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HAttTFORD Fire ïïiisurante Company. fliHK, ngerit for ihe Hartford tire JL Insurance Cnüpdnif} lakts plensure in lnyjngbefure ihe public ihe foJlowintr circular: HaRTKoi i F;nt Iasubakoe Orncr., ) .uly 22 J IB4". $ The recent disnstrous nrc in NW Vork will of course excite solicitud in rrgaid td ns efleci on the Bolvencv of Insurance Coinnanics .n ihai citv, mifJ th? ocichborinfi placeo. The Dircctore of the Hartford "Fire Insurnnce Company are hippy 'o ntsure thcir cusiomers and the public, that ihey are prepared to adjusi and pay at mnturity, all losses sustainod by their office, surplus and current rceeipts, without delny. nnd withou withdrawing thcir permanent investments. Their capital remaina ampie for the security of all who insure with tliem; and thoy invite ownere of deBirablc property to obtain Policies on fi.vorable . wrms, both at the Home Oííice and at their scveral Agencies. Their modo of tranaciing . ness, which for 35 years past hm secured the ' lic confidencc, will remnin unchinged. By order of the Borrd of Director, JAMES G. BOLLES, Í F, J. B. Crank, Ann Arbor. ' By this it will be seen, that the Company pay ' their losses, during the Ia6i six montha o fircB, OUTOFTHF.Hi SURPLTIS FUIVDS. Since the pajment of one thouand dollnrs, to It. D. Powers, of Brighton, tor the loss siutained by him, the Company have paid the subscriber another :housand, for Flotir Barrels, buint at the recent fire in this village. For thislnst thousand the subscriber piid the Compnny four dollars-a good investment ns he thinks, durinp these hard times. All who are not instired are invited to cali on him, andhe will esue Poltcies withontdelay. F. J. n. CRANE, Anent. Ann Arbor, July 20, 18J5. 2?4tf In Chanccry- Ist Circuir. Gcorge F. Porter, adininistrator of Oliver Knne, decensed, complainant, rs. Loren Mills, Elijah W. Morgan and S. Mnynard, dofendants. BY virlue of a decretal order issued out of the court of chnncery of the State of Michigan, I shall expose to sale to the highest bidder, al the Court House in the Villaee of Ann Atbor, Washtenaw coumy, on the 23d day of Sepcember next, at I o'clock, P. M., ol that day, the foliowing deseribed premiies sitúate, to wit: "sitúate, Iving and being in the town of Ann Arbor, in thecounty of Washtenaw ;nd State ol Michigan: Beginning at the centre of Whites Road, so ca'.led, on the west line of section 29, in town two south of range six cast; thence tóuth on the line of the said secticn and on ihr line of section thirty-two, forty rods south of the south west corner of the said seetion to a stake: thencc east at right nngles witb said section line thirty rods: thence north and parallel wiih said section line to the centró of said Whites' road. - Thence south seventy five degrees West in the centre of the said road to the place of beginning. coTitaintiig thirty-ihree acres and sixty-five hundredths of an acre of Innd more or les. GEO. DANFOrirH, Masïcr ia Chancery.JOT Ofc rORTCR, Olll 9. - Dated, August Uih, 1845. 2S4 oi The above sale ia poB'poned unfil tho 20th dny of Octobor A. D. 1845 al the camo hour and V place. L GEO. DANFORTIÍ, b Mnster in Chancery. Dated, Sept. 23d, 18s5. s 1 he above vale is poiipnned until the 17th dny r of November, A. D. J845, at úe saine hour and C plnce. f GEO DANFORTIÍ, Master in Chnncery. e Dnted. October 20th. 1845. c The nbove sale U postponed uniil the S5th e day of November, A. D. 1843, at thn same hour c and plnce. GEO. DANFORTH, MaateJ in Cchancery. e Nov loth 185. "TO THE VICTORS BELONQ THE SPOILS." ALTIIOUGH inany preparations in the form i ol "POPULAR MED1CINKS" hacheen boforo the public, claiming to give reücf, and eren cure the most invetérate dioeases, yet none have so well answered the purpose as Dr. ' man'8 Medici ted They are ngreeable to the inste, easilv administered, ond frotn the nnprecedented succeas which they have met with, and the remarkable cures which they have performed, may justly liy claim to ihe mie of Conqueror over the diseases for which they have been recommended. Dr. Pherman's "COUGH LOZENGES" Cure the most obstinate cásea of Cough in a few hours. They have cured a large numher of persons who have been given up by ;heir physiciant and friends, and many who have heen reduced to the vorge of the grave by spitting blood, Con tumplion and Hectic Fever, by their use have had the rose of hcalth restored to ihe hageard cheek and now lire to speak fonh the praisesof ht invaluable medicine. Dr. Bberman'a "WORM LOZENGES" Have been prved in more thnn 40.000 case to be infa'.lible, in fact th onjy certain Worm Dostroying Medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them when cannot bc forced to takf ny oiher medicine, and the benefit derived from the administración of medicine to them in this form is great beyond conceprim. When the breath of the cliild beewnes ofTensive, and there is picking of the nose, grinding of the teeth during sleep, paleness about the lips with flushed cheek?. headiche, drowsiness, siarting during eleep. disturbed dreams, awnking with frightand tcreaming, troublesome cough, feverishnes8,thirst. voracinus appetite, sickness at the stomach and bloated stomach - these nre among the manv prominent symptoms of worms, and can b re lieed by these incomparable Lozenges. They have never bern knonnr fnïf. Dr. Sherman'i "CAMPHOR LO2ENGK3" I Relieve Hendache, Neri-ous Sick Headnche, Pal I pitation of ihe heart. and Sicknets in a very fe ' minutes. They cure Lowress of Spirits," I poodency, Faintness, Colic, Spasms, Cramps oí t the Stomach, Summcr or Bowel Complaints. ihey keep up the spirits, dispel all the distressine symptom8of a rtightof dissipation, and enable i person to undergo great mental er bodliy toil.- Dr. Sherman's c "FOOR MAT'S PLASTER t Is acknowledged by all who have ever usd it tn j be the best strengthenine Piaster in the world. i ond a sovereign remedy for pains and weaknesf ( in the back, loins, side, brenst, neck, limbs. joints, rheumatism, lumbago, &c. One millior. ; a year will not supply the demand. Caution h l necessarv, as there are many unprincipled I ons who would torce i spurious srticle upon the s corrrmtmity. Bo carciul to get Sherman's Poor c Man's Plnstcr, wnh a tlf(u simile" of his writ ten name on the back - none oihen are genuine, and will do more hurt than good. When such men as the Rev. Darius Anthony, of the Oneiila Conference. Rev. Sebastian Stteet er, of Boston, Rev. Mr. Dunbar, Mr. Hancock, Re. Mr. De Forest, ilon. Aaron Clark, J. Hoxie, Esq. Hon. B. B. Beardslcy, Dnniel , ahaw, Esq. and a host of names of the like reputation can be brought forward to prove the ( cacyofDr. Sherman'a preparations - when they ' are so warmly recorrrmended by the medical pro fession, and prescribed in the practice, ami when such universal approbntion foIFows their use i sinong all classes, we may justfy say thnt thi : Dr. is not only emiiled to th appellation o' ; "VÍCTOR,"' but enn1 fnirly ay daim to the I ronageof the public, and will rpceive f. i Agenis for Ann Arbor. Ff. M. Thompson i Co., W. S. & J. W. MaynaroV E. Sampson. í Ypsilanti; D. C. Whitwood. Dexter: Pickford t fe Craig, Salino; Smith &, Tyrol. Clinton, H. t Bower, Manchester: P. Farlick & Co., PlymOQth: D. Gregory and A. Grant, Northville. 9lft.mGRIFFIN'S f NATIONAL TEMPERANCE HOTEL, ;' Utica, JYtto York. CHARLES N. GRIFFIN, ProprUtor. would re9pectfully nform liis frienda, ond the public genernHy, that he has taken the above fío tel, located at 127, Cenrsee St-eet. near the Canal, where he is now prepnrod to nccommodate the public at alt ti mei, in the best possible a ner. and on reasonnble terms. Siaget lenve and arrive at thi House dailv lo _ awl from nll pnrtsef the Country QOOD STABLING ATTACHKD. The proprioror fl.nners himpelf from the expe V rienceh hoa had in kcepin a Pnblic Ifouse, and s the exertion he intend to pui fonh, that he will th bo bU tu pleaso all wbo moy fgvor hira wlth ïbajr pe'.tonsffi.y &'%L; tjijÊt Pcoplc fi'öiiï ihc Coimlry W Heftllng Batan, me. wi.h i.oi 1 cl i cUm uitsaale, but dlsu in ihe curca which u has cl yf. A HaymOlia B StOre, eau 3Cted. in persons who wo e in n hoelfeF8 con j0 j s. .l.-tlurson avenue, liusny me doorabove mir tion, has convinccd i lic most akrptical ol m(j;ius si r.nd next door to ihe "Manhatfan vh xiraordinary curativi; propci ne. a ml esiJililislieo $WTC." Tht' undëreigned hae inken i grcai sjc ts claims lo tliu nanio ol ilie GKEAT UKM,e„ „f p:iins m selcciint; liis út Int-lilUn DY. unnlilo styles nnd dc-iralle qualilies and lie ií Co The qnestion is no loncraskfl.;-C' Asthmo pñfideni iNm lis issornnent pariiealorly of such t!e e cured?" Il has been saiifactonly st-nlfd wiilio0 as ar0 desi'rnble för the cuüuiry tradc, isas nur n ihc lnat to moniho thnl Folger's Olosaoninn colllpetc as any in 'lie city. Re fill produce a cure quicker than nny oihor retn j f fa1 lencea ns wonderiul viriucs. Jio luu Q.licoJs ui" everv Mulla m" earaallothersremedioam vain. , ' C ' rf, l S "r Mr. WILSO.V.a hrick l.yrr residmga. Hobo , Lnccs [s-yle, K, „ ..n. en N J had tried every remedy whicli he could IliWions, lar.ole, S'f for the rSief óf a.thn.H, and had fpcn Sha ft De, g iore than one hundred dollars in endeavonng to Crnvais, bci.rls, rocure FelD bui in vai... He cornmenced üsVeils, Glove. floa.erj. Alnpacn?, Brown L.n aTlhe Oloiinn, Janunry 2Is. The firs. eb, i loached Linens Table cover, Towehn,. ole he took gavo hi.n relief, and two days af.erSliirtian öheet.ngs. Cambncs. Muslins, bjoök, ard h's wifb called to say that the stnull quanblue black end frncy drtss Silks, Bonnet Siks, jn ij ol this remcdy wliioli he had taken had Linen Cambric Ilandhpirlmlö. by im more gnodtliin any and all the medicines he ALbUj nj nd tTer usfil in his life. BROAD CLOTJIS, CASSI3IERES, SAtÍNETTS, hof Mra. BeH, the vrJft of Robert P. Bell, of MorVESTINGS FULL CL0THS, MOLESKIXS, yet iatou-n. N. J., tvho was srveiely offlicied with 8j. .thma. 'wasglven up by her physicians. Bbe DRILUNGS, BLACK AND J" as removed to the sünboard in the hope of pal FANCY CRAVAT8, q( atine; her distreesitig symptoms. but with no .nj indeed, alinost every article belonging to i enefit. One bottle of the Olosnninn so far rethe Dry Goods lni9in''S3. All -.f which wiil be eved her that ühe was al.le to get up froni her Sllj at iic Tl.,y loinctl ralts, for Cash. Cali and t,n ed and drcE8 hërself, s ihing 6he had not done 9ce for yuursclvps - noiie are expecied to buy il me afore in nionths. alid she has now retiüncd to tn(.v ,]u no, gn,j p,Ccs full as luw, if not q litllc r„r er reaidence in Marristown, N. J., with evcry iojccr than elsewheie. [r( roapect of beinp ípeedly restnrrd. W. A. RAYMOVD. INCIPIEN'I CONSUMPTION Dr(roit, May 23, 1 45. 2l3-Smo ieldi to its effects. Iteoothea the troublesomo : ■ :ough and gives refieshing dhimbers to the Al I C 19 A C TO MHIfíSy? a earv; it allays the pain in the sidc and s..rcA L L C O A O I ö Wl C ü 1 U Ui C O. Ar ces in the chesf, and enablce the perpon to ex1IIESL MEUICIiSLS ectorate easily, while it entirely restores the seA RE cfTcctinr such nstonishing curesin ni'il_jtions of the system and expedites rctürhing jf. nlih. Fhyi JAMES B. DEVOE. 101 Rende streef, liad no n ig been com)lninigg of a soreness in the chest. Jept r-oirpanied wiih o short hacking cnugh: lie -.jj iscd matter fredy. had lost his nppetite ond feit ïrmed at bh" situation. He had iriéd various . medies without any beneficial effect. Ilis t'j)e ortness of breath and pain in the sidecontinned gcpg inercase. He usedone bottleof theOlosnonijjur i. and isijestored to healih. George W. Burnett. of Newark, N. J.. Gco. ' '. Hays. of New Vork: David Henderson, 60 je, sightBt; Mre McGann, 20 Walker st; F. Ln. ' in, 52 Pike st.. Mrs. Archibnld. 35 Walker st, ' " ith HüNDREDS OF NAMES of persona rsAi; ding in New York, eould be given, wlio are ' adv to bcar testimony to the superiority of the tuc ilosnonion over cvery oiher remcdy kr.own for se8L ie cure of couerhs. colde, oslhma. consumpiion, ine' jitiiner of hlood. dyspepsiaj nsuniption. Ironor I iiitie, difficulty ofbreathing. lioarscness. influAci nZa, pains in the brenat and euh. and the vari U8 affections of the stomach anl íiver. j For ailefit lOfi N.-.sann st, one Jonr nbve Ann, 0 nd al Mrs Ilays. 135) Fulton st., lirooklyn. c Agents for Ánn Arhor, V. P. & J. W; Mav'e ard; E. Ssmr.son. Ypsilanti: 1"). C Whttwood. &c )exter; Tickford & Craiir. Saline: Smiih & Ty ol. Clinton: II. Bower. Manchester} P. Farlick kCo., Plyniouth; D. Gregory nnd A. Gran'. J iortliville.' 218-Gmo fr" oth ïö Clothiers, IVlanuractul a er and Jücrchaiits. Ar THE subscriber is now reeei ving ai hi? stores. ler lc8, and 190 Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit. we he foHowinc. carefully aml weli selected siock j0 }fDtï Woors l)YES-rur5, & Woolles Man nn jfacturer's Machinery. j 15 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobaeco, Tampico and Carthngenn, w} 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St. „e go and Hondura?, i„ 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair.Caro, Hache and t1( Lima, on 3 tons Camwoodvvery choice, 180 barrels Logwoód, cut and ground, en 130 " Fustic. " " Jf.O " Red Woocis, " V 120 ' Camood, " M 10 " Quereuitron Bark, 45 " Allun,, "P 42 " Coppernp, " 30 M Blue Vitriol, '8 " Madder, Ombro and Dutch Crop 3 " Cream Tarlar, , 2 ÍÍ Nutgallp, „ 2 cases Indigo, Bengal, Pioniih and Guatiniaia, i 2" cases íac-DyT 20 " ext. Logwood1, 2 'l Gra;öTin, 300 pounds Verdigris, 15 Caiboys Oil of Vitrror, Spirits Sea-Sali? JT and Aiiric Acid, Yo ALSO, fl(1( bopper Kettles and Clchers' Scrcws, Tenter iookn. Jacks and Bru6he9, Prows Pnpew. Card lcaners Wcaver's Sheers. Nippersnnd Burlinp ' rons, Comb Pla'e?, Pickers and Robbins, Wire. J Voreted and Cotton Harnese, Steel and Cant Leeda. Broad Power, Hand Loom and Fiy Shut20Í 3rs, Steel and Copper Mmls Emery, &c. I0C Parson's Shearing Machines, 4. 6,and 9 bladcs 5( Allen'8 doublé and single Carding Mochines. 7( Machine Carda. Leicemer. The a{07e goods have been recently pur haeed, directly from the imporiers and manu icturers, exci.usivki.y fou cash, and will be ) old at the New York Jobbers' prices. addinp ■an8portation unly: and in consequence of ihc ecline on many of the American manufacturar! nicle?, will in many cases, be sold at fiflecv II er cent less tlutn formtr priecs. The subscii■i, AwiM.i-iniik n t i i . 1 V ■ 1 1 VV imIi trirtO OfinliIoC Jim Jo say to" íiis customers thai he 18 prepnred all tiinea to warrant his goods of euperioi lality. THEO. H EATON, Dye Wood and Dve StufT Wnrehnuse, 183 nud 190 Jeflereon Avenue Dfiroif. Aug. 8, 1815. 220HÍrii POLLARD 1 TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Y WRYBUItN & UROTHER, BUKFALO, N. Y. 'orner if Prarl Street and Ttrrncc. mar tfu undingsofthc Sleamloatstin'l Rail ftond Cars. ' [N Complinncc iho aolicitauons of man) '( friend8 of Tempcronce, nr.d our own ! iction3 ot duty, we o;tem)ieii the Pi lent of keeping houae un genuino II ernnee principies, and oré liappy to eny we ue ■ vi; becn sustained in our fcfforis u provide ilu iiblic with a heuse worthy of ihcir suppúrt - gj fter having been in operation fnur yenrs. in ving universal satiifaction, we hnvc no hi-sítan in oííering our chume to thc snppuri of th aveling comniunity. L. D. WfYBimN, O. WET HIJ UN. CHARGES MODEH ATE, T Patrons nnd their bnggage conveyeJ1 to am' )in ihe House fice. tic Wc, thn 8ubscrbers, tnke pleasure tt rcconi in enning the obove Mouse to the rienda tri' üu l use, as being worthy of' their patnnnac C. W. HARVKY, Prest Erie Co. Ttmp. S. - S. N. CALENDE!, Sec'y tlb DANA FODES, Pm'i Ynunz Men's dn. H. MILLERD, Pre t Poilard Tem. Sucicty. . ADAMS. Sec'y do BufTilo, July, 1845. 6mo- 233 'f lF the fineat qualiiy for snle by John Brcwer R 7 of Superior, and A. Hurter of Tpsilaiiii. „nj ud Bucks are frrm tho moat ce!6rated tluck in ' i. e Er.stern States. , JOHN BREWER, „f ALFRED HUNTER. Ai 8ipriot, O#t. 30, 1846. Y& 4Wcinns and Surgeons as u:tcrly hopclcss. thai ledicincé, wbère these are known, stand so .'e I rveclly hii'li. Thcy consist of 'nS E BLACK. OR ALLEDASl'S SALVE J Pricc 2ó Cents, len ch curré alinost universnlly. Fever Sores, ol y. most malignan! kind, Fclons, Ulcers, At qJ ses, Tumors, fractures. Cuts. Punctnre?, m„ ns, Scalds. Sme Tliroai. Cliilblnins. Quin, jg Drópy; Iiiflhmát'óry Rbtutnaiisin, Influm.1C üii5 and Sweliings of cvery descriptinn, Scald jo d, Ague in the FaCefj Nervmis Tpoth Ache. cj0 10 in ihe Brenst, Brokcn Brea3l, Xc. &c. e LEBASI'S 1IEALTÍI I ll.LS, 25 Cents, ses 'hese Pilis have ncquited a popularitv witliin pig lost yenr o iwo, liich no other PiMs posSti The re.ieons are ohvi'Uts n!l who ust n. They cure nll Bilious, Scarlet and othdit "overs. Fevcx and Ague. l)y?pepsm. Dropsy, ,,t d Stornncli, Disorder d Boueis. or Stom.;ch. or nóicc, Head Aclie. Dizzinees in the Head. bc rms, Liver ("!omp!aint. Heart Burus. Cholic, fei vel coinplnint, General Debility, Coativcnesp. on . &c. 'J'Ieir purily the entire systein, leav t-p' howels in a vigorous and health'y condition. tin See pamphlet. of kLLEBASl'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS. wi Pricc S Ccvts. in 11 cure an ordiuary ente oi Tooih Achc, in W n tbree to len rainuttfl. For Nervous and se er kinds of Tooth Aclie. sec Pamphlei. o' LLEBASl'S POOR MAN"'S PLASTEIl, m Price. 23 Cents. Pr ï wnrrrintrd to be superior to any other Plns? in '.hÍ3 or a'ny otiier coiintry. for pain -'r l" nknefs in ihe Back. Side. CheVt, Bowels, j ns, liluscleB, nnd for Rhcnmaiism, Lung 1 Liver Cojnplnints, Couglis, Colds, ABVhnia. OI :. Sec pamphlut. e8 ?i. B. - Piense to ask the npent for a pnmphln 9n nch gives ail tlie inforniation necessary "( :tinc the usrs of ihe Medicines, the virinet ol :y pessess. etc. Pk-;:se loiollow dhectionsii: ; lis; of the medicines, and you may rcly upnll (hal ia promiscd. A I ibern ; discount made to n:ercliantsand oth , who luiy toscü npnin. - LYMAN W. Gil BERT, Proprictor, Wholesale Druiigist, 214. Fulion si, N. Y. EFFor sale by ihe eubscriber. who has béèn loinied general .ngent for ihe City of Deiroi 3 i its vicinity. Country dealers sujiplicd on ö ;ral terms, C. MORSE, L Michigan Book Store. fhe above medicines are for sale at the Book -i reof U.M. R. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Vjllnge. eccmbor 9, 1844, 34 ly Dry G Gods at Wholesale. [c IEECHER& ABBOT OFFER for ra]e w( for cish the fi!lowinp goods nt New toi rk wliolesnles prices, transportation onlv [j led : V' Í0 Bales Brown Sheelings and Shirtinge, 'J' O Cose.s Blrachcd do do O B;iles Brown Dri'lings, en 3 Cuses Blt-oched do 10 lbs Buttinfr, O w Collón Warp, Nos. 5 to 20 wi 0 M Canille Wicking, 0 Carpet Warp, 0 pieces Sheppa Grny Cloth, - iO ' Snttinetti?, iö u Cassinit're, 0 a Blue, Blnck, Browp, Green Steel Mixed, and Cadet Mixed - BrondChHliP. gai iO " Black, Olored, Figured nnd Plain Alpaccas, i 0 " Whitp, Red, Green and Yellow Flahnelf, ,e, 0 " Sier Mcal Barrging1, ,lt iO " Pluin and Figured Kentucky Jeans, an( O " " ? Linseyf, coi iO M Conlorr Flonnele, 0 pairs Mnckinaw Blunkelp, in 0 pircfs M. DeLaine and Cashmere?, ' o Blanket Shawls, !' iO pieces 7 3 and G-4 Bed Tickin, r' 0 " Slrijïo Sbírtinjf j .''' iO Blue Drilrs, 0 " Prnsian Diappr, for 0 " Ei)lisn nnd Ameucnn Prints, jor r! iior %i-ii li n rrpiWJr:i 1 n;( ri niput ui Thrrnric 'my, Button?. Combs.Glovea, Ribbons, Lnces. Iroi (ikfs. ísc. &c, makmsr the Inroest nnd best 4 Kortment of {joods to be fottnd ntliis state. "? 18-2 Jcffrrsnrr nvenne, onc door buïow the , „ ;. CflaK Bank building. en Detroit, Oef. 7, 1C45, Cmo. !lav "JËROME M. TREADWËLlT" L.' ITTOBNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ""'' And General Land Agent, VILL attcnd tu the ealc nad txcliange of . Lfindp, p:iyment of Tnxcs. nnd ledcmp in of Znnds sold for Tnxcs in Jnckson and ndr ning couniiP8, exnminaiion of Tnlc.t, Convcyr ciofrand all business pertaining to Reul Estáte. j Hoe in tlie Conrt House. Jncksoti, Michigan. 17-tf. . DELAVAM HOUSE. J AhBJtNti NEW YORK. BY NATHANIEL ROGER-S. 'H1S colebratcd house is now open for the re ception of;ravclers. It isthc Inroest dinientcn( ins. and is e.n'irely vno in all its parte. Il sirictly n Temporalice House, and while no ns will beepnred to niake it all that the trav net public can ask, it is expected in return it ft wül reoei ve the patronage of jll the friends Temperante who ttay hove ecceeron to visii bany. Kr.j 14, ISfa 21S-6m XC BRINCKERHOFF'S ■ tuf. hope to ojjivain rf.uef wlieic il eceiüs denicd 10 the stek. yv.u lay ■ J on siraws lik; men. Thúa i is iliat iher'c Wl ., tliou-iiiids who ore ihe qüieker lïiimed '-j to ihe yani'g grave in consequetice ol ïhiiitj lioso false fío as ili;it :ire not nhle ttf 1 ihcin, and they sink. Reniember. ihên. j ie in appa ent liönl.h. thnt if you are taken j 1 witli predisposm pjMiptoms of diseased w{ rs. or wiili n inarked altnck of re;il Cough, ld, Liver Compl lint, Consumption, or Puin in . Clirst nnd Sale, llittl you cfiti lind relief and q e 1)' ihe prompt usc of Brtitckerhpff'j; Health sroraüve. Gi-e it your confidence, UFe ii ". ly nnd in occordniice wiili ihö prescribed ■ nons. and your help is certain wiihout even a do w of doubt. Uy ihe favor of Ili-nvcn. ..1 : no himá oflrionds or rclativcs 10 keep you . in the deterniinntion of using the Restortiiive. -f. spite of al! oppoaition öhitnin soiihn and ?ecieily . n if you must, but holdly if yoii enn, usc il m,ftfulFy nnd honestly wiih jusiice to your own s fï, nnd to ihe credit of ihe riirdictne. The uit wo will warrant to reach and even exceei ... ■ best aniicipritiona. Wc plcttd ilie sick to iry iremedvi we ure anxious ihat all should share , :s happy cflecif. nnd Ve aie urged 10 itsolely .. the promptings of ilië ' philnnthropio möüve o inc; ihe sulVerer. Never give np your as '8 a lelesè wliil Mr. Brinckeihotf 's Resiorative is ,." iintred-=-n that weconfidentlv predict n munt or even a pre èniptïoh of Consnniptive case. Thé follówtng ccrtilicnte is from Dr. ilion, ihe well knuwn Nev York chemist. ablc '] have nnalvTÍed .1 bottlc of medicine cilled will Brinkcrhiiif's Health Elestoiative.' nnd find 1 il dors not coniain Mercuiy. or ony o'her D tallic pri'par,itiin: nor opium in ony of íip 1113. It is composed of, veaetable matter enm 3ly." JvMKS H. Cuit.TDV. M. D. C. BRINCKKRHOFF. Solè Proprietor, 58!) Broome stieet, N. Y. For sn'ely W. S. Sl J. VV. May hard, Agcnts. m Arbor. 2" 6-Jw Moi'tgagc Saic M' )F.FAU1I' liaving bitn made in the pnynu-nt of a c rtufii pum of monry aecured to y pnid by a certain indenuire of niongage bearü dnte the thineentn d;iy of June. A. D. one r otiaond eight hundied n:id thirty seven. , " ted hy Christopher Muilen and Thomas Mdlr of the inwri of Nortblield. in the couniy of - 'ashtenaw nnd Staio of Michignr), to Thornös 'j illtily oí anid towi-, county and Stnte, which ■ ortgagd was duly renorded in the Rcyis;er's em fice of the county of Wnshtenaw, aforesaid, on Pri e thitteenth day of June, iti the year of our 1" ord eightcen hundred and thirty geven, at 4 eil ock in the afternoon ot said day, in Libernitin;r five ot mortenges at pa;c onc hundied and CCl venty eighl wliicli mortgage has been duly as gned lo one John Riiey of the city, couuty and fs tnte óf Kéw York. fo' And dci'ault having a'so been made in the Pu itions of siid mortgage, 1 o suit or proceeding 8 ; luw liaying been insii"uted to recover the wholr ' r nny partoftlie money now due or claimed to e duc on ihe mortgage, and by virtue of-the vcral dcfaulis, there is now claimcd to be due n snid morttraur, the sum of two hundred and ïventyfbur di I'nri and seventy nine cents: Noee is therclbre hereby given. that in pursuance Pe !"a power of sale in said mortgige contained. ' II be sold at the outrr door of the Court House. 1 the vil lape of Ann ArboT, in the ('ounty of sc Vashtennw aforesaid. ai public fiUCtlon on the Wl econd day of January nexi f A. D. IH-ÍG) nt ten nf i'cIoc'U in the forenoon of raid day, in Pf nee ofsa'd i)ower of sale all and singular thepmisCs describe! in snij nioriL;a;e as follows: "IQ ieitiitnll tlint ccMnin trnct of Innd sitmtpd in do e ion of íínrthfipld in the Couniy and State lcn )resnidbelriö ihenorili enst quarer of thesouth ;s'. ('racional qiínrter of .ection numbored thirty tw ie in lownship numheied one soüth of rnnzesi l8 bt. contnining fi'ty one acres of Innd Le tlie &c n:e rnore or less." or fo much thereof ns slrili necesir.iy to satisfy lliC a'mount actunlly due pr i 8aid morigage togethèr wiin cosis of snlo. l"" JOHN IIIÍ-KY. me nssijnec of mortgage. l'ef By's & I'r.uf. his at'.ornies. ?'v Ann Albor. Sept. 2(5, H45. Sol P" _ dui VOÓW WOOJL?f ere )LOTH! CLOTH! i 1HE subscribers will continue to I Ie . ture H." Fwíleíí Cloth9 i! 37J cis. per yard. and white flannel for 20 I Hï per yard; or thpy will manufacture the of i tol ior hall the cloth t ivifl mak e. Tbeir facnie y is 2 miles West óf Alin Arbor, on the l'tinc i River. VVool will.'ilsn be received at Scio. dan hen sent lv Ruih ond it wi!l be attended to in 8. ■ snme mnner as u ine owners werc to coiiu1 ww ih i;. Wool will bc mantiractured in turn ns W' oniesin as nenrly as it can !e done with refcrDm e to the different qualitirsof wool. D-i WOOL CARD1ÑG, S I bedone at Scio. by Thomas Hoskins. p' S. W. FOSTElt &CO. .'ï Scio, May U 1345. 210 "," CA NT BE Í5EAT.' "MIK 8ol6Cribcrs would infonn ilie Public, tli.ii ' '„ . tbey continue to supply the State ol „ i With p L L. B, WALKER'S PATENT arfltJT fMJtCHlJVES. [t e Inrgtt numóers ol these Machines that ca n 6uld. mi il the sicadily ncrcasiiiy demand foi nat in. is the best cvidence of their real valué. 1 of their es'.iinanon with those who liave be ne iniiulK r with their nierits. Valkeh's Smut Machine 9 superior to othetf ihe lollowin particulars: . Ah it combines the Bcating. Scouring. and " juing Principies, it cleans the smuiiiest l in in the best manner. retaining all the fric i of ihc wnent, and dischnrgmg the smut and Rj ;t ns fnst ns aepnrntejJ from the whent. !. It is simple in constrv.clion. and is tlicrci less liable to diranged, and costs lees 137 repnirs. f" t. it nu;3 ve:y light, and is perfectly secure _ ui fire. y.,1 I. It iá ns durable as any other Machine in e( pino . It costs considcrab'y thnn other kinds. jjo, Phese 'inooitant poiiiia o diirerncc Invc giv jj ibis Machinie the preferentie with those ivbu ery e fniily tried it. Amony: a large nurnberof p nt lemen in the Milling Business who mit'hi ,n ( iained,'thc fjillowjiVg have ued the Machines, g, 1 cerirñcd to their nxcellency and superiority: 1. N. IIoaard, Pontiac, Miclv. 0. F. Cook. Rochestcr, dtr ai í. B. Oasforth. Moson, tïo i ' A. F. Frink, Branch. do rp 1. H. Comítock. Comstock, do JL Ieference8 may al'so be had to' vvhn ohn BacoíJ, Áuburn, Mich. first (V. Uvon, do do ped . C. VRKf-Aifu. Rock, do nnd ohn Pnirs, Monroe, do roar, I. DOIIPMN, lo do yxj . Bíach. Wnterloo. do ïeo: Kktchum. M'nrshnll, dowhei . IÍJCMKNWA?, Oaklnnd, do M orders for Machines will bc promptly atJed to. Address DRY E. O'. & A. CRÏTTENTON. "A inn Arbor. (T.ower Tovrn) Wanh. Co. Mich CJ tue. 24. 184522(5-1 y WOod' Wood'! ;y01 FEW Coidi of Wood wniited immedxatdy ■ in paymfot for the 8ignal o f Liberty . Aj1845. J. HOLMES &Tcö., L! QLESALE AND REtAIL DEALERS IN SM e )ÍIY GO O DS, pi 7. Groceries, Carpcting, iinre(] Vfiirf paper Ilmigings, ■ f"ye' 08 Woodward Avenue, Lamed1 s have Block, Detroit. cd io J H U.MKS. V.:K Fprl-, ) "1.TIÍ s i hoi.mks. Ditro'it. $ fjwjf ƒL i"ke iliis rríeihúd of mformiitg our friends tnlioi nnd custdmtrs througlmtit tlic Stuie. ihm 'ica'' ure stilt piirëiiing the even erior of our prest s, endenvoripg io dq oiir húMfiess upon Li.i ' honorable principies. AVi woiild inlüfö tena" ' dut ncknoWlüilineh'S för thé pnironare ex II1OS.' ed to lis by our cüstomers, nnd would bep ce-f" 3 to cali the ntlention of the pliblifc to .1 veiy ncce tö'ected nssortnient of stosonahlc Goocis. tl011! .li are ofJ'eicd at 'vliok'snle or ïotnil nt ver ns n prlocè Our ntiiiiiP6 lor pi'rchnsine Goodt unsfirpasfëd by any concern n the Stntc - s;in.n of the (irm. Mr. J. Holmes tesides in the natK of New Ynrk. nnd from liis long experience are c ie Jubitlng trnle in t lint chy. nnd from his cniel ough knowlc (lap of tlie ninrket. he is cna'y " io avail hiniself of the niuiiions nn.l nny lla' f inc n prices. We nlso puichnse from the n orters. Mnnüfariuier'e Aeénif, nnd ftoni the erer tíne, by the r.nikng, ihc samo ns N. Y. 8íllel icrq ptirèlinie, tlit'is savinc their prolits. - er ' h these fnciüiips we cnn safely say that our ilrc icla are soid chkai for Ihé evidence of which nn ;nvite the attention of the public toom stook. w" hold to the gient principie o ■t'ic llu'n ticst ffond to tlie vhtt: nuiier.' so if you an'' t te li'v Gooffá and huy a large, qtinn '"? f ror a l'H'c moneij give us n trinl. O.ur stock ryn extensivo ns any in the city. and we nre "rn, iinntTy receiving new and fresh Gooda from ' ir Yoik. Iire! 5o,oo ihs. wooi. i;:6,? nnted. the ubove qnnniity o! tood mrchantmeij Woj1 lor which the highcsi market prict or n bc paid. Yi J. HOLMES & CÓ. rnin stroit, 1645. 214-;f ()f i, - - oiie hc Missè Clark's School. (lut on t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. sy , mu MARY II. CLARK, Principal. JIILOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. fou IHOUY K% CLAKK, Af-yociüte Teacher. ". „, L. WALTEK, Teacher of Music oh ihe gj Piano. ' MARSII. Teacher of Mnthcmaticsand Voca! t, Music. ,jle F. SHOFF, Teacher of Frcncli, Germán and be , ('I3E9ÍC8. vcn 1HTS Institutton hiisbeenin operntion sincc ofte November lö. !';P. The scliülnstic ycai ihe brocing forty-eight weekst two tcnua, cumwoi Jing two quüiters eacli - twclve wneks in ol out irter - a ecncral e.xa:uination at the close al con h term - in Fcbiu'iry lid August. in ( rhe l;ist quarter ot the present verin oommrnbac i May 19. var Fkkms ov Tumos. - For the F.ngliBh branchv';n $2.50 to 5 per quöf'èf. No rediicüon the absence, except in case of eickness. and no cor pil taken foi lès ihan a quaru:r. F.xtrn cliarnet i are made for (ñttSttb'ñ the Fiaho, %Viih the use h& ihe instníment, $8.0íi tfoi Frcnch, 3.00 he Latir, n.OO Drawingand Painting, 5.0(' tbc Pancy Vo:k, S!OU lov Board, inc'.iu'.ing woshing, liglüs. &t., 1,75 mi r week if paid in au va nee, or $2,00 per weck -ip paid at the cloac of thequnrter. In: Parentsand jrunrdiana are invited to visit the Lo ïool every Friday. wlien the studies of ihe Ac ;ek are reviewed - a!so acrni-mónthly on WedPn ulay nfternoon, at rt-adingof ihe weekly commt wii'ifis. Chpinsuing the regular conrse of sludy. woulri an well to commence nt ilie heginning of ihCn 11. or ri soon aiïèf as praciicable. ielonging to the school are Library ofhe] en fivc and six htindred volumes, anH Phisin phtcal Apparntus, Elcctiical Machine, GlobeB. val CO! ['he Misses Clnrk will endéavnr. not only lo pne mote t lic: intelleclual ctilutre of their pnpitf cus will altend auictiy to thfiir moral deportma nt. With no sectanan feeling, lifit wiih n -nj piense of rcligious responsihiliiy. iliéy would nn1 c sucli a tone to charncter. na shall réricier i coi ciically fiiled (or every station - yielding to y but firm t principie imong the bocks uscil n t lic school are, Ab roiflbie on the Tntellcctunl nnd Moral Puwerf C'iin'i's Elemrn's of Criricism - Wnyland.'s Un rnl Science - Newmah's Rheturic - Hcdge'sI'H ïic - Paley'a Naiura! Thoohmy nnd F-vidncef yèi ChriStfahïrr-i-G.ry's Chemistry- Parkoi'h mj ural Pliilosnphy- Cfnibe's Plvsiologv - Mrs. nm colu's Botany - Eaion's and Wriaht's Man to of Botany - Butriit's iïeogrnphy of thi n' ïvens - Firflt. Secoiul and Tltird Books o! he! tory - Úig. Willinrd's Re,-inllic of America tlic 'helps' Leg.-il Classics - Playfnir's Euclid.and hu ,-18 Algebra and Davics' Ariihnietic. val nquirv with rcard to iIip school can be mndwil he Principáis or any of ine folloing gentle usi i to whom referencc is maile hy permissinn who íiaVe at diflcrent periode lind etibci :-I shters or wnrds undcr otfr car. ÍIpv. Isaac 'U Koirham. Ccntreville: Oci Ketchati. Mar wc II; llr.n. Wm. R. Dclnnrl. .Inckson: Pnnl B. s- í. Michigan Centre; F. II. VVinnnS. Adrián: Pij iipl Ilixsnn. Clinton; Cï.nrdner Vhcelor. M 1 Ilowell: Ucv. f. H.,Cumirtar. Grand RapMi Jereminli Clark. Clnrks on; Gen. C . C. vet cali. James Brd-itl and Rcv. J. Beach. usí it; D. H. Rowbiid.Norihvlle: AmrsMe'd; ] nouih: Hon. F.lias Comsiock, Owasso; P. ;hnm. M. O.. Wm. R. Thompson. E. ndy. Esq . John Allen. F.q.. Geo. W. JewEso... Tho's M Ludd, Professor Williams, ie University, and Rev. II. Coldaz'er, Ann he followin? íren'ifemen. Rev. H. C'-lIazer. . Wm. S. Curtis. Rev. Charles C. Tnvl .x. 'essors Whitjug and Willhm of the Uniity of Michigan, have ennsented fo nét as a AÍ in? ronimiitec of the SchooT. lo bf present n ihc weekly stiifíips are reviewed: bnt e.--j)e y to altend during the semi-nionthly exanunns. pril, 1845. 213 1845. J] [■IOLESALE & RETAÍL. wh, A. M' F 'ARREN, ','", ÖKSELLERANDSTATIONER. SMART'S J3LOCK, Bn JRFTKKSON AVKNUÉ, DRTROIT. acc' EEfJS constantly for salea complete ' . . ment of Miscellaneous, Schooi nnd Jooks, Letter ond Cap Paper, plain nnd rul uilb, luk. Sealinp Wax. Cuilery. WrnpPapcr, Pririting Paper, of all sizes; nnH TJ t, Nevsand ('annisier Ink. of varions kinds LAiNK JÍOOKS, full nnd hall of cv n'éry of Ruling, Memorandum Books. &c. rf(, Merchants, Teachers, and" ?fhi6is. buyinp 1 janiities, a lurge discount made. ibbath School and Biblo Society Depositor. s!'p l-tf ric jti4?e tú jfflerchants. S [IE Subscrihers encouraRed by the pitronA age tlicy have hiiherlo received in tlie jth tésale department of their b'uSinest", will the d.iy of May nexi, open the store now occu,1 by Gco. Grcnville, fronting on iluron street. pAC connecting with their present store in ïhe rnu, exclusively for n g((l HOLE SALES ROO.11, jg e they will kcép at all times a full pow : of (her GOOD9, BOOTá & 8H0"ES CARPENTIN'G, day TS, CA'PS, PAPER IANGINGá, nONNETS, tOCKEKY UY THR CRATE, ifA'RDWARÉ, AND GROCERIES, &C. fec. &C. ' which will be so!d on as gootl terms as at TJ point tliisside of New York City. G. I). HILL, Sc. CO. Med id Atbor, Maroh2C, 43-tf NThe ÍJiiivcrsiiy tills. Ti II Y WM. M. SM1TII, A I Proe sibr ff Materia Medica and ü. y, in the ÍVillongltby UniecrsUy, of Luhc Ene. Ohio. . ITIJ'S UNIVERSITY PJLhS have been 'mudl xtenáively üsed by ür. Smiili in his ,,u índ public rJtactice, nnd hy nmny UI" his p,„„ ren n llie prufossion. for Wlioni lio liis pie a,hc ihein; tliey have nlèo befen diíiiribuied lor -jij, al use in mnny of ihc WesteiÜ States, airJ _a p ilów stand wnhout n rivnl wherever tliey cnr,y bcl'h tried. Thcy are usunlly well stonii the píírposes for wliicli they are yottr Icd. The incrensing demand tor ihese pills, áQ unpnrailcIKid Success, and the earnest jj)0 is.of hundreds ivho have beert restored to ,,. n I) by thsir íisc. bate ind kfcd ihL proprietojio n,.cm nt ihein to the public. p[s is not preiended that thtse püls will cure t0 ,, thu illa which fli-Sh is heir to;" vet it is THÏ-_ confidenily believed by thoupaudj whose ,t,a ícaies ttfight be obtaififed. (weré it ileen.etl wlj sar.y.) iueludilig IMiysicians of liiph rpma ,C11 ( ihii: ihese pillé liiive no equal in thu woild, ;in(j caJhariic. onlúbillioub. altcrativ medicino. kQn Smiih's Umversity Pilis" uwc tlulr peculiar. „,.,.),, i ve. and unilorní cíleei. to ihe happy w n or vegfeinlíle íhgredlinis of wliich ihcy (j,nr', ontp'oged; it is t lie reíiilt of niany years o' j 'ul inveetigatiqn and expérinients, dueeved yCO( neb eXfJefrfetíce n ihe pr jpërtics of jjie. ubstanceS. seg _ their operatiot). thej' combine the grcaies cnn y and eftlclènóy, with perfect mildness aiu! ,,ve y. 60 that vvhile ilu-y opérate with great L) lioy seldom produce sieknéáá' or pain, nnd „„ ; nt once adapted to boili sexos, of all ages ie,n( r 11 countiii's Thcy nct dirtCtly upon ihe lney e syyiem. corrépUOg any nnd ull pt(), t of thc speretions, esprcially of the liver ,jiey kidneys; and rè all obstruciinns from prrf( toiii;icli and bosvtíls, at the 3ame time jüCtl the blood. and thertby giviní healthy sow nnd function to tlic whole syg;em. ,„„ ío approp'rfatc use of this niedicinc docs en f"ní y away wiih thc sitpposcd necessity ofall a 1(l :urial piepaiaiioriè, which have been so ninc w(l in n'l parís of our cniintiy. in the new i of all active diseases, of v.'lmtsucvcr tianu $xc nturo. proj 'hen thö :'University l'ills" nre timeiy nd .,,)U stered. they aie a nèvcr-lailmfl preventivo nRll] iüoús, intei imttrtit nfii! ren:fitent íeveis. a guiji and fever. jtrfd lbo hoát of ifls nnd malndiep or j 80 ojén lead io dcaih. As a corsequent up nny he foiecoihif dléenses, wó too oft:n And ,)C i the diflcretíl cavities of the body, lise , c nnd bilious 6'onsunipiion, allectiuiis of the g( ■. pain and wenhneps of ih brcjisi, chronic j)pl ;h, cnlarged pplt én. ogue cwke. cluonic j(.( , loss of muscular power, ar.d a general derne.Dt of the" hole neiious system. No ses of disease nre more readily coniroüed hy opriate remedies, thfrh those of biliodis s es; ind nove so eusittj prcrented. Nfext t Jf curing of disí.-ise ilrendy forined, whn'l can verj I' more consequence tlin'ti its succcsslul (jou i ion. t)m 'he poison hfoíi roiluce8 biliors níTcctinns. nn n lies concealcrf íi iho system. underniinint! 'j;it stcreí spiings of tile, and going on wnh its k i f dcbtruction for monillo, beíore, it breaksin open ditCíise; duing this penod. a salí -v f" plexion, high colored mine, occnsional pninh le liiferent pnria ol ihe body, head, side.' "8 k: nnd soinctimes m ihe .extremities, with a Sha i:ible nppi'i6, ni'e ihe fi-sding symptom; o l'1 n el thc iirpcndin dojrgcr. Ai ihis time. M"! pcrsévpiinj; uf-f ot (lie 'Uniársity Pilis "1S ding to ijie heiein conained directions. wili 'nd it'rkHeé ihé niiisnial poison. promo;e a ficc:haig ii büc íjíbtn ihe hver. reMiove oba'.ruc1 q :8 fr nV the it'oiiiiicii nnd bowcla. and restore nn(j Ithy seCreiions lo 5I16 vho!e sys ctn. .1S;( Ihe 'Uimersily Pilis' ate póculinrly adapted le ,er) cu'e. as vVc-ll ns the preveiüion of th ier .'mg diyeases: lii'ious. Iñiernii tienl nnd He leut Lier complaints. Jnünhce. ■eni Dinril.óea. Acue and Fevèr. Chili Tevcr. al''.':ernnl JPèvér, Rus-li ol Nood jo iho Hed. ' lis of Ap'peihe. Nr$óná C'orhpiiiinis. Cholie. ;.''' Milhy o! ilic Siiint.icli, Inn-rnnl Filos. Sto'iiI. " ssive DrDp.'y. Ílu(Uun Ciistiyonrés, Enlaige ?nt of-tlie B.Icèn orAgiifi C':K.. Afin nnd I ironie Rhtimimism, Sick Ho;id:iche. Sympto Sii iticCough. Fl-iiulcncy, Eropiiöiiéof tTie Skin, J d in ollciiscs of Torpnr of ilu; 13ovvuls, wltcn n ( nhiiriic, Apcricnt. or A'iemtivo, is necded. fa. Dr. Smith : - Fcroir - I tij?o rnucli plenre in tin irijj iny l.-tim)ny in fnvrr ol' yuui luab'e 'University Pilli ' I inosl chécrfiilly. , nin'oii'i inèni 10 ilie pubüc n?;i sni'a. s.ilwiary. 5y and efiii -ieiu C.nhartic. Itfr ih't3t of üc dissos incident 10 tlus rt-gion o( 'country. I linvi jdc exiengive usc ol tlicm for fi'ur ycirs. ii y prnctico. nml 1 btlive ihcni o le ilie v.rt ii-li!iinj6 c-ulim tic. operient riiedicite, e.vei inbincd nnd üflfered lor encrnl usr, tours, (füty, I O. LANDOiN'. Fiu:nh:jwn, MiVh Oiü. :'.. 184. 6b. Fmith: - I csïco:ii in privilege tottate. r publicütion. I think of yonr Unrrsiy CJ{ lis'. 1 hhvfl used them in tuy fan lv for ü.rci . nr8'pfn5t.nnd in no c-ise liave tlíey dí8)oiiie! ■ .c f; e.tjjcciaiict?. 1 c'vo tlions. witli iinpunitvd bcm fii;icl lePnlts, to my smaflest ns ell ;is ?. itiy Inrgest hildrcn. My wifn and nivsel! 'n'. ve nlo used thi'n. niid I giveiheni to tny lire' !p whei nicdicmé is ncodcd: nnd I iielicvt ty nre heller ilinn nll Oihcr í'ilis ilmt ever hnvr en made; Hr f arïi ric'q'n linicl wiili n 210:11 ' rieiy of ilifin. and I tliinit. in C'ilftphriKon ili ilie 'Lfnic;sify Pills.'xiiRy :11c npt voril , ing. Yours, truiy. ALFKF.D tí. BATES. K. S.inipsonj Druccis't. of Ypsilpnu, sayïp: never suft' n Pili ntioduct'il si e;isi!y ns tin niverfiíy Pilis;' nnd I never hnve succiëdedsti :ll in thesalesnf a hew nrticleof incdiciiVr. in short a lime, ns I have witrí (fie ''Jnivurfiiv Il8. ' ] H. Orny, of Moorcviilo. Washtrniw cnuniy. ,' icliignn. snys: ''My cnstonicrs íi yon' ' Uni h!' tsi'y Pilis' better than anv oiher Ptl'l ihey evei „ sd.lV 1J:' For c.!.le bv J. OWF.N &, CO and ? n . " " G. & J. G. III LL. Dctr01t S" And by BÈCLEY, FOSTKR &. CO. J Ann Arhor. L. CHAS F.. Do General Agent for Michigan, Illinois nnil .n Jinna. 23. (( CHARLES iï. STEWART, I" TÖRNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND '{"( SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, ,,„ JEFFERSON' AVESUE DETUOIT. 111C - , . -_ ( UVE' ïiï"' H ' W w; rWVn w nE. G. BURGER, Denlist, " AS removed Iri's office t Cninu &Jewclt'f 1 . Block. finii room ort iho Second Floor. re bein.'r wcll ■ preparcá fo nitend 10 every - icli of liis profession. would ri'spcctfully s.n JJ, II Vfhp hnve not lint! tliose necessmy oraans. E TEETFJ, propcrlv nttcndcd to. drLiy n- ;er. but cill opon liim and expericneé ilc HT nnd iiirabiüiy of Riï opT?niiicns. Tkrms X mmodating and charges inrió'crtse unrensonSm Rei nn Arlor. Marrh . 184". 47-t( sen F ITCARLBORO HCTEL. n MPERANCE flOtrSE. NATHAiXJEL Fr(; ROGEUS'. ' iV;. 2-29, ffTashiaglon Street. Boston. ( IIS house lina undergone a ihorongh repnir. all and it 8 ntrnde'l that nnrum house sliall In í rior lo it. it will lic under ihe inirnediaic Ma ge o Brown & Colhurn. ntf Mr. Rogcr? on )8 the Dclcvan House in Albarp . 1 19. 1815. 2:2-6,i. Sic - Gl rc ytiiiv ' BSarns Insurcd? wh HE Suhscriber. Ágenf 'fnf ttio Protkction iNSURi'Kéii COMPANV."' conliniics tO líjk 6 rC" i on Housks. Storks. Mkuchanóisk, Mii.i.s. st?' rói.iV.s nnd Barks". Stocks, &c., tit ji8 low st ias ony other good Company i'n the United Y? es. Asscvcrol Bnrns with ineir contcnishnve destroyed in this Courtiy the past yenr by i"rMNG, tlic Fanrers of Was-htenaw havo on opportunity for n small siiin, ofsiivinf isulves from losses, lo hich they nre every - êXposed, by itns element. M, I10WARD, Aecnt. fT in Arbor, Jnly 3!st, 1845. 224tl ]WAYIVAUD' d„! Wil now on hand n hrgo assortment of nnd Fnmily Grocericw, Paints. Stuffs, Drugs Jk eines ol the best kind for mc very chenp. v. 17, 1845' 33a y- Try- Try-- Again; TER you have tricd one thouannd nnd ona kinds of Pilis; ilicn iry Dr. Hnlsied's Brisfe Pilison tviil bc tully butisiied tlmt tlify me os prefcrnble lo every oiher kind ns the fun'a nnd lieiu is preferable, 10 bring foiword nnd )tc n lifaUliy growih n tegeiobli's to thtu i cninniucs froin the inribfa. ry rejust what is wanted in this country ill thnl operoms quick, thorough nnd eiiBy ng all impüiiiies vith hem; tho ch nnd bowclecleth and c!bar viv witW SLOVV HLLS, ihatnc. SLovV-deansè W. aiïd lëavc ihesystem in a SLOW state, is mrfitèr and oihfjr impedimenta collcct vo)id in ihe sysicni whën once ihey bein to ïülatc-and will increns'ï as fnat nBS1ow iü remove tlicm. It is neccfonry ilicrefore ve Q bfièk operaiion - ihiit %ill inbusE ai.i! iRflANsnoin tlibir torpiJ state, give n new U8 to ilie (lood and secretions. Thcn food1 ji{csi - theSioinacli mh sirehgth the svstro'fig- ihe üklri clcar-the nppeiiie goód. ou are well- tiiwn your èloiv doses wouji'j you lingeripg nlotig fcr mohths - nnd ilieii ps jou will send tof n Doctor, and what ie rloí H wijlgheyoü h powerlul cac- on tbat 'ilí lo yon Sonic good. iw be your öVn. d. 6Yó:p, and take Halstod'i lable Hnsk Pillo, otíd gradúale them to suit Kitieni. To vveak1 ptnis give small doaUö 10 chiidièo'. Tlioy are liarmless ami egivehtothc moát delicate - hut thcn thet lile nnd moiion to ilie sysictn. SKASE is n siów moibid notion, clopgin I the small vessöls- nnd calis aloud lor n dy liiat will aronse ihem into nction bofore' become too weak to bè kept in moiion.-; Ie die for ihe want of ,ction - nnd fenrinu' Shall obtniti n honlihy. nntural aciion- thcy' r takiñíí n f-Iow mediciné- ïhat they may r èlowly % ycars-nnd at die with u i lingering diieusc-ijie nmurnl efTcctof taklow Pilis. Awny thên witïi ihis thoory i mrft wishes to purify ihe aii. fIir calis úp in ry n thunder shower, and wiih it hor lightJ 9 (nir phjiTifc) io purifj-, clennso. and give ti nmtion tó thp ntmusphere. nnd all is well. does not liph'toñ gfntly the ycar round to nee thit rrioiion. Tnen folloy nature, when are out of henlih - have n bad tnsle iii your h - indigestión - costivoness - fevrr - colk - íever nnú ngue- dyspepiia - pain inbacd nbs - taken Coltl- or in f.ict out ql order in ivny - relieve youryclf tmuiodiatciy by takinij 3iisk Pilis. Tiy ihem .once nnd you wilj m oiher. 2- Pilla for Í5 cems. ild wholrstile and letrtil by .1. OwenA. Co., oit; C. El.erbnch, S. P. Jewett, I.u-d & 'olliun. Ann Ar'.TOf. 2:57-6m NEW GOD!!! ARLAiND & LÈFÉVRF. are now rcpoivir.g at No. J, Haickhts' Blork, H general npíprfuiénj of F.-ill nnd Winter Js, io which liiey invite the aitciüion ofpurer3, iitsunng iliein limt il éy vifl fihd póbds, ni pnces ilini cannot inil lo jrove Faiisfnciory. ir stock COI18Í8I8 in pan of ihe following:rc.nd-cloiLs. Cfisaimeri's, SnlineMs. Shopp's vs. Vesrtnjjá', Alnpncns. Ciilicórs. Gm;hnmsV limerrs. My:s-J .De Lninès. Alpmè J'lnidi; wis, Crrivais. Sniins. Vd'Ji'is. Silks. Lacéj bons'. She tinpi, .ShiriiiiüP, Cámbrica". Rook lins. IJif-liop Lfiwni. ÜMisppndeis, Glovtf,ing Tuscan nnd Siraw Bonncis, Butlrnc Triminings, ofnlj kinds. "gROCERïES.'Id :if)(í Hys-.n. ín-éi F. Gunpnwdi-r Pielinn Ten?. Siigrrs. Cofl'i -. Spier. ,M. - is. Rice, Cimdles. Sonp. Pnlj nnd YVin' i!. X.C Ac, SI Suda, n vttry lbige assoiiit. ROCKFRY AND G' ASS VARE. Tca Oinncr Sciis i-i mo'rli. lARDWARi:. - .Ax.s. Crirs fonlp. Sl'ieíf" Is. N.-!s. ... VViod. -X' S:.í.h. P;,!S n„,f js. Gofönige, Ac.. ; nd n 11 arñclis n ihat litit", ROOTS AND SHOKS. ■nilirs GiiiitTs. Süpf. Wnlkinn Sim, Gom'i iêr C-ilf Rooi?. Mens ;iA Hóisci árse do. y SiufTifor ;v?ry rlesi-ripiicri. '.-islt puid lol Gr;:ss, VVIiiip Bonns. Bro:. Pot nnd Pentl A.shi1, niest kinds Vro c t.-i!;en in pnyif.ent for Gmïijf. Aha - CASH PAÍÍ) FÖfl Ú' FIE AT. GARl.AiND A LEtlWRi'; ,nn Arbor, Sèpi; 4'. 2t'S) t(". O1V SBAITJÏ ÁGAI! 31 TTIIC Sulscrilivr' jf( '''VN iet civ'd.(nrt(] is cc.iVf LfS sii:lt y rt-cuving) from ifts. iK. ' V"1 k nu elcü-iiit ;it d V I JwB'1" BÖhétèd assorm.ént ïwtlry, docks, "Watclicsf Ac. wtnoli lic itrotul Id 8t-!l lts 6 ie ni ni y i( i-si;iLlis!iinent ibis .--idc oi Butl'nlo for nm y only ai)ing ttiiicli niay be liiulid ilio.'öllow.. : i iri'od :i.-Furiuiciii nf' íol'l Fingir Rings. CKinmon Gold Brcnst pini riiiird Cii.iins nnd Keys. Silyjr poons, ermiin üilvcr Tea nnd Tnblé pnuns (fir.'t urdiiy.) Siivtr and Gtnnnn dó Sug;ir 1 'ongf, ierrjinn sjlver Sul'.Musiiird and Créatji spi óïif ," 5ni!er Knivts. Siher Pencil Cns-és, Silver nnd CV'tumon 'J'lun.bles. Ülver Sicc:.'icl( 3. Gorinnn nnd Slct-l do. 5.'alef Cloihcs. Ilnir nnd T"ili HiuIicp, -ailier BrÖsiiPff, R:,zis nnd Pocket Knivn. 'me Shciirs md S(msis, Knivis nnd Fóiky, Irniiinnin Ten Pols ju d Cisiors. Fine ; latcd drf (riflnnio nnd Bn8 Cnndlesiicks, iliavini; Imxcs nnd Sunps, ipmtiii'.s Bisi [l;..or Str: p. Cnlfnr.d líloíocco i!!u;s. S.lü aiid C.oï'.üib niiTsén. Violins and ■s, Violin nnd Unté Vi'cl Stiing?, Fluupf :-s. Clarionets. Accordrrtrts Mmto Sen!. el Pens nnd Pen enses. SnufFanc! meco bfirtèp, Ivory pie.sirig Crtnibs. Side nncí :k nnd Pocket (yoniljB. Nccdieciisi-s. Stele'.toe.iier Puintf, Toy Wmclies, a yréüt voriety of lis. in short ;lie gicni vnrieiy of toys evrr tiln io idis mWAét, Vo)k buxes, chiln8 ten sens. Coloano Huir Oils. Fiwellin ts. Couri Plnser. Ten Bells. Thermometcffl, riñan Pipt-s. Chilrircii's Work Bnakeisi Sinterf I Pncil3. Wood Sl.uea, BRASS AND OD CLÜCKS, Ac. in' friet utmost cvery g to plcn.-ifi ihe fnncy. Lndica and Gcnilci, cnll nnd cxnmine lor yourfielves". Jiöcks'. V.-it''ics nnd Jcuelry rernirod on'l rnntcd on sliort noiice. Shop nt bis old? id. opposite [J. L'eokcr's brick Store. ca'lvin bliss. i. B. - Cnsh pnid Tor old Gold' Á, S il ver. mn Aibor, xNov. 6ib, IÖ45. 237-ly cady Made Clothing AT REDUCED P RICES. HIE largest and best nssortment of ready made clothin: ever belon; oH'ered in tbiv ie. now on li.-üid and for eale, Wholesale or ail, at tbc Cloihing Einporiuni of the Sub bers, consiattrig in part of me broadclo;h Frock aud Dre68 Cóatr. 'weed and unioa cassimeie, satinetand jearr ck and Busi'ii'éoS Conti. iiiinrncr Coats in greaf vnrieiy anJ Very ip. assimere, cloih, tweed and eummér Panti of ityles and pricee. atin, vfclvct, silk. vnlártei.n, cnalimere nnd1 sibiles Vea:"- a Irirgesióük ofricb and fasliïlilc siyloë. Aao, an é'xterisive ngsortmérit of ïlosiery, cks, Scarft, Unndkeichiefs. Collar, Shirts,-. ves, CruVnt8. Suspender, &c. Ac. all of eb will hé 3"old low for aui'. 'hcy would ropcctfully invite all, in want of ly made garmeiits. to cali nnd examine thcir k bcforc purchnsing elswbéré. as il hns beert1 ctcd wit h cnre in the F]nstern mnrket nnd luf'nctured in the latcst styles ond most duramanricr'. HALLOCK A RAYiMONtr Corner of Jefiersori & Woodward nvemicf. etroit, April 4, 1845. 213-tf JDissolution. HE Copurtnership heretofore existing uníer ihe firm and style of R. & ï. L. Davidson lis dny dissolved by mutual consent. : R. iilson isduiy authoriecd to settle the debti business of the rirm. ROBERT DAVIDSON, J. L. DAVID8OS, nn Arbor, Ott. 30, 1815. i5)6-3#


Signal of Liberty
Old News