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Ashes ! Aslacs ! ! npiIE Ruhscnbere will paj' ten cunta o bushcl Houso Ashcs, delivered at thoir Ashery in Ann Arbor. IHXKLKY. í'USTER Sè Co. Oct. 21, 1845. 3G 50 Meviiao Bticks, OF the fiñeéj qiiiliij ior sale by John Brewer of Superior, aiiri A. ilur ter ol" Ypsüanüï aid Uucks ure frrni the most celtbra'ted fluck irí ie Er.aterii States. JOHÑ BREWER, ALFRF.D HÜÑTER, Superior. Oct. 20,1 :í"). 3 ?ó 4w WOod ! Wood ■! ! AFEY Corda oí Woq wanted immedi'ateltj ín piymeiu fot the Sgnal of Liberty.C. milNCKlilUIOFF'S TX THE HOPE TÜ OBTAIN R"ÉlÉF 1 where il teems deuied to the sidujwe lay liold on straws liko men. 'i'hus il is '.fiat iliero ax thousands who are the qúipkcr liurried_ on lo ilic ynvni'.g grnve in eonsequence öi' cslching :hose false floits thai are not oble isWstnin iliem, and they siük. fieinem"ïr, tlicti, whi e fa Bpparéiil heukh, llira u ; u nre laken. sick with priidisposing eympfonis of di8eeou hni23, or with u niariiiti aitáck of re;il CWgh, C.iJJ, Liver Coiupl:iint, Consuiupuonj ör PaTii' in" üie Chost iind Side; that yoii can lincí relièfjand ;arc !y the proinp: use oí Brinckcrhüii 'c Health Restorativo. Givc it j'Qur, u.e it i'airly nnd n nccordatice wiih :he prcacúbed ii:rec:io;is. niv! your help 8 cemin witiiouï evöli a stüidow oí dí by the Javor uf Htavpn. " Per:nit pöwbjma of f iends or reJnnv.ea to keep you 'rom the deierniination of using tlic Reeiorruivo. In èpite of al! óppüsitioii o'iiain Lom , und f ccietly BVjerl ü yju must. hm hofdly I you cnti. Ube it ÉaithiuUy and honeeüy with justice io yóur'o.wn case, and to the cmlii of hu m d;ui:ie. The reeult we wil! warrant to reach and even exceed our 1-tat ónüclpations. We jilead the sick tu trj ihis reincdy; we are ansioue thai a'.l shqúVq[enaro in iis happy cficcis. end we nre nrged to icköleiy )y the prouiptings of the philanthropic motive of íiídin{ the sufl'erer. Nevcr givo up your rfisc as iupelc$a wbiie Mr. Biinckeiiioir's Ilestorativc is ytt untricd - in that we confuiently predtct n han■shnit-nt or even n pre cniption of Cojisu:nptLvo iiíense. The folíowing certifirate is frotn Dr. Chilton, the wr-ll kiiuwn Nov Vork clicmist. "1 hnve nmlyzud a bottlc of medicine ctdled ;C. JJrinkerliuit's Health tif.-t.natr.i',1 and find thnt it does nót coiitatn Mcrcuiy, or nny o'her nr triilic prepar.iuiin; Bor.ppin'in in uny of its firniF. It is conp"s;d pf vegetabè mniter.cntircly." J iKa tl. Qhíltiík, M. D. C. BRKNCKERIIOFF. Solo Froprietor. 589 Brooine etrect, N. Y. For saicby W. S. & i. W. Maynard, Aconts, Ann Arbor. 2: 5 -4wTEMPERANCE HOUSE, (Dirtclly opposite ihe Catar act Hotel,) L Y OySÜS T. SKIITH, IS i A (z. i ü. i FAU.S. N Y. (XTCHAKGES MODKBATK.(Jf . TI1IS Hotel s siiuüici! iri the pleajMiiieBt paft of tlfé ifiHage, on Miiir.-street. and büt a few minutes walk from tfi'e Cntnrcct, Gont Island, or ;hc Ferry. The locntion fi one of ihc pleasnnt -st in tlic vlilngé The House is not of ihe - gát clnfd, but hns becn ihorpughly repaired.. añil afevfy Aintisiicd tirite lnstscasor:, nnd (lio pr(' prieior pledci Niímclf tu the public, ttñfl Hoiiíoshall li" !'-'or kept, cr grentef ntterition p lid co t!ic coñífurf oí ucsi6 iJíaa at thc Kxchango Hotel. Th!s Hotel is herí upon Ptrict Tempcrnnco prncp!fib, wliirh fiÜ clisare the slrnnyer a quioi i, during Jiis sojoum at the Falls. Kvery Fnritïtyih the power of thc proprictor, wiH lo a'ñdered, to niáke the visit ofhis patrons igrcchlr and iníeresnnií. ;ru Pafts, 1-i'. 217-Gm Are yonr Barns ínsured? riiLlE S.iI'S""ii ,-r Aganlor'tjie '-PnoTECTios X Insuhac : : ' cqnjinuea to take - - ,,n Qíh-sks. St'ur] . MKRcarj,sxtá Míti, Batuís. S'tc?i ó; Ht ns !üW ntet'id üiiy uther u'ood Cornpany in the United States. Assi:''rul íinib with ilx'ir contentshavo , this CoUIity fJie past year hy1 Lioiümx., tlic Faniers of WrHuenmv hará n.iw nn óppofttujity for n smnll fiiiit, osaviiig thonisolvcs from losseff, o whicb ttiey ore every lay exposad, hy t!is tlenuTit } ' M, I1OWA11D.. Apent. Ann Arlu.r. Ju'y 3 1 sí, 18-15. 224tlde:vtistry. E. G. BURGER, Dentlst, HAS removoil hi oftïc; id Crnne &. . Jcwcm'b Jll.ick. Hr:i r.ion ri iho Second Floor,. whvta bciiiu' itfdl pireparra to aitrnd m jéivery brniu'li ;t Li? profasíion', %vou)d n'spccifully say to all v.iio hv o Iiü.1 tlioso noeejsary orcnns,' THE riT.r.TU, jiropeilv aitonrlcd to, del.iy nr longeri lut cali ujion liim and c.xpcriencc tlio ii.'.se, nnil rlunibility of hi opprniions. Tkrms ■ioroir.iiiod.uiiiy nnil diargoa inno Ciice uurensonit.le. Ani Arl.or. Match f'. Y$& 47'tf ilARLBORO HOTEL. TLMl'KRA.CK ÍIÜUSE, NATHAMilL ROGERS. jYo. 2'J. jyáshingiáÁ Streel, Boston. rFHIS hi'iiso liif. utuie.fone n thnronch repnir, n tul it is iirtendéd toat nrtim house! e íujrMríor u it. lt w:Ü !■"' öifider tlie imimídiflfe -I & g r.i Brawfl & Collnirn, t" Mr. Rbgori' $nn ihV DWcn House in AlLony. Miv 19, 18-15. Ko'


Signal of Liberty
Old News