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A Romantic Incident

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culation of Aboliüon tracts, finally eeduced d carried her to New Orleonn, wl.ere, growl more bold as lie extended hú acquaintance th the couutry, he had made no igement with the Society' - one of greater ro ofit as of greater risk; nomely, to 'run off' ca groes ffom the plnnlations along thecoast. s0 ïntlemen. thi.s sa mighly long slory - ar Pper " aa "Oh, no, no!" "Go ahead, Colonel.'1 - . rirsks at the moment were declined, but the orter operation of taking a fresh "chew" as indulged in, by way of filling up the th use. m I liad another qtiestion to aak the woman. ro )o yoy love this man,' said 1. The poor L eature wept tvorso than ever, gentlemen; jn ie said her only desire wos to go to some ends in Illinoi?, where ohc hoped to be welme and to get alung more wisely. 'He uses you, then, eaid I. 'Oh,' aid she, 'I ouldn't mind that, if I thought he wouldn't cL 'II me.1 In short, as I hope to live a mild n id considérate citizen, gentlemen, that livid, h wardly scoondrel, had, during my pursuit of th m, after tlireatening his viclim - now his s jrthen - till ehe vaa nearly lifeless, actually r( tempted to droten her in the stcamp! I je sedn't teil you, gentlemen, how unanimoua ie verdict was in this cnse; the woman, for hom we subsequently made up a 6bscripon, was moved ofl'towards the nearetst houte; ie man- a mighty email figure, anyhow - hrunk to half his nntural size; discolored as 1 7 the laat corrupting change had anticipated I he grave; his arms bound behind his back - s nd shivering on the g round, too spent t exlibitaspasm - with the rein which he hnd . atcly held in his hand buckled around nis neck for a halter - like a thing too abj-jct ;ven to hang - awaited the 6eleclion of & ;rotch for him to swing from." Tl may be supposed that the picture, the liorrid features of which wcre thus in detail ilescribed, had gradually excited the phlegmatic limner. - not at all! Uis sentencesled, not from the mere impetuoiiB gathering of ideas, but, as it Reemed, from a good-natured rlesire to mnkethe story as interest ing ns posfrible to nis heorers; while it in no respect exhibiied nervelessness, lliere was not a flash of passion during the whole narra'ion. Thiswos not the case with the hearers, thnugli. The eye of t!ie"Judge'' eeemed bursiing from bis head in enger expfctation, while the 4tchewing1' operaiionoii Iíír part for n moment suspended; olherswere like him; a few, again, by nn enger but pain'uJ contraclion of the brows, betrnjed a softer nature - at any rate, more eensitlve nervcs. "Ye?, gentlemen, there was a moment's dclay in choosmga limb; in the meantime, by way of hanging the culprit with a little life in him, sotne one had given him a tnouthf of vhitkey, when, rocovering his tongue, he begon to beg; from begging, genlhmen, he got toscreaming; blood actually trickled fron his Btraining eyos, and it was getting unpleas antj - no dignity about it! an idea struck me! l just climbed up, hand over hand, a pretty stout snpling close by me; I'm a heavy mar, gentlemen; and as I mounted, over the young tree cfiinewilh me - bent like a fishing rod - " Thero was a breathless silence in the company, sn enormous "roacli" peeping from a crack in the paneling, could hardly have cros scd without bp'mg heard, while each eye wqí riveted horribly upon the 6peaker. "The culp?ii, gentlemen, took the idei üooner ihan any of theothers, and hia shriek and ravings wsre dreadful- really dreadfni!Another climbed after me, and, wilh the ad , ded weighf, down we both carne half h. Janiongst the light boughs of the top, un


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