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The Slave Shackles

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Mr. Cusbmg starled for China on board the I. S. Friwate Missouri; but she was accicntly bun.t nt Gibraltcr, and punk. The óiers hnvn broughl up from tlie wreck a great usnttty of fetters. cal led by the English paers, slave shacklrt, adapted to persons of all ges and sifs. Therr is said to be enough or 20,000 persoiií. The English papers have á considerable discusion respecting" their se on board a nalionnl vessel, and iheir inended desiination. The government po por l Washington pays that they were sucli fetcrs as n:& tised for secnringr prisoners of war, nd that the nuniber on board tke Missouri id not excped 400. There the matter rests br the presotlt.05a The papera announce another Ellen pwoÜ a fíti i r, perpetrated ia Boston, at a bbuse f nssignatiom The Boston Mail thus deeribes tire appenrartce of the house, when visted by the Coroner'6 jury:- "The door of the : house beirrg1 nnlocked on IienrnVtil of tlie Coroner'a Jury, tbey proe"ded np one pair of stairs, to the rootn in which the murder was committed, and the iew was most appalün{j-inconceivably so to ny one who wns iiotthere to eee it. ' he body. that of a younjr and beautjfu) emale of 23 or24; was Iyi"L on the floor. covcred all bul ihe brenst, head and feet. witli b blondy sheet that bod been thrown over it. Slie lay on her back close to the grate, with he Iioad tnrned over on the right stde. The ïeud was ihrown back, exposing a gha?tly and errible cut frorn eor lo enr. The jngulnr veinaml windpipe, were cntirely severed, the razor which the murderer used hiiing entered o th bone. Her hair wns pnrtly consumed, and her fuce diarred and blackened by tho nc tion of the fire. Tlie room, which was a smnll sized bedrcoin in the rear of the house, in the second story, contained (Vaímcnt6 of btirut clotliing strewer] about, nnd the walls were spattered with bíood- probably done when f=he was flragged frotn the bed and thrown upon the floor A chair standing near the head of the bed contained a pool of blood. Wegathered from conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Lnwrence, and a girl in the house, Uiat they wefe awnkened about 5 o'clock this morning by a shriek upstnire, and a heavy fali which apparently jirred the house} intmediatcly after, and before they were hurdly awake, a person came down stair6,slipped in the haelo nnd feil, but recovered and rushed outoftlie front door. The family then smelt fíre, and eroing p to the room, found it fitled with flninos and smoke. The fire was eet in tbree différent places." O ín Vermont, at the recent election, every sevonlh porson who appeared ut the polls voted the Liberty ticket. (L7 The communicatie of "K." concernfng the Michigan Stato Bank, is ufraVoidabiy deferred till next week. 05 The Hangman says thnt in every na tion the number of capital oflenecs is diminishing. In Canadai where it ws once 160 it is now but onc!


Signal of Liberty
Old News