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JFire Insurance Compftny f pHi:, gent fur lli ilurtjmd tire 1 Insurance C mtian'ñ tukt w IU lay in üelore ihc public the l.liawin c rcuiur: tlAimoi.u J.nscka.vceOj kick, } . uly ïiii Io4í. i The recent .üans-rous fire in New Vork wilj ot curse excito solicite W '■" d l1 "8 eilfcl ou solvencv o Cuiiipnuies .0 tha. c tv, nnd ti.c DBÍghboriug place. J he Diroctors ot the Hartford Fire Insurance Company are happy 'o assure tiicir cusumiers and the public, thai ihev are prepmed lu udjust nnd pay al nia'.urity, all losses susuiuetl by thcir ofñcc. surplus and current receipis, without delay, and witliOU' withdrawmg thcir permanent nyotmenU. Then - capita! rcinains ampie for the security of all who jnsurc with them; and thy invite owner6 of dcsirable property lo obtain Policies on h.vjriible _ ternis. both at the IToine Ortict ond at thcir 1 eral Agencies. Their mode o!' ' r.css, which lor Ü3 ycars pasl has secured the '" lic confiJence. wtllremain unchinged. Bv ocder of the IJoarJ ff Directora. JAMES G. BOLLES, Sec'y. B F. J. B. Crank, Ann Arbor. lV BV th4s u will besecn. that the Compnny pny l' their losses. durins; the last six montlis oí tires. OüTOFTfIF.nt SIÍRULUS FUIVDS Sincc the pa ment of onc ihousand doünrs. to R. D. Powers, of Brighton, lor the loss sustained by him, the Company have paid the subscriber nnother -.housand, for Flour Barrels, burnt at the recent fire in iln'fc villoge. For thislast thousand the subscriber ps id" the Cempany four dol]wr-a gajd investment aa he thinks, during these hard times. All who are not insitred are invited to cnll on bim, andbe will issue Policies withont dtlay. F. J. F. CRANE. Aücnt. Ann Arbor, July 20, ISÓ. ?4it lai Chanccry- Ist Circuit. Gcorge F. Porter, administrntor of Oliver Knnc, deceased,, rs. Loren Mills, Ehjah W. Moran and William S. Maynard, dei'endante. BY virtuc of a decretal order ïBsued out of the court of chancery of the S'ate of Michigan, I shall expose to sale to the highcst bidder, at the Court House in the Villaae of Ann Aibor, Washtenaw county, on the 23d day of Septamber next, at I o'clock, P. M.,of that d:iy, the fcHlowing described premises sitúate, to wit: "sitúate, Iving and being in the town of Ann Arbor, in tho county of Washtenaw ;nd State ot Michigan: Bezinning at the centre of Whites lioad, eo;calleJ, on the west line of section 29. m town two south of range six east; thence south on the line of the said section and on the line of section thirty-two. forty rods south of the Boutli west corner ot the said section to a strike; thencu e'jst at right angles with said section line thirty rods; thence north and parallel with said section line to the centre of said Whites' road. - Thence south seventy fivcdegtees west in the centre of the said road to the place of beginning, containtug thirty-three acres and sixty-five hun'dfeddi3 of an acre of land more or les. GEO. DANFOlirii, Master ia Chancery. Jot & Porter. Sol's. Dated, August ' 1 1 th, 1 815. 2C4j ne aoove saio is posiponeu unur in zuio ua of Oclober A. IX 1845 at the tamo hour anc place. GEO. DANFORTH. Master in Chancery. Dated, Scpt. 23d, 1845. The above ea!e is postponcd until the 17th da Of November, A. D. 18-15, at t'.ie same hour anc place. GEO DANFORTH, Master in Chancery. Dated. October 20lh. lt;45. The nbove sile ia postponèd until the 25t duy of November, A. D. 1645, at thn samo hou and place. GEO. DANFORTH, Mastci in Cchancery Nov lúth I845. The above eale is postpineJ until ihe 2d dny f December next. at the Mine place nnd t;me o day. GEGRGE DANFORTH, Master in Chancery. Dated. Nw 25. 1845. TO THE VICTORS"bELOING THE SPOILS." ALTHOUGH many preparations in the forn oí -'POPULAR MEDICINES" havebee bofore the public, claiining to give reüef, anc evea cure the most invetérate diceases, yot non have so well answered the purpose a3 Dr. Sher man's Medic.ued Lozenges. They are agreeabl to the taste, casily adniinistered, and trom th unprecedentedsucctss which they have met with nncf the rcmarkable cures which they have per fonned, may justly liy claim to the tule of Con queror over the diseases for which they hav been recommended. Dr. Shevnian's "COUGH LOZENGES" Cure the most obstinate ca6es of Cough in a fe hours. They hnvc cured a large number of per eons who have been given tip by ihcir physiciat ond friends, and many who have been reduce lo the verge of ihe grave by spitting blood, Con íuniption and Hectic Fever, by thcir use ha had the rose of restored to the haggarc cheek and aow live to speak fonh the praiseso his invaluablc medicine. Dr. Sherman'a "WORM LOZENGES" Unve been proved in more than 40.030 case to be infallible, in fact thn only certain VVorr Dcstroying Aledicinc ever discovcred. Childre will eat tiicm wiicn il. cv cannot be íorced (o tak nny otlier medicine, and the benefit derived fron the administraron of medicine to them in tin form is great bey-nd conception. When th breath of the child bccomes onensive, anti ther is picking of the nose, grinding of the tecth dtchecks. head iche, drowáiness, siariin ihirin sleep, disiurbed dreams, nwaking with frightand scre.iming, troublesomecough.feverishriess,thiist. voracious appctitc, sickness ut tbe stomach and bloated stomach - (hese are arnong the inany prominent sytnptoms of worms, and can be re lieved by these incomparable Lozenges. The havo never bein known to fail. Dr. Sherman's "CA.MPHOR LOZENGE3" Relieve Headaehe, Nervous Sick Hcadache, Pal pitation of ihe hcart. and Sicknets in a very few minutes. They cure Lowres9 of Spirits, Dcspoodency, Faintness, Colle,. Sposms, Cramps o! tlie Stomach. Summcr or Bowel Complainis. they keep up the spirits, dispel all the distressine eymptomsol a night of dissipation. and enuble .1 person to undergo greal mental or bodiiy töil. - Dr. Sheruiijn's 4iPOOR MAN'S PL ASTER Is acknowiedged by all who have ever usd it lo be the best strengtheninc Piaster in the world, and a sovereign remedy for pains and veakncsi ín the back, loins, side, breaat, neck, limbs, joints, rheumatism, lumbago, &c. One million a year will not aupply the demand. Caution U necessan , as therc are niany unprinripled persons who would lorce a spuriou3 artielo upon the community. Be careiul to get Shcrninn's Poor Man8 Plnstcr, with a "fac simile" of his written name on the back - none othera are genuine. and will do more hurt than good. When stich men as the Rev. Darius Anthony, of the Onciila Conference. Rev. Sebastian Stteet er,,of Boston, Rev. Mr. Dunbar, Mr. Hancock. Rev. Mr. De Forest, Ilon. Aaron Clark, J. Hoxie, Esq. Hon. B. B. Deardaley, Daniel Fanebaw, Esq. and a host of names of the like reputntion can be brought forward to prove tho elli- cacy of Dr. Sherman's preparations- whon they are so warnily recomtnended by the medical pro fession, and prescribed in the practice. and wheu such universal approbation folloivs thcir use among all classes, we may justly say that tho Dr. is not only enuiled to the appellation of ♦VÍCTOR," biu can fairly lay claim to the patronage of the public, and will receive it. Agenls for Ann Arbor. II. M. Thompson 1 Co., W. S. & J. W. Maynard; E. Sampson. Ypsihinti; D. C. Whitwood, Dexter: Pickford t Craig. Saline; Smiih dfcTyro!, Clinton, H. Bower. Manchester: P. Farlick & Co., Plymouth: D. Gregory and A. Grant, Northville. 2I8-6.n Are your ISarns Insured ? THE Subscriber, Agent for the ''Protectios Iksdranck Compaky." continúes to takcrisks on Hoüsks. Storks, Mkuchandise, Mills, Factories and Bi:ns, Stocks, &c, at ns low ratesas any other good Company in the United States. As sevcral Barns with iheir contenta have been deatroyed in this County the pust year by Lk.iunimi, the Farmers of Wnshtenaw have nnvp an opportunity for n emnll euni, ofnving tlierastlvcs from loases, to which they are ovcry day exposod, bv this ëlemebt H, HOWARD, Agent. Ann Arbor, J;ily 3lsv, 1845. --4aPFeople IVoni the Country ta&tsSfrsmvt -&.-3tö=S=sS3 y t.ii)i;. ,..,.,„ ii .„„„3, ..r Pmthera, T 'J'liC Woiltlcrf lll StlCCCSS Ahilo (juïïii; ilie roiuids to ateertain the vnrioüa 1 VUIC1I Dr. Foígers' Oliwaonifiii, or l or ui'rcw of Goodin the e.ty, are b.o Uealing Balsani hns met wilh nul oiiiy jucbtcd tu cali m an its sale, L.ualsuiu the cure v.hidi il baad yjm Lu RaymOnd'S Store, " :ted, in persons wlio we c in a hopeas om y(j H Jellursoii nuiue. Umi one door above la lion, has convinccü the most ski-pticul il lts - y, nUi „ j,. ,0 ,e -.Manhation w] troorilmarycurative propci uu.-. iikI iMnhlished g,or"e;M 'p,e undersiine(l boa taken n greai 8( : claims to the name ot tle GKLA1 ,ea „f pnins in seleciiti' his goodd'tu gut ju DY. . jdiinlile styles nnd iloiiralile qurdii ira nnd lie ií (, The qurstion is no Jonger nskel.'-C Astlnntt i.()(-1(jeU lIi:il lis :issorllIlcnI ,„rncalarly of such t(', cwed?" h has been eiiiibiictonlyseiiled joods ,S are jjle ur the country trutle, isas ,.. the last two monllia tbat Folger s Olowonion tfüm e,c as anv ,n lhe cily. : R il! nrüduco a cure nuicker than any otlier rem■ ■ ly in Ihe world. and rd.retu-es ri bc "ven fle to OU hand tn persons in and out of tlie cliv who have expe Ginghams, Hn zannes. eiiccu its wonderful virtucs, who hud tried ioi Lawns, Muslin de Laines, stl ïars all otlmrs rentedips in vain. Calicóes of every Mulls, Mr. WlLSON.abrick Ioyer, ri-sidingnt Hobo Laces. [style, Edgings, m,N.J., had tried every remedy which lic could Ribbons, Parasols, . ïar of for lhe relief of asthimi, and had spent Shawls, Drcss Handkerchiefs jj iore than one hundred dollars in endeavoring to Cravnis, . Scarfs, ocure help, bui in vain. He cotnmenccd Veils, Glovcs. Hosiery, Alnpacas, Brown cr ig the Olosaoninn, January 2Ist. The first Cns, üloachexl Linens, Table covers, Towelins. rt jsc lic took gave him relief, nnd two days Slurtings, Shcetings, Cambrics. Muslins, black. ' ard h'8 wife called to sny thnt lhe small blue black ajid fancy dress Silks, Bonnet Silks, f ty ol thia remedy which he had taken had done Linen Canibric HandkeYchiefa. m more good than any and all the medicines he ALSO, BKOAD CLOTHS, CASSTMERES, 8ATINETTS, L stowiu N. J . who was scverely afflicted with YESTINGS, FULL CLOTHS, MOLESKINS, y, ittima, wasgiven up by her physicians. Shc DRILLINGS, BLACJC AND ■ns removed to the soaboard in tho hope of pal FANCY CRAVATS, ating her distressing 6ymptoms, but with no n(j jndeed alniost every arncle belonging to enefit. One bottle of the Olosanian so far ti,e Dry Goods business. All cf which witl be i( evcd her that sho was nble to get up from her 8Od at t,ie TcnJ i0lccst raits. for Cash. Cali and , ed and dress herself, a thing she had not done see for yOursciVes- none are expected to buy if eforo in niomhs. and she has now retiirned to lhey do nül fintl prCe8 fu a8 ioWj f not a ,c er residence in Morri3town, N. J., wilh every iowcr lnan elscwhere. rospect of brins speedly restored. w Ai RAYMOVD. INCIPIEN'I CONSUMPTION Detroit, May 23, 1845. 213-Cmo iuldsto its efffct8. il soothes the troublesomo ■ 'ough and gives refreshing alumbers to the All CkTACI'O ki C H f P 1 VI C O rèéryj it alhiys the pain in the side and ALLCDAöl ö Wl E Uil In C O. iees in the chest, and enablcs the person to exTHESE MEDICINES icctorate ensily, while it entircly restores the i rk effecting such astonishing curesin mulretion8 of lhe system and expedites rcturning J_ titudes of old cases long sinccabandoned by -JAMES B. DEVOE. 101 Reade street, had ong beeti complainigg of a sorcness in the chest, icrompanied wiih a short hacking cough; he raised maner freely, had lost his appctiie und felt alarmed at hic 8Ítuation. He had tried varions remedies without nny beneficial effect. Ilis shorinees ofbrenth and pain in the sidecontinued to incrcnse. He usedone botile of the Olosaonian. nnd is restored to health. George W. Burnett. of Newark, N. J., Geo. W. Hoys, of New York; David Henderson. 60 Laightst:' Mra McGann, 20 Walker st: F. Laban, 52 Pike st.. RIrs. Archibnld. 35 Walker st, with HUNDREDS OF ÑAMES of persons residing in New York, could be given, who ore ready to bear testimony to the superiority of the Olosnonian over every other renicdy known for ihe cure of eoughs. colds, nsthmn. consumpiion, eptiinr of blond, dyepepsin, consumption, bronchiiis, difficulty ofbreaihing, hoarseness, influenza, pains in ihe breast and sido, and the vari ous afíections of the stomach and liver. For snle at 1 06 Nassau st, one door nbnve Ann, and at Mrs Hays. 139 Fuhon st., Brooklyn. Agents for Ánn Arbor, W. S. & J. W. Maynard; E. Sattifjson, Ypsilanti: D. C. Whitwood. üexter; Piukford & Craiff. Saline: Smiih & Tyrol. Clinton; H. Bowcr, Manchester; P. Farlick &Co., Plymouih; D. Gregory and A. Grant, Vorthville. 218-6mo To Clothiers, ITlannracturers and JVIcrcliants. THE sub8criber is now receiving ai his stores, l'-S, and I9U Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit, ihe folio wing, carefully and well eelecied stock ofDYK Woous Dye Stiffí, & Woollek Man ufactürer's Machikery. 15 tons Fustic. Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico and Carthagena, 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St. Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair.Caro, Hache andLima, 3 tons Camwood, very choico, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, J30 4i Fustic, " li ]■ 0 " Red Woods, " " 120 " Camwood, " " JO " Quereciiron Bark, 45 ' A lluro, 42 " Copperns, 33 " Blue Vario!, '8 " Madder, Ombro and Dutch Crop, 3 st Cream Tarta r, 2 " Nutgalls, 2 cases índigo, Bengal, Manilla and Guatimala, 2 cases Lac-Dyfl, 2) " ext. Logwood, 2 {i GraittTin, 300 pounds Verdigris, 15 Carboys Oil of Vitriol, Spirits Sea-Salts and Nitric Acid, ALSO, Copper Kettlc and Cloihers' Screws, Tcnter Hooka, Jacks and Bruehes, Press Papers. Card Cleaners, VVeaver's Sheers. Nippersand Burling Irons, Comb PlatesrPieker8 and Robbins, Wire. Worsted and Coiton Harness, Steel and Cañe Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Loom and Fly Sbutters, Siecl and Copper Mails Emery, &c. Paison's Shearing Machines. 4, 6,and 9 blades. Alien' s doublé and single Curding Machines. Machine Cards. Leicester. The aliove goods have been recently purchased, directly from the importers and manufacturers, exci.usively kor cash, and yill be sold ai ihe New York Jobbers' prices. adding transporiation only; and in coneequence of ihe decline on inany of the American manufactuied urticles, will in many cuses, be sold at Jiftecn per cent less than former priecs. The subscriaers experience in thc Dye Wood trade enables liim to say ter his customers that he is prepared Hall times to wa.hiia.nt his goods of superior lualiiy. TÍÍEO. H. EATON, Dye Wood nml Dye StuíT VVurehoiise, 188 and 1 90 Jefíerson Avenue Detroit. Aug. 8, 1845. 23-4m WOOL WOOtí'" CLOTH! CLOTHÜ TH E subscribcra will continue to muiiufacture , Fullee! Clotli, br I7J ets. per yard. nnd wliite fi;in!iel for 2i) :enty per yard; or they will iitaouiactlira the í'Oul tbr hall the clolh it-.vill mike. Their Fíic ory is 2i miles Vot uf Aun Arlmr, mi liie ' ion River. Wool willalso be rtceived ni Scio. 'hen sent by Rnilrond it wül be Bttended to in 1 lie same mnnner as it me owners wcre to comí f .itli it. Wool will be man u fací üréd in tur u uv comes in as nearly as it can be auné with r nee to thcdiöerent qu.-ilttics of woot. ( WOOL CARDlNá, y ■'.I be done at Scio. by Thnnins Hodl.iiis t iá. W. FOSTER & CO Scio, Mnv 1. 1845. -i 10 , DElVTÍNTRYl E. G. BURGER, Deníhf, HAS remo%'cd hi oífice to Cnme & J'wrtiV i Hlock, firat room un ihe Sccoiul Vloot, cl rbere being well prep.ued (ó uitend lo evrrj rinch of his proffssion. would rtfnecffully ..} H ? a'l '}? !inve ntK 'iac' 'llo8tí neceísiiy oronns'. í 'HE TEETH, jiroperly aitended t.. í-l iy ro I i mer, but cnll upofl hini and e.Xcrienc' th JS 8; and durabíüiy of h operámW. Trnjfsbv icomtñbditing and charges intiu cat.t )le. Aun Arbor. Match . l??4&. 47_uío medicines, wliero these are known, stand so L leservedly high. They consist of rHE BLACK, OR ALLEBASI'S SALVE, t Price 25 Ceufs, ( A'hich cures almost universalIy.Fever Sores, oi che most malignant kind, Felona, Ulcers, Ab scesses, Tumors, Fractures, Cuis, Punctures, i Burn8, Scalds, Sore Throat, Chilblains. sey, l)ropny, Inflnmatory Rhcutnatism, ( mmions and Swellings of every description, Scald Head, Agüe in the Face, Nervous Tooth Ache: Agüe in the Breast, Broken Breost, &c. &c. . ALLEBASI'S HEALTH PILLS, 25 Cents. I These Pilis have acquired a popularity within i the last year or two, which no other Pirls ' sess. The re.isonsare obvious to all who use ihem. They cure all Bilious, Scarlct and other Fcvers, Fevcr and Agüe. Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Acid Stoinach, Disorder, d Bowels. or Siomach, Jaundice, Head Ache, Dizzincss in the Head, VVorms, Liver Complaint, Heart Burns, Cholic, I Bowel coniplaint, General Debility, Costivcness, ' fec. &c. Theirpurify the entire 6ystem, leave lie bowels in a vigorous and healthy condition, ; fcc. Seepnmphlet. ' ALLEBASI'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Price 25 Cents. Will cure an ordinary case of Tooth Ache, in i from three to ten minutes. For Nervous and other kinds of Tooth Ache. see Pamphlet. ALLEBASI'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER, Price, 25 Cents. Are warranted to be superior to any other Piasters in ihia or any other country, for pain r weakne88 in the Back. Side, Chept, Bowels, Loins, Muscles, and for Rheumatism, Lung and Liver Complnints, Coughs, Colds, Aslhmn. &c. Seo pamphtet. N. B. - Picase to ask the agent for a pamphlci which gives all the information necessary respecting the uses of the Medicines, the virtuet they possess, etc. Please to íollow directions in ihe uso of the medicinas, and you may rely upon all that is promised. A libera! discount made to mcrchantsand oth ers, who buy tosdl again. LYMAN W. Gil BERT, Proprietor, Wholesale Druggist, 2J4, Fulton et. N. Y. UFor sale by the eubscriber, who has been appointed general ngent for the City of Detroii and its vicinity. Country dealer supplied on liberal terms, C. MORSE, Michigan Book Store. The nbove medicines are for sale at the Bool Store of WM. R. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December 9, 1844. 34 1 y Medical iotice. THE undersig.icd, in offering his services to Washtenaw and the adjoining Commies, as Homceopathic physiciau. would say, that aíter having practiced medicine on the principies as aught in the oíd gehoo!, and treated disense for ihc last two years according to the law of Homceopathy. - (Similia siniilibus cvrantur.) ' taught in the new school of medicine ; and having compared the successof the two systems, he ' unhesitntingly believes Homccopuihy to be the most safe, certain and successful method ofeure. Discnecs, hitliorto incurable, are now in most ( cases, permanently eradicnted by Homceopathy. ] AfFections of thespine, head, uterus, stumach, ■' &c. &c. have no thcir certain remedies. ' ilepsy, mania, paraly6Íe. neuralgia, bronchitis. liver and lung d'seases; scarlet fever, cholera. black measles, maflgnnnt sore throat, erysipelas 1 or black tongue, croup, inílammations of the ' brain, stoinach. bowels. &c. Jtc. are only a few ] of the many ills, that have been stript of their (errors by the timely application of homocopathic medicaments. Withont further essay, the undersigned would f leave ii til the afflictedto say, on trial of the ' cdies, whether Homocopathy is what it claims to be or not. He would nlso state hnt he has ju et returned ' rom New York and Phifadelphia-. wiih a comptete nssortinent of MEDICAMENTS, jnsi t portcd from Leipsic, to ibis place, where he will iiiiciiJ to all calis, and furnieh medioaments. ' books, &c. at the lowest prices. From the close F ind exclusive ottention he is giving to the pruc liceo!' Homcüopathy to be able to give l liyn to tlmse who may who may favor hiin with :hcir pnironne. Communicaiions, post p3id. from patiënt at a distunce, will receive prompi ittention. Those who may wish to place f Ier his trcaimcr.t for any chrouic disease, fan I)toin lodgings ciihcr at his home, or in uther ( jlaced, at low priers. ■ THOS. BLACKWOOD, M. D. ■ HomcenpaihÍ6t. ti Ypilanti, 20th Nov. 1845 2)9- 1 y v Leoni Wcslcyan Iiislitutc TUIS Insiitution will commence iis Winter -i Term on the firsi dny of December next. J We expeoi to have two terms in succession, j nd ihcn hnvr a iliree months vacmion in thi iuniiiier. eo thiit Fema!c8 can tench school and nm men enn labor in the most ] n pf i tic ye:r. _ Our School is in n flouriehing condilion. We } uive 7 5 8-.-liol.-irs ihe present term. and can aciirnmodate about ihirty more. Tuiiion fi om %.&) t $5.(iO. Indigent siuéatu ui hüYu tuitioii free. Bonrd one dollar i-r w--k Hoorns can bc had for any wUo A vi m ui li:i:i..-i thcmselves. Vi: have ttnnr lurnislied the School willi !iks. Suir. o( nnr Books. however. nre getut: fearce siicli ns Davi ■ Arithtnetic, Brown's - liiiipini.'ir, Cumstock'a Philosophy, Andrews & ludclAnl'a Latin Le6sons, Cn. Those who can tiuity tin rnvilvcs hnd better do so. l CHARLES GALPIN, Principal. - MISS BARKER. Asarstant. Lcni. Nuv. 17, 1845. 2C9- 3wÍ THE HOPE TO OJJTUN RELIEF 7 wiierc 1 deerns denicd 10 the sick. wc lny we d 011 Btraws liku men. Tluis il is tlint ilicrc w ! ihousands who are the quickor hor ried i)(j to the yavnig grnve in consequencc ol jef ehini; hosu fnlsc ÉlóoM that are nol nble to ,en 11 them, nnd ihcy sink. Reniember. then, (ea, ii.e in nppn ent lienhh, that if you nro taken w'e] k wil li predisposing symptoms of diseosed w 128, or with u niurked altack of real Coiigh, )oh ild, Liver Comphint, Cojwumption, or Pain n nfg ; Chest and Side. tlml yon con fin'd relief and Qn re hy the prompt use o BrinckerhofT's Heulth gt ?storative. Gie it ytr confidence, use it ■.- rly and in accordance wilh ihe preacribed (j)(J :üoqs. and your help 8 certain without even a iidow ol doubt, by the favor of Heavcn. j il nó.whima of frienda or relat i ves to keep you jm m the detertnintion of using the Restorative. - spite of aU opposif.on obtain somo, and?ecietly '- en if you must, hut boldly if you can, use il yy thfiilly and honostly with justice to your own q se, nnd to the credit of the medicine. The w sult we will warrant to rench and even exceed y ir best aniicipations. We plead the sick to try is remedy; we are anxious that all ahould share i6 happy elVeei5. ond we are urged to it solely .- ' the promptins of the philanthropic motive oí Jing the 8uflerjr. Never give up your case ns i ipeless wliile Mr. Brinckerhofl''s Rcstoraiive is ■t uimicd - in that weconftdently predict a banlimuni or even n pre emption of Coneumptive sease. The following certifícate 8 from Dr. hilton, the well known New York chemist. ab "1 have annlyzed n bottle of medicine clled wi . BriiikorhofT'8 Health Restorative,' and find at it does not contain Mercury. or nny o'her ] etallic preparation; nor opium in ony of i ts - rms. It is composed of vegetable matter rely." Jamks R. Chh.ton. M. D. C. BR1NCKERHOFF. Sole Proprietor, 589 Broome etreet, N. Y. For s-n'eby V. S. & J. VV. Maynard. Agente, Mn Arbor. 235-4w íflortage Sale m DEFAULT hoving been made in the pnyment of a certain gum of money eecured to ' e paid by a ceriain indenuire of mortgage bearig date the thincenth d;iy of June, A. D. one " lioiisand eight hundred nnd thirty seven, exe"' uted by Christopher Muilen and Thomas Muien of the town of Northfield, in the county of T .Vashtenaw nnd State of Michigan, to Thomns J 5íllu!y oí said towi-, county and State,which ei nnrtgage was duly recorded in the Rcjristcr'a pi ffice of the county of Wnshienaw, aforesaid, on qi he thirteenth day of June, in the year of our cc ord eighteen hundred and thirty seven, at 4 o':lock in the afiernoon ot said day, in Liber numc( ler five of mortgages at page one hundred and eventy eight which mortgage ha9 been duly oses igned to one John Riley of the city, couuty and fo state of New York. pi And default having algo been made in the cong( litions of enid mortgage, no 6uit or proceeding of t law having been insii'uted to recover the wholc ir any part of the money now due or claimed to e due on iho mortgage, and by virtue of the evernl defaults, there s now cloimed to be due in said mortgacre, the sum of two hundred and eventy-four dollars and seventy-nine cents: Nop ce is therefbro hereby given, that in pursuance if ifa power of sale in said mortgnge contained, vill be sold nt tho outer door of the Oourt House, se n the viliage of Ann Arbor, in the County of w iVoshtenaw aforesnid, at public auction on the ni lecond dny of January nextíA. D. 18-16) at ten pi 'clock in theforenoon of soid day, in pursuince of said power of 6nle all and singular the ai jremises describe! in said mortgage as follows: d 'Bcingall that certain tract of land situated in u he town of Northfield in the County and State iforesaid being the north east quar'er of ihe south i .vest frac'.ional quarter of section numbered thirty lc jne in township numbered one south of range six S ïast. containing fifty-one acre9 of land be the same rnore or less," or so much thereof as sholl p be necessary to satisfy the amount actually due b on said mortgage together with costs of sale. n JOHN RILEY. d assisnee of mortgage. g By Hawkis's &Platt, his attornies. p Ann Arbor, Sept. SG, 1845. 231 dWESLEYAN INSTITUTE. THIS Instnution will commence its firsl term o on ihc I5ih of September. A building has M been fiited up which will nccummodale overone L hundred students. u TEUMS OF TUITIO5. H $3,00 a per term, for Englibh branches. H 4,00 for a matheinntical conree. - 5.00 includins; the limguages. E Indigcnt student? preparing tor the min:stry can have tuition frcc. o If students are not ready to commenco with the n term their tuition will bo graduated in proporai lion to ilie time. d; Board and Lodging can be had in the village S for $1,00 per week. si Rooms can be had for any who chose to board H lherri8elve8. H The following Text Boo ke have been adopu C in the Institutioti: ie Davies' Series of Malhemntics, including his H Arithmetic; also, Collurns' mental do.; Brown'f F Grammar; Woodbridge's Modern Geography. P with Miichell's series ot outline maps: Andrews H ïnd Stoddard's Latín Gramtnar ,?nd Render, -V Goodrich'8 Greek Lessns and Grammar; Ja oi ;ob8 Greek Render; Comstock's Philosophy anrl ol Chemistry: Blnkes' Astronomy; liaywnrds'f A Physiology; Hedge'e Lodeic: Whatcly's Rhetoric; Bnrber's Elocution; Harris' Book Koeping: R Barber's General History; Wilson's Hisiory ol P :he United Siatcs; Butlcr's Analogy; Mahan'f V Mental and Moral Philoeophy. vi The Insiitution own a set oftho above desw iribed books which are designed for the use of ei Stiidents who wish not to purchase for themselves. n The Insiilution has a Library of about om houpnnd volumes, also a Cabinet of Minerah - md Marine shells. Manual tabor will be encouraged in tliis insttulion. y A new System of teaching Geogrnphy by out ne maps will bc adopted, also a new syslem ol unmanship. n A competent Femnle Teacher is expected in D ime to commence wiih the term. CHARLES GALPIN, Principal. Leoni.Sept. 15, 1H45. 230-tf K Alliany Cultivator. i THIS vnluable Agricultural pnper should bt c! read by ever Farmer and Mechanic in the e ounty, and in order ie its more exteneivc cirP' ulation. Wrn. S. Maynard, agonttorthis ' y. will furuish it to subscribers at his Store, ree of Posiage, for ono dollar per year in ader anee. 238 j. ÜIAYIVARD'S HAVE now on hand a Inrge assortment oí m Family Groceries, Paints. Stufls, Drugs &. 1 iledicines ol the best kind for Bale vcry cheap. fi Nov. 17, 1845. 23d J 31ank Deed and Mor tgag-cs. i;r, [TE7ÍJOLESALE AND RETA IL, for sale I P' VV BECKLEY, FOSTER & Co. an March 20, 1845. re? CHARLES H. STEVVART, V TTORNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND w' SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, m JEFFERSON AVENUE DETROIT. Iiiimbernicn Awake ! " Ook Loi;-s wnnted mmediatelv. ,. HIUtF byM. W.QUACKENBUSH".' Ann Arbor, LowerTown, Nov 22, 1845. 239- 4w J. HOLMES ■& CO., ' IOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEUS ÍN STAPLK AND FANCY J DRY GO O DS, $ ry Gi'OcerifiS) Carpeting, i)ure and piíper Hanghigs, " gj . 63 Woodicard Avenue, Lamed' s hnv JBocA-, Detroit. ed t J H 'II.MKS. JYcK Forf. "CI s HOLSJta, Detroit, $ t'11 LTE tnke this mechod oí inforiningour friends lBM' V and customers ilirougliout the Stnic, ibui lCil nre siill pursuing the even tenor ofour P'1 ys, endonvoring 10 do ou: business upon I I hononibte principies. Wi would aUo ten■ our ackriowledements for the patronage ex "l0 ded to us by our customers, nnd would' beg cer ve to culi the attention of the public to a yeiy II felected nssortment o(' stusonablc Goocla. "Ol lich nre oft'ered at wholesnle or retnil at very as ] ' priecs. Our Incililíes lor purchadinc Goods ! unsurpnssed by any concern in the Stnte - 8nn ic of tho hrm. Mr. J. Holmes resides in the nat y of New York, nnd froni his long experience arc the Jobbing tradc in thnt city. nnd froni his Lnr jrough knowledge of tho ninrket. he is e na "Y d lo nvail himself of the auciions nnd any n" cline in pnces. We nlso purchnsc f rom the iporters, Mnnufacturer'e Agente, nnd ftoni thc en( ctions. by the [..asknge, thc same ns N. Y. sa' hbers purchnse, thus saving iheir profits. - er' ith theso fnciluies we enn saíely sny tlint our nrc jods are eoid cukap (ot tho evidence of which nn 3 invite the atlention of the public lo out stock. w' e hold to the great cardinal principie ol "íAe mt tatast rond to tht xrholi nmnbtr," so if you nn' intto bnv Goods ekepp, and buy n targt qnnn'" y l'or a littíe money give us a trinl. Our stock 'J" as ex'ensive ns nny in the city, nnd we are " natnntly receivmg ncw and fresh Gooda froni ew York. tir 50,000 ltos. Wool, ly' Wnnted. theabove qunntity ol good tnírchnntm( ile Wool for which the highest market pricc or ill be paid. J. HOLMES & CO. m Detroit. 1645. 214-tf of 2U rho Misses Ciarlas School. th or ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. sy m MARY II. CLARK, Principal. Ü' CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. f RHOBY E. CLAUK, Associate Teacher. n r. L. WALTER, Teacher of Music on the r Piano. ar . iMARSH, Teacher ofaiathematicsand Vocal n, Music. (, [. F. SHOFF, Teacher of French, Germán and b( ie Classics. v( rllIS Institution hns been in operntion since ol November 18, 18:39. The scholusiic year ili mbracing forty-eight weeks, two tenns, conisv rising two quarters each - twclve weeks in ol oí uarter - a general examinntion at the close ut cc ach term - ia Febiuiry and August. ir T'he last quartcr of the present term oommenbi es May 19. v: Tkrms of Tuition. - For the English branchw s, $2.50 to $5 per qunrter. No reduction made tl r absence, except in case of sickness, nnd no c upil tnken for less thnn a quavtor. Extra charn es are made for musicon the Piano, with the use d f the instrument, 8.00 ti French, 3,00 h Latin, 3.00 Drawingand Painting, 5,00 tl Fancy VVork, 3,00 U Board, including wnshing, lights. &c., 1,75 n er weck if paid in advance, or $2,00 per weck c ' paid at thc close of the quarter. I Parentsand gunrdians are invited to visit the L ihool every Friday, when the studies of the A reek are reviewcd - nlso scmi-monihly on WedI1 esday afternoon, at reading of the weekly comn ositions. C Young ladies dcs:rous of entering the school n nd pursuing the regular course of study, would a o well to commence at the beginning of the C erm. or as soon after as practicable. Belonging to the school are a Library of beween five and six hundred volumes, and Phisi ssophiealApparatuSjElectrical Machine, Globes, v !ic. ei Thc MÍ8ses Clark will endeavor. not only to c; iromote the intellectnal culmre of their pnpils c iut will attend strictly to their moral deponn nent. With no sectanan feelïng, but wiih a leepyense of rcliious responsibility, they would a ;ive stich a tone to clmracter. as shall render il cracticaiiy nuca ior cvcry station - yieiaing 10 uty but firm to principie. Ámong the books used in the school are, Abrcroinbie on the Intellcctual and Moral Power? - Komo'8 Elemcni8 of Criticism - Waylond's ( Joral Science - Ncwman's Rhetoric - Iledge's f .ogic - Palcy's Natural Theology and Evidences y f Chrisiianily - Grey's Chemistry- Purker'e i ialural Philosophy- Combc's Physiology - Mrs. n incoin's Botany - Eaton's and Wright's ti al of Botany - Burriit's Geography of the h lenvens - First. Second and Third BooUs oí h listory - Mrs. Williard's Repnblic of America t] -Phelps' Legal Classics - Plnyfair's Euclid, and 6 )ny's Álgebra and Davics' Ariihmetic. Inquirv with regard to ihe school enn bc made v f the Principáis or any of the following u en to whom reference is made by permissinn nd who have at different periods had eiiher ; aiiirhters or wards unrlcr our care. Rev, Isriac '1 '. Ketcham. Ccntrcville: Geo Ketchuti, w tiall; Hon. Wm. R. Deland. Jnckson; Paul B. s, Ling, Michigan Centre; F. II. Winnns. Adrián: p aniel Híxson, Clinton; Gnrdncr Wheeler. M. )., Howell: Rcv. F. H. Cnming. Grand IV is; Jereiniah Clark, Clarkaton; Gen. C. C. v [ascall, James Birdsnll and Rev. J. Bench, u 'lint; D. II. Rowlnnd,Northvile: Amos Mead; lymouth: Hon. Elias Conisiock, Owaeso; P. righam. M. D., Hon. Wm. R. Thompson. E. lundy, Esq.. John Allen, Esq.. Geo. W. Jewtt, Esq., Tho's M Lndd, Professor Williams, f the Univer8ty, and Rev. H. Colclazer, Ann ,rhor. j, The following gentlemen, Rev. H. Colclazer, - :ev. Wm. S. Curtis, Rev. Charles C. Tavl ir, rofessorn Whiting and Willirims of the " ersity of Michigan, have consentcd to act asa siting commi'tee of the School, to be present y ■hen ihe weekly studies are reviewed: but Q( ally to altend during the semi-monthly cxamiitions. April, 1845. 213 1845. 2, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. l A. W PARREN, IOOKSELLER AND STATiONER. SMART'S BLOCK, 37 JEFFRRSON AVKKUE, RfiTnOIT. ""EETS constantly for salea complete assort ment of Miscellaneous, Schooi nnd Classi.1 Books, Letter and Cap Paper, plain and rul 1 I, Quills, Ink Sealing Wax, Cutlery, Wrapng Paper, Printing Paper, of all sizes; and ook, Newsand Cannister Ink. of varions kinds. BLANK BOOKS, fiill and iiali bound, of ov y variety of Ruling, Memorandum Books. &c. To Merchants, Teachers, and others, buying liantities,a largo discount made. Sabbath School and Biblc Society Depositar. 51-tf i o tice to Merchants. rlIE Subscriben encouraged by the patronage they have hitherto received in the ïolesalo depariment oftheir business, will ihe st day of May next, open the store now 1 ;d by Geo. Grenville, fron'.ingon Iliironstreet. 10 d connecting wilh their present store in the toj ]r, exclu8ively for a Pj IIOLE SALES ROOxM, ïere they will keep at all times a full aesort:llt )f gt LY GOOD8, BOOTS ÍC SHOKS CARPENTING, IATS, CA P8, PAPER HANGINGS, BONNETS, - CROCKERY BY THE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GR0CERIE8, &C. &C. &C. of which will be sold on as good terms ns at - f point thieside of New York City. G. D. HILL, & CO. A nn Arbor, March 26, 18M. 48-tf fAlie ■Jiiiversiiy jrius. 'j IIY WMi M. SMJTH, A Pirfesstor of Materia Medica and J. icij, ín tltc Willov ghbij Unioersity, of Lukt Ene, Ohw. , JITH'S UiNIVERSITY PILLS hnve becn uc exienaively usud by ür. Snntli in his „j,, nnd public práctica, nntl by many of his , luen n ihe prolossion. for wliom he litis ,j,( d iliciii; they have a'so been distributed lor ip eral use in many of the Wcotein States, and _a iiuw stand wiihout a rivnl whqrever they carr e bccn iried. Thcy nre usually well ston 0 the piirposes for which ihry are y0U ídcd. Tlie incrcosing dcniand tor these pills. gj r unpnrailelled success, nnd tlie earnest g]j( t)tis of hundreds who havo been restored to ry , hh by thsir Uie, liavo ind.iced the proprieior to sent tliein lo the public. p. t is not preiended tliat thcsc püls will cure ,0 ;' ihe ills which flesh is hcir to," yet it is THE s' confidcntly belii-ved by thoupauds whose jui() lineales miglu be obtnin.'d, (were it deemed w essary.) iucluding Pnyaícianfl of high reputa (em i. these pills have no equal in the woild, anj 1 ratliariic. anii-billitius, altcrative medicine. ee Smiih's University Filis" owe their peculiar. pPr mtiya and uniform eflecr. to the linppy w ion of vegetnble ingredicnts 'oí wiiich ihey jj,B] composed; it is the reá of many years al eful investiation and experinients, directed ye, mucli experience in the prjpertiea of ,j,' substance8. M m In their operation, they combine the greates: cnn jrgy and efficiency, witli perfect mildtices and „V( ety. so that while they opérate witíi gieat j thr.y seldom produce sicknes9 or pain, and Up i at once adapted to both sexes, of all ages re d r II countrics They nct dircctly upon ihe tne lole syftem. correcting any nnd all pec nt of tho 8ecretions, cspecially of the liver ,je J kidneys; and all obstructions from prP s 6touiach and boweis, at the same time j()C n the blood, aml thertby giving healthy g0, n and fur.ction to the whole.system. ,„„ The npproprinic use of this medicine does jj- ely away with thc sujinoscd necessity ofall a rcurial prcparaiions, which have been so nr used in all paris of our country, in ihe ne, int of all active diseases, of whaisoever name gj, nnture. p,, Wlicn the "University Pills" nrc timely ad yo, nistered, they are a nevcr-failing preventivo m0 bilious, intcrinittont and reinitlcnt fevers. c, ie and fever, and the host of ills and maladies or tit 80 of'en lead to dcath. As n consequent up nn, i the foiegoing dlseascs, wc toooften ,j](; in the different cavities of the body, ug( atic and bilious consumpiion, aHections of the er, pain and weaknc&s of the breast, chronic r)e ugh, enlarged spleen, ague enke. chronic j( ca, loss of muscular power, and a general dengement of the whole iktyous system. No - asses of disease are more readily controlled by ppropriate remedies, than those of bilious g ates; and none so casily prerented. IS'ext to fe curing of disease iilready formed, whal can s of more consequence than its successlul q ;ntion. j,, The poison which produces bilioi:s aíTections, "ten lies conce;iled in thc bystem, undenninin yj ie secret springs of lile, and going on with its ork of destruction for months, before il breiiks ut in open discase; dming this ieriod, a salí w mplexion, high colóréd urine, occasional ains Gr i different parts of the body, liead, eide. an ! C; ïck, and sometinirs in the extremities, with q Sh iriable appetite, nre the leading symptonn t Ri arn of ilie impendinj; dan per. At this timc; M ie persevering use ot the 'University Pilis.' fl jrding lo the liciein con.ained directions. wijl un eutralise the miiisnml poison, promole a fice ischarge ot bile fiom the liver. rcnove obstrucona from the stomiich and boweis. and restore enlihy 6ccrctioii8 io vlie whole BVS'em. Tbe 'Univereity Pilis' nre peculiurly adapted to ie cu'c, as well os the prevenüon of the fbliwing diseases: liiiious. Intermitient nnd Re m' litient Feveie, Liver complnints, Jnundice. Inip;eni Dinrrhoca. Ague and Fever. Chili Fever. an nternal Fever, Rush of lilood to the Head. .oss of Appeiite. Nervoue Complnints. Cholie. (■ icidity of the Stomach. Iniertiiil Piles, Sirolnlü. T 'assive Droppy. Habitual Costivencss. Enlarge ïent of tl e Spleen or Ague Cake, Acute and Chronic Rhcuniaiisni, Sicl; Headache, Sympto Si ïatic Cough. Flntulency, Eniptionsof tho Skin, nd in alicates of Torpor of the Buwels, when :: lathartic, Apcrient. or Alterativo, is needud. w di Dn. Shitb,: - VeirSir - I lakc much plnnire in giving my tfstimony in favor of youi aluab'e 'University Pilla-' I most cheerlully resmmend ihem to ihepublii; asa sale, s.ilutary.isy and efficiënt Cal har tic, lor most ol tlio disises incident to tliis región ol' coiiniry. 1 li.ivinde exiensive use ol them for lour yeiirs. in ly practico, and! btlive iliein to be the bk:t tiu-liilions cniliartic. aperient niedicii é, evci jinbincd nnd otFered for eneinl uso. Yours,truly, Gl.O. LANDON. Fiu:.NtHr.)w., Mich Oct. 3, 1841. Ó Dn. Pmith: - I esioain ir n privücpo to state. r publicntion. whai 1 tliink ol your Uivversity -n ills. 1 have iised them in my fnn ily for tlirei cara past . niiifin no cjsc have tliey disaj'poiiiicd Ar iy expectnticn. I give tlteni, wfiti impunity. t nd benrficial rcsults, to my siiüfllcst ns well ;is pc my largcsi children. My wife and m viel f in ave nlco used ihem, and I givetliem to my hired elp wliei medicine is needod: nnd I lielicvr icyare bctier tlinn all oiher Pilis ihnt ever have ten made; for I am ncqunintcd with a greal nrieiy of them, nnH I tltink. in cömpurisob riih ihc 'University Pille.' iht-y ire not worti Bing. Yours, tiuiy, ALFRF.D G. BATES.. E. Samy)son, Drujgist, of Ypsilami, snys: I never saw a Pili iniroduced so casily ns tlw Jnivcriity Pilis;' nnd Í nevr have su?necdcds ell in the sales of a new orticla of nicdicin, in ) short a time, ns I have with the 'Univcrtio ills.' II. Gray, of Moorcviile, Wnshicnnv 'connty. [ichignn, snys: ''Mycustoincrs likíí yonr 'Uni C srsi'v Pilis' botter thanany other Pili ihey cvei U jed." 13 For t.ale bv J. O WEN & CO. and ? r, Pi ' G. & J. G. flILL, Dctr01 Si And by BECKLEY, FOSTER &. CO. T Ann Arbor. A, L. CHASE, N General Agent for Michigan, Illinois nnd irliana. 233 r Bry Groods at "Wholesale. s' 3EECHER & ABBOT OFFER tor nle G for ensh tlio followinp goods nt New nn ork wliolesales prices, Iransportation onlv ided: ' 'h 40 Bales Brnwn Sheetings and Shirtinge, "" 10 Casert Bleached do do 10 Bales Brown Drülinge, a Cases Bleoched do 00 Ibs Batünr, )00 m Cottot) VVarp, Nos. 5 to 20 K)0 Cand'e Wicking, Ofl Curpet Wnrp, IÍ 00 pieces Sheeps Gray Cloth, 00 " Snttinetts, „ 60 " Cassimere, 5ü " Blue, Black, Brown, Green, Sl. Steel Mixed, and Cadet Mixed Broad Cloths. 3Ct 50 Black, Colored, Figured and Plain 1 Alpaccas, 50 White, Red, Green and Yellow F" Flannftlp, 30 Super Aleal Bagging, ch 50 w Plain and Figured Kentucky Jeans, ,, i0 " " Linseye, 50 " Cnnlon Flannels, yj. 50 pairs Mackinaw Blanketp, Or 50 pieces M. DeLaine and Cashmercs, 00 Bfanket Shawls, St 50 pieces 7-8 and C-4 BedTicking, Gl 50 m Slripe Shirting, wl; 50 " Blue Drills, 00 " Prussian Diaper, 00 English and American Prints, se jether with a general assortment of Threods, mn i?, Buttons, CombsjGloves, Ribbons, Laces, ue ikFs, &cc. íce, making the largest and best urt inent of goods to be foutul in tlits state. lS2Jefforson avenue, one door below the 1 . Clair Bank Building. - Detroit, Oct. 7, 1845, 6mo. Quit Claim Dccds 1 UST l'rinted and forsale at this office. is i 22L Da Wood ! Wood ! ! a"d FEW Corda oí Wood"wantcd immediataly 1 in pnyment for the Sígnalo f Liberty. JLry--jLji-y--ji.-y agían FTER you hnve tried one thousond and ön kinds of Pilis; ilion try Dr. Halated's Brisk Pilis you wiil be lully batislied that they are al ti preferable to every other kind ns the sun'i and heat is prcferable, lo bring forward and ïote a healihy growih in vegetables to that :li cnianuies rom the moon. tiey nrejust whnt is wontcd in thie country pill that operatcs quick. thorough nnd easy ping oll impuriiies with ihem; lenving thé inch nnd bowcls clccn and clcar. Away with SLOW PILLS, that act SLOW- deanao ) W, and leavc ihe sysiem in a SLOW state. )U8 matter and othcr impedimenta collect vO apid in the systetn when once ihey begin to niulatc - nnd will increase ns fast as Slow will remove them. It is neecpsary therefore, nve a brink operaiinn - ilnu will aüouse all organs froni tbeir torpid state, give a nw eius lo the blood nnd secretions. Then food digest - the aiomnch gnin strength- the yt. strong - the tkin clear - ihe appeiite goód, you aro well - when your slow doses wonld f you lingeripg nlong for nionthi- and tlion mp8 you will eend ior a Doctor, and whnt he do? He will ghe you a powerful catic - one that will do yon some gorxl. 'ow be your own doctors, and take Mafotcd'i etable Brisk Pilis, and gradúate them to iMit patiënt. To wenk patients give small do-" -nlso lo childien. They are harmlcss and be given to the most delicate - but then they ! life nnd moiion to the system. USEASE is a slow morbid action, clopgtngr :ill the stnnll vcssels - nnd culis aloud tor a edv that will arouse them into action befor' f become too weak to be kept in motion.- ple die for the want of nction - and fearing ,■ ahnll obtain a hcolthy. nntural ncúnn-tj fer laking n s!oV medirine- rhat they rhay tor slowly for years - nnd at lust die with tt v, linpering diseose- the natural eflect of tak-low Pilis. Away thon with this theory.-1 ïature wishes to purify the aii. she cnlls upin urry n thunder shower. and with it her lightgs (nir physic) to purify, cleanse, and give a v moiion to the atmospherc. nnd all is well. j does nol liphtcn pently the year round to duce thic moiion. Then follow nature, whe i nre out of health - have a bad taste in your uth - indigestión - costiveness - fevor - colk lla - fever and npuo - dyspppsia - pain in bacd limbs - taken cold - or in fact out of onffr in ' w:iy - relieve yonrpclf immediately by tokini; Brisk Pilis. Try them once and you wilj ■ no otlier. 28 Pilis for 55 centn. 5old Wholesale nnd retnil by J. Owen & Co., troit: C Kberbnch, S. P. Jewett, Limd Sc Collum, Ann Arbor. 237-6m JEW GOODSÜ 1 ARLAND & LEFEVRF. are now receivr ing at No. 1, Ilaxchins' Blork, a y general nssortment of Fall nnd Winter ods, to which they invite ihe nttention of pur iser3. assuring tliern thnt tlicy will find goode, 1 nt priris that ennnot lail to prove sntisfactory. eir stock conists in part of the lollowing: DRY GOODS. Broad.cloths, Cnssimeros, Sntinetts. Sheep' evs. Vestinc-s. Alapncns. Calicóes. Ginhams; Flimert-s. Uloue De Lnines. Alpine Plaid?, ïwls, Crnvnts. Siitins. V'elveto. Silka. Lace, bbons. Plicotings, Phiriinuf, Canibrics. Book islins, Bishop Lnwns. Suspendere, Olove, isinsr Tiisonn and Strnw Bonncts, Butbais i Xrimmtngc, of nll kinds. GROCERIES. OM nnd Youric Hysop, imperial. Gunpowder cl Poiich.inpTens. Sucms, Coffte.Spici's. Muses. Rico, Fish. Cnndlcs. êbnp, Fll nnd Win■ Oil, &c. &.C., Sal Soda, a very large aftsort ;nt. CROCKF.RY AND G' ASS WARE, Toa il Omnt;r S:tís to match. HARDWARE.- .Axcs, Coopera Tonls. Sholf b. Nails, &:.. Window Sash. Pnils and iUs. Cordagt, 'Ac'.'; md oll nrticlr in that line. BOOTS AND SHOCS. LndiVs G.n'tors, Slips, Walkinc; Shops, Gent'iper i,uii jíootH. iMens oud líoys cearsc do. Dye SiufTs of cvery dcscriptinn'. Cnsli pnid forGrnss Sred, White Benns. Bceaix. Pot umi Pcnrl Ashes, most kinds of Procc triKcn in p-iyment lor Goods. Alxo CASH PAID FOR WHEAT. GAHI.ANÜ & LEFEVRE. Ann Arbnr, Sepfi I-Jf. 225) tf. OÏV ISATCI AGAIK! TM E Subscriber has jiut received, (and is conjffö 4if ï1ti"u'y receiving) from VV ' JlÊh Wl1' selccled asEortiiient cwclry, Clocks, WatcUc, &e. whicli he Jolend to scll ns uas ni any jer rstnblifbincnt iliis side ol Butliilo fur rtady y only among wluch may be found llielollow ;: n i;rod nsson inent nf' Golil Finarr Rings. Gold IJrens' pins, Guard Chiiinfl nnd Kcys. Siiver Spoon, Qerftmn Silver Ten nnd Tnble Spoons (first ii;iliiv.) Silvfcranil Gerinnn do Sugar Tongs, Silver Sftlt.Mustni'd nnd Crenm spoont, Ijnlter Knivc-s. Silvcr Pencil Catees, Silver and Cmnion lhimbles, Silver Speciacli'8. Gernt'nn nnd Steel do. Gopgleíjj Clotdes. Unir nnd Tnntb Bruehoo, Jniber iirusliop, Rnznjs and l'ocket Knivr. Fine Shenrs md Scissofs, Knivcs nnd Fork, Brittannin Ten Potsand Cnstors. Fine ; Itted do Brittunin and Brnts Cnndlesticks, SUavinir bnxes nnd Sonps, lopman'a Best Ilnzor Strop, Calfnnd Morocco allcts. Sili; and (lotion purses. Violin and ws, Viulin nnd Ba6S Viot String, Flutr, fes. Clurionetp. Accordeons Multo Se!, cel Pen9 nnJ Tweezers. Pen cases. Snuffand bacco boxes. [vory Dressing Combs, Side and ck and Pocket (onibp. Nendle cases. Siele'.toes, ater Puintp, Toy Wniclies, a great variety of )lls. in short the Kaltest variety of loys ever )iight to tliis mnrket, Fancy work boxes, chil ;n'8 ten setts. Coloane Huir Oils, Fmelling Court Pl.isier, Ten Bclls, Thermonietcr, rrnnn Pipes. C'hildren's Work Bnsketa, SIntcs ri PenciU, Wood Pencils, BRASS AND OOI) CLOCKS, Ac. in fact almost rery ng to piense the fancy. Lndies and Gcntlon, cali and examino for yourselves. Ciocks. Watchcs nnd Jewelry repnired and rrnnted on nbort noticc. Shop at hit old nd. oppositc II. Becker's brick Store. CALVIN BLISS. N. B.- Cash pnid ïbr old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6ih, 1845. 237-Iy cady Made Clothing, AT REDUCED PR1CES. 1HE largest nud best nssortmenl of ready made clothing ever before oifered in thi ie, now on hand and for sae, Wholesale or tail, at the Cloihing Etnporium of the Sub - ibere, consisting in part of 'ine broadclo;h Frock oud Dresa Coots. Pwecd and union cassimere, satinctand jean ck and Business Caats. Summer Coats ín grent variety and vry ap. Jassimere, cloth, tweed and aummer Pantt of styles and prices. Satin, velvet, slik. valencia, cashmare and r8eilles Vcstü - a large stock ófrica ind fash able Myles. Mso, a n oxtensive assortment of Hosicry, cks, Scarfs, Handkcrchicfs, Collars, Shirts, )ves. Cravats, Suspender, Ac. de, all of ich will be sold low for cash. I'hcy would rcípcctfully invite all, in want of dy made garments, to cali nnd examtne their ck hcforc purchosing eleewliere, asit hn been ■(teil with care in the Enstern market and nufactured ia tho latest styles and most duramanner. HALLOCK A RAYMOND, Corner of JefTerson & Woodward avenues. )etroitt April 4, 1845. 213-tf lÍSüllltÍOll. IHE Copartnership herctofore existing nnder tho firm and stylc of R. Ai J. L. Da video n his day dissolved by mutual consant. K. 'idson is duly outhorised to aettle thê èth'm business of the irm. ROBERT DAVIDSON, J. L. DAVIDSOS, ,nn Arbor, Oct. 30, 184&. aS6-3w ,


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