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Hillsdale County: For The Signal Of Liberty

Hillsdale County: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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The stnunch friends of Liberty in Hillsdale County, held a Convention in the village of Hillsdale, on the 8lh inst., and organized by appointing Nat han Stevens, of Litchfield, President, and David M. Bngley, of Adams, Secretary. Messrs. James M. Raymond, ft'. Judd, and David C. Fuller were appointed a committee to report resolutions exprcsiive of the sense of the Convention. The Convention proceed to ballot for Representatives, which resulted in the choico of William Savagk, of Litchfield, and Levi Treadwell, of Wheat land. The commitlee appointed for the pür pose, reponed the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted. 1. Resolved, That "we hold thes truths to be selfevident - that all men ar created equal; that they are cndowed b their creator with certain ir.alienabl rights ; - that among these are Life Lib erty, and the Pursuit of Happiness:" tha when a government, whethér State o National, forbids the exercise or enjoy ment of the?o God given rights by tTï people, or any portion of them, ft wiek a tyrant's power, contrary to moral prin cipíe, an'd dangerous to the e.vistence o cvery free institution. 2. Rófoltied, Thatour National Gov ernment has repeatedly departed froi Democratie principies; thaf it has been and is now administered so as to foster, in an especial manncr, (hè growth anc perpetuity of domestic slavery, by spread ing it over the larger portion of oui.eoun tay; by unconslitutionally acquiring new territory for the purpose of forming ad ditional Skve Sfátes ; by passing laws to secure the bondmen in their chains and by adopting númerous other meas ures, unknown to the Cortstitution anc laws; all tending to make the dark instifution the lending feafare of our govern ment, and fearfully endangering the lib erties of the people of our nation,' of ev ry cicss and com'plexioïï. 3'. Resolved, That the provisión of the State Consíituíion vtíncft limits the righ of suffrnge to white persons only, crea tes an invidious-distinction, and is opposec to the spirit of the "Faihers of the Revolution," who before God, pledgcd"their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor," in defence of the declaration "that all men are crented equal," nrrd entitled to Liberty - tlïus plainly showing that we have fallen from the high and noble position occupied by our pntriofic sires. 4. Resoívcd, That when a government, thtts forgetful of its duty to the peoplo, tramples on their rights, and sets their will atdefiance, ií is their privilege nay, their imperotive duty, to displace those who abuse their sacred trust, and elect in their stead men who hold to sounder and better principies, evinced by a strict regard lor the rights of every individual. rjLjfsoive(lí 'rnnt we regret the late attack of the Lexington mob on the press of Cassius M. Clay, as but another evidence added to the thousands heretofore given, that Slavery cannot long stand before the ligjit and. truth-oC fïeeon, nnd that it is utterly hostile to the Yeedom of speech, and of the presS ; - rights which nre "inestimable Xofrcemen, and formidable to tyra.7iis only." 6 Resolved, Thai the signs of the imes clearly indicnte that the "peculiar nstittttioii" is trembüng before tlie wellimed and well directed attocks of the jiberty Party, and that every nccession o our ranks sounds the knell of her peedy demise, and thnt a few years more ofsteadyand self-sae.rificing toil and pereverence on the part of Liberty men, vill place slavery among "the things vbich were and are not." 7. Resolved, That we rejoice that the noble and fearless champion of freedom AMES GlLLESPIE BlRNEY, IS OUT Canciiate for governor, believing that he is minen tly qualified for that station; and re also rejoice, that we shall have an pportunity of showing that the vials of wrath poured upon his devoted head duing the Presidential campaign, have trengthened our confidence in his spotess integrity, and given him renewed laimstoour warmest attnehment. 8. Resolved, That in Nathan M. 'homas, our candidate for Lieuienant Governor, we recognize a warm, consis ent, and persnvering friend of the cause f Libertyj ftnd we promise him our canid and hearty support. 9. Resolved, That shunning all coaliion with other political parties, will firmy adhere lo our principies "through evil as well as good report," unsterred by he fear, and unseduced by the flattering promises of the Slave Power, or its Northern AHies. 10. Resolved, That we are in favor of striking the word "white" frofn the 2nd article of our State Constituticn so that every citizen may enjoy the right ofsuffrage; of nmending the Constitution so that a larger portionof our public servants may be elected by the people; we are also in favor of dividing the State into single llepresentntive districts, believing that the3e measures will tend greatly to promote a faithful discharge of the variousduties incumbent uponthe respective officers, by rendering them directly responsible to the people. 11. Resolved, That we are decidedly in fnvor of a radical changa in our Judiciary system, ensuringihefnorc speedy adtninistration of justice, witfr a great reduction in the costs of suit- -that we desire a large reduction in fhe pay of our public servanfs, arrd ö rigid accounlability för oH their ofïïcidl acfs. 12. Resolved, That it ís our duty to tfseall honoiable means to the cause of Liberty in Hillsdale County - we should engage imrnediately and actvelyintlie wotk, fhat she may give a good account of herself on the first Tues- day of November next. 13. Resolved, That we tmll engage in this matter with a zeal and liberarify worthy of the cause', the ïioble pur poses h ni'ms to accomplish. David M. Bagley was appointed Chair man of the County Corresponding. Com for the ensüing year. Chester Gurney, Esq., of St. Josep Co., the Convention durin the greater part of the afternoon anr evcning, with great ability, particularly on the scripturnl view of Slavery.


Signal of Liberty
Old News