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1845. J. HOLMES &, CO, WtfOLÊSALE AND RETA TL DEALERS IN STllK AND FAKCt DRY GO O DS, ] Btry Groccrii's Carpdhig-, mul p :per JÉiaitgittgs, Vb. 63 Woodiccrd Avenue, Lurncd's Block, Detroit. 3 11 M.MKS. N.:W York. ) i s m. noi.MKs. Ditroit. j i WK tnke thismethod ut í nlurtuiny uur diende i mu! cuatonieis iliruuyltout the Sinje, iliq ! we nre still pursuing il:e even tei.or of ui: wi.ys, endeüvorin lü do our liut-incss upon Lti md honorable principies'' Wc' woufd itUo teni.'er our acknuwlediMnen's for tle patronage c. tended to 1 y our cuMomere, nnd Wünld heg i leovc lo cali the ntlcntion of tlic pulilic to n eiy i wel! fe'cctcl nssottment of ptosonnble Gooïi?. i which are offeren at wholeflntë or retiñí at ven 1 hiv priras. Our laciliiies lor piMchnsnm Gooihare UliPiirpnssOil by ni!)' CI1!CrH ï tl ïllf SlnlC - One ol the lirm. Si r. J. Holmes resides in thi'iiy of New York, nnd frmn his long oxjieriencc in ilic Jubbihg trnrle in tint ciiy. nnd inim i tluirmigh knowlfcdjïoof ibfl niaiket. he ie enn I l)!pfl lo avail hiniBolf of the niictioñs nnJ uny ilccüne in piires. Wc nis pnrehnse fïoni tl fmpuriers. Mnñ'tifac'turer's' Agrnu. nnd ftom tU i nuaiionB', by 'lic 'ckngc., the same ns N. Y. .lobherï ptirrhnse. thus sayine ilicir profns. - i With tt;esc fnciliiicn wp cin snlcly biv i Imr out i Goods nrïi eoid chkap for rlie cvidonce óf wbicl, we invne the atieniion of tbc inllic loout stock We holil ti ÜïB g'i'a r-Tf'inn! pi incidió (tl ' t'ie i (rrr.ut'.st ffoo'l to lltci'h'l number." so if ) on ■ b'iv Gpodd chcap, ;tn;l Imy ñ lnrrt ; l'ttf or n l'u'fí hioñetf sivo ns n tri:il. Our 8Mcl ' sas e.T'Ptiiivp ;is nny in tlu: riiv. nnd we nn : eonpüintlv ïeci'iving new and fresli Goods fron: New York. t 50,000 lfo. IVool. Wnntcd. the nboye quntiiiiy.ol.giod msrchnn.t ible Wool for which the bighest tnarket prid wil! bc paid. J. IIOLMFS & CO. Detroit. I84ï. 214-:f The Misscs CJerh's School. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. MAR Y IT. CLARK, Principal. Cl 1 LOE A. CLAilK, Vice Principal. ' RI1OIJY K. CiVilK. A.-6ociite 'J'e.'iclier. M. L. WAL'i'EK, Teacher of Mus:c on the ' Piono. P. MAKSfl, Tcnchcr of Mathematicsnnd Voca! Mtisin. II F. SI OFF, Teacher of French. Germán anti the Classics. TIITS Instilutton has !een in operntion since , November 18. 18-U'. 'l'be pcliolnsiic y-ai áinbrocin forty eifiht weiks, iwO tenns, cntnprising two quntit'is eucli - twelve weeks in ol , q ntir ter - a gencrnl ezanúnatittn at the 8ch term - in F:!5iuary nnd Augttst. The iaat quartcr of the present verin commences May 19. Txrms of Tuition. - For the Englisli branches, $'2.50 to 5 per qunrter. No rtduetion rrjoi) for al)senee, exei-pt ti case of sickness. and nu pupil taken fot less tlnin :i qá'nficr. f'xtrn ch.'irrs are made lor rnusic on the Ftano, witii the i)e f the instrument, $K0? French, 3. (Hi Latín, 3.0( Drnwingand Painting, 5.01; Puncy Wok, 3.0(; Board, inclttding wnshjng, lights. &c, S'r75 ;ier week if pnid in advnncd, or $2,00 per weel if paid nt the close of the quarter. Parentsnn.) L'unrdians are nvte.c to visit tin schnol cvury Fiidiiy. when t!ie smkücs of ih week are revicwed - also snii-nianthly on Wc;i ncs'l.iy afternoon, at rcndinjj'of the weckly conipo.-iiioiis. Younw ladics des'tons of entering the schofil nnt) pmsuing tiie reuulnr conree of study. nroulij -lo well to comnience nt the hecmningof the term. or ns 800 n after as practicable. n'i!''iiLrin2 tn thé srhiol rtrè Librnry ofbe iween fivo and bíx hundied nlnnies. and Pln'osophical A.paratus,Eltctrical Machine, Giubcs. &c The Misses Clark will endeavrr, not only lj nroniK'c the intellectnnl cnhtire of their pri)it!luit will ntiort-J atrictly to tlieir morel depott:nent. With no sectaiian fcelini;. bui wiih : '!eep,en3ü of reliyious icspin.silul:iv. ihfj' wouli' ive stich o tone to chnracte. ns shnll roncfer i irnctin-illy futed (or evt-ry siation - yieldinc te luty hut iinn to princtpjH A:noitï the bn'-ks ust-tl in the.8C.hool nre. Ah T'-r'in'u'; iüi the nicllecnuil nml Mir'd PowiTf - -Kniis EleinÑils ol' Oiticisni - Wnylnnd' Vlornl Srience - Xesvnian's Rhetoric - JÍcdc'1'.' l.ogjn - Paley's Nfliürül Theohiijy and Eviityhcei nf Chrisiianif- G.'i'v's Chemistry - Pnrker .Vaiural I'hilosopliy - Cfjpbe's Pl'.vsiolnjrv - Mis Lincoln't Boiany - Eaton's and Wriielit'a M-'m nal of Rotany - Burriit's (?éojnphy óf th Henvens - Ftrs'. Second nnd Tliird Books ii History - Mis. Wüliard's Rofiiililic "f Americf - E'hslps' Letrnl Chssi.'f - Phiyfnir's FIuchd,anf! Dnv's Alccbin nnd Dnvirs' Ari;hin'tic. Inqtiit v with rfcard to tlip sohool enn be nid f the Principáis 'r nnv of the followirie gerrtle 'iien to wliotn rufetence is tnaiie lv periiiissi'ii ■nul who Iiave nt difT-rcnt periods had eitJiei ■ !aui'!;ters or wnrd nn'ler our rnre. Rev. lanar S. Ketrham. Centn'vüte: Geo ICetcbu 'i. Wnr -hall; Kon, Wm. R. Delnnd. .i:icksnii: Paul Ó. Riua. Miohiinn ''ntre: F II. VVirfan, Adrinn Daniel Híxshh, Clinton: Gnrdner WheHer. M !).. Howoll: Rfv F. M. Cunnnii. ttrnnd Rnpdi: JëreniinK Clnrk. CinrUroh; Oen. ( . C llnscnt?. Jnrrtfs Rird-nM nnd Hev. J. Bfi.Tch Plint: D. H. Rowl iid.NfMhvMIe: AinrsM.-d: I'lyinouth: Hon. Flins Commöclf.. Owhfgo: P Hrisïinm. M. O.. N-m Wm. R. Tlióiiïnson. E Mundy. Esq . John Allen. F.p(.. Geo. W. Jèw ctt. F.sq.. Tho's M Lndd. Prof.-fsor Wilia:ns f ihc Univerpity. and Rev. H. Colclazert Ann tbor. Tbr : fiillowinff sentlninfn. Rrv. II. C'lr:i7er. Rcv. Win. S Curtís. Rev. filarles C Tavi r. l'rufffisitrs Whiiins nnd Willinnsof the University of Micbiran. have conennted to act as n visititif? oommi'tec of the School, to ! piepen1 when the w'eekly ettidipe ntè reviewed: hut cinlly to atttnd during the semi-monthly examt!iation. April, 1845. 213 145. WHOLESALE & REÏAIL. A. MFARREN, BÖÖKSEILERAKDS'AÏHMR, SMAKT'S Hl.OCK, 1S7 JKFFKRSON AVKNUB, DRTROIT. KKEI'S constant ly lor salea complete asson ment of Miscellaneons. Schooi and Cl.issilmI Unoks, Letter nnd (.'np i'opcr. pJoiri aiul rul ed, Quiüs. luk. Seaüng Wax. Ctitlery. Wrapninu' I'aper. Pruiting Paper, of all sizes; niv1 Ho-ik. ewsan."l Cannisier Injc: of variotis kinds BLANK BOOKS. ruil and hall otev tiry variely pf Ruling, Memorandum Books. &è To Merchantp, Teachers, nrVd orhers. buyitii.' in ipantiucs. o I urge discount tnnt'e. Sabbath School nnd Bible Society Depositor 51-tf R o tice to ftScrcliants. THE Subsciibers encouraed by the patronage they have hitlieito received in t! ( wlmlesale department of ihir business, will tin fiist day ol May pexl. open the sjore now orcupit-d by Geo. Grcnvrtle. froñtingon Hurón street. ind connectin-g with tbeir present atore in th rrar. exclusive!)' for a WH0LE 8ALES ROOM, where tTïey will keep at all times a full nssortment of DRY GÖ0DS, BOOTS & SfIOES CARPENT1X0. 1IATS, CAPS, PAÏ"ER HA.NGINGS, R0NNKTS, CR0CKEKY 15V TUK CRATE, HARDWARE, AND' GROCERIES, &C. &C. &C. al! of which will be sold on as good tenns ns at any point thissideofNew York City. G. D. HILL, & CO. Ann Axbor, March 20, 1814 48-if


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