.. Steel, do., flair Srushes, Clothes do.. Tooth do., Lathcr do.f 7nn Razors nnd Pocket Knivee. Fine Shear ind Scissors. Lnther boxes. Rnzor Strops. Valetts. Piir6cs, Violins nnd Bows, Flutcs. Violin iud Bass Violin Stiiiij's, Clarionet Reeds, Percussion Cops. Poi ket Pistols, Briitania Condlesticks, Watches, Letter StnmpB, Steal Pens and Tweezers, SnufTnnd Tobacco boxee, Fine combi", dressing do., Side do.; Bnck do.. Shell do., eedles and Cases, Water Pninls, Toy Walchcs, '" Kid Dollw. a grent variety of Toys too numerons to mention, Beads, Nccklnces, Fancy Boxes, &c. &c. Ci-ocks nnd Watphes of every deecription rejaired and warranted, also, Jewelry repaircd on ishort noticc, CALVIN BLISS. N. B. Cash paid eor OLD GOLD AND SJLVER. C B. Ann Arbor. Oct. 24, 1844. 28-tf. XEONI WESLEYAN INSTITUTE. TUIS Institution will commence its first umi . on the 15th of September. A building ha l)een 'fiued uf) Which will accomniodate over one hundred studénls. ' TERHIS .01' Tl'lTlOX. $3,00 a per term. for English branches. 4.00 for a mathematica! course. 5.00 incliiding the languores. Jndigent student? preparing lor the ministré can have tiiition free. Ifstudents are not rendy to commenee with the term thcir tiiition will be grndunted in the time. Board and Lodging can be had in the village for $1,00 per weck. Rooms eau be had forany who chosc to board themselves. The fi)llowing Tcxt Books have boen adopt e in the Institution: Davies' Series of Mathematica, including hi Arithmetic; nlso, Coi'-nrns' mental do.:' Brown'a Grammar; Woodbridge's Modern Geógraphy, with Mitchell's eeries ol otüline ni.ips:.'Andrcwa nnd StorJdard's Latiti Grammar and Reder Goodricli's Greek Lt-ssons and Grammar; Ja cob's Greek Reader; Comstock's Philosoj-hy nnd Chemistry: Blake.' Astronomy; Hnvwnrds'a Phyfsiology; Uedgp's Lodcic: Whntfly's Illieioric; Brirler's F.loeuti'in: Ilarris' Book Keeping; Bnrhpr's Genernl Hiptory; AVilson's History of the Uniterl Stntee; Builer's Analogy; Mnhan'p Mc'ntni nnd Moral Philosophy. The Jttetitniion own a set of tlm abovc decrilicd huoks wliioh are drsiijncd for the use of Studcnts who wisli not to piirclmpe'torlthomfe lvj, The Insiiiution hns a IJlnaiy of about one ihnnsnnd volumes, nlso a Cabniet of IVIinerala and Marine sheljs. Manual labor will be enconraged in this in'i tiition. A new sysfe'T of teaching Geogrnphy by outline niaps will be adopted, also a jiew pysteni ol ptnrt'bñsnip. A competen Femnle Tc.irlipr is expected in time to commence wiih ihv lerui CFÍART.F.S GALPI.V, Principal. Lcont. f rpt. 15. 1W. 23_(Mf ALLEBASI'S MEOICIMËS. THESE MEDICINES ARE effeciing siich r.ptonishing rurfsin mil titudes ol oíd cate long since aï'iiiidoned by lJhyuici;insand Surgeone a u:ierly hopelcHi. tliftl no medicines, where these are knuwu, tand so de.ervedly high. Thry consist of THE BLACK. OR ALLEBASI'S SALtK, Trice 25 Ccvts, Which enres almosi niverfuilly, Fever Sorrs. wi the moet malign;mt kind, Fdons. l'lcers. Absrfsses, Tnmors. Frnctures, Cuts. Pünetnrra, Burñe, Scnlds, Sore Throat, Chilblains. nifi- sey. Drop y, Inílnmaiory .Jiht ummiMu, Iftflnminniiruis an! Swrlüngs rf every (icscripfhin. Finid Head. Anue in the Face. Nervnus Tooih Aelie, Ane in the Ere;ial, Brokcn Bienst,,&';. ;c. ALLF.BASIS J1EAL1II I ÏI.I.S. 2.r Centg. These Pillf. Fiare acquired a within the last year o two, which no orher TiMg frpsess. The re.isons tire olvims to jfH a nee them. They cure all Biliono, Scarlet arid othcr Fcvers. Fevfr and Agte. Dypepsisi, iDropny, Acid b'iomach. Disordcf. d BoWels. ör, Jaunpice, flead Achc, DizxinesF in tíie Htnd, Worms. Liver Complaint. ifrnrt Buriis. f'holic, Bowel comflaint, General L)eliüt'y, Costivcncrr, &c. &c. Tlieir piirify the fritire system. leave the howels in a vigorous and healthy coridilion,' &C. Seepamphlet. ALLEBASrs TOOTH ACHE DROI'S. Prirn 25 Cents. Will cure an ordinary case of Tooth Achr, in from tliree to ten minutes. For JVcrvnus and other kinds of Tooth Achc. see Pamphlet. ALLEBASI'S POOR MAiVS PLASTER, Prke, 25 Cents. Are warranted to be superior to nny other Piasters in this or any oiher country, for pain t weakness in the Back, Side, Chert, Bowel, Loins, Muscles. nnd for Rheumatism. Lung and Liver Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Asthnia, Src. Sec pamphlet. N. B. - Picase to ask the agent for apnmphlet whieh gives all the information necessary respecting the nses of the Medicines, the virtues they possess, etc. Piense to ollow direction i the se of the medicines, nnd you may rely up- on all that is promised. A libera' discount made to merchantsand oth ers. who buy tosell again. LYMAN W. Gil BERT, Proprietor, Wholesale Druggist, 214, Fulton f. N. Y, CFor sale by the eubscriber, who has been appointed general agent for the City of DeiroiT and its vicinity. Country dealers supplied ot liberal terms, C. MORSE, Michigan Book Store. The above medicines are for sale at the Boofe Store of WM. R. PERRY, Tn Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December 9, 1844. 34 1 y POLLARD TEMPERANCE HOUSX BY WEYBUR.N & imOTHER,BUFPALO, N. V Corner vf Pearl Street and Terraje, near the Lundingsqfthc Slcamboats and Rail Rond Cars. IN Comphance with the solicitations of many friends of Temperance, and our own convictions of duty, we aaempted the experiment of kceping house on genuino Tmperance principies, nnd are happy to ny we have been sustained n our etTorts to provide the. public with a house worthy of their support. - After having been in operation four years, and giving universal satisfaction, we have no hesita- non in offcring our claims to the support ot the travciing community. L. D. WEYBURN, O. WEYBURN. CHARGES MODERATE. Patron8 and their bnggage conveyed to and from the Houso free. Wc, the subscribors, takeIeniure in recom . menning the above House to the' frienda of the" causo, a8being worthy ot' thteirrpatrdnnge. C. W. HARVEY, Pres't Erie Co. Temp. S S. N. CALENDER, Scc'y do DANA FOBES, Pres t You ng Men'fl do. H. MiLLERD, Pres't Pollard Tem. Society. A. ADAMS, Sec'y do Buffido, July, 1845. 6mo- 233 Blank Beeds and UI or1gage# WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, forealebyv BECKLEY, FO8TER & Co. March 20, J845.


Signal of Liberty
Old News