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The second article of the Constittition of the New Englnnd Non-Resistance Society virtually disfranchises all ita metnbere. It reads thus: "The members of lliis Society ogree in opinión, thai no man or body of niciij howevever cun.titoied or by wliatever name called, have q right to takc the üfe of n ninn as a penally for trat)sgresior.; thot no one who professes lo have the spirit of Christ, con cor.sistently eue a man at law for redress of injuries, or thrustany evil-doer inio prison, or till any office in which he would come under obligntion to execule pennl encln)ent6- -or toke any pari mi military serviccor acknowledge allegiance toany human governmeht- or jus tily arry man in fijjhtinp in defence of nis poierty, liberty, lite or religión; Ihat iie caiinot engage ii) or counlenance uny plot or effort to revolutionize, or chango by pliyaical violence, any goverument, however corrupt o opprestiVe; thnt he will 'obey the powers that be,' except m those cases in Which they bid him viólate his conecicnce - -o rid then, rather than to reerst, he will meekly subnit to the penalty of disobedience; nnd that, while he will cheerfu'ly endure all thinga for Christ's sake, without Cherishing even the deáire to inflet uijory upon his pereecutors, yet he will be bold and uncompromising lor God, in beariug his tcfc'liiijnny against sin, in high places, and in' low places, unlil rigliteousness and peoce shall reign in all the earth, and ihere shaJI b none to molest or make afraid." CCThe Burlington Free Press announces that the State of Vermont is out of debt. She owes no man nnything.


Signal of Liberty
Old News