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General Jackson

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The fol!ovving incident occured on a visit of ■ine to Wuelrngtou city in 1834. lis truth my bo reÜèd on. A widow lady, in rather slraitened circurotances, bad been keeping a boardmg house or some years in that city, and during the [eneral prostration of active business, growg out of the currency derangements of that late, had got in arrean, and 4o pay some of ïer most urgenl debls. sent such of her furïiture as she could possiblv epaie to auction. The purchaser was a clerk in one of the public oilices: one of those public loafersof which there lins always been too inany nt Washington and elsewliere, ho run in debt os far as tlipy obtain credit, and without ever intending to pay. The ludy cnlled on the auclioneer, a respectnble man, nnmed Mauro, I beleve. - He cnlled oh ihe official, who pro.nised to pn as soon ns his mpnLh'e salary was dne. The month roiled round, and June sueccéded March, and September, June, without payment being innde, to the great distress of the wjdaw nnd uneasiBCfs of the auctioneer. - And, afier fnrtheranplication, the cjifice-1iold er refused ab.solmely to do any thing, alleging t out of his power to pay . The surn was too large for the nuctioneer to spare of his ó'wi pocket, or he wonld have paid il himeeif, so deepiy did hc feel for theo poor creditor. Inihisperplexity he concluded lo cali iipon the Président, and state the oase, hoping he would siifrgcst some relief. lic waited thereforeon Gen. Jnckson with his narrativo. The old man's eye flashed firc. 'llave you Mr. P 's note? he inquired. 'No,' was the repiy. 'C'iH on hïm thei), and without speaking of the purpoFe for which you want t, yet his ncotinble note and brirïLr il here.' The auctiom-ér accordingly asied P for his r.ote. 'What do you want wftïi ny note? I don't know nny body would lake it,' remarked the debtor, qádjng, howeycr, ns he sat down to write it, 'ihereit is.' Maur. promptly retiirncd to the President, liundin? him the note, who, without fayinp i word ent down and wrote on the back of llie pnper, 'Aridjéw Jockson.' 'Now sirf' said tbc O-nerol, 'show Mr. p [he endurticmont, and he if don't pny yo, let mekmnv it.1 The firf man Mauro met as heenieied Gadpby'e lK'tel was P 'AM'faid he, 'have you passed the note'- 'Not yet paid the other, 'but I expect to, for I have goT a first rate cndnrser 1o il.' 'Non Beiieó,1 eoid P , 'who is it?' Tlie endosement was shown him. He (innèd pale, bégicd Ujc anclioneér to wnit a few minute.", went oiii and in a thortsrne "f time retiiniéd wi;l the money, wliicii wns pnid over to the wirtow that (iay, to ihe grát:ficati.n of all part es. P Uep qniet on the suhjrct foi year?, but linally, on a rpinnrk beinr Wádí in hiè presencc that Gen. Jackson did nót endorse lor ány body whntevfr, remark l t)i"l lie knew bel ter, for tiie Ocncm! li.c! emWied once ior liim, aiul pVoduced s eyndence tlic .1 _ _. '■.„■.r„U lui knmv not 1 1 10


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