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IIARTFORI Firc Insurance Contpftny. rril Su scrilicr. agent for the llo'O""1 ' tr' JL fnsumnce C m-unnt, tiikcs plua&im; m l;iy iua bcfure ilie public tiiè fiHm'ing c rcular: II vKTKU.H Fm:. iSURANCR ÜFKICKj ? The recent diaWua nro in New York wil! f c.wrst) vxeite i;i rr,'a:d M ns t-llcci on the eolvency of 1 usura nee Conji-anies n rli' t.,iY, nnd (ie neighboring placoe; The Directors vf the Hnnfmd Firc Insurance Compony nic happy oüuraure ilieir customers mid the public, thJi thoyare prepared 10 iidjust nnd p:iy ai iiki'iiFiiy. nlí loases sustained by t lieir office, surplus nracurrènt receipts, without delny. and witli.ui' withdrawmg iheir jnvestm nt.. The capita! reinams nmple for ilio éccurity of nllv.ho insure with iliem; nnd ihcy invite owners of do sirable propcriy lo obtain Policios on f; vjrnblc tcrins. bod U, ihe IJoine Otfioo nnd nt their pcveral Agencias. TheiT mode of iniliaactirifl bosine6S, which for 35 yenrs pnst hos sccureii úw public eonfrJence, wtll remnin iinclringcd. Iiy order of the Boar.l of Dirrctora. JAM ES G. BOLLES, Sec'y. F. J. B. CinxK, Anfl Arbor. } l!iis il will bescen, thai the Cotup.-iny pay thnir losos. during ihc lasi six monihs ol lires. OUT OF THglR SURPLUS FUIVDS. Since the p.imcni of. one thousnnd dollars. t R. D. Powers. of Brighton. forlhe loss . cd by hifi, ihe Compnny have phid ihc subscribcr nnoihcr :housand. lor Flour Barrels, butni rit the recent ftre in thie villace. For this l.iet thousand the subscribcr pc id the Compnny Tour (!ci]nT-n paud invesiment as he lliiiiks. during tnese h;irl umes. All who are not insured nrc inmeii to cnll on liim, andhe will issue Policios without dday. F. J. B CRANE. A-ent. Arn Aibor. July '20, 13J5. &4Ü ïn CÏi'au'C-crjr'-- Ist Circuit. Goorge F. Poner, adniimstrajtor nfOliver Kano, deccased, cowiplniinnt, r. Loren Mills, Elijah W. Mnrgtn and Willinm S. Maynard, doíendtote. BY virtue . of a decretul order ïsiiied out o{ the couit'of clinncery of ihe S'ate of Michigan, 1 shnll exposé to sale lo the highesi bidder. ' at the Court House in the Village of Ann ' bor, Washtenaw county, on the 2'Sd day of ' rember next, at I o'clock, P. RL, of that dny, the ' following described premises sitúate, to wit: ' "sitúate, Iving and bcins: n the town of Ann I Arbor, in the county of VVashtenaw md State cf I Michigan: Beginning at the centre of Wliitee, so cilled, on the west line of section 29. ! rnr town two south of range six cast; thence ' south on the line of the said section anl on the ' line of section thirty-two. forty rods south of the ' Bouth west cornr o the said section to a stakc; I thetvee east t right angles with said suction line ' thirty rods; thence north and parallel with said ' pection line to the centre of said W hites' road. - Thence south seventy fi e degrees west in ' tre of the said road to tho pluce of bezinning. l containtuE thirty-thrce acres and sixty-five ' drodéL of an acre of land' mor or les. GEO DANFOIirif, Master ia Chancery. ! .Tot & Pórtkr. Sol's. Dated; Ausrust llth, 1813. 2C-Í ; The above'sale is postponed tintil the 20th day Of October A. D. 1845 ai the ramo Iiout and place. GE0-. DANFORTFf. ! Master in Chancery. ' Dated, Sept. d, 1S45. 1 he above eale is postponed until the 17th day ' ef November, A. D. 18J5, at same hour and ' placo. , ' GEO D-ANFORTHT, IVTaster in Chancery. i Dated. October 2()th. 1SJ5. The nbove sile is postponed until the L5h íay of November, A. D. 1 84.", at tbn sauio hour and place. GEO. D ANFORTH, Mas'.ea in Cchancery. i Nov 15th 1845. Tho above sale is postp)nd until the 21d day of December next. at the same place nnd time of tUy. GEGRGE DANFORTH, Master in Chancery. Dated, Nov 25. 1845. "TO THE VICTORSlÏLONG THE SPOILS," A LTHOUGU many preparations in the form J of "POPULAR MEDICINES" have been bcfore the public, claiming to give rcüef, and even cure the most invetérate díoeascs, yct none have so well answered the purpose as Dr. Sherman8 Medicated Lozenges. They are agreeablc to the taste, easily adminiatered. nirl trom the unprecedented succes3 which they hnve met with, and the remarkable cures which they have pcrformed, may justly 1 iy claim to the title of Conqucror over the diseases for which ihey have been recommsnded. Dv. Sherman'a "COUGH LOZENGES'r Cure the most obstinate cases of Congh in a few hours. They have cured a large number of perpins who have been given up by iheir pliysiciane and friend8, and many who have been rcduced to the verge of the grave by spitting blood, ConBiimptton and Hectic Fever, by their use hávi had the rose of health restred te the hagard check anti now live to speak forth the praiseso! lus invalunble medicine. Dr. Shcnnnn's "WORM LOZENGES" llave been1 proved' in more thnn 40,0)0 cases to bc infallil'le, in fact tlm only certain Worn. Tíestroying Medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them wiien tl.ey cannot ba forced to tnk any other medicine, and the benefit derived froni the administraron of medicine to them in thie forni ie great beyond concepti'n. VVhen the brcath of the child becnies oflensive. and thert is picking of the nose, of the tecth during sleep, pnlcness nbont the lipa with flusheii cheeks, headiche. drowsincss, starting durinü eleep, disturbed dreams, awaking with rrightand Ecreaming. troublesome cough,feverishness,thirst. voracious appetite, sickness at the stomaeh and bloated stomnch - these are among the many prominent symptoms of worms, and can be relieved by these incomparable Lozenges. They havo ncver bern known to fail: Dr. Shcrman's "CAMPHOR LOZENGE3" Relieve Headachc, Nervous-Sick Headache, Palpitation of ihe heart, and Sickness in a very few minutes. They cure Lawress of Spirits, Dcspjodency, Faintness, Colic, Spasms, Cramps ol the Stomaeh, Summrr or Bowel Complaints; they keep up the spirits, dispel all the distressinc symptom&o a night of dissipation, and enoblc a person to undergo great mental or bodiiy toil. - Dr. Sherman's "POOR MAN'S PLASTER Is ncknowledged by all who have ever us. d it to be the beet strengtheninii Piaster in the world. nnd a sovereign remedy for pains and weftkttefc in the back, loins, side, breast, neck, limbs: joints, rlieumat!8m, lumbago, &c. One rnillioD a year will not aupply the dernand. Camión ïe neces3an , as there are many unprineipled pereons who would lorce a spurious article upon the community. Be careful to gel Sherman's Pooi Man's Piaster, with a "fac simile" of his writ ten name on the back - none others are genuine, and will do more hurt than good. When such men ae the Rev. Darius Anthony, of the Oneida Conferencs. Rev. Seba3tian Stteet er, of Boston, Rex. Mr. Dunbar, Mr. Hancock. Rev. Mr. De Forest, Hon. Aaron Clark, J. Hoxie, Esq. Hon. B. B. Beardsley, Daniel Fanahnw, Esq. and a host of namea of the like reputntion can be brought forw&rd tö prove the elflcacyofDr. Sherman's preparations - whnn ihey are so warmly recommended by the medical pro fession, and prescribed in the practice, and when such universal approbation follows thcir usn among all classes, we may justly say that the Dr. 9 not nnly entitled to the appellation of "VÍCTOR," but can fnirly lay claim to the patronogeof the public, and will receive it. Agenta for Ann Arbor, H. M. Thompson & Co., W. S. & 3. W. Maynard; E. Sampson. Ypsilanti; D. C. Whitwood. Dexter: Pickford Sc Craig, Saiine; Smith & Tyrol. Clinton, H Bower, Manchester: P. Farlick &. Co., Plymouth: D. Gregory and A. Grant, Nonhville. 2l8-6m IiUiiibcrmeii Airake ! JPk Oak Loes wnntcd immcdiafelv. OVvFvf by M. W. Q.UACKENBÜSÍ1 " Ann Arbor, LowerTown, Nov 22, 1845. 239- 4w Albany Cultivator; TEIIS vninnhle Agrioultufal pa'pefahould be read by ever Fnrmer ?nd Mechanic in the County. nd in oHer te its more ezten&ivc oír culation. "VVm. S. Mnynard, agor.t tor this cour.ty, will furuish it to subacribera at his Store free of Postagc. for onc dollar per year in ndvanee. 238The Woiidcrí'iil Spcceaa WJ1ICH Dr. Folgers' OL.Sioomik or Ai!Heáliiig BöuWn hns met with not un'y itl lts sale, l lit olso in ihe cures tthfcli fiiiÉB ' l'ected, in persons who we a in hope'ês-s con ilnion, Ims convinccd the Miosi skcplicnl oJ M extraórdinnry cnrutivè proportie, and 'ejiMiauWi' its claims tu' tlur name oí lite GKEAT Rl.M BÍ)Y. A . Tiiequcslion isno longcr asked."( " tellinw bc twaU" lt hns been salís ncionly .-tiltil vyitlj ín the last two n.ontlis that Folger's Olosaonisn i will produce n cure quiefcrr thnn iny otlicr " edy in ihc woild. and referencia cn be given ■ ld persons in and out oftlie city who have ca pc rienccu its uondcrful viniiM. who hutd tned toi ■ yenrp all ethers remedies in vafn'. Mr. WILSON.n brick luycr. ns:dmgat Hobo i k-eri.N. J.. had wied every mnedy which lie cotiltl i lienr'of for the relief of nsllnnn, nnd had spem more thnn one hundred dollars in endeavoring to i irocurc help. bui in vain. Ile commenced i n the Olosaoninn, Janunry 2lst. The fïrsi lose he took gave him relief, and two days ivard hs wife called to siy ihat the stnaH quanity oí this remedy wliich lic had taken had done i ïiin more goodilinn any and all the medicines he ' inri fver usrd in lii hfe. Mrs. Bell. the ife of Robert P. Bell, of i istow. N. J.. JrvKb was sevrrcly afflictcd with ' isilmin, was gWen vip hy her physicians. Shc i vas removen to the seuboard in the hope of pal ' iatins lier dtstressinsr symptoms. but with no icnefit. One bottle of the OIosanian eo far icved her that she wns alle to get up from her ' ied and dress hcrself. s thing she had not done lefore in nionMis. and she hasnow retuüiedto ■ ier re8tdence in Morristown, N. J., with evcry I irospect of beins spcedly restorod. INCIPJKN'f CONSUMPTION 'ieldsto its eftVcts. It soothes the troublesomo }ough nnd gives refreshing slumbers to the ' veary; it allays the pain in the side and ' icfs in tho chest, and eriablcs the person to icctoratc easüy, whilé it entirely restores the ' refions of the systcm and ex.icdites rcturning lealih. - JAMES B. DEVOE. 101 Rende street, had ong been complainigg of a soreness in the chest, crompanied with u short hacking cougli; he aiecd matterfrefly. had lost hisappetite und feit larmed ot hi siiuation. He bad tried various emedics without any beneficia! eflect. His hortness ofbre.uh and pain in tho sidecontinued o iiicrease. He tieed one hottle of the Olosaonin. and ife restored to hcalth. George W. Burnett. of Ncwark, N. J., Geo. V. Ilays. of ÏVew York; David Honderson. 60 .aightet: MrsMcGann, 20 Walker ét; F. Laan 52 Pike sr.. Mrs. Archibald. 35 Walker st, i-ith UUNDREDS OF NAMES of persons reidin? in New York, could be given, who are eady to bear tcstimony to the superiority of the )losionian over every other remtdy known for he cnre of coughs. colds, asthma. consump'ion, pitiing of biood, dyspepsia, consiimption, bronhitis, difficulty of breathing. hoarseness, influnza, pains in the brcast and side. and the vari ins afFections of the stom.ich and livèr. For sale al 106 Nassau st, one dofr ibove Ann, nd at Mrs Hays. 139 Fulton 8t., Brooklyn. Aecnt for Ánn Arbor. W. S. &. J. W, Mayiard; E Sampson, Ypsilanti: D. C Whitwood. xter; Pickford & Craijr. Saline: Smith & Tyol. Clinton; II. Jïower, Manchester; P. Farlick fe Co., Plymouth; D. Gregory and A. Grant, Vorthvillc. 218-6mo To Clbthiers, ITlanuííictiirers and lTfcrcliaiits. THE subscriber is now reeet ving ni his stores, 1-6, and 190 JeiTerson Avenue, Detroit, lic foüowing, carefully and well seleoted stock jfDvE VVoors Dye Stüffs, & VVoolles Mak .t.gturkr's Maciukery. 15 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico and Carthagena, 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St. Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair,Caro, Hache and Lima, 3 tons Camwood, very choicc, ISO barrels Logwood, cul and ground, J30 " Fustic, " " j 0 " Red Woods, " " 120 " Camwood, " " 10 ♦' QuercciiToii Bark, 45 { Allurn, 42 " Copperng, 3) Blue Vuriol, V8 " Maddcr, Ombro and Dutch Crop. 3 " Cream Tartar, 2 ". Nutgalls, 2 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Guatimnla, 2 cases Lnc-Dyo. 2) " ext. Logwood, 2 GrainTin, 300 pounds Verdigris. 15 Carboys Oil of Vi triol, Spirits Sea-Sahs and Nitric Acid. ALSO, Copper Kettles and Cloihers' Scrcws, Tcntcr Hooka, Jacks and Bruehcs, Press Papers. Card Clennerf., VV'eaver's Shcers, Nippersnnd Burlinp Irons, Comb-Plates,-Pickeis and Robbins, Wire, Woretcd and Collón Harness, Steel' and Canc Reeds. Broad Power,. Hand' Loom and Fly Shutters, Steel and Copper Mails Einery, &c. Parson's Shearing Machines, 4. 6, and 9 blades. Allen'a doublé and singltj Carding Machines. Machine Cards, Leicester. The above goods have been recently purchased, directly from the importers ond manutncturers, kxci.usivkxy ron cash, and will be sold at the Nw York Jobbers' prices. adding tran8portation only; and in consequence of the decline on many of the American manufactuted articles, will in many cuses, be sold at jifteen per cent less than formcr prices. The subscribers experierice in the Dye Wood trade enibles him to 6ay to his customers that he is prepared at all times to warrart his goods of superio quality. THEO. H. EATON, Dye Wood and Dyo Stuff Warehouse, 188 aud 190 Jefíerson Avenue Detroit. Aug. Ö, 1H45. 225-4m "WOOT! WOW' CLOTH! CLOTH! rpHE subscriben will continue to manufac jL ture FuIIcíI Cloth, for 371 ets. per yard, and white flanuel for 2 cent per yard; or they will manufacture th wool for halt the clotli il ".vi!l mnkc. Their Fac tory is 2ü miles West of Ann Arlor,.on the " ron Rivê"r. Wool willalao be receivetl at Scio VVhen sent b Raiiroad it will be atiendtd W i ihe sume mnnner as 11 tne owners wtre to com with il. Wool will be manulaciiiKd in turn a it comes in na nearly as it can be done with reler ence to the different qualitiesof wool. WOOL CAIWJNG, vill bedone at Scio. by Thomas Hoafcjns. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. Mny 1, 1845. '210 5ÏEÏV IISTRY JE. G. BURGER, DenHsl, HAS removed his office to Crane &■ Jewrett1 Kloek, first room on ihe Sccon'd Floor where being well prepared to attend to ever brinch of his profeusion, would n-spectflilly sn to all who liave nol had thon necepsuty orsjans THE TEETH, properlv auendiid to. delay r longer, but (ill upan him and esrperience th e 8-; and durnbility of his.ipf'raii.'Tis. Tv.WM accommoda'ing andcliargr-s inno case tmemstinaUe. Ann Arbor, March fi. 1345. 47-tiKOR COl'CHS, COLDH, COXSIMPTJON &C. IMrOlOWT TO Af,L TIIOSK AKKLICTKD WITH DiSKASKS OKTHR 1-U.NGS A.VD BREAST. ift'7 Iiliiiiis rrcr reuti? Mine eridrme fits 'èarjjnxaitïg hcaitíi rs'.urn'irc v'rtaeslït g 3 ? q ? ? [Fioni Dr. Baker, Sprinfeld Wnsji. Co. Ky.] SpitiHfl "iKl.p Ky., Muy II, 145. Mosrs. SaHford &, Pnfks - (K.vrs - 1 tnke iliis opportur.iiy of nformins ,- il n most rdinftrknhUs curè'pcriormed upon .i hy the iipp ui' '-Dr. TïTtsttir's liulsam of IV l! Chcrr;." In ilic yeiir 18-10 I wns (;ikcn with nn Ii flitniiion oí the Bowels vvliich i labo red under !or six vceUs when 1 gmdunlly rocoveicd. In the ful! l 141 I was ntlnokod with a sevcre cold. whicli eated iisell' upon my lungs. and lor the gpnee of lirec years I was confincd to rftv bed. I trL'd nll tiiida of medicines aml every vnrieiy of medical lid and without baat fi : and thus I wenried nlong nuil the winter of li-'4 1. when 1 hcard of ''Wisar's Bnlsant of Wild Chcrry." My friends persunded me to pive it n trial, hoiiiih 1 hnd givea Üp nll hopes of n recovcry. ind had preparcd myscll for the chango ( anjther world. Throuh thcir solicitntion I was nduced to makc tïse of the ;iGenuine Wistar's itn dI Wíld Clu'iry." The effect wa8 trulv ïstonishing. Afier fivc years of arlliction. pain ind sufTering: nnd aftcr huving fo-nr or fvc hundred dollars to no purpose, and the best ind most respoclnhle phvsicians hnfl proved una.■mlmg. I ie as fo n ratirct lo riit'rc hcalih by ','ic íltssaig (f God tmd th'. hsc of Dr. lrt$'ar's Bulsain if Wild Chr.rry. I am now enjoying good health. nnd such is ny ahcred nppcarance that lam no longer know ivhen I meet my fornicr acquaintanecs. I have guined rapidly in weiaht, and my flesh s flrm and solid. I can now cat asnuich asnny icrson. and my food seemstn agrree with me.-Í have caten more during the last six wionths thon [ had eaten for five years before. Considcringmy case almost a mirnole. I deen) t nc;Esary for the good of the afilifted and a luty I owe !o the proprietors and my fel lp w men, 'who should know where relief may be had) O makc .statement public. May the Messing of Gorl rest upon the jiroprt;tors of so vnlunble a medicine os Wistar's Balam of Wild Cherry. Your8 respectfuliy, W1LLIAA1 Ú. BAKER. "he follotcing hasjust bren rece vctl f rom Mr. Kdtcard Slratton, of Leringttm, Jilo., whicli s'ioirs Cons-tmption in i & icont fona eim bc curcd bij "Whtar's liulsam of W.ll Cherry. Lkxingto.n, Mo., Jan. 21, 1845. linjnmin Phelps - Denr Sir: 1 take great pleasure in commumcating to you vhat I consider an extraordmary cure, eflected n my daughter, about 14 years of age, by Wis ar's Balsan of Wild Cherry. About the Istof september last. my daughter was thkeneick. nnd vas attended Lv severaï physicians. whose precriptions proved iheifectUQl. or see.ned to do no ood. She was attended with a constant coagh, nd pain in the breast. Her physicians and ill ho eaw her, carne to the couclusion that she vas in a confirmed stage of Consu'nption. 1 nude no other calculation than for her to die. - ut as soon asshe coninicneed taking the Balam she begau to improve. and continucd so to o until her heaítfa was restorcd, and is now cnrcly wcll. With a view of benefitting those ho may bcsimilarly oiïlicted. 1 take plnsure in ecommending this remedy to the confi lence of ia public. Yours, with respect. EDWARD STRATTON. VISTAR'SBALSAM OF WILD CHERRY at not only relieves but cures! [CT'Price $1 per bottle, or six boules for $5. For sale in Cincinnati only by SANFORD & ARK, nnd in Ann Arbor by Maynards, eolc Arents for thisCounty. 236 Persian Pilis. iPnt not ihe Light vndcra Dushcl," but read and ponder . THE TIMÉIS COME, a-id now is, that the great mass of ihe peopie o' this and the uld world, have decided that the VERSIAN AiXD ND14N EXTRACTS. ire the most tffjctual combination of medicinal nredients that ever has, or ever can composc a pil). The RESURRECTIOtf ír PERSIAN 11 LS. being made ol vegetable extracta, are en?ly digestivo, becomtng a juice in the human stomnch. This liquid is casily taken up by the absorbent vessels, and conveycd throughout all )arts of the systcm, dispensing lifcand animaiimi n all the organs. By being assimilatcd with the blood, it enters into itB conibiuaiion, purifying the streams of life. You sec it would naturally and readily combine with the blood and all the secrotions, ihus adapiint; itself tothe removal of all disenses of impure blood. wbich clog the organs, causing pain, distress, and death. If the impurities settle upon the organ of the btoniach, it cause a bad tasto in the inoiuh, a furred touguc, bad breath, indigestión, dyspepiiia, pain. a sense of fullness or goncness, &c. If upon the lunge or throat, thcy will cause a cough, tightness. weakness, and an uncasy s-nsntion in the throat. irritntion. broncliitis, end consumption. IFthey settle upon the hvei, they will cause liver complaint, jnundice, or sallow skin, fever and ague. biliou8 disenses of all kinds, nnd irrcgularity of the bowels, diarrahoja, &c. lï upon the nervep, they will cauee nervous weakness, pain in the, sick headache, general debility, low spirits, heat in the back, side, or head. If in the 6steni generally, it cause general emaclation, scrofula, tumors, tight lmrdekin, pimples, blotches, irritation, &c. d'C. You know if any thing clogs the engine, all the machinery becomes retnrded in lts tnotion, and as it decrenses in strength, the motions becomc paralyzed more and more, until finally it ceases to move. So with the human system, as the blood bccomes impure with humors, the organs suffer creating, pain, iniaery, and if not removed, death. A constant use of these Pilis in a fumily. will add years to each individual life. For being made of vegetable extraéis, they may be taken from youth to olci age without injury, but with decided benefit. VVeakly, puny children, will bccome hcalthy and stmng with a slow use of these Pilis. They soothe weak nervcs. strengthen the weak, and clcanse all tbc organs in a man ner above described Being compound oí juices, they pass throuüh the smallest vessels, thus teaching d se,i6e whereever pent up in the system. even in the eycs and brain. We know that they nre the best Pili in the world, for L-.ns of ihousands that have taken every other pilt, have decided so, and nothingcould hinder them from keeping them on hand. - Take these pille freely, and you will seldorn want a physician. Who ever heard of much sickness in a family where these Pilis were taken l'reelj 7 Then again they cause no pain or weakih-ss in their operntion; ihey 6ooihe the bowels. ;ind are a sure cure for D1ARRFICEA OR SUMMER COMPLAINT, indigestión, cosiiveness, and nll discases ortsing Trom nn impure stomach or blood. Therc is noihingbetier for fever and ague. or bilious dis oases, nnd nll others memioncd nbove. N. B Price reduccd to 2s per box for 3J Pilis. Reniember each box contains 'M PiHs - they are the chenpest ne well ns th best. Beware of Pilis made of puma, calóme :md coaiso powders, for they will destroy th coats of the stomach in time, and cause death. - Beware, for the most of them contain calomel o jjomething as destructivo to human exietence. Remember the Re3urrection or Persian Pilis are innde of' V'egetnble extracta. For sn!e in 11 the principal places in the Un ion - Wholesale nnd rctnil by P. Owen & Co Detroit; C. Eberbach, S. P. Jewett, Lund . M'Colluni, Ann xrbor. 237-6m WoötfTwéod'!!' AI'EV Cords af Wood wauted immediatel in payment for the Signal of Liberty.CAN'T BE BEAT ! THE 8ubscribcrs wuuld inform the Public, that tlicy coniinuc to supply the State of Michia with L. B. WALKER'S PATENT S Jfl V T TM . CltlVJE S . "ho lnrge numbers of these Machines that have eén 8old. and the stcadily inrrensing deninnd tor ïoni. is the best cvidence ot thcir renl viiluc, nd oftheir estiinaiiou with those who huve beome fim iliar with their mcriis. Walkkii's Snuit Mnchinc is superior to otliers n the following paniculars: 1. As it combines the Beuting. S (uring, nnd 'loiring Principies, it elenns tlio gmiiiticst if rain in the best manner, reiaining all the íi ie n of the wheat, and discharging the smut nnd ust as fasl as scpnraied Irom the wheai. 2. It is in construction, and is therejiré less hable to btcome dcrangcd, and costs less or repairs. 3. It runs vcry light, nnd is perfectly secure 'rom fire. 4. It is as durable as any other Machine in se. 5. It costs considerably i.kss thin other Kinds, These important pofnta of dilTernco h-ivo gin ibis Machine the prufereuce with thoBe who nvo fairly tned it. Among a large number of Gentlemen in the Milling Business who might enamed, the following hnve used ihe Machines, ir", certüïed to their excellency nnd superiority: H. N. IIosvahu, Pontinc, Mich. K. F. Cook. Rochester, do E. B. Danfokth. Masun, dó M. F. Frink, Branch, do H. II. CoMsrocK. Cometock, do Referenees may also be hjd to John Bacon, Auburn, Mich. W. Rvon, do do I). C. ViïEr.AN. Rock, do John Piurs, Monroc, do II. Dousman, do do A. Bkach, YVaterloo. do Gi".o. Kktciium, Marshall, do N. Hkmknway, Onklnnd, do All orders for Machines will be promptly atended to. Address E. O. & A. CR1TTENT0N, Ann Arbor, (Lowcr Town) YVnsh. Co. Micb. Auz. 84, Ib-15225-1 y Iflortgagc Sale. DEFAUIT having buen made in the payrrient of a certaiu sum of money secured to )e pnid by a certain indeniure of mortgnge bearng date the thirteenth day of June, A. D. one ïousand eight hundred nnd thirty-seven, exeuted by Christopher Muilen and Thomas Muien of the town of Northfield, in the county of 'Vashtenaw and State of Michigan, to Thomas Gilluly oí said town. county and Stnte, which tortgage was duly recorded in ihe Register' s ffice of the county of Wnshtenaw, aforesaid, on ie thirteenth day of June, in the year of our ..ord eightcen hundred and thirty sevcn, ot 4 o'lock in the alternoonoi said day, in Líber nu mer five ol mortgnges at page one hundred nnd cventy eight wnich niortgage has buen duly asigned to one John Riley of the city, couuty and Stnte of New York. And dufault having also been mnde in the cmitions of said mortgage, no suit or proceeding t law having been insti'uied to recover the whole r any part of the money nowdue or clnimed to e due on the mortgage, and by virtue of the overal defaulte. there ia now claimed to be due n said niortgajie, the sum of two hundred and eventyfbur dollars artd seventy-nine cents: Noce is therefore hereby given, that in pursuance fa power of sale in said mortgnge contained. vill be sold at the outsr door of the Court House, n the vilingc of Ann Arbor, in the County of Vashtenaw nforesaid, at public auction on the econd day of January nextfA. D. 1846) nt ten 'clock in the forenoon of said day, in pursuncc of snid power of snle all and singular the remises describo-I iii said mortgage as follows: 'Beingall that certain tract of land situatcd in io town of Northfield in the Connty and State foresaid beine the north enst quarer of the south west fractional quarter of section numbered thirty nc in township numbered one eouth of range si. ast, containing fil'ty-one acres of land bc the ame rnore or less," or so much thereof as shall e neceesary to satisfy the amount actually due n said mortgage togethcr with costs of sale. JOHN RILEY? assisnee of mortgage. By Hawkin's &Pr.ATT, hie atlornies. Ann Arbor, Sept. 26, 1645. 231 Medical Notice. THE undersig.ned, in offdring his services to Washtenaw and the adjoining Co'intics, as lomccopathic physician. would say, that after ïaving practiccd medicine on the principies as aught in the old school, and treaied diseasc for lic last iwo ycars according to the law of Honiffiopathy, - ( Similia ñniilibus curantvr.) aught in the ncw school of medicine ; and havng compared the success of the two sysiems, he inhesitatingly believes Homccopatliy to bc the nost safe, certain and successful method oi cure. Dieeases, liilhèrto inrurjible. are now in most cases, iiennancntly eradicüted by Ilomceopathy. Aitections of the spine. hcid, uterus, stoinach. Sec. &c. have no their certain remedies. Eplepsy, mania, paralysis. neuralgia, bronchitis, iverand luug diseases; scarlet lever, cholera. )lar:k intasles, mallgnnnt sore thront. erysipclas or black tongue, croup, inflammations of the jrain, Btomach, bowels. &c. &c. are only a few f the many ills, thai have been stript óf thei r terrors by the timely applicatíon of homcropathic mcrl c iments. Withont furthcr essay, the undersigncd would leove it tn the afllicted to say, on trial of the remedies, whether liomocopnthy is what it claims to bc or not. He would nlso state 'Int he has just returned from New York nnd Philndelphia, wiih a complete assortment of MEDICA MENTS, jnst iinlorted from Leipsic, to tliifi place, whcre be will attend to all calis, and (urnish medicaments. books, &c. at the lowest prices. From the closr and exclusive attention he is ving to the stndy and practico of Homceopathy to be able to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Communicaiions, post pJid. from patients at a distance, will receive prompi attention. Thnse who may wish to place theinsclves under his treatment for nny chronic disease, can obtain lodgings either at his house, or in other places, at low prices. THOS. BLACKWOOD, M. D. Ilomcpipnthifit. Ypsilanti, 20th Nov. 1845 2Í9- 1y Ready Made Clothing. AT REDUCED PRICES. npHE largest and best assortineni of ready X. made clothing ever before oflered in this Staie, now on hand and for sae, Wholesale or Retail, at the Clothing Emporium of the Sub - scribers, consisting in part of Fine broadclorh Frock aud Dress Coats. Tweed and union cassinicre, satinetand jean Frock and Business Coats. Summer Coats in grent variety and very chcnji. Cassimere, cloth, tweed and summer Panta oí all styles and prices. Satin, velvet, slik, valencia, cashmere and MarseillesVests - a largo stock ofrich and fashionable styles. Also, an extensive assortment of Hosiery, Stocks, Scarfö, II andkerchiefs. Collars, Shirts, Gloves. Cravata, Suspender, &c. &c., all oi which will bc 8old low for cash. They would rcpectfully invite all, in want of ready made garments, to cali and examine their stock before purchnsing eleewhcre, asit bas been selected with care in the Eastern market and manufactured in the latest styles and most durable manner. HALLOCK A RAYM0ND. Corner of Jeflcrson & Woodward aven-ies Detroit, April 4, 1845. 213-t JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL attend to the sale aad exchange o Lands, payment of Taxes, and redemp 'ion of Lands sold for Taxos in .Tackson and at joining counties, cxamination of Title.f, Convcy ancing and all businesspertaining to Real Estáte Uifice in the Court House. Jucks'iii, Michigan. 1T- tf. Qjiit Claim Dccds JUST I'rinted and forsale at this office. 2561845. J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLK AND FAKCY DRY GOODS, t)ry Groceries, Carpeting, and paper IMfatgings, Vo. (33 Woodward Avenue, Larned's Block, Detroit. j H'ii.mks. Nrit Vork. ) s hoi.mks. Drtroit. WE lake this niethod of informiiig oor l'i icndw and cusiomcrs throughuut the State, t lint we are siill pursuing tlie even tenor ofour vi. ys. endeavoring to do bur business upon Kir nd Iionorable principies. "We would also tener onr acknowlcdgnients for tlic patronage ex ended to us by our customers, and would beg eave to cali the attention of iht pul)lic to n very veil selected nssortment of scasonable Goods. vhioli are ofTered nt v.-holesalc or ictail nt very oK' priecs. Our facilities lor purchnsinc: Goods re unsurpassed by ony concern in tht Stnic - One ofthefirm. Mr. J. Jiolmcs resides in the tv of New Yrrk, and froni his long experiencc n the Jobbing trede in tiint city. nnd froni bis horough knmvledge of tlie market. lic ie ennlcd to nvail himself of tlic auciions and nny leclinc in prices. We also purchnse from the mporters, Manufaeturer's Accu's, and ftoni the uctions, by the a:kagc, the same ns N. Y. obbers purchase, tluis saving ihcir proffts. - With these facilities we can safely our Goods ore eoid chkap for the evidence of which we invite the attention of the public to our stock. We hold to the great onrdina] principie ol "fic rfedtcst good to the irhuh nrivibcr," so if yon vantto huy Goodá cicap, and bny a lar ser. 'qtídn rtt] tor n Htt'.c money givc us n trial. Öur stock sas extensive as any in tlie city, and we are constnntly receiving ncw and fresh Goodu from few York. 50,000 Ifos. Wool. Wanied. theahove quantity ol good merchnntble Wool for which the highest niarket pricc vlll be paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, 1845. 214-tf The IVIisses Clark's School. ANN ARBOJl, MICHIGAN. A1ARYH. CLARK, Principal. CIILOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. RHOBY E. CLARK, Associate Teacher. M. L. W ALTER, Teacher of Music on the Piano. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematicsand Voca! Mueic. H. F. SHOFF, Teacher of French. Germán and ho Classics. TUIS Institution bas been in operation since November 18. 189. The scholastic ynr einbrncing fony-eight weeks, two tenns. coniirising two quarters cach - twelve weeks in ol [uorter - a pencrnl examination at the close at each term - in Februiry and August. The iast quarter of the present venu commences May 19. Tehuis of Tuitiox. - For the English branches, $2,50 to $5 per qunner. No redyetion made or absence, except in case of sickness. and no )upil taken for less tha?i a quarter. Extra char;es are made for musicon the I'iano. with the uee of the instrument, ifi.OO Frencb, 3.00 Latin, L0.0 Drawingand Painting, 5,00 Pancy Work, 3,00 Board, incltiding wnshing, lights. Ac, 1 ,75 er week if paid in advance. or 2,00 per week f paid at the close of tlie quarter. Parentsand unrdians are invited to visit the chool every Friday, when the studies of the veck are revicwed - also somi-monthly on Wedneeday afternoon. at rending of the wcckly com)osiiions. Young ladies dcs:roiis of ontering tJie school ind pursuing the regular course of stiidy. would lo well to commence at the begin uing of tho erm. or as soon after as practicable. Bolonging to the school are a Library of beween five and six hundred volumes, and Phiosophical ApparatuSjElectricnl Machine, Globes. &c. The MisseB Clark will endeavor, not only to promote the intcllcctual culuirc of their pnpil& int will attend strictly to their moral dep'ortnent. With no sectanan fecling, bat wiili a deepbcnse of relitjioiis responsibility, they wonld jive such atone to cbaractcr, as shall ronder il inicticnlly fittcd for every station - yielding to duty but firm to principie Ámong tho bocka uscd in the school nrc, Abercrom'.)ic on the Tntclleetual and Moral Power - Kaino's Elements of Criticism - Wayland's Moral Science - Ncwmnn's Rhetoric - lledge's jOgic - Palcy's Natural Theology and Evid(;iiccs of Cbrisiianitv - Groy's Chemistry- Parker' Natural F'hilosophy- Cnmbc's Physiology - Mrs. Liincoln'8 Dotany- Eaton's and Wright's Man lal of Botany - Burriu's Geocrnphy of the Icavens - First. Second nnd Tbird Books ol fjistory - Mrs. Williard's Republic of Americn - Phelps' Legal Classics - Playfair's Euclid, and Dny's Algebra and ünvirs' Arithmetic. Inquirv with regard to the school can be made of the Principáis or any of the following gentlemen to whom rcference is made by permission and who have at different pcriods had ciiher daushters or wards under our care. Rev. Isaar S. Ketcham. Ccntrcville: Geo Ketchu-n. Mar shall; Hon. Wm. R. Dclnnd. Jackson; Paul B. ning. Michigan Centre; F. II. Winans. Adrián: Daniel Hixson. Clinton; Gardncr Whceler. M. D., Ilowell; Rev. F. II. Cuming. Grand lïnpid; .lercmiiih Clark. Clarksion; Gen. C. C. llnsciill. James Birdsnll and Rev. J. Beoch. Flint; D. II. Rowlnnd.Northville: AmcsMend; Plymouth: Hon. Elias Coni6tock. Owasso; P. Brighám, M. 1).. Hon. Wm. R. Thompson, E. Mundy. Esq.. John Allen. Esq.. Geo. W. Jevvett, Esq.. Tho'8 M Lndd, Professor Williams, of the University, and Rev. H. Colclazer, Ann Arbor. The following gentlemen, Rev. TI. Colclazer, Rev. Wm. S. Curtís. Rev. Charles C. Taybr, Professors Whiting and Williams of the Üniversity of Michiuan. have consented to act as a vi8tiii2 committee of the School, to be present when the wcekly studies oro revicwed: bul especially to altend during the scmi-monthly cxamtnations. April, 1845. 213 1845, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. M' F ABREN, BOOKSELLER AND STATIOMER. SMART'S 13LOCK, 137 JBFFKRSON AVENUE, DRTROIT. KEEPS constantly for salea completo assortment' of Miscellaneous. Schooi nnd Classical Books, Letter and Cap Paper, plaiïi and rul ed, Quills, Ink. Scaling Wax, Cutlcry. VVra[ping Paper, Printing Paper, of all sizes; and Book, Newsand Cannisfer Ink. of varions kinds. BLANK BOOKS, full and iinll bound, of cv ery variety of Ruling, Memorandum Books, &c. To Merchants, Teachers, and others, buying in quantitics, a lurge discount made. Sabbath School and Bible Socioty Depositor. ,r)l-tf lotice to lIcrchaiits. THE Subscribers encournged by the patronage they have hitherto received in the wholesale department of their business, will the fir8t day of May next, open the store now oecupied by Geo. Grenville, frontingon Huron streel, and connecting with their present slore in the rear. exclusively for a WHOLE SALES ROOxl, where they will keep at all times a full nssortment of DRY GOODS, ROOTS & SHOES CARPENTIXG, HATS, OAP8, PAPER HANGÏNGS, BONNETS, CROCKERY BYTHE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GItOCERiES, &C. &C. &C. all of which will be sold on as good icrms as at any point thissido of New York City. G. D. MILL, fc CO. Ann Arbor, March 20, 1814. 48-tfThe Univcrsity Pilis. JIY WM. M. SMITH, , Pioféssfor of Materia Medica 'and ■ maaj, in the Willovghby Unioersity, of Laic Ene', ühio. n, ruMlTfl'S UNiVKRSITY PJLLS hnvc been m 5 extenêivcly uaeel by Dr; Smith ín his li ite and public practicc, nnd by rnnny of his pi retinen in the profosaioti, for wliom lic lias pie ared them; ihcy liavc also been dimributed lor eneral use in innny of tho Western States, and _ iiv uow stand without a rival wherever llioy c: nve been tried. Thcy ore iisually well 81 d to the purposes for wliich ihey are y leniTcif. The increosing demnnd tor these pilla, S licir unpnrailelledauccews, and the earnest B ations of liundrcds who have been restored to rj ïcaltli by thsir use. have induced the proprieior to ai irrscnt them to the public. P It is not pretended tlial these puls will Cure u 11 " the ills wbieh flesh ia heir to." vet it a r nos' confidently bclievcd by thousauds whose ir ertifientea mightbe obtaiñed, (w$re it decmed u leceesary.) iiicluding l'hysicians of high u ion.ihat these pills have no equal in the world, n; is a cathartic. anli-billiuus. ulterative rhédjcine, k ;' Smilli's Uiiiversiiv Pilis" uwe thoir peculiar, p -anative and uniform effect, to ihe happy v ïation of vegetable ingredients of wliich thcy tl ue composed; it is the rcitilt of many years ol ;areful inveatigatjon and experiments, ditected y ïnnch ixpericnce in the prjpertics óf i nal substnnees. s Jn their operaiion. thcy combine the greatrs. snergy nnd efliciency, with perfect mildness and 3aíeiy, so tbat while they opernte with great pow3r, thny seldom produce sickness or pain, nnd iré nt once adapted to both sexes, of all oges ind ril countries Thcy net dircctly upon the vhole system, correcting any nnd all derangenciit of the secretions, especially of the liveind kidneys; and remove all obatructions froni lic stomacli and bowels, at the same .time puriylrie the blood, nnd thereby giving healthy acion and function to the wbolc sys:ein. The nppropriate use ol this medicine does enirely away with tho sujtvostd nucessiiy of all nercurial prepnrations, wliich have been so freey used in all parta of our country, in the trentnentof all active diseases, of whatsocver name r nature. When the "University Pilis" nre tirncly nd ninistcred, lhey aro a never-failing preventiva jf bilioua. intermittont and remiitcnt fevers. n2ue and fcver, and tliu hosl of ills nnd maladies bat so of'en lead to deaih. As a consequent up )ii the foiegping diseases, we too often find dropsy in the different cavitiea of the body, syniptonatie and bilious consumption. aflections of the iver. pain and wenluiessof the brcast, chronic cough, enlarged spleen, ague cake. chronicdiarrïcea, loss of muscular power, and a general dernngement of the whole nerfous systein. No -lassps of dieense are more readily controllcd by ippropriate remedies, thnn those of bilious climates; and none so cusily prtrcnlcd. Next to lic cuvinc of disease aïrèady fonned, what enn ie of more consequencc tlian its sucecssful preventipn- The poison whïch produces bilious affectione. often lies concealed in ihe bysiem, undcrniinina he secret springs of lile, and going on wnh iis work of destruction for nionfhs, belore it breaks ut in opeo disease: rfn'ring tlns pcrod, n sa'l n complexión, hiirh colorcd urine, occasional pain in diflêrent parts of ihe body, head, t-ide. nrr' liick, ii-d some'iiiK.s in the extremitios. wiih :i variable appeiite, nre the it-adijig ymptpnijp tn wam of the iíñpendíng danj:i-r. At this time. the persevering nse ol' the 'University Pills.' nccordiitg to the herein contnined directions. wili neut'ralise the minsmal poison. promoe a fue discharge ot' bile from the liver. resuove olisiructions from the stomnch and bowels. nnd restore lienlthy eecretiona to sbe whole sys'ern. Thu 'Uniersiiy Pills'are peciiliailyndnpK'iï 10 thi cu'e. as wc!! ne ihe preveniion of tho following diseases: (üiutis, Infermittent nnd Re mitteni Feverp, IJrer coniplnints, Jiur.()irp. lncipient Dinrrhosa'. Agye nnd Fever, Chili Fevor. Iniernnl Fevcr, Rush of blood to ihe Head. Loss of Appeiite. Neivous Gorrrpjftini, Cholic. Acidity ol tbc Stomach, Iiuernal Piles, S-rofnla. Passivc Droppy. Habitual Cusiivencss. Ehfargc ment of the Spleen or Ai'ite Cake. Acute and Cbconic Rhetimaiism, íiclí Hcndachè, SympJo moiic Cong'h, Flntulehcyi Kruptfonsof the SSkin, and in all cakes of Torpor of the Bowels, when u Cnthartic, Aperient, or Alterative, is necded. Dr. Smith : - Veirüir - I tako mucli plensure in giving my testimony in favor f yom valuabie 'Universiiy PilU' I most chcerfoHy-Tècommend them io the public sa s-ife. snluiary. easy and efficiebl Cn'hartic. for mosf oí' t)in disensos incident to this legión ol country. I liavi made cxlensive use of then for foji'r years. ii nypraclicc, and 1 bcfive them to bthc ;ü:t nnii-l'ilions caiharlic, nperient meilicii e, eV6i conibincd nnd olfured for gtrifml tryr. Yours.truly, Gi.O. LANDÜiW FitKN(ii:-.nvN. Mich Oct. 3, TS44. Du. ?MiTti: - I ealéörn it a privüero to .tatc. lor publication. wlint 1 think of yom UnvcrHtv i'ills. I havo used them in my fan ily for t!irc yenrs past . and in no case have tliey diïni'pointed my expectaticn. I give ihem, with impunity. and bcntfijial resnlts, to my smal lest as wcll af to my largest children. My wifc and myscll have also used them. and I eivethem to my hiied help when niedicine is needed: nnd I bel.iöVf tliey are bcttcr thnn all other Pills thnt pycrliavc 6ccn made; for I nm ncquainted with a frreni varie;y of (hem. nnd l iliink. in compnrison with the 'LNiivereity Tills.' they ure not wonli using. Yours, truiy, ALF11KD G. l'.ATES. E. Sampson. t)Vupgiát, of Vpsilnnii, says: "I ncver snw n Pili ii#ioduccd so easály ns the 'University Pills;' and I never imvo suocecdedso well in the sales óf n new nrticle of medicine, in so short a time, ns I have with ihe 'University Pills.' H. Gray, of Moorcviile, 'Wasliteniw 'county. Michigan, snys: 'Mv cnstonicrs tik' yoitF 'Uni vfirsi'v Pills' better tlian any othcr Pili lhey tver used." For ale by J. O WEN & CO. and ? n , G. & J. G. HILL, Detro And by BECKLEY, FOSTEll & CO. Ann Arbor. A. L. CHASE, General Agent for Michigan, Illinois and indiana. 238 Dry Goeds at 'Wholesale. BEECHBR & ABBOT OFFER for sa]p for ensh the following goods at New York wholesales prices, transportaron only aclded: 40 Bules Brnwn Sheet ings and Shirtings, 10 Casort Bleaclied do do 10 Bales Brown Drülings, ö Cases Hlcachcd do 2000 lbs Batting-, 1000 " Colfon VVarp. Nos. O to 20 500 " Cand'e Wicking, 700 Carpet VVarp, 100 pieces Slieepe Groy Cloth, 100 " Sattinette, 60 " Cas8imere, 5t) " Blue, Blnck, Brown, Green, Steel Mixed, and Cudet Mixed Broad Cloths. 150 " Black, Colored, Figured and Plain Alpaccas, 00 '{ White, Red, Green and Yellow Flonnels, S0 " Super Meal Bagging, 50 " Plain and Figured Kentticky Jeans, 00 " " Linseye, 50 M Conton Flannels, 50 pairs Mackinaw Blankets, 50 pieces M. DeLaine and Cashmeres, 100 Blanket Shawls, 50 pieces 7 8 and 6-4 BedTicking, 50 v Stripe Shirting, 50 " Blue Drills, 100 " Prussian Diaper, 1000 " English and American Prints, together with a general assortment oí'Tlireads, Pin?, Buttons, Combs,Gíoves, Ribbons, Laces, Hdkfs, &íc. c, making the larpest and best assortment of goods to be found int his state. 132 Jefli-rson nvenuo, one door below the St. Clair Bunk Building. Detroit, Oct. 7, 1845, 6mo. gji WJLSON'S NEW HOT-AIRCookJö Bi. ing STOVES, and a general assortv5 ' nientof Parlor, Platc and Office stoves - for wood or coal - for ealc by WM. R. NOYES, Jr. No.-76 Woodward Avenue. Dotroii. &10-tfTry-- Try- Try Agian. A FTER you hnvc tried onc thouB&nd and one _ kind of Pilis; thcn try Dr. IlaUtid'a Brisk Filis id you wiil bc fully sutiBñcd tlia t thry are as ucli prclerable to every othcr kind as ríic füib ght ui'] heat ia prcforable, 10 bring forward añd omotc a henlthy growth in vegetables to that liirh èinnnntes from the moon. They arejust what is wanied in this country ■ a pill tli.'it operates quick. tliorough nnd easy, ir.ryiilg all impuritiea with ibm; Jcnving the omnch and bowcls clecn nnd clenr. Away witn1 our SLOW PILLS, that act SLOW- cleanso ■ LO W, and leave ïhe system in n SLOW atate. ilious matter and oiher impedimenta collect vot iápid'in the systcm when once they begin tó :cnmulnte - nnd will incrensc as fnst ne Slow lig vvill remove them. It is ncccgsnry therefore. have n brisk operaiion - ihat will arousk Lui uk oiitiANS front thcir torpid state, pive a npw npetus to the blood nnd ïccretiona. Thcn foodf ■ill digest- tfie stomnch gain atrength - the sys-" m the kin clcar- the appotite good, ml you me ivell - ivlirh your slow doses wotild' eep you lïngcripfr along for months- nnd then' nrhnps you Will send lor a Dottor, and whnt ill lic do? He will give yofi a ó-erful camriic - one that will do yon jomé good. Now be yonr own doctors, and tnke Halsted's 'rgetnhle Biik PiHs. and gradúate them to snit ie patiënt. To wenk pntieni give Finall do;s - also lo children. They are hnrmless and m begiven to the most delicate - but then they ve üfe nnd ntotion to the ayatctn. DISEASE is n slow morbid nrtion, cloggingf p ;ill the small vesscls- -and colls nlood lor d Miiedy that will arouso them ínto nctíon befaré' ïey become too u-eak to be kept in motion.- eople die for the want of iiction - nnd fenrinj icy shall obtain a hcalihy. natura) action - hcy rcler takina ;i sluw mcdirine - thnt they maj' octor slowly for ycars - and at lust (Tic wiin i? low, lincenng disefise- the nnwrnl cfTcct oi Ú ig hIow Pilis. Away then with ihis theory. - f nature wishes to purify the aii, phe cnlls upir hurry a thunder sliower. and wiih it her Jight- ings (air physic) to purify, clennse, and give a evv motion to tho atmosphere. nnd nll is well. hc does not lightcn {rontly 'he year round tt roduce this motion. Then fo?low nature, when ou nrcont of lienlih - have n bad taste ín your ïouih - indigestión - costivcness - fevrr - colk hills - fever and nnn - dysprpsia - pain in bacd r linibs - laken colï - or in fact out of order in ny wny - relieve youn--elf innnediatery by takincf ie Brisk Pilla. Try tbem omcc nnd you wilj se no otber. 28 Pilis for L5 cents. Sold wKofasnle nnd refnil by J. Ovron &, Co. )etroit; C. Fherbach, S. P. Jewctt, Ln"d &. IcCoFliim, Ann Arhor. 237-6m icw cíooDsrr 1 ARLAND & LEFEVRR. are now reccivJT ing ai No. 1, Havhi-ns' Block, a ery general assortment of Fnll and Winter Joods, to which they invite theattention of jurhaser3, atsnnn'g them that thcy will find goodsy nd at prirfs tbnt cannot lail lo prove sntisfnetory. "licir stock conïists in part of the iollowing: DRY GOODS. Broad-cloils, Ogsimcres, Sntipetts. Shei-p's ïrevs. Veatings. AJn pacas. Calicóes. Gjnhama, "■isbnierrp. Ilors- De Jiiinos. Alpme Pfnid, Minwijs, CraWite, Sni i iis. V't-lvetti. Si7ks. Lnces {h'rons. Sbeftinps, Sliirtin!, Taniitrics. Bnok IiiiIin. Bishop linwhs. Suspenders, Glovt-s, losing Tu8C!n nnd Slravy Bonncts, Buttmis nd Tjrironjiiigs. of nll kind. GROCERIES. Oíd and Vimihl' HysiVn', Imperial. Címrpowrfrr nd PoiifliiJii" Toas. Snsnts, CofToe.Spiepe. Minssrp. Rire. Fi?h. Cnndles. Soop, l'nll and WinOr'iOil, &c. Ac, Sal Soda, a very laige aj-strcneni. CKOCKF.RY AND G' ASS WARE. Tca nd Dínnfer St;iis lo match. 1ÍARDWARK.- Axrs. Coopers Toofa. Shelf ïiMxfa. IN'ails. Ac. Window Snsh, P.iÜs nm! f'uíií. Cordnge. &e.fuind all s?:v! t in thnt lin. BOOTS AND SHOES. Lndies Gnners. Slip?. "W.tlkinSines, Gent's super Cnlf-Boots, Men anrl Royscosrse ilo. Dy' Sniffsol" every drscription. Cnslt paid iorGrnss S ed, White Beans. Bece vax. Pot nnd Pearl Aslws, most kinds of Proluce ta?en in priynirnt for Gnods. AIso - CASH PAID FOR WHEAT. GA KI. AND &. LEFEVRE. Ann Arbor, Fent. IM5. 229 rf. L,$ r I Til E Subscriber bas jtrI & '": T"a. "S -- rcivud. (and i convjff sÉLjiJ 3';'i1'y retptiving) frn p tIMïL pw York nn eíesrant ni ft 'C ( Wïare Wl'" Bc'ccle aseortment ïcwclry, Clocks, Walclies, V i.c. ■hich inicndt ti (;ll as id is m nny itlier stobliahiñent ibis side ol T'nlValo fir rtuily wij onfij nimxig which n-.ry be t'ouml tlielollow n;: a ifnotj n.-sonnie )' Gold Finr Rings. Gold Breasi pins, Giiard Chfiins nnd Key?. Silver SpoonF, G'-niinn SiKer Ten mul Xnbe Spoons (fTrsl fjunliiy.) Silver nnd Germán do Sugnr Tongs, Silver Sitli. M uinrd tintl Cienm spoonf-. Butler Knivty, Pencil Case8t Silvor atia Corunion Tlnmbles, Silver Fpecincles, Germnn nnd Steel ditri Goggles, Clothes. Il.iir and Tooih Brushesv liilior IJrushes. Rnzors and Pocket Kniv-s. Fine Shenr.s and Scisors, Kdivch and Forks, BrítinñnÍD Tea Poismd Caeiors. Fine ;Jitcd de Bríttnrtin and Brota Candlcsticks, Shavins boxes and Soaps, niiapman's Best Ra.or Strop, Calfnnd Morocco VValleis. Silk nnd Cotion purses, 'iolins nnd JJows, Violin nnd Bnss Viol Strince, Flutrs, Pifes. Clnrionets. Accordeons Alono Sen!. Steel Pens nnd Twéezère, Pen enses. Snuff nnf Tobacco boxes!..iviiry Dressing ('om lis, Side and Back and Pocket Comba, Needie cases. Stele'.toee, Water Paiiit?, Toy Watclies, a great varicty ofi" Doll8. in short ;he greatest variety of toys ever brought to market, Fancy work boxes, chililren's ten aelts. Colonne FJair Oils, Smelling1 Salts. Court Plns'er. Tca Bells. Thermometers, Germán Pipes, Children's Work Bnskets, Slnte ind Pencils. Wnod Pencils, BRASS AND WOOD CI.OCKS, &c. in fact almost every thing to piense the fancy. Ladies and Gentlemen, cali nnl cxiitninc for yourselvcs. Ciocl8. Wntches and Jewelry repnired nnd warrantcd on short noiice. Shop nt hia old stand, oppositc IJ. Betker's brick Store. CALVIN BLISS. N. B.- Cash pnid for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, Nov. Cth, 1345. 237-ly" Leo ai 5 Wcslcyan Iiislitutc TUIS Insiitution will commence its WinterTerm on the first day of December next. We expect to have two terma in succession, ind then have a tbrco months in the Summcr, so that Females can teacli school and ' yroung men can labor in the most productivo sea son of the yer. Our School is in n flourishing condition. Wc' have 73 scholnra the present term, ohd can ac- pommodate about thirty more. Tuition ftom $2.53 to $5.00. Indigcnt atudenta can have tuition free. Board one dollnr" per week Rooms enn be had for any wlio" choose to board themselvea. Wc have tnus far lurnished tho School with1 Books. Some of Hnr Books. howcver, nre get'tingsenree nuch as Davit-a Arithmetic, Brown'aGrammar, Comstock's Philosophy, Andrcwa &■ Stoddard'8 Latin Lcssons, Cn. Those who can4 supply themsnlves had better do ao. CHARLES GALPJN, Principal. MISS BARKER, Aserstnnt. Leoni, Nov. 17, 1845. 239- 3w HAVE now on hand n largo assortment of Family Groceries, Paints. Stuffa, Druge & Medicines ol the best kind for sale very cheap. Nov. 17, 1845". 230 JK-iMls and ülortgages. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, for wie b BECKLEY, FOSTER & Co. March20, 1&45. CHARLES H". STEWART, ATTORNEY ANtf COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND' SOUCITOR IN CHANCERY,


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