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week haa been shortencd somcwhat Tor want hilp in the office. W wiH roaJce it up Böme tirüe. We shall publish the vote for Goverrior n olí thë Countie, 89 soon ns received. J"in Ma6sacliuseHs, not a Democratie "Senator i electeil. In rhe fiotwe are 144 Whigs 53 Democrate, artd 3 Nat ves. (jy The Whigs will have 15 or 16 men bérs in the House ofRrpsentativefl. Gtottmtvttel Ann Arbo( Nov. 41, 1845. Since otir lst, tkev.'eather fms continuad ite mild, and rain hna faWvn Vn -considernble untitiei. We perceive bj' ttic Detroit AdVertifer, that the bilis o? ihe Farmers? and Mechanica Bank are orjain quolcd at par. - hat pnpcr snyai ' We have not fenrrwtl what nTrnT)?emontc have been made but we infor that the íias ri'stitned or8 aboiit lo lesumnctiv bnsitioi. H wn reponed some time since thut the puit in Chnncery hnd been disponed oí' but ve do not ouch for it..' The cara on the Central Rniirond now mn as far as Battle Creck, 125]mile8 Trom, Dotroir. ft is snid they will run to Kalainazoo by Chriftnas. The Detroit papera 6tate thot an Eantern Company Btartd ready to bay the Central Itailrond at h fair pnce, Wheat sel?s tn our roar&et to-day from T8 to BO cenlf, beinj the highest pnce vet pni!. As it is now loo late to 6end Flour Hirnuph for the Fall mnrfcet, the buyera are videlly anticipating a i.iyli prico in the Spring. - Wlieiler tliey will pvlizo it, ï considered by many quito quesiionible. In Buffaio, Nnv. 15, Fiowr was sdün? Tor yhipment in hirgt; tjunniities at $4,90 to S 0,00. Wheat 95 to 36. Leucrnl jtutcïHücucc or upon avatf.r brscoy pRKD - In Hanover, two younjr men, one Swede, nd the otlior a Norman- tukinf the ■ . I_ _ a..L.1 s.P I .ml . niii r rif rlT-niíliKcaüed skie by rneatis oí which, in ihpse norlhem coiintricf, Ihe inhnbitiiiitrt pvs tbro' valles and nsvines fillcd wiih snow, witiionl inkinj:- lave bitfn bxbibjtjñg i" tJit cnpUnl, tlmcxploit of wnlking on the water, hy monns ,f ekies-mndr, however, Tvt tiré ItiMer pur pone, with ron píate liollovv wi(hin. Buck wnrdj Bd Corwaril, mncli nt tloir fase, ac cording to tho roirt, did He xlnbitors vv]k niid run-goiii" tlrmgli l!io ii-ilitary rxrrcitfí xvith knaps.-ck st thir Imcks- :ind fiunlly rfrnwinw a tfynt cn!ainir eiglu pcrson- all without wKtiiii ilieir slioes. The Mims'er t Var has, il is soid, put i portion of ïhp parris-m of U i tiover umler tlte Ittinibfl oí these gentletnen, for the purpose of leorning wiiat mighi prove s-j usolnl n (ïiliuiry rniUKEUvre; nnd as MM. Kjtlbei-r ad lialcken propose carryintr their invctnioii imo ulh'-r cmntricf, iur -will piobtibly fdí rnd tlicii opinión til! ihcy li.-ivo a ne.ircr view tf tliit Cjovel meotinj of ky ml waterBunlrupl Pi.ilhtics.-TUo folknvinjr sia'.e tnent, ftirm-lieti by the Cleik of tlie Uni'e( tntes Banluupt Court, for ihc Sou: hom D.i(rict of New Yrk. will bupnd intorctitinj.' l npptíars therc ore thrre ïundrcd uid nini.'M rtetitiolicfd Who !)-te not b'-'Prt diclinri;ed, til" tiirre liundred and ridysix sviu are Mppóséi ty creHt0r (ïut rit' lUe utubcr tif beft b;ink'up-.!, then nro 263 !ioe d-bis wpré ovnr Sico.oofl om] 12 over á imlliou cach. Of thcso Inilei the larjrest was one of tin; Messrs. Joeeplii whose l:nbiIitiP5 wfre .0,73 1.000. 'I he vvho] ainouut of iml;bie(liie?s iísned nut bt tli op traticiu tif tiio luw, ronches the fnoniiou tnnount of o io Imndred -ind ih ir y irtifitfn fiv hundred and i'i'' v titonsnlld H'rs. Whole iminber of Üunkrupts pel Uonitior 6 Do do p'etitfoned ogüinsl 8 Wiuilf.'niitnber 1:b Number' di.-chnrgcd L16 Nol yct disclinrpi d SS Opposed by óreriitors 3.1 Tlicy describe tliernsclve? as follows: Merchcnto 7-26 Clcrks 1C5 ííechnnics S72 No occupatiotf 1GI


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