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The Ditroit Advertís li.ivinir ibiirifi t'ault with the Democratie nominr-es for Govprnoi nnd Lieiitcnant Governoi-, bocnusc lliey wen botl) lawyers, t!ie Si. Clair Bmmcr Ihus retort s upon them: "With wint tjmee can tlic Wliiir pitty ot' this Stnté ccmpluin. Thu only Govcnior nu.l IiieiitenMiit Öov, thóy over had, wcre luwyers - the only Senators in ConfiTfc&s lliey ever had, were Iaicijcrs - the only Represent ative n Conrjrrrss" lliey over liml w:is a laivyer - aí! thecandid:itc3 tliey evpr had Tor tncmhcr6 of Consres, vere (Hcierf-moTC two thirds of all thoir candidates for Presiden - tinl Klcctors, uorc laivycr? - i ho nrst S:m Senotor thoy ever Itait, wns n Itnvycr - tliroe fiftlia of their Stnte Coninil pojijniincp are lainrr.t - n iiiajorUy of, the conimiUee wlio reported tho rosniitions nt tóelr recent SlütP oriventlon, v he !wyer - the nuthor pnd reporter wns a Itiwijer-- the chairnmn nnd fourfifthsof the eonirnittee to diaf: un Address to the eléctorí! ot' the Stntn, were lawyers - the aulhor and reporter of the address avus n latoyct! I'ut, tocóme nearer home- all their coudidates for the State Señale trom this District, tbr the last three yenr?, were hnners. (except one man, and ho is noy n loco ioco) tlio entire Senatorial Conimittee for thisDistact is made up of latoyrrs - two thirds of the cómmittee for Wayne count.v, ure tawye'-F - tlie committre for Wucomb couniy nre all lawyers- two-thirda of Ihe conmiittce for this county are lawyers - and the only two Representatives thnt the whigü ever sent to the Legislature f rom this county, wórë both laioyers. The two editors of the whipr orpnn nt Detroit, nre latpyers - and four filths of the dónductors of their country presa are village jjeltifoggcrs."


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