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Ikijjrliton, 7J 38 2 Hnrtland, 60 31 9 tyrone, 3 1! O'ccola, _4a V4 2 Tota!, 83 4Ü5 Íl4 TKfe Liberty 'candidatos for Lègtoftftn in Livingston ouiity rrceived 9Ó and 97 votes. JS. AL TlionmP, for Lleut. Governor, 1 11. LaI-kbh Tliere ns a Üglu vote Lnpcer towhship gave 10 Liberty votes. Mr. S;nidbrn, tile Whig enndidáte tú the Leírislatr.rrs by bil MwHjf joJ üf nnl1" slnvery principies, and eJcprésspd detennipa tion never to vote for sluveholder, ob tainod many Liberty volee, nnd waselected b about 00 ttíiíjoríty. All the Liboriy men o lladley voted for liim. MICHIGAN LKGISLATURE. The Detrcit Vrec Press pivés'Hhè fellow íne lirti of members elrct n tlie Mícíigi Legisla ure. The hign are niarked thus First Wstrfét: Wiiliam Hale, Alinor C Bniuh nnd Oel Rrx. Second District.- John. Alien, Sarnu Dentó :ind ClinrleR P. fínsli. TAtV Diatrictt- William T. Howeli, Je ferson G. Tlmrber nnd Rufos íílbbee. Fourth Jjistricli- Jnme!i.VidetoPjE.[B. Da forthand Loten Mnjijardj Fijth Dist'ict- J. Liulrjohn, J. ] C'hipumti and Rix R(b"on. Rixth Dist, id.- Gardner ü. Wi'lianis, Su íord M. Gieeii and William M. Fehtcn. IlOÜSE Of Rlil'ftKSKM'ATIVKS. Atiegdny aiid BUrry-XVw Lowis. lierrifn-- John Grovea. Branch- William B Sprnjrne. Calhoun- IsaiaC É. Crary and John Ba hrvltlCass &. Vutt Buren- J.Andrewe and J. M Glen. Chippetva - P. Ord. Clinton nnd Sliiaicnsscc- Samuel M. Scott Ealon aiid Ínghum-WUcy Jones. tícnfsef- Geo. II. H.izelton. tíUUdalc-JoM ?. Cook and Jf. B. Gra hu in. ïoitiuj Kent and Ottawa]. L. Moive. Juccaou- iMarcus Wakeman, F. A. Kei: netly, js and Austm Bluir.' Kulamazoo- Rnnsom nnd-- Giddings, Lop ;cr Sanborn. JAvingaton - Washington Wing and Georj W.Peck. Mackhute-C H.O'MalIey. Mtom't-C G. Cady and L. S. Gilbert fcontesed.) Monroe- David A . Noble and Nelson Du ham. Oakland- John Da vis, Augustus C. Bal win, Juhn Thomas, Iliram Barret, Jas. Wc eter and C. Bnldwin. Saginato.- [Whig name not knowir] St. C7ír- H. Hotllstef. St. Josepk-lsanc D. Toll and Ezra Co Wayne.- George IÍ. iïand, GeorgcMor; Michal E. Ames, Thomas Lewis, Éhjuli Ho ley, jr. and Conrad Ten Eyck. Washlenaw- Jas. M. Edmonds, P. C Brotherson, Harvey Chubb, Orin Parsor Dariu8 Pierce and J. G. Leiand. Dem. Whig Senate, 16 2 House, 37 16 S 10 18 Maj. on joint ballot, S5 05The latest advicei ft om Mexico in ctte that all difficulties are at au end, and i suppoeed negotiatioiiB will be ehortly re wed.A ÍN A1NU1C-N 1 riUW DUVJ. We bad renlly supposed that Astrolo;y was ono of those ancient delusions vhieh had iled before the light of science 1 ind knowledge; but a late Boston paper r :ontains the ndvertisemont of "Professor Laster, the Cfdebrated Astrologer, latciy t irrived from the West Indies." The iphere of his knowledge is of vast t lioris; for lie ussurea the public he pop i je privately consulted at his residence iu ( Mnshua Place. - ( "Upon any questions whatever, iected with LIFE, and its various , ïs; ascerlained to a cerlainty, by . ng out the course of the Planet under wbich they vvere born, whether their lite ( will be full of years, or oí short duration; i whether they will be rich or poor; j cessful in courtship, or in business; , whether they will ever be marricd to . those with whom they are in love; how ! many times they will be married; also, will give a description of the persons they will marry; and whether they will be , prosperous in that rnnrringe; and foretell theone thnt will diefirst; and how many children, whether male or female. The Professor will give the date of any sickness which has befallen those who may consult him, and will answer any questions connecled with the science of Astrology put to him by those who may piense to cnll for nforma:ion. The Professor assures the public that his science is founded on NATURAL PRINCIPLES, perfectly in accordance with DIVINE REVÉLAT10N, and ENLIGHTENED REASON, which he will demónstrate to the satisfaction of the most skeptical." The fee for being humbugged, is 50 cents, or threo persons for a dollar. Cheap enough. DONATION OP BOOKS. From a correspondence in ihe Oakland Gazotle, it nppcarB that Hou. J. B. Ilnnt. M. C. hus made a donaiïon of Books to a Yoiing Men' s Library in Pontiac, amountinff t0 eixly eiglit volunicj. They of 8 vül. of the Congressicinnl Debates:; 20 vo!. of the Arnericnn State papers; 11 vol. of the Congrepsionni Globe and 5 vol. of the American Archives. Au these ore tlie wor!s which the Members of Cunare? onnnally vote U thémsrlvë we presumo that they nrs ihc poriion of tbc "Uook Plunder" which feil to the sharo o Mr. Hun'. IC so, ho has ináde a wíe pppíi catión of tlier iu placingr them in a public li brory, in.-teiid oí pnttitigr tfiom in Iiíh own, ft did Mr. McCIellimd. But bolh geiitlemen, i oiirjMc]rment, eliould huve fefused to receiv tliern. MKMPÍHS CO.WENTION. A Convcutiou of iálaveliJiJerd has jubeon held ui Mempms, J tnne.-see, 10 con sider ihe nlerests of Uio Suuih oud Suutl west. Jol.n C. Calhoun presided, as-siste I b 13 yice presiden!?, renrcsenvijig ns niuuy Si atea mik' terrilories. Thore weïe seven secretaries. Tlie rjpáolúíiorts iliat we have se;ii nll have refeicnceto that idea ofn Slavcholtiert hTHin-gcllijifC moncy out nf the .Xationat Trcasury. Tlijs is to bo done by bmidin Wur fciteamors; bnücïnig a thip canal tetweon the Rli.sissippi and the Northerr Lakee; by s'udiüng the Gulf ot Mpxíco witl as in-jny fortifieationa and lightbouBes as havi been built on olher part of the cnust; by es UtbliVhing n Naiional Armory auü Foundr it si.nii! point on tlie Western wiiters; öd hy biiiKltní Marine Uoskals on ihe So-itii wcsior:) wüUts. Tliese projects v ill reqtiiio a very hand sorne urn f rom the Tre'isury. ♦ CENSUS OF xMICHlÖ A N. Returns from25 counties appear in ih F ree Press, wliich give a poukitoti 276,082. In 1840, the populntion of tl same cuuulies was 195,382, sliowing gain in five ycars of 81,199. The who population will Ije alittlc more tlian 30Í 000. Wc shall publish the ccu?'.is vh completed. (tAn exciiangé papar siates cha the N uve pariy is fnilin,'. Lnst ycar, eer f niinliai ín TV n; V.,lli wllicll TO' 1 1 T l ] R (J SIXICI. Niitivea nntl tliree Demócrata to i he Assem Itly, send this year niiíeteen Di'inocrats. An in New York City, the Native vote ís scarcel t. tiine ihouaand, a little more than a third i large as a year ngo. (jy Tl9 American Society tbc the abol a tion of Capital Punishment wa9 very large! attenúVd in Philadelphio. G. M. Dalláe, ti Vire President of the Sutes, preside n nnd ndi'ressid i!ie Convention. Horace Gre ly, Cyrus Burleigh, of Connecticut, Dr. Sno ' grass, of Baltimore, and others addressed ti meeting. ge ■ (Emmucrcía!. j AN Arbor, Nov. 28-, 1845. The wcather líos becemo quite pevere, a a fcw inches uf sm w have fallen. Business is quite brtk. Wheat hns be selling thiougli the weck frofn 80 to G5 cen The price to day is 8S cents. Dutter is in deintuid, ond scarce. A ge article will bring 16 ernts. Pork brings ile. to 4 cents. Beef 2 J to SJ cents. Lnrd ran, scarce: it is worlh 8 to 10 cents: Eggs, 1 cents. Floúr in Ñew York, Nov. lñ.vaseelli , H. at $6,375 to $6,50. In HufTalo, Nov. 21, ns, $5,00. 4,000 bushels Michigan vvhent bi i$l,00 a bushe!. fs. The papers 6tale that the Farn)ers and i chanics Bank have resumed busint'fs, i elected Charles Seymour, of Cannndaij; N. Y. President, and E. C. Litchfield, of ( zenovia, N. Y. Cushier. H'.is slated that injunction has been eettlcd. No statein cf the affairs of the Bank has appeared. Postsciupt. - We earn by prívale ,. vises, that an express lias arrived in ] t :8 troit bringing intelligence of a repor r'se 'n F'our 'in New York city, and t Flour hasrisen in Detroit in consequeriA Verdict. - A few years ago the folowmg verdict was brought in by a Coroïer's? Jury in Rhodc Island: A man at workonthc upper rigging of ( ibrigin port, feil from the mam I ant yard and striick upop the .rail: from herehe feil overboard and sunk, and his jodycould notbe recovcred by the persons in board. A few days aflerwards, the ;orps rose to the surfacoand driffed nshore tvherc it was found by some workmg inon, frozen stiiT and hard. They put it into a wnrehouse close by. and when the soroner went to hold an inquest on it tlie next morniug, he found it so horribly gnawed by rats that scarcely half of it was left. After mucli deliberntion, the jury made up a verdict in these words, viz: "That the man feil from the yard on the rail, and was killed; that he then feil overboard and was drowned; that he rose and driftcd ashore, and was frozen .to death; and that he wasafterwards put into a warehouse where the mts ate him np alive. " Overseensm.- The Odd Folio w. a paper pubhslied in Boeion, a bhort time ngo inserted ihe foHowing harmless pnrngraph: Slnvery na it oxistu in Bruzil is eaid to be of a mucli milder form than in the United State?. A slave is not compelled to be a elave all lus !ife, for he may purchase hie free dom. The master is bomid to feil him, or the proper authoritieá to Eet a valué on him.- Alanv of tlie slaves become freemen in this manner, by pnrehasing t heir tilles with their arnings over tbeir task'. The eagleeyeof a sonthern editor caught ii,and forthvvith he istucs the following mannte: 'We noticed in ihe last nnruber of tlic Od( Fellow, published in Boston, a quoted paragrph trongly impregnated with Abolitionism. - Members of ihe Order at the Souib, who are . subscribers should forthwith diicontinuc Raihoay? m Ciües.- We perceive by ar Englléh paper, U is proposed tooncirelu London with a railway 20 miles in cinircumferenci to be connected with theseveral railways thu are all ready construcied, into tlie heart o London. Boston is fuhowing the lead of Lon don; she now connect9 her Lowell manufac tures wiih her 'Hay vvharves.' riiiliidelphi hns no iess than eleven inües of railroa throngn her street in cormection with h( wharyes, Buhimore follows this lead. Tli city of New York has the Harlem raüroai an importuut work, on the Eaet side df thi city. Oulside Vulue.- Shawls are selling in Ne York at $1,500 a piece, whicb probably rai some of tbe ladiea in tlio. city a hundred p cenl on tlieir home valuation. Divóiccs in Conntctiait. - The law of Co necticnt allows or compelo the court to gra divorce where hosbdtld or wife ore habitual, intemperate. At me session 01 me oupremt Court in New Haven county, no less tlmr (hiriera wore grantcd. n Fighling For Salvation. - The Meiliodisti 11 and BfytistAt Litlle Reek, Ark who used th e chapel on altérnate Sundays; had a fight fo 3 ihe possession of it a few weeks since. Thi ' is s-omewhat more eectarian Umi) close cora d munion. Loan and Cirailation of the Banlcs of ih j_ Unittd States for Eighl Yrars Discotints. Circnlalinr 1835, $313,903,311 90,510.04 1337, 225,115,702 149,185,80 be 1S3j; 431,329,026 111,305,97 of 1839 492,278,01.') 135,1KO,9L he 1340 462,896,523 10G,9G8.5" ra 1S41, 416,403,415 1 1 1,787.2 Ie 1344, 230,747,789 72,378,8! 0 1845, 263,509,410 85,067,8' en Mr. Weustkr, in one of liis lectures China, rctnarked tlint Europeun hulies w roarded wilh ns much curiosity thcre, on ! count of small wnistí, as the small fet't of t -ti L l.._ ..n. . . ,, . 1 i li.iir i i uní i rii v


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