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l II' ■ i ) ii l.-.u i i.ii.t iu i'l i ii. i ui int willi seven Michigan Freemen ! Go fix Rirnoy, til] slnvcry is eternally lie. uated in the Union! Go fór Birney, t he right of petition is ('oro ver taken ijl the free citizens of the North! Go Birney, so that Michigan may hove c other trio of Lyon. Hunt and te" id, to minister at the polluted altar of pee very, and disgrace eqnal rights and n rthern honor! Go lor Birney, till Alien, x and Dickenson be again olected, who ■etheirseats in Congrss to Birneyites' me ) for Birney, who elecfed James K. pa Ik over Hcnry Clayrand thereby dal id FOUR Senators froni Florida and :xas to sinllc boldlyi over the prostrate . ns of the Constitution, inlo thase very . lis which were once sacred lo lihprtv, t are now ruled by thfi dpspols of Slary and Locofpcoisjn! Go for Birney, . there have always been Bcnedict '. lds, John Catalines, Aoróri Hurrs, and mes G. Birno'yis efíoógh tn solí the inosts of the free Norlh for a rness of o se potlnge.' Go for Birney, nnd, while , iu sland on the brokcn and toni ,J ?nts of the Constitution, give one grand rrah for Birney! Do t ! Oh, yes! all means g- foi" Birney, and may n c curses of five millions of freeinen rfist ion your traitorous heads ! "ö ce FREEHOLD EXCMPTION. co 4 ■ iJtir i.'iXcmptmn Lnw ia more liuornl n timse of o!' the Skiles; but il ks one vory important item. It expts the (ools of the mechanic and p) ie implemenls of tlie farmer, hut no d on whichto vse them! WÜI not the f,1 gislaturc t;tke tliis question into con ' "iratipn at thoapproacliing sesbion, otid ' Juslicc to llw Farmers! The cnocdn, would do more fbr the i'inolioration vo ihe conditioh of the groat bódy oftiie ma )ple, tlion all the judicial or other re1 nis, wliieh have heen hrouglu up in the 01 t ten yenrs. VVe he;ird much hout n 'or;f the Farmers during tho (inherOll( torial cnnvn?., and now we .shonld }iko vl see juslicc done them. - Marshall Ex. v;i' We are unable to see wliat "justice" I1C eac ;re would be under snch a lnw, on' ac■ int of the ditïerence in the value of fUp id. Sonie fort}' acre lots, are nol irth forty dollars; vvhile forty acres in , :lroitor Ann Arbór would he nn ampie tune. But excluding till lands within p() ; boundaries of cities and yiílages from , i operation of the proposcd law, its Fo xctical eilect wculd be most unequal. - mitiing districts, acres of rocks J gravel may fcöntain a prineedy forpf ie. Or, on the margin of streams, ,tv acres may include water powers Fo rtli ihousands of dollars. Of three ' } glibors, each of whom ovvns forty es, ono might have exempted from fí ■cution L40 worth of properly one ma )0 worth, and the other $4,000 worth. I ïat eqtiality or "juslice" would therc ser in this? IÍ nny nlleration in the law o be mado, a ccrtnin nmount of real ,. .„ , cot ite, nót exceeomg a specmed sum, ,ie uld be exempted. The operation of fic provisión would be uniform upon chanics, laboréis, gentlemen anö all CC er classes, as well as farmers. sol - to i tTlie Democrnts of the North - tor se who adhere to the party - will ultitW( toly be prepared to do the bidding of t.. most rabid slaveholders, ns soon os sessily shall require. Symptoms of s may be readiíy discovered. At the n mal moeting of Democrats at Tamari ny Hall, in New York city, the folw! ving was adopted : "Resolved, (Ii the languageof Andrew ;kson.) That "the Union must and shall preserved;" that the efibrts, o( the Aboas onists, here and in England, to disturb inJ harmony and integrity, will never wt et with sympnthy fiom tiie Pemocrne party of the North : that the inevilaresult of the success of Aboltionism uld be to créale a pincm'ng competíanit of the white man; that an exiension de the riglit of suflrage to FIFTEEN IIOUS AND negroes would place in 2Ïr hands the balance of power in the ate; and that this meeting feels it inmbent to declare that any proposition interfere with the rights of the States, any project having in view the cxlenm of negro stijf rage, will meet with its ' jad and determined opposition."


Signal of Liberty
Old News