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wjlíuSaaji k: noyes, jr. M). 7l WíUIAVAKD VVKM'K. DI'.TKUIT. RrWÈCTFI'LLY infiltro the public that ho li:iá on hajld nul lor 8;i!e. cheüp fur cash, a ; irtíiI Bworimcjil of F'i'L'ii -- ri ti Doroestic Inniwiut' íiiiií f'iiilcry, Siovesnnd Hollow ware. í!:ieksiiuilrt Ciipcr.--. Carpemers, and JoinerV ...K Al-1 - M iniifaotiirtr's Slieet-Jron, Coppcr and 'iiiwiro. Tliosè-vijmifij l)i'riiit' (iir r:y nrtitle in h8 he fif lin-irii-s.s .ould do wcll to cnll.and examit lus tock l.elorr pnrchnslng elsewlicrST" 2in-if --. - POLLAf) TJCïVJfPERAWCi; HOUSE, JV WEYJH'RN (Se JJROTIIEi:, HCFFALOj N. Y. 'iniitr i J' l'rinl StrnJ. 'l'trrucr n'nr thn .otidiii:soj'['ie Stnttuí o:itxnnd Huil Ho id Cars. IN fiimpliüucp witlv i!ií stiliciintions of many frini)a oí ■ Temperanre. nr.(i our own cortviciious. o.l tJnty. ve tuteuipted ílie c.xperinent of kct-pins; a house on genuino T"emeríince principU-s. and are happy to b.%y wo i ii' heen susintned ti ur tfi'orip to pr.ovide ihe ■ iil.l c wiih ii hi;Ú8o uonliy ofitieir support. - ftcr lüivinT i 'i: in ('[irrntion finir yenrs, nnl iv ng univers.i! f-.ulnciuni. wc have no hesito- 'ion in ntVorinií our fljims lo tlie supporl o ilio trnvelinir comimmiiy. i ; . Lj I). YEYBURNt 0. AVRYBIJRN. CIJA II G HZ MODERAT11. ■ P'itronsranti their baggage conveyed to ond 'rom ihe Houí-c Irte. We, Jim subscribers. take plvsurc in recom tnonninq ihe túioc Housc to ilie l'rieuds ot' tbe cause, as licinc worthy ol ilicir pntrjnaírc. C. W. HAIIVKV. 'l'rt-'i EHe Co. Temp. S. S. N. Sec'y do DANA FORRS, Prps't Youris Mcn's do. IJ. MILLKltD. Prrt't l'óllahl Tem. Society. " A. ADAMS. Sec'y do BitfFalo, July, 1S4Ö. Gmo- 233 IVIARLBORO HOTEI.. TjCMPERÁNCE HOUSE. NATI1AN1EL ROGRKS. Xti. G-,'f). Wqshiñgtók Strc-t, Bostón. rMIIS hoiisc has ndergone a thorongh.rcpiair, and it is inifiided ihat nu rum hoiuc sluill ho superior to t. Jtwillhe under the inimediate chirgc o( Brown Se Collurnt ns.Mr. Rogers ?ei the Deleyati House in Albany. lny l'J, 1845. 212-GmGRIFFIX'S }.í NATIÖNAI. TEMPERANCE HOTEL; Ut ca, Vtiv York. CII MILES i. OjlliFFIN, Propriei r. would rcspoctlully jüforrn his friends. nnd the public gcncnilVy. ibti lias taken the above llóicl, located at '7. Cfu.sct Ftctt. ncar the CauTil. wliere hc is iuv prepircd 10 accommodftto iliu iniblii: nt hII times, iti the best possible inatiner. mul on r'ensopnble luriru; . . Stages lcüvo mul arrive ni this House daily, tó and from all pnrii! rt' i!h' C(it:tnrj'.' ■ - OOOD STAULING ATTACHED. The prnpriotor flariers himself from the experiencohe Uns Uaó in kcepfna a Public Ilouee, aod the exerndri he inien.ils 10 pui lon!i.,tlat he will he.ablc. to ploasc nll wno rilay favor him witH üer paironnf. UUca.MnyV.18i5. rp DELAVAN HOUSE ALI5ANY. NKW YOKI. BY NATHAxMEL ROKERS; T'HIS celebrntsd bonse is iiow opnii for the re cepiion ofiravriers. It is the Inrirtst dimensions. and is cti'irdy vrw u uil lts .paris. It is jjtrictly n Tettifrïrdnce TJo .-;. and while nó pmns wili In-sparcd to innke 1 1 -nll that ilie trovelina public can nsK, it is expected iri Yeturri ihot tt will receive the pa rnnnge of all th,efrieiidi o Tomperancc who muy have occasion o visit Aü.nny. ainv 19. 1-45. 219-ömOIV llAitfD AGAirV! J5 FTM i E fuibecriberhnsjust civ_" Jl rcreivud.' (orn.i is con vu?- s"Mlt'y receiving) rom r Swi Yurk cle;nntard í 3?iÉ Wfc" 6e'ect(-'d osïorlmcnt Jcwelry,' CÏocks, Watclics, die. Sic. yvluch he intenda to sull as l te as nt any othcr establishment tliis f-ide oí Bufalo for rtady pm; oiily whicli may bc iuuud ho iollov in:;: a enod assonniehi l Gold Finyer Rings, Gold Brcast pins. Gruard Qhaini and Keys. Zilver Spoons, Gemían Silver Ti-a nnd Table S'K'oiis (first (iinlny.) Silver and Germán d Suur Toug, Silver Stli.Miibiard ond Crcam Bpoon, Bïüior Kirvce, Silver Pencil Cases, Silycr aiul Ctniunon Thiinbtes. . Si! ver Spt-cmclcs. Germaq arnl Syeel do. Go'gglcs, Ciothes; Unir arm Tooih Hrushesj Jaiíier Bruslios. Razara nnd Pocket Knifee. Fine Slivars and Scissorf, Knivis and.Forlcs, )5riuanniaTea Polmand C.isLors. ï'ine jIjtcd Jo Brittáma and Brats Candlesticks, Sliavine Imxesiind So-ip?, Cliaprnnf'e Bes; Raor Strop, Cnjfami M.uocco Wallcls. Si.ik oml v-'otion iu;se3, Vjolina and Bows, Viuini nnd Bast Viot títrings, Flutce, Fifes. Clariojieis. Accdrili'O-is Mui'to ?ea!s. Steel Pens and Tweezerf Ven case?. Siiuffond ri)bnccp bi.M-. Iv.iry iicssKiï; Cotnls, Side and ! and Póclcet ('omlw. "NewHe cases. Siulerroc?. Wnu-r Puinte, Toy Waiches, n s,'reni varicty tlf Dolla. in short :he greaiest vnriety of toys ever &Dtighl to ibis marker, work boxes, chjldran'a toa bous. Calegrie Huir Oüs. Smelling S.ilis. Cdiirt Pnsrer. Tc.t Bells. Tliennoneters, Ctii.;ii Pipes, Chtldren'o Work Bnskets, Slmri nnd Ppnctb, IV-oad Ponrils, BRASS AND WOni) QLÓGKS, &c in. fact nlmost ejrerjf hing to.-piessc the fancy, Ladies and Gentlemen, cali nnd cxnmine for youraelves. Ciock?. Wuic'ica and anrt uarranted on plwrt noticc. Sliop at hifl oíd siiind, oupobitc M. Eeoker'e brick .Siore, CALVIN BLTSS. N B - Cafh pnid br oM Gold & Silver. Ann Aibor. Nov. 6ih, 1345. 237-1 y fyconi Wesleyau Instituto' rtillS fnsiitution wijl coinn.eicc its Vinter i Term on the firsi (ay of December m;xt. Wc expñrt to have two terms in successton, and ihen have a threc nion'th vaca:ion in the Slimmer, èo tliat Feina'.eB can leach school snd yowg niL-n can labor in tbè most productive seatkin of the yenr. Ou '-School s in a floiuishin? condition. We bftvc 7:5 eèhaWi ihc present term, and can aci-omniodaie nbout thiriy more. Tnition (om #2.51 to $5.00. Indigcnt eiulama eau havo iiuiiioti ïree. Board one dollar ►per weck Hoorns cm be had för any W cKoose td board .-. .■. We have itius far lunwslied tlic School wi'.ti Books. S.mie of onr Bdök,' howevor, re cui.inrr Rcarce éuclj ns Davi s Anthmctic, JJrown e Grammar Cornstook's l'hilosophy, Andrews & SunMard's jtótin Lessons. Cn. Thosc who cuit aonplf thcinsrlvt's bad hetrer do In. CHARLES GAU'IN. Principal. MISS BARKHR, Aesremm. Loom, Nov. 17. l-l... r9- 3w _ HAVE now on hjaVíd a lar;e nsortment of Fnrnrlj Gronorics. Pnii'üp. Pniils. Druc & !i.-mc ril tlio best kind lor sa!e very chiap. Nov. 17. 18=15 23d nÏÏiitk 'Dccdsand MortgageSi WUOLKSAl.H AND.RETAIL, f.rFlob BECKLEY, KOSTER &, Co. MntcU 2l l'-. CHARLES H. STEWART, 'ATfORNEY ANO COUN.SELLOR AT LAW AND S0ÓC1T0R ÍN CHANCERY, JF.FKKKSON AVFAVH DETUOIT Quit Cïitïm Decds ipUST Pmued and lor sale ai thie oÜicc. WÖTodTWood H A FEW Coid3 "I Wocid waiitêd i.iimltatety in p fa the Sighal W Wberty.


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