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CANT BE WAT ! TFIK diihsci ibera wuuld in'orm ilic l'ublic ibai they continue to supp'.y llie Siuie ot MichiL.11) willl L. B, WALKER'S PATENT S 1I U T ■?! .'I E ES 1 J%E S . TI-o Lime mtmriers oí tncí Macliihea that Imve l'een siihl. nml ihc Sténdily iiicroaemg deinaiiil fui tliem. i ihe best evjdeB.ce el ilicir iel valué. ■ uní of their eatíination wíth lll'iso who huve bucome laiiiiíii r wïlh Üí"f meiiis. W.u.kk ('■ Smoi Machine iseuperior to otheis ín tlie itilkivvmx pnrücultirs: I. As ii combines the Bdtiíiig. S Oürptg, and Woning Principies, it cieans t lie aiiinítlest l . iíniiu ni ilie hrst ninnner, rélairiing ni! the t'i ic 'ion of ihe wlicnt, uud ritacftarging the giiiUt uní) 'lust ;is f;ist as f-eparaiet! l'iom the ilie:t. '2. It íh simple in construction. and is ' fure lesa liab'e to kcoujc d, muí costs less lor répñira, 3 it rur.s very tight, and is pcrfcctly secure ' fro tu lire. 4. It is na durable as nny oilier Machine in use. ' 5 It cosis considerahly th in n'h'-r kinds. ' These tihbói'toh) poiñra pf'dTfferwflce Inve gi v" ' en lilis Machine ihe piefeience wiih iliope who have tairly med it. Ai.nons " 'orto numberof ! Gentlemen in tho Mílling BWmés's Who iniln ' be nanied. ihe fíitliiwing have used ilie Mnchirtef, ' mu cení üéá lo ilu-ir exccllency and suneriorny: II. N. Ho.vakü. loniiac. Mich. K. F. Couk. Rocliesicr, do F.. B. Danfoi;tii. Mosoñ, do M. K. Fri.nk, Bram-h, do II. II. Comstock. Comeiock, di Refi-rcni-es inay :ilso lie liad to John Bacox, Auburn, Mich. W. Hvon. do do I). C RdcIí, do ' John Piiti's. Monroc, do II. I)0U-íMN, (il) dt ! A. IIkvcu. VVnicrloo, do Gi.o. Kktchum, Sfnrsh'nll, !o ' N. Mr.MK.NVWY. Oítklnnd, do All öfdert IV. r VlacÚnéa wÜI be pron-pily attended t.). Ad.iress E. O. & A. CRITTFNTOX. f Ann Arbor, (í.'ower Town) Vnh Co. Mich. i Au?. 2-i, 185226-fy íflortg.'íge Sale. DF.FAUlr hnying bt-tn inmie in the pnynu-nt of a ci riain 8uni uf monry secuici ti !jc piid by a ceriaiu indcniure OMnOitgage beaíng (!ite the ilnrifcnih ljiy of Jmic, A. D. ono thoiisund eiaht hUnilred md thirty seven. exe cuted by Cluiswplicr Mullen nml Thomas Mul!e:i til ilie lo.wn o.i Norilificld. in ihe couniy oí VVashtennw and Stntc of Michigan, lu 'Thumñe Gillnly ol snid towi-. couniy and State, which ' mnrtgoge was dnly ipoDrdei) itl ihe Re'jis'er's , ÍE e of t lie couniy of Wishienaw, uforesnid, on lie ihiiteenth day of June, in ihe year of 'ür . I..rd eiglirocn hnndred and Uiirty eevoh, nt 4 o'. dook i.ri 'tlie nftarno'on ol sflid day, in ' ber five ol mOTg'nge-át pT-e one hundied and eigln w iiich mongage h ha boen duly ' signed to nc .'■■lin Rüey of ihe city, couuty and Stníe cif Tew York. And defauh bavinq a!so lceri madein the I rütions f s.iid mnrigage, : o suit or proceeding ' ■ i l.iw fiaving bren insii'uied t' recover the Tvhote ' ir any part of the money nowdue or cluimcd u b'e.diic ori i!ie mortgoge, and by virtue of flit ( several defradts. ihere is now claimed to he due dn snld mongóee, ihesum of iwo ïundrcd and sovcniy ffiur d Hars aiid seventy nine ceñís: No ' tice is thercioie beroly given, that in pnr?unnc l )f a power of sale in said mortir.ige containcd. ■ will lie Fold at ihe out r door of the Oom t House. l in tho villano of Ann Arbor. in the County ' Waáhlennw nfoiesTid, a public auction on the second d.:y of Joñuary nextfA. D. 1846) at ten n'eloek in the. forenoon of snit! dav. in pursuhncte ofsaid powor of stI; nll and sinsnlar ih'% ])romise6 doscnhe'l i.i sifi ) niortcncc as followp: [ ■'Reintr nll th-it certain tract of luid siuiaiod in i the t.nvn f Niirthfii'lrl n the Oounty aml State aforrsaid fioi na llienpriH opsi fjnar er of ihe soutl, ; wcs'. frac'i'innl (iinrtpr olsi"-l.(ni numbpred thirty ' mie in iqvvneliip nitmbered "ne souih nf ron 5e siv 1 east. contaiüins: li "ty one arros o( land he ilu I ame more nr less." or fo much liiereof as ih:il: be necesfniy to 8-iiisfy the amourit aouinlly ■' on said tr.ortgagc iogeilier wi:h osis ofsilfi. JOHN RILI'.Y. 1 att'iicn of mi.rtgnge_. Py Hawbix s A I'r.AiT. bis attornics. Ann Arbor. Pept. 2Ck M45. C3I ' illedical ft of ice. THF. iindci$ig:ifd. in i ff rmu Iiis services ti VVasliKMiaw and iIkj ai!j Mtiinij C-"n:ies, fb ! Itni.a-ojiaibic i-'hygician. wmild siy. th-it aíiei ( tiaving practiced medicine ori ihe principies as :iti2ln in nld Fchoo', nrííl tita'ed disens fi i!ic last two yoars accordini; t- the law of Ho il.CB'ipathy. - (-i 11 II il :i,;iiUIuS rurtlillilT. ) ;ini;lit in ;lie ncw schooj of medicine ; and ha ing compaied the success of the Iwrt svsicins. In iinhesitHtihgïy believen iloniceopuhy to be tii mosi safo, certain and sm-cesslul nietiiod ql'c.ure. Üiseasf6. hilUectg irirU rublo, ai e now in mo' ciscs. iiernianciiiiy eradicated by HiiiiÖBoihili,y ffcti'im of the ppihe, beid. uterus, stoinach. te. &c. h'ive w-n thi'ir cedain remedies. Kp ilupsy. niania. paralysis. neuralgia, b'onclulis liytV and !uig d'scast's: scailet lever, chuica, htack mt-nilea, niallgnant throit. erysipchiF ■ r black toiifiuo. croüp, influmnwr.ions of ihe lirnii), BtonVatVr, bowels. &. Vc. are only n few f ihe tnnny iils, that have been stiipt of theit icrrors bv the timely application of lioinceopathit ined ciincn:s. Wiilion fiirther rssny, the iinders:Lnod wou!' lenve tli the atllictedio say. on irial of the rem ttdiea, wjiöther iloinccopatliy is what 11 claims t !ie or not. IJe wo 11 KI also staie 'Int he hns jnst returncel from IS'eu Y ik and rinl.nVlpliia. wíth a cmii jtete assrtment of MKüiCAMENTS, jnat im ported from Li)sic. ti iniaplnce. vhfre he wi' i.itnd to all calis, und lurnish niedii-anients bonkSj JÍ.C at the lowost pricf-s From the vltif and exclusive (íttention he is givinc lo the sturh ml prnctree o!' Homocnpntiiy to l: abie 10 civ 3niisfflCtiun to timsc wlio niny favor hito w.iij t'.ieir patronage. Communiciiions. p'st pml rom paiieiüs ai a d;3tancc, will receive promp illi'rilioti. ThfuSe, wh may wish to place thcmclves unf r 'uif licainier.t for nny chronic disense, fin ubtain lodpitiyí eiiher ni bis houee, or in othe )luces, ai l"w prico8. TUÜS. BLACKW0O0. M. D. liomcpipaihist. Ypsilauti. 20th iov. 18-15 2 9- ly Heady Made Clothing. AT REDUCEÜ PRICES. TUTO furgeít and bc-st uasortincni of rcad) tuade cfóihin'íj ever bu!or: oífered in tlnirilaie. now 011 hand and lor f;ic, Wbolesde ój lleiailj 11 1 he Cluthipg I-mporium oi tlic Sub -tenners. consistiní: in uart ol Fine broudclo.h Frock and Dress Coair. Tweed and unión c.isiitneie, sutinctund jcai. Frock and Bütinéai Coíiis. Sunuiíer Coais n great variciy ond ven rJictip. Cassimere. cloih, twccd and summer Pnnts ol di stylcs and i-rices. Satin, velviM, silk. valencia, caslinifire nn(! M.uspjllcs Veet6 - a large stock oí rich and fah ionable siy'i's. Alt)-), an oxtensive nssortment of Uosiery. Stocks, Si-arfs. Hondkerchit'fs. Callare! ShlriF. (iliivi?!. Cravats. Suspendéis. &c. ic, all oí vliii:h will be sold low íor cuh They wiíuld rerpecifully invite nll, n want ol ready made carmenis. to cali and examine ihcit stock bt'fbre purcliasing elywhere. asit has beer selëct'ëd wiih care in thè F.aaiern niarket and ; i.i ihe latcst siylea and moet durable maiincr. haLlock a raymond. Corner of Jefierson & Woodwnrd aven-iee. Detroif, April 4. 1845. St3ti JERÖiME M. TREADVVELL, ATTOrvNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WrILL nttend to the sale aad txchanco of Landfl, paymenr of Taxes. and ledemp'ion of hnnds sold for Ta.xes in Jackson and adjoining coirnii06. rxanñnationof Tille?. Convcy.-.ncinc and all husinpsspertainiíig to Real Estáte, ulfice in the Court ilousc. Jackson. Michigan. I7-tf. Quit Claim Becds JUST l'rimed and foraale at thia office. 228


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