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CIRCULAR. Washte.vaw Co. Trkjsurkk's Offick, ? Ann Albor . Dtc. 8th, li:5. S IT hr.ving been made the duty of the Tresurtrs pf the different Countits throughout the Siaie ol Michigan, by the provisiüna, of trAn Act to provide more efFectually for the coinple.ion, and disposition of fines, penaliies and forfeitúr'es ol rtcogn zoncee;" approved, JVlarch l%2tl. A. I). lb-14: - To demnnd and receive all inonies which may be in the hands of the difiernt officers uientioned in s.iid act: and having )een rejirestnted at tliis office, that there is a iirge amount of inoney in the hands of different ndividuals in the County of Washtenaw, which hould. in nccordance with the provisions of the et aíoresnid. be paid into this office, in anticipaion of the distribution of such moneys to be nade on thefirst day ol March, A. D. 1846. And also, believing that no officer would reain monev, or niake any use of the sanie, with a fiill understanding ot the prmisions of the act bovualluded to; The undersigned has thought roper to ptiblish in this manner the 7th, 8th, 9ih. lOih, llth and 12th Seciions of said act, rclating particulorly to surh cases, which may be f.iind on pages 120 and 121 of Session Laws of Michigan, 1844. 'Sec. 7. All 8herifTs. county clerks, or other officers or persons, vho now have in their hands of; may herealter coilect, or receive. anymoney, on fines or penalties imposed upon any person or persons, in any court of record in this siate, or upon any recognizanses in encinal proceedings, shall rniniedmicly pay over the sanie to the treasuTer of ihe county where such riñe or penalty wasso imposed, which trecsurer shall give hts official receipt to such officer or person paying the same for the amount so paid. Sec. 8. All juttices of the peace, constables, marshals and oiher oilicers or persons, who have now in their bands, or may hereafter collect or receive nny inoney on fines or penalties imposed upon any perron or persons, by any justice of .he peace. court of special sessions, orcourt marual in this state, thall imniediately pay over the sume, to the treasurer of the county where such fine or penalty was so imposed, which trea3urer shall givc his official receip; tosuch officer or person paying the sanie, for the amount so paid.' Sec 9. All money collected, or received on fuifs or pcnaliies, r upon ony recogn zances in crimfna] proceedings, and paid to any count treasurer of ibis state, as hcrein provided, shal by surh couniy treasurer, on or before the firs day of March, in each and every year, be dividid according to the number of organized iown ships in the county where such treosurer officinlly belongs, and an equal share thercof s!ia!l be paid over by such treasurer lo the chairman ol ihe ooard of school inspectors in each of such orunnized townships, vho shall give his official receipt to the treasurer for the amount so paid. Sec. 10. All money paid over to, and received by, the chairman of the board of school inspecturs in any township in this state; shall be by such chairman appropriated to the purchase ol such buoks and the neecssary appendages for a township library, as a mnjority of the board of inspectors may direcr; which library when esuiblishcd, shall be kept a township library, exclusively lor the use of the inhabitants of the township, and shall be under such rules and rr.L'tiiations osthe board of inspectors may from :ime to time deern nccessary and proper to niake lor ihe protection and preservation of the books. and to secure such inhabitants in on equaband just use of tho same. Sec. 11. If any public officer. or other individual, having collected or received any inoney or funds of any kind whatsoever, on ony finrs or penaltics contemplated by the provisions of this act, shall noglect or refuse to pny over such money or funds, so collected or received, on dema'nd, to thepropir county treasurer, such officer or individual so neglecting or refusiug. shall forfeii and pay doublé the amount ot such mo ney or fund?, which may be sued for nnd recovered, by nciün of debt in the name of the coun ty treasurer, before any court having cognizrnce ihereof. which amount so forfeited, when collected shall be divided nnd paid over by such treasurer as hereinbeforc meniioned. Sec. 12 Any officer who shall hereoftcr collecl or receive any money or funds of ony kind on fines, pcnalties or recognizanecs. and hall convert such money or funds so collected, to his own use, or shall rcluse to pny over the same bs hercinbefote provided, shall b;deemed guilty of embezzlement, and on conviction thcreof shull bc punishcd by imprisonment in the state pnson for o term not more thnn thrce years; or by fine not more than two thousand dollars." It is hoped thot all persons now hnving in their handa money belonging to tho Libraky Fund created nnd apprupria;cd by the act aforesaid, will make immediate payment of the same at ihis office in obedience to the requirements of ihe provisions of iheeaid net. And that the un dorsigned wijl not, (by a due performance of his duty,) bo under the necessity of enlorcing ihe Penal provisionp of the aforesaid net. O. VV. MOORE, 243- 3w. County Treasurer. FOUND. ] L A BOUT four weeks since, on the road beXjL tween Detroit and Plymouth Corners, a i'ur Mufk. The ownor of which can have it by allingon W. R. WALDRON. Salem, Dec. 8, 1845. 3w-243LAST CALL! A LL thoso indcbtcd to the la'.c firtn cf i. CX Bt-ckley & Co., íbr Wool Carding, Cíoth )reasng or otherwise, by note or account are cquesied 10 cali on or before íhe first dny ol lanmry next and aeitle thc samo, or or ihey witl ie l'Jt uiüi a jttsticefor collection. MORE FOX.ITS. Those indebicd tu lite finn ol Suinner Kickn fe Co., aro rcsepectfully requested to c;iií ai.t. idjitst tkcir accounts without deluy, os purwsnta iro urgent, our cali is imperions and thoso merested will govern ihemselves accordingly. SUMNF.R H1CKS & Co. Ann Arbor. Dec'JO, 18-15. ín Ch ancer y- Ist Circuña. Keorge P. Poner, administraior of Oliver Kanc, . Jeceased, complninant, rs. Lotcn Mills, Klijaíi Morgan and Williara S. Maynard, defendaniB. BY virtue of a decretal order ïesued out of the court of chancery of the Sate of Miei. igan, I shali exposé lo sale to the highesibuiJer. at the Court House in ihe Villace of' Ann Aibor, Waahtcnow county, on the 23d day of Scplember next, at I o'clock, P. M.,of that day, Inu follovylng described premises sitúate, to wil: i(situate, lving and being in ihe town ol Am. Arbor, in thc county of Waslitenaw r.nd State of Michigan: Boginning at the chatre of WhittE ' Rond, so called, on ihe west line of section 2ii, in town two south of range six cast; thence som li on the line of the said section and on the lino of section thirty-two, fony roda souih of ihe routh west corner ot thc said aec;ion to a stake; thciico east at right anglea wiih said pection' :r;o thirty rods; ihcnce north and parallel viih saul ícetion line to thc centre of said Whites' rond.- Thence south eeventy five degtees west in tho centre of the said road to the place of beginninp. ontaintug thirty-three acres and sixty-five h'.inIredth8 of on acre of land more or lesf. GKO. DAN FORTI!,. Master in Chancery. Jor & Poiitkr. Sol'8. Dated, August llth. 1315. The above sale ia pos'poned until the 20lh day of October A. D. 1845 at the saine hom una place. GEO. DANFORTH. Master in Chanctry. Dated. Sept. 23d. 16:5. 1 ho above eale is prwiponed until the 17ti i'.ay of November, A. D. 1845, at t'ae 6ame hout a' d place. GEO DAN FORTI I, Mnster in ChonceTr. Dfited. October 20tb. 1845. The nbove snle is postponed until tho ?5'.h day ofNovember, A. D. 1845, ai tbn aamohour and plnce. GEO. DANFORTH, MasteJ in Cchancery. Nov lóih 1845. Thc above sale is postponed until the 23d doy of December next. nt ihe satne place and time of day. GEGRGE DANFORTH, Master in Chancery. Dated. Nov. 25: 1845.Ulortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the pay-' ; ment of a certuiii sum of money securvii ; je pnid by a certain indenture of morigage U?arng date the thirteenth day of June, A. D. one housand eight hundred nad thirtysevcn, executed by Christopher Muilen and Thomas Muien of the town of Northfield, in the couniy of VVashtenaw and State of Michigan, to Thomas Gilluly o) said towi. couniy and State, which mortgage was duly recorded in the Register' 'ffice of thecounty of Waehtenaw, aforesaid, otf he thirteenih day of June, in the yenr of our .lord e.ightecn hundred and thirty seven, at 4 o'- clock in the afternoonof said day, in Libernumer five of mortgages at page one hundred and eventy eight which mortgage has been dulj w■iigned to one John Riley of the city, couuty anJ State of New York. And default having also been made in the conditions of said mortgage, no suit or proceeding ut law having been insiimted to recover the whole or any part of the money now due or claimed to be due on the mortgage, and by virtue of the several defaults. there is now claimed to be due on said mortgage, the sum of two hundred and seventy-four dollars and seventy-nine cen3: Notice is therefore hereby given, that in pursrance of a power of sale in said mortgage contained, will be sold at the outer door of the Court House, in the viliage of Ann Arbor, in the County of VVashtenaw aforesaid, at public auction on the second day of January next f A. D. 1846) at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in purauaiice of said power of sale all and singular the premisesdescribed in said mortgage as follows: 'Beingall that certain tract of land situaied in the town of Northfield in the County and State aforesnidbeing the north east quar'er of the sourh west frac'.ional quarter of section numbered thirty one in township numbered one south of range six east. coniaining fiftyone acres of land be the same rnore or less," or eo much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the amount actually due on said mortgage together wiih costs of eale. JOHN R1LEY? assijinee of mortgage. By Hawkin's &Platt, his atiornies. Ann Arbor, Sept. 26, 145. 231 STATE OF MICHIGAN, The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw; of the Decem ber Term, A. D. I S45. Hexrï Rouse j V8U r. IN ATTACHMENT.' JoSHUA PrATT& C Daniel A Rexvord ' Survivora of themselves andLyman Miller, dec. lately doing business under the name andatyle oi Pratt, Rexlord & Co. NOTICE is liereby given that on the first day ofOctober A. D. I845,a writof attachrnent was issned out of the Circuit Court lor the County of Washtenaw atoresaid, against the lands tnd tenament8, goode, chaitels, rights, credils, moncys and eftècts of Joshua Pratt and Daniel A. Rexford survivors. &c, at the suit of Henry Rouse plainiiff, for the sum of one hundred and ihineen dollars, which f rit of attachment wa made returnable on the first Friday of December A. D. 845. and has been returned duly served. Hawkins & Platt, B. KIING, Atiornies for Plaintiff. Clerk. Ann Arbor, Dec. 3, 1845. 241- 6t Dissolution of Partnership. THE Cpartner6hip heretofore existine under tho uamo of BOOTH & LA TOÜRETTE. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. David L. Ln Tourctte isfully authorized to collect and settle all dues and demauds in favor of andagai„st..hesa,dvnnn.AHwBooTH DAVID L.La TOURETEE. Long Lake, Genesee Co. Dec. 15th. 1845. 242- 3w fTlAKEN up by the subscribet on or about the A first of November last, a HEIFER, feupposcd co be two ycars old, withbrindlesides, wlitto back and belly and some white on the legs and ail. The owner is requested lo pay charges and take her away. LEVI JUNE. Bridgwater, Dec. IG, 1845. 213- 8w riTRAYED from the subscriber in Floridu, O Hillsdale County, abuut the firet of Noven-.jer, a three year old Chesnut colored Pony MARE, wiih a srrip in the face, and thrse or four small white spots on the back. Any person that will pvc infornaiion whoro she niay ha iounil. by sendingmc a line, or publishingit in the Signal of Liberty, shüll be liberally rewardded- RANSOM COLK Florida, Nov.21, 184TÍ. 243- 2 w Flax Sccd ! THE Bubscpiber wishes to buy a qunntity oí Flax Si.) ii, for which he will pay tho bigfa est market pricc, in Goops or Casr, delirorei nt his Millat Mount Pleasant, Genessee Countr Michigan, five miles norih ol Fentonville. D. L. La TOURETTE. Dec. 15, 1845. 243-Sa


Signal of Liberty
Old News