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The Great Remedy Of Wild Wistar's Balsam Cherry

The Great Remedy Of Wild Wistar's Balsam Cherry image
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KOR ECOL'GHS, COLDS, CO.NSl'Mn'IOX &C JU'OhTAT Tu AI.L TIIOSK AJTLICTKD UITII DÍSKASlíá OF TIIE LU.NG8 A.D BKKAST. ïï'ill üiiiti' ( f cai? Moic 'rulni e "fit? á.tifjiissmg taiU.'i i in virtaèsW 1 ? ? ?. ? ? [Fioni Dr. J]akr. Sjirlngfiëid, W'ösh. Co. Ky. 1 Sfhikq iki d Ky., filuy 14, 1845; Mesara. Snnfprd & i'nik: - GjcNts - I inke (his opportuniiy of [nformïnc i'ou of a imst iciniirkaMo c-nre perlormed up'Jii o by the use of '. Wislar's liuhnm of WÜQheTry Ju ihe e;ir ltí'10 I wn taken wiih an Ii f] miitmnof iho Bowéls which I labo red iinifor :or s. vcoks wlien I gradiiaÜy r'ïcovcied. In ih? inll ! 1.-41 I w,-i8 ;tta:kc(l wuli n etvcre èóld, whicli icated ifselTupoñ n y iiüs, ;mi fur the spnee ol Im-e yers I w3 confinod 10 rny hed. I nid al iiiuJs of {nedicinca nd every varieiy of m cl i cal iid niid witlioui beni 11 : nnd ihns I wenried olunp anti! ihe winttr tt" 1.-4 1. wlu n I heard of ''Uiënr's Halsnni ol Wild Cherry." My friciuia )erundfcd me w give it a trinl. liough 1 had ivci up n!l hopea of n recóVèr'jri md hnd prèparcd myself for ihe change ü( annhcr worli!. ThVoñgh Iheir söltcifation I wn.-nducfd io niako nee of ihe "Genuine Wistnr's Ualsatnol' Wi;d ( "licny." Tlve effecl was trulv isionishing. Afier five ve ofuflliciion. p.nin iridaíjfiering: and üf:cr Imving spen'bwrör f.vr hvvdrcd dollars to no purpose. md the hand mos! rspfcct;l!c plivfriri:,; s had proved unai-nilinE. I was o n e' O r.,t'rc hen! h hn ?iï hUtsivg rf 0d f, „f '. sz of Dr. Wis'ur's Ba hum .ƒ Wüd Cherry. 1 om iww eirjoying coo-! heahh. and such if ny ahcred appcA.anci; iha I ,nn no lonjjcr know A'lien I meet my forme? ncq.uaintñncef. I hnve c-iini d rapidly in viV'igfit, and my flesh s flnu andsolit!. I csn nibw cal Mrtnieh nsatiy icrs'n. ind n;y food pcemsto aree with me -- [ hnve eaten more duim ihe lastsix tnonths thnn [ hnd caten for five years bêforr. GAnsJdering my case alrnost n mir.ndc. T deen' t nrc-ysnry lor ihe goud of thr. nfTlicied and n luty 1 wve !o i!ie propriotots md n.y foílow men. [who abpuld kuow whcio relief may bc hnd :o mrike ihiasuítemenl public. Mny the Messing of CJod rost upon the vropri;iors of go vniuulile a n:ed;cine „t, Wistar's Balram of Wild Cheriy. Yours, WÍÍ.LIAM H. BAKER. The fofloir'n Itnsjusl bent rece vul f rom Mr. Edicard Strntttm, of Laviattii, Jilo., wlnch s'ioirs thut Cor.s tniptlon in i s UlOTtt Lorm can bc tur cd Inj "IViáttir's BitUam of W II Clieny. Lkxíngton, Mo., Jan. 21, 1845. Bmjam in Phejcs- Jeor Sir: 1 tnfcc erent piengure in comniunicnting to you whut I considét an extraordinnry cure, eöi-cied su my d.nugluer, nbóut 14 yenrs f nge. by Wis iir'6 ünlsiin of Wild Cherry. About ihe Ist ol September lost, ny duuüliier taken ick. nnd was nttended bv scvernï physicinns. whosó pic -cr:ptioii8 provcd iféflectual. or gee.ned to do rio sjohd. Slie v;i8!tticndcd wilh a consi.-ini couch. md pain in the bienst. lier physiufins and dl who saw her, canje to ihe cou.clusioo iliat sliwns ni a cohfirmed stage of Coiif-unption. J ■ inde no other céfcblotion dian for lier to die. - I5tu as snon nsshu oinnieuccd fcking the I3alWJi site begnn ( improe. and contiriued so ró !o umil her hcnlli wus tcstored, and is nw cnurely wóll. Wiih a iew of len fminj; ilio.-i wb.o trt'ay besimilailv fflicied. ] take pWnsure í rrcommcndiiig this rcnicüy to the lence oí ihe public. Yours, wijh respect. KI) WAR ü STRATTON. IViSTAR'S BALS AM OF ÏVILDCHEllRY r-.-tt mu oüly relieves bitt cures! ETPriceSl per Noitle. or six botttes for $5. Kor sale in Cinciminii mly hy SANFOÍÍI) S PARK, and in Ann Albor by Maynard?. sK gèntsfor tfiïs Conniy. 2'H


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