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Factory Tracts. - The Lowell factory girls have at last gone the right way to work to secure an alteration of the lawsand regulationsof the Lowell factories. They are getting out a series of Factory Tracis, as they are called. They will do good. They will ex[ose many shameful abuses. One of the by-laws of all the factory companies in Lowell s this: "All persons ontering the employmen of the company are considered asengagcd for twelve monihs, and those who leave sooner, or do not cómply with these reg ulations, will not be entitled to a regulai discharge." The tyranny of such a regulation as this is easily conceived. It places the overseer of a factory on a level with the overseer of a plantation. The operative is at his mercy. The writer of the Trac slates a case. One girl who had no friends in Lowel), anddestitute ofmeans having incurred the ill will of the over seer, he had her name placed on the black list of every factory in the city, so thai she should not obtain employment But by giving her first and second name only, she succeeded in getting work. - This brute of an overseer learning it, exposed her real name and got her discharged. She had the courage to prosecute him, however, and the court a arded her damages to the tune of 8500. That sum will bring the rascal to his senses. - Alb. Pat. Anotiier Bouxdauy Question. - Ti.e Louis Repub. anticípate considerable troublc in settlingtheouestiou oftheboundary line between Missouri and Iowa. The latter State has undertaken 10 legislate over the disputed territoryj and the grand jury of Davis county Iowa, has found bilis of indictment against the sherifl of Schury county, Missouri, for attempting to serve a process ivithin the line of boundary claimed by Iowa. A Steam Factory ís building in Portsmouth 204 feet long.Pathetism. - Mr. Sunderland's farevell lecture on Friday nigbt wns well tttended, his experments were all suc:essful. Wecounted, atone time twelve ndividuals whomo he had palhetized, or hrown into a somnolenl state. A tooth vas extracted from the jaw of one cf his ubjects, by Dr. Terry, of this city The atient gaveno indication of pain, and, we ïesitated not tosay sufFered none. Before uch evidence of the truth of pathetism, kcpiïcism itself should be dumb. Soine ay that it is all done through the agency fthe Devil. In the namp of humanity, hen, let him go ahead, for it is the first i me that he was ever engaged n the nelioration of human suíFering. - CA. Vreeman. Great Yiei,d. - Henry Jones, of foung' s Prairie, Cass county, rnised on me acre of ground this year, sixty one ushels and twenty-fivc pounds of wheat. fhis is the largest yield weliave lieard of n Western Michigan. A large number if fielis in this section have yielded from 10 to 45 bushels to the acre this seasdn. Arnong the Whig condidates for Con;ress in Mississippi, are two very remarkable men - Stark, of Columbio, and Pat. Tompkins, of Vicksburgh. The former was a stoge driver until within six years. He is now well off, and one of the most accomplished and eloquent men in the Union. While driving stage, he was ñlling his mind with knowledge. Tompkins, never s:iw the inside of a school house till he was 19. He was a cárpeme and bricklayer, until he was 22. He then Ktudied law, and is now as celebratei for bis legal knowledge as for his slum eloquence. Piuson Business. - The State Prison or Penitontiary of Louisiana is easily má naged, it would seem. The followin pnragrnjih, from the New Orleans Time. shows hoic: "Thé Penitentinry at this plnce is lea ed for five year6, toseverol gentlemen ui Kentucky. They pay nolhing to the State: they take all the material on hand from the State at a fair valuation, and retain the material they have on hand al tho expiration of their lease. The State also loaned the lessees 815,000, at 6 peí cent interest, to enable them to make a beginning in the manufacture of bagging and rope. It is understood the systerr works well, and that it is quite profitablt to the lessees. The most profitabli branch carried on is the cotton factory and it would bestill moreso, ifthe factor; were enlarged sufficient to employ tin entire force of the Penilcnliary." The Boston," Daily American Eagle,' the organ of nativism in the Bay State has hung out ils banner, with the foilowinj ticket for the np.xt Presidency: "For President, "JOHN McLEAN,ofOhio, ["Subject to the decisión of the Nativ American National Convention, at Pitt; burgh, in May 1847.] Lose no time; be always employed i K some, thing useful; put off all unnecces e sary action.


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